ajcorectology-blog · 3 years
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ajcorectology-blog · 5 years
Hip TLC ______________________________________ I have a harder time feeling my right glute. Giving myself proprioception as to whether or not my whole body is staying stable in a single leg hip hinge AND separating the hip hinge into 2 components (1. Move the trunk 2. Sit back with the hip), helps me to get to “the heart of the glute” @shayshaynyc. ______________________________________ Pushing backwards with the foot that is on the bench not only takes some of the load off of the standing leg, which can help focus on better form and feeling the glute if you need to lessen resistance, but also helps to eccentrically work the glute of the standing leg by the countering pushing forward movement of the standing leg through back push of the top leg. This ultimately turns the exercise into a bit more of a lunge with the push back of the top foot. _______________________________________ Starting the first set with a roller on the BACK of the head, helps to work head posture AND adds a long moment arm of resistance for the standing glute. Give yourself a double chin as you hip hinge forward and support the light weight of the roller with the deep neck flexors (by placing only the fingertips on the roller or you can use a physio ball, you ensure that you use your head posture muscles and not your arms too much for this one). ______________________________________ Add a kick back with the leg on the bench if you DARE and are able to maintain a connection between bottom leg tibia and the bench. This tibial connection to the bench is also key in giving you proprioception that your leg and knee and foot are staying stable. ______________________________________ Placing the roller between the foot and hand OR putting a yoga block between knee and elbow, is a very helpful way to stabilize in the torso using the core as you perform the exercise. I sped up many parts to get the whole series on instagram. _______________________________________ #proprioception #hiphinge #deadlift #corectology #ajfishertrainer https://www.instagram.com/p/BwsQKdShEsY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19s4jg11b3mr
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ajcorectology-blog · 5 years
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..”the MacGyver of trainers” So proud! This girl @danaigurira is such a talent and a rockstar of a client, always putting in the work, which pays off in so many ways. She is so inspiring to me as she works relentlessly on her crafts (acting, writing, charity) and shows up for each session with more strength and willingness to learn. She was recently named UN Goodwill Ambassador and founded an organization called Love Our Girls, which brings attention to issues affecting women and girls around the world. ALSO, I love her description of our workout in this article. Pick up this month’s issue of @shapemagazine AND check her out in her next movie #avengersendgame coming out in 2 weeks. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwK2kf_hcXg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15euxcin7aq42
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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..how I feel about the weekend, AND being able to see my own lap again SOON #flexfriday ———— #pregnant #corectology #ajfishertrainer https://www.instagram.com/p/BvCQ5rrlf2L/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cx1324d3fwty
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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..how to break your toes in one easy step! #flexfriday #corectology https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsf2-2gB44b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=103csydwtlh1d
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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#flexfriday = Knee caps! . For those who are visual learners, try putting a dot in the center or your patella (knee cap). STARE at this point in the mirror while performing movements. Are you stabilizing that point? Where is your knee in space? Even the most microscopic instabilities can cause dysfunction, especially if you are adding a lot of force to your body such as weight, reps, speed and ground reaction force! Use physics to your advantage to get training adaptations and not to your disadvantage! Stabilize against all FORCES!” https://www.instagram.com/p/BrX_5QlFODq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ol4ksqy2c103
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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#motivationmonday _________________________________________________________________________________ I was so thrilled with this photo shoot...so nice to have some “pre-second pregnancy shots” before the hormonal milieu of pregnancy started to take control! I will get back there! One of the reasons I love this picture is because it symbolizes so much to me. The foundation of a good physique relies on so much more that killing yourself at the gym. It rests on a SOLID foundation of knowledge (and continuing education) in order to keep your results going and prevent injury. If I am not studying a new book or speaker specializing in the area of biomechanics each week, I feel as though I am falling behind! Knowing when to rest certain muscles groups, energy systems and nervous system may be more important than how many times a week you are going to the gym. Having a knowledge of the natural sciences (or working with a trainer who does) such as chemistry, biology and physics, is so essential to a wholistic understanding of the physiology of the body, which reaps great rewards in the long run. You can only be consistent if you prevent injury and you can only make progress if you understand how to gradually overload the body without overloading it with too much stress at one time! _________________________________________________________________________________________ #ajfishertrainer #motivation monday #corectology #books #biomechanics #anatomy #functionalmovement https://www.instagram.com/p/BqFbSwKBMkM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10nlh7teq2dqa
