kidinthenight · 1 year
smallcatsims has started uploading some regency era careers defaults please check em out!!!
Regency Career Pack Part I: Uni Careers
Finally, I’m ready to release my first career pack. This has  been an ongoing project for many months and is part of a collab by the Historical Sims discord. I’ve done a fair bit of the actual writing and have permission to upload the careers so here goes.
You may have seen some of these careers before. I’ll leave those versions up but they have some typos/errors that have been fixed here, and this is a career pack so the pay scale and some of the “lore” I included is consistent across all of them. I tried to make the pay realistic and challenging as appropriate for the era. Mostly the lower levels start out between $15-95 simoleans, the middle levels are $150-400 simoleans, and the higher levels cap out at about $750-900 simoleans. There are some outliers like the Pauper career (to be released) the Politics career (also to be released, and the idea is that only wealthy landowning males run for office so the pay reflects that) and the Courtier career which is based off of the royal titles in the Victorian Challenge by @victoriansimmer and uses the pay outlined in the challenge rules. Generally the writing style is a bit “goofy” and maxis match. I don’t know how to change the icons or LTW text so I’m sorry, that won’t match the defaults. They’re meant for the regency era but I tried to make the careers flexible enough to fit in the Victorian era as well if needed.
This pack includes the uni careers. I’ll be releasing my careers by ep in a zip file. Everything will be clearly labeled in case you only want certain careers replaced.
Credits to @victoriansimmer of course for her victorian challenge, lovely personality, and the Historical Sims discord where this collab took place, @simbury for resources, knowledge, helpful ideas for the Natural Science and Paranormal defaults which were really hard for me to come up with, and just generally being the high queen of everything and anything regency related. Credit also to @kidinthenight who I’m pretty sure started the whole idea of this career pack and made some of the original files as well as a document that I used, @morgaine2005 who made a lot of the original medieval career replacements and inspired many of my ideas, aysarth who allowed us to use a lot of their ideas and custom regency careers (I don’t know if they have a tumblr. Let me know if they do and I’ll tag them.)
TLDR these replace the four uni careers, they have a consistent style and payscale and a bunch of amazing people helped to create them.
 Spoilers under the cut, and here is the link to the files!
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kidinthenight · 1 year
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Well, it’s about that time again.
My rent went up and I’ve been doing everything I can to slash my budget. I’m still behind this month and I need to make rent and have enough for groceries the week after next. In short, I need $175-200 by Monday, 03/06, or I will be in arears and at risk of being evicted (late payments are an additional $100 and I would like to avoid that).
Proof etc is under the cut at the bottom of the post.
If you like what I do and can pitch in anything, you can DM me for my Paypal, or you can donate or subscribe to:
- My KoFi / My Patreon
If you would like to commission something, here’s what I’m willing and able to do this weekend:
* * *
Small lots (max. 30x30) are $12 Large lots (35x35 - 64x) are $20 You can choose to let me include CC or you can choose to have me avoid CC. The price is the same either way since CC is not what is being commissioned in this instance.
Sim Household (2-4 Sim family) - $6 Large Household (5-8 Sim family) - $8 (These numbers include cats and/or dogs.) You can choose to let me include CC or you can choose to have me avoid CC. The price is the same either way since CC is not what is being commissioned in this instance.
1 Sim - 4 portraits on 1 mesh of your choice! - $7 (One frame color for all four, or 4 of the same in different color swatches.) (Additional frame colors cost $2 each per set.) (That means if you want the same portraits in gold AND black frames, just tack on $2 USD) 2 Sims - 2 portraits of each sim, totalling 4 - $12- For couples, there will be 1 portrait of each sim, and 2 of them as a couple, equalling 4 - $13
RUGS:  15 swatches, basegame mesh - $6 25 swatches - $12 30 swatches - $15 FURNITURE/DECOR/ETC (EA MESHES) $5 per object, you’ll get 8 swatches for each one $20 for 5-6 objects
5 CUSTOM POSES - $10 10 CUSTOM POSES - $20 15-20 CUSTOM POSES - $25 NOTE: I do not know how to do poses with accessories as of yet so I will not be doing those for commissions at this time.
