ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
Thanks Kels! :D Again with the stuck at work :(
And so sorry to everyone who’s been waiting for the update!! 
Btw Kels, I’m getting really attached to your picspams and might demand one to go with every fic here on out :/ 
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Bellarke Fic Aesthetic: Weave Me A Myrtle Crown by @ajrchaosrising​
Clarke’s not a woman easily shaken - she has a reputation of being ‘logical, level-headed if a little cold-blooded’.
And then she gets assigned as the new Paramedic In Charge to Firehouse 82.
Amidst the people she’s starting to call her friends, is Bellamy Blake: heroic firefighter, exemplary Lieutenant, complete asshole. Normally, this would have been fine - it’s not the first time she’s had to work with someone she despised.
Except dreams keep plaguing her.
Dreams that start the day she first met him. Dreams of a different life, a different time, a different world. Dreams of him, of her, of them. Dreams that start to feel like memories.
Yeah, her carefully constructed facade isn’t going to survive Firehouse 82.
Chapter 2 has been posted!!! Part 1 & Part 2
Now go forth and read the amazingness that is Ro’s writing!!! 
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
@ that Anon who left the message in my inbox along the lines of how I’m one of their followers and they like how I enjoy bellarke and writing for them:
IM SO SORRY - I know I replied to your message (bc you made me smile) but I can’t find it on my blog. So now I’m thinking that Tumblr actually ate it :/ Regardless - thank you for the awesome message and ily and don’t worry if you’ve only read one of my stories, you’ve read my work, that’s all that matters to me!!
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
I just woke up today to find out that you updated with over 50k words in the two new chapters like, dude!!!! Idk how you managed to write out so much but I already know it's fantastic. Take as much time as you need when it comes to your writing
Awww thanks babe!!! Yeah, I know it’s been a while - yikes :/. But thanks for this awesome message and the love - always always always appreciated. Let’s hope that those 50k words are worth reading though *fingers crossed*.
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
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Bellamy Blake “your pretty face” Appreciation [133/?]
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I loooooove Weave Me A Myrtle Crown. The tension is off the charts and the flashbacks are so sweet and hot and heartbreaking. I can't wait to see where you go with it!
Thanks babe!!! I know its been a while - I'm so sorry :( I hope you can hold on a little longer?But thank you so much for this, such awesome encouragement!!! I have the greatest anons :Dxoxo
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
 Because today is Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day, I’ve got to say a few words.
First of all - thank you, as a reader. Thank you for creating stories that are so much better than most of published books and thank you for finding time to develop your ideas. Thank you for using your brilliant minds to bring joy and emotion and anger and sadness and the whole human experience to us, the readers. Thank you for overcoming writer’s blocks and researching and sitting down in front of the screen and typing up words that have made me feel like I’m more human for just having read them.
Thank you for not giving up when it got hard and thank you for all the AUs when canon was too much to bear. Thank you for being stubborn when you first started writing and thank you for deciding to press on. I know that there are days when you want to give up but thank you for not going through with it. Thank you for writing.
And then - thank you, as a writer. I started writing fic when I was 10 years old and at first, I faced judgment. But I didn’t give up and some days I think that Bellarke (the 100 in general) fandom came to me as a gift. Because I’ve met so many lovely people, heard so many incredible things about my writing and just - I love all of you, okay? You made me feel good when I felt shitty, you were and still are so kind and I’m grateful that you’re here. I’m grateful even when it’s not about my fics. I’m happy that you like them but I’m even happier because I met you all.
Finally - thank you, as a person. Thank you for being awesome writers and readers and spreading love and positivity, kindness and encouragement, even when you didn’t have to. T H A N K  Y O U!
I’m going to tag all fic writers whose tumblrs I know and I’ll probably still forget some, but if you are a writer (published, unpublished, writing lines down on scraps of paper and still working up the courage to turn it into a word doc or post it online, or bravely clicking that ‘Post’ button every week - it doesn’t matter, you are a w r i t e r) - thank you. You are so, so appreciated!