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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Happy #flexfriday 💪👶 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp9wWO5BrrC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z1bdsb5fvvxn
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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Happy Flex Friday! Take FLIGHT! _____________________________ *Flying in your workouts is fun and can be very beneficial to many systems in the body. *The Problem: higher risk for injury because of the increased forces (pounds of pressure exerted on the body) through increased velocity. *How to safely integrate and train plyometrics? Try listening to the SOUND of your landing. Are you “slapping” the ground? Stomping? You are probably not ready for this movement. *If you CONTROL the landing of your step (whether it be a lunge, squat jump, WALK or sprint), you will have a lighter step and this is directly related to the force exerted on your joints. *ECCENTRIC strength in plyometrics is important. As you extend the muscle and let it fall back to the ground, you need control of this muscle. Don’t think of strength as only the concentric strength that it takes to move against gravity. Strengthening the great power of slowly lowering yourself back to the earth when you are running, jumping and performing all of your functional movements is a gift that will keep on giving! ____________________________ #eccentricstrength. #plyometrics #jumping #flexfriday #ajfishertrainer #corectology https://www.instagram.com/p/BprkvtLBwk7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aot2jv0kdtuc
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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#flexfriday (posture study) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnKGq_8hA9T/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1djsme2yhm8fy
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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..flex-Friday TODAY, muffin-Saturday TOMORROW ——— #ajfishertrainer #corectology https://www.instagram.com/p/Blu_VGQD4xE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yrmvpdxj3ne0
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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TVA + Multifidi + Pelvic Floor + Obliques + Diaphragm • If you learn to use these muscles in tandem to stabilize your exercise routine, you will have great balance, great tone (balanced, not overused), great core strength AND the smallest waist you possibility could have! Imagine all of these muscles pulling in toward your spine on an exhale. It is a wonderful feeling of power! Try it in your exercise routine and also throughout the day (I LOVE “neutralizing” as I turn my steering wheel in the car...this is a GREAT way to strengthen your core while driving and NOT injure your low back. • #ajfishertrainer #corectology
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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..partner-up! . and do some Barbell training! Using a barbell is a great way for a partner, or a coach, to tell you whether or not you are working in balance. Is the barbell level to the ground when you pick it up off the ground? Are you putting more weight on 1 foot versus the other? Are your pecs as stretched as possible with the scapula flush to the spine in the back as you pick the weight up off the ground? The former cues are all great for barbell deadlifts. The deadlift is a wonderful exercise that some people get injured doing because they’re not thinking about keeping their spine in neutral and balancing out the imbalances from one side to the other. Try getting a partner at the gym to help you with these cues. Partner workouts are great for weight training because as you are resting and recovering your ATP as your partner is doing their set of reps. Have fun! #ajfishertrainer #corectology
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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..get your head straight! . 1. Your head is between 12-15lbs (most likely). If this heavy weight is off center, your neck muscles are overstrained and imbalanced, leading to headaches and not-pretty superficial neck muscles. 2. Imagine your ear canal lined up over your tail bone! “Shoot laser beam sound waves out of your ear into your tailbone!” If you “zip your navel up” in opposition to this force, you will not only feel your waist get smaller, but you will also lengthen your spine including the spine of your neck. When there’s more length, you’ll feel Less tension. 3. As you nod a gentle “yes” with your chin, put the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, close your mouth, breath in and out of your nostrils, and feel your masseter muscle relax! Did you know the masseter is a HUGE compensator for muscular imbalances? This is genetically programmed because we need this muscle to be successful eaters, but it’s turned into a muscle that makes us successful nighttime toothgrinders from the stress we experience during the day: be an active participant in getting your masseter to relax during the day! 4. If all of these Head straight aren’t enough, then also know that you can get much more ripped if your head is in line with the rest of your kinetic chain. This is because when the muscles are in balance, you can generate more force, which means burning more calories and getting stronger! You are also much less likely to get injured working out with muscles that are holding up your skeleton in perfect balance and harmony. Fewer injuries in the short term means more consistent training in the long term, which is the key for making lasting changes in your movement patterns, which have lasting  mental and physical effects.
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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..honeycomb suntan #flexfriday (at Manhattan, New York)
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ajcorectology-blog · 6 years
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..the beauty of movement . Getting your glutes to engage when doing plyometrics can be challenging for some people… Sometimes adding tools like monster bands around the hips can help to make a movement a little more hip dominant! Give it a try with a partner, it’s super fun!
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