aitraveller 2 years
The Magical City of Zym: The Laurenon
The Laurenon is a wealthy district of Zym populated primarily by Lyrenni humans, ifrits, and vampires.
Nafalya and Margel, Magisters of the Arcane Council, have their respective keeps in this district.
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aitraveller 2 years
The Magical City of Zym: The Garden District
The Lifewardens, a guild of the Cyrelei devoted to the protection of life and nature, hold away over the Garden District of Zym.
Here buildings are seamlessly interwoven with nature. Many elves, dryads, and even centaurs have taken up residence in the district. Most recently, wealthy human families have begun moving into the neighborhood. Many greenhouses, cafes, gardens and reflective spaces occupy the majority of the district area.
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aitraveller 2 years
The Magical City of Zym
Built within a pocket dimension only accessible through a heavily guarded astral gateway - The magical city of Zym is the grand, new, capital of the ascendant Cyrelei Magocracy.
The city was founded by Enarvon Alarnil and 12 other magisters of the Cyrelei after millennia of isolation within the confines of Cyrillos.
Zym was designed to be a safe haven for all who wished to escape the destruction wrought by the Seraphite/ Demonic war ripping apart the cosmos. Millions, mostly non-mages, live in the magical city now.
The city is home to academies, temples, observatories, museums, and grand palaces.
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aitraveller 2 years
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The Amethyst Throne of Cyrillos. The Archmage of the Cyrelei holds court here.
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aitraveller 2 years
Archmage Cyrillian:
Brother to Empress Lilandril, son of Emperor Elanir, father and the first Archmage of the Cyrelei order.
Cyrillian is not the first mage to manipulate aether, but he did create the Cyrelith language - allowing for formalized practice of magic that could be taught and learned called arcana.
Many flocked to learn from him. He eventually presided over the world of Lasilien before traveling to Earth. There he fell in love with a succession of human women, siring many children who would become the ancestors of sorcerorkind.
He would go on to create the magical enchantment that cloaks the isle of Avalon through the willing self-sacrifice of the Daeva, Manannan.
Cyrillian then departed from Earth in search of the source of aether. He was successful in his search, and constructed Cyrillos, a magical keep and the future home of a cosmic power, to study the Astral Sea. His long years of study saw the keep become peopled by other mages seeking the source. Among them was Nasruddha, a Marid djinni of extraordinary power. Cyrillian would name her Chatelaine and guardian of Cyrillos.
As the centuries went on, Cyrillian eventually came to the decision that he couldn't further his study without completely submerging himself in the pooled aether below the keep. He was never seen again.
Caenarven would eventually find the keep and assume leadership but Cyrillian had already departed.
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aitraveller 2 years
The Cyrelei Magocracy - Cyrillos
Cyrillos is a magical keep floating above the Astral Sea. The Keep was constructed by Cyrillian to study the sea, which is the source of all Arcana.
The structure appears from the outside as a large, standard, tower. However, the interior of the spire is in fact a pocket dimension, allowing for infinite rooms and for residents to shape their surroundings as they see fit.
The Cyrelei maintain a number of fixed common and private spaces where mages of the order can gather, learn, and socialize. They include:
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Classrooms - In some ways, Cyrillos is an advanced school for the study of arcana. Masters educate disciples on conjuration, shielding, offensive spells, potion making, and divination.
The Basilica of Cyrillian - shaped under the order of Archmage Ilathael as a tribute to her former lover and founder of the Cyrelei order.
Mediation rooms - these are relaxing spaces that typically incorporate plant life to make a pleasant environment for resident mages to unwind.
The Great Hall - though mages can conjure sustenance whenever and wherever they wish, the Cyrelei maintain a great hall for the order to share feasts on days of special importance.
The Grand Conservatory - an vast indoor greenhouse where every plant encountered by the order grows. The conservatory provides much of the ingredients used in potion making and healing classes.
The Arcaneum - a great library filled with arcane tomes accessible to all mages from the disciple rank and up.
The Auditorium - On rare occasions, the Archmage will summon all residents of the tower to a cavernous theater for special addresses and calls to action.
Dens - Comfortable rooms designed for mages to relax and socialize in.
The Archmage's study - a private space open only to the Archmage and magisters.
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aitraveller 2 years
Lasilien at it's height/ post destruction.
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