@carrieeve @katchyalater @bllrke @bellamyfrecklefaceblake @pepperish @tryalittlejoytomorrow @goldenheadfreckledheart @storyskein @nathenmiller @planttelf @keiraknighted @kylorenvevo @autumnkru @bellohmyblake @allisonscott @hiddenpolkadots @cupcakeblake @melika-elena @likcoln @bilexualclarke @lupinsfurrylittleproblem @verbam @emullz @caramelkru @nathanmillerz @rosymamacita @space0bongo @selflessbellamy @sarahmnaning @msjillianholtzmann @ajrchaosrising @madgesundersee @feminist14er @bellakeyblake @tierannasaurusrex @ponyregrets @rashaka @idontgiveaneffie @antebellamy @thatweirdparamedicstudent @zombiecazz @bellamyslady @griifinclarke @ravenclawpianist @dreamingundone @crooked-queen @queenofchildren @halfbloodblake @stevesam @thefangirlingbarista @bellamyplake @rebellam-y @tempestaurora @bittyab18 @ughbloodybellamy @alltheworldsinmyhead @apanoplyoffic @lushatrocity @kindclaws @kay-emm-gee @onemanbellarmy @missemarissa @emilieprentiss @prosciuttoe
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
Abby’s Fic Recs:
so it’s Fanfiction Appreciation Day and I thought I’d do a fic rec list for you all. It’s going to be a variety of fandoms with a little blurb on why I love the fic. (Side note every author on this list is incredibly talented and I highly encourage you to read everything they’ve ever written)
All Time Favorites aka if you are any of these fandoms read these fics immediately. I mean it what are you doing go click on the link and read it!!!
Dangerverse by WhyDoYouNeedToKnow. 
Summery: First in the six part Danger series. What if Harry Potter had not just father figures, but mother figures as well? What if he had siblings? And what about Hermione Granger, or Draco Malfoy? Would they have been different with a different family? What if Sirius Black had a girlfriend named Aletha, his fellow Beater and constant verbal sparring partner? And what if Remus Lupin, one gray March day about five months after his world fell apart, met a woman named Danger who knew things that would change his life forever? Features Weasleys and Luna Lovegood in later chapters.
My comments: This series is the perfect full length Harry Potter au you’ve been searching for. The author has compelling OCs who fit right in with our beloved characters. The canon friendships and relationships are expanded and written with the right balance of hope, heartbreak and honesty. The plot is complex yet easy to follow and the mythology is brilliant. Her Draco is one of the best most realistic Draco’s ever and the humor in this laugh out loud funny.
Re-Entry Verse by @deadcatwithaflamethrower 
Part one: here Part two: here
Summery: Re-Entry is an alternate universe epic that spans time and possibility. Obi-Wan Kenobi, while still a young Padawan, suffers an injury and wakes up with all of the memories, experience, training, and Force-strength of Old Ben Kenobi. It isn’t long before the Jedi discover that Anakin Skywalker, a five-year-old slave from the Outer Rim, has undergone the exact same change. Obi-Wan and Anakin bear the scars of harsh lessons learned; those who love them must learn those lessons quickly, before the mistakes of old are repeated.
My comments: The fic is a spellbinding epic that spans generations. If you want a reason for Anakin’s behavior in ep3 this fic is for you. If you want clone feels up the wazoo this fic is for you. If you want a masterful retelling of Star Wars done so well I find it hard to view as an Au this fic is for you. Anakin and Obi Wan are scared and scarred by the experiences and the love story between two characters is absolutely beautiful. This fic is the one that has made me laugh cry and scream all within the same chapter. The side characters and OCs are compelling and fully realized and let it be known that Obi Wan is absolutely crazy. I honestly can’t recommend it enough to any SW fan.