If one or more of these interest you, PLEASE send me a direct message with the item name, and specifics on what you’d like.
YOUR EMAIL: (optional)
YOUR BLOG: (optional but preferred)
DETAILS: Include the lot size, architectural style, or number of sims for portraits and what kind of color of frame you want, if you want it on an EA mesh or a CC mesh, quantities, etc. PLEASE fill this out, as it really helps my workflow. The more details you provide, the better! Though please try to remain concise.
INTENDED PAYMENT METHOD: Please tell me whether you want to pay via Paypal, Patreon custom donation, or KoFi. I do NOT need your payment information, I only want it on record which site you want to pay through and what name it will be under to make keeping track of things easier. I will NEVER give out your personal information to anyone. (In fact, you can use an online handle via Paypal or KoFi. That’s fine! I just need to keep track of who paid where, when, etc.)
All commissions will be uploaded and available to the public after 2 weeks of early access.
For examples of my work, please see the ts4cc & “my cc” tags, @anachrosims​ or on Patreon.
I have tried to make my prices fair. I am open to feedback regarding this issue, from both the public and my patrons. x
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kidinthenight · 1 year
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Sun&Moon Discord Server + Beta Testers Needed
*Note that we are completely serious about this. We expect a certain minimal level of commitment. If you sign up for a beta, we expect you to put in the work. If chosen, you can select which beta(s) you’d like to participate in.
Beta Tester Application Form:
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/VVTWAwdCwn
Please note that if you join the discord without doing a beta application, you are limited to what channels you can view.
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kidinthenight · 2 years
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1400 Follower’s Gift!
A bit delayed, but due to the issues with my eyes it has been slow going :)
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kidinthenight · 2 years
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Pottery Party - Functional Pottery Making
Sims with proper creativity skill can transform raw clay into useful and functional glazed pottery objects. This set consists of two main crafting stations, time-sensitive products, and new functional objects. Traits are supported but not required. See under the cut for more info and make sure to read the manual for specifics and details of use.
Download - SFS
View Use/Instruction Manual
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kidinthenight · 2 years
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Barnyard Bash - Ultimate Livestock and Poultry Collection
This set is a combination of the Cash Cows, Horsin’ Around, Got Your Goat, Counting Sheep, The Whole Hog, Counting Your Chickens, and Duck Duck Goose sets. All of their bonus content such as Highland Cattle, Unicorns, Animated Horse Wings, and Halla have all also been updated and included. 
Read below for what’s new; additionally a information and use doc has been included in the .rar to detail everything needed to be known about the animals including use instructions, products, feeding, etc. as it is otherwise just a giant wall of text on tumblr.
Please REMOVE all old livestock and poultry files before adding these into your download folders as filenames have been changed.
Download Direct - SFS Download/View - The Keep
Easy Lot Check ( @fireflowersims )
Easy Inventory Check ( @hexagonal-bipyramid )
Makin’ Hay
Fetch Water
Not Required, But Recommend:
Farmhand Trait ( @fireflowersims )
Medieval Caste Traits ( @mortia , @cedanyblee )
Poultry Conflicts
Squine’s No More Roaches Universal Mod; Filename “ NoMoreRoaches “
SimNopke’s Insect Insanity
What’s new?
New Trait and Trait Support
Farmhand - This trait is meant to help sims do the jobs around the farm that need doing such as filling troughs and raking dung. 
Other items also make use of various Traits made by others, detailed in the sections that follow.
Troughs Consolidated
Now any animal can use 1 of 4 Troughs (High,Low, BBNiche, or Bathtub). Low Trough spawns slop, High/Bathtub Trough spawns Hay, BBNiche spawns Meat. All of these also spawn water.
Trait Support; Animal Lover, farmhand and Servant trait autonomously fill troughs without a tool
Trait Support; Royals, Nobility and Gentry need an inventory tool to fill troughs or scoop poop
Poultry Consolidated/Updated
Chicken/Duck/Geese no longer have individual coops. A base coop will use Easy Lot Check to see if there are any female fowl on the lot and offer eggs. Much like the Rabbit Hutch, the coops act as the chicken feeding station itself. If male fowl are present on the lot, Eggs for Hatching of the appropriate species of birds will appear.
Poultry Market Vendor added. Will spawn one random female per purchase, or the selected male.
All female fowl are now huntable/edible for pets.
Female birds have a 5% chance every 24 hours to lay eggs in a place other than a coop/nesting box.
-Poultry Spawners; will spawn any female bird of their respective species.
Livestock Dung
Trait Support; Servants and neat sims automatically clean dung
Trait Support; Eco-friendly, farmhand and green thumb sims automatically collect poop
If sim has a “clean poop trait” and a “collect poop” trait, the collect poop trait takes priority (eco-friendly servants collect autonomously, for example)
Livestock Animals
All share the new troughs.
Goats may now also eat slop from the low trough.
New Rooting Spot for hogs. Hogs may also use the Gone Fishin’ Bait Rock for a food source.
Everything Catalog Unlocked
Reference Tome
Allows for a sim to quickly get information on each animal such as products produced, lifespan, and timing information
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kidinthenight · 2 years
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Pressing Matters - Oil Production
The Sunflowers: The backbone and starting point of oil production begins with grown and harvesting sunflowers. This is an industrial style season crop that needs to be fertilized. Come fall, harvest those seeds for oil, or food if times are pressing.
The Botanicals Book: This serves as an inventory tool for sims to posses to either do autonomous actions or to bypass trait restrictions.
The Oil Press: This crafting station is mainly used to process Sunflower Seeds into All Purpose Oil. However it can also process Animal Lard, Olives, Grapes, and Coconuts into all purpose oil.
If sims have access to Lavender, Lemons, Oranges, or Peppermint they can also press Raw Essential oils. These raw oils have no value until they’re processed further.
The Oil Distiller: This crafting station can take those Raw Oils, and turn them into Pure Essential Oils. If sims have access to Rosemary or Wild Roses, they can also distill additional Essential Oils of Rose and Rosemary.
The Essential Oil Burner: Makes rooms smell good and boosts different motives. Requires Essential Oils and Natural Tealight Candles to function though.
The Oil Lamps: Aside from cooking, all the All Purpose oil can be used to light up sims homes. With the Functional Oil Lamps, sims will put oil into the light and then turn it on. It will burn for eight hours. If sims have an oil bottle in inventory and it’s night, they may autonomously light oil lamps. For those who don’t want to worry about fueling their oil lamps, and identical set of No Fuel Lamps has been included.
Download - SFS Use Manual - Click for detailed instructions and other helpful information.
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kidinthenight · 2 years
aggressive reminder: this blog is PRO-CHOICE
feel free to unfollow ANY TIME, ya wont be missed :)
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kidinthenight · 2 years
okay so i've seen some masterposts for medieval games but never for a regency game, and there's A LOT of regency cc out there, we always get asked on the historical sims discord (that you should join us here!) where to get started when building your folder from scratch. and it'll also be helpful for when i decide to do a rebuild of my downloads folder since my game is crashing already lol. if you're interested on this type of lists, let me know and i'll do more detailed ones :)
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the plumbbob keep aka medievalsims.com: the home of sun & moon and all historical cc related. there's a bunch of things in here, i recommend making an account and just take a look at each topic and forum you possibly can, also the search option is quite handy for when you're looking for an specific era, like the regency.
simbury / cupcakeyy: the queen of the sims regency, for real. she has made sooo many cc for this era that you can find on her tumblr, livejournal, gos, even on pbk! she also has a cc finds tumblr that's a great place to start.
maya40: another queen. she often collaborates with cupcakeyy, they have an awesome bonnet collab that's an absolute must have for any regency game.
sun & moon: i know i've mentioned them already, but they deserve their own section. maaany amazing mods they made, i have literally all of them, except for anything too medieval or fantastic (and even then i've made some exceptions). there are things like laundry, butter churning, better farming, livestock, candle crafting, TEA. everything is functional and very detailed. you can't really play a historical game without their stuff.
dicreasy: her stuff is a bit late for this time period, but due to the lack of many cc creators that focus on the regency, we have to get creative and include victorian stuff. thankfully, di has a lot of gorgeous stuff that works very nice for any 19th century english inspired game. if you love food defaults, or defaults in general like me, you should check out hers.
hat-plays-sims: speaking of defaults, we cannot forget the almighty hat. she has defaulted like every single thing your sims will use for something textured more rustic or medieval-like. also, HER HAIR DUMPS! if you are a fan of pookleted hairs, that also fit a historical game, hat is your go-to.
ladyaqua's regency era pinterest board: pinterest boards are your best friends when you're building an historical folder, watch out for dead links tho. but still, veryyyy helpful.
yandereplumsims: another amazing clothing creator, she has so many good stuff that i also have like all of her stuff.
heget's 18th century clothing dump: this is quite early for us, but we're still using it. specially the men attire that we lack in every era. the lower classes wouldn't be up to date with the fashion and would still wear clothes from the past century. the dresses are a bit of a stretch though, and they still look a bit too fancy even for lower class to wear. luckily, the other creators i've mentioned have lower class women covered :)
changeling / feydecay-blog: another great 19th century cc creator, has recently released some painting defaults that are *chefs kiss*
delonariel: more maxis-match, but has some historical deco clutter, conversions, even some lovely rustic defaults.
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kidinthenight · 2 years
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the staff on this house is a mess
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kidinthenight · 2 years
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remember the maid? yeah she died
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kidinthenight · 2 years
Do you plan on making new CC? Love your work!
thanks! i.... should haha, life's been busy lately
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kidinthenight · 2 years
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the maid of all work takes care of all the cooking, with her entire 1 skill point
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kidinthenight · 2 years
Hi! I really like your default sponge and mop in-game, but i changed their colors slightly just for myself. Do you mind if I post it tagging you in case maybe some simmers want different colors?
hii, thanks!<3
of course! feel free to share them :)
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kidinthenight · 2 years
4t2 cleaning defaults
hi all! these are so dumb lmao but i had them sitting on a folder for MONTHS and never tested them in-game, so i did, and now i'm sharing them.
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both have some minor clipping issues, but the sponge is the most noticeable
hope you like it and let me know if there are any issues with them!
DOWNLOAD: mop | sponge
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kidinthenight · 3 years
4t2 industrial loft kit conversions
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hello! today i bring you five conversions from the latest sims 4 build kit. sorry for the crappy preview btw
you'll get: - johnny zest's sweet revenge sofa & chair in 12 ea's swatches - smalls & talls split level coffee table in 8 ea's swatches - organized entrepreuner hallway table in 8 ea's swatches - "i took a welding class once" double bed in 13 ea's swatches (no beddings though)
please let me know if i messed up on something, i'm pretty sure i did lol
enjoy! <3
DOWNLOAD: sfs | mediafire
credits: ea
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kidinthenight · 3 years
i was tagged by the lovely @simbury :)
1. favorite color
navy blue!!! it's just perfect
2. currently reading
nothing, my lack of attention would not be able to handle a book tbh
3. last song you listened to
deja vu by olivia rodrigo <3
4. last series you watched
modern family!
5. sweet, spicy or savoury
6. craving
i'm always on the mood for some argentinian meat pies 😋
7. tea or coffee
i prefer coffee
8. currently working on
i just finished my personal sims 4 save file, it's a 2t4 strangetown :B for upload? i've been slowly working on some conversions
i tag @neosimi, @isabella-goth annnd @brattyful uwu
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