United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) by fallingvoices, radialarch
Summery: The Associated Press @AP Winter Soldier set to stand trial for Washington D.C. massacre and treason apne.ws/1og6SWE
My comments: Dear God this fic!!!! It’s a detailed story told by the press, tumblr, twitter, texts and transcripts of Bucky Barnes’s trial for the crimes committed by the Winter Soldier. Steve is hot headed, righteous and defiant and the confession is one of the best scenes I’ve ever read, mixed with love, honesty, humor and a whole lot of heartache. The fic reads like we are watching a trial with the rest of the world and it’s so so well done.
Anything written by @ink-splotch/dirgewithoutmusic on Ao3
My Comments: she has written some of the greatest most compelling well written poetic stories I have ever read. She writes for Doctor Who, Marvel, Narnia and Harry Potter. Her Rory and Amy what if and her Ginny fics have inspired my views on the canon characters. Her What If stories are absolutely amazing and her multiple series of character studies are so utterly brilliant and all written that captivated me time and time again.
Stop the Presses series by @so-caffeinated
Summery: All-in-all, it’s the best kidnapping experience Felicity’s had so far by a lot. So, it’s kind of an epic surprise when the fallout from it is so, so much worse.
My Comments: By far my favorite Olicity fic of all time. The author absolutely nails both Felicity’s and Oliver’s voices and the OCs are wonderful. The relationship upgrade feels earned and the humor is laugh out loud funny. There are so many absolutely brilliant moments it’s hard to remember them all. 
Etre by @ajrchaosrising/AJRedfern on Ao3
Summery: They’re the loudest unspoken secret in Camp Jaha.It still takes them almost 10 years to be. *Defining moments from multiple POVs* (AU after 2x08)
My comments: Written during season 2 this fic tells the evolution of Bellamy and Clarke’s relationship. The author is an absolute master of Outsider points of view and everyone feels completely in character. It’s brilliant
Unexpected Explorations by @missemarissa
Summery: Clarke hasn’t seen him in years. Now they’ll reconnect in a way she never would have expected… Clarke is new to this avenue of pleasure, Bellamy isn’t. Who better to guide her through this journey of self-discovery? And maybe Bellamy has a few things to learn about himself. (Modern AU)
Or, Bellamy and Clarke’s exploration into a unique kind of relationship, based on deep trust and respect.
My comments: A BDSM Bellarke fic. The writing is compelling, hot and Dom!Bellamy is so authoritative and protective. It’s a modern au and it’s so so so good.  The relationship is full of trust and respect and it’s so so good. 
Tricks and Trials by WendyNed
Summery: Years after the war, dangerous circumstances reunite Sansa Stark, former Queen in the North and now Lady of Winterfell and accused traitor and murderer, with Jon, now Prince Jon of the Targaryen Empire. Together with some old friends and Jon’s Aunt Dany, they try to cope, stay alive, sane, and keep the new empire afloat. Politics, intrigue, action, angst, romance and sex abound.
My Comments: Epic world building, politics and romance abound in this future fic. This is a Jon x Sansa romance so if that’s not your thing don’t bother but if you love politics and intrigue and fascinating character development this fic is for you. It’s absolutely stunning in the juggling of many plotlines, a healthy amount of smut and characters that grow and alter and love and are so utterly human it hurts. 
The Lost Boys By Niniadepapas
Summery: AU: He’s the charming, out of control frontman of one of the most successful bands in the world. She’s a hard-working rising actress. Sometimes it’s hard to find out what’s real and what’s make-believe when fame’s in the game.
My comments: One of my all time favorite Captain Swan fics. The Au is absolutely incredible and they do a fake relationship as celebrities which I mean is just catnip for fandom. The relationships and friendships are so well written and it’s brilliantly well done. 
Maggie Fitzgerald and the Saltwater Drip by antistar_e (kaikamahine) 
Summery: Google politely tells her there are no poisonous spiders in Manhattan. Judging by her symptoms – fever, superstrength, newfound desire to shove herself into small dark spaces, and sudden reputation as a masked vigilante – Gwen would beg to differ. [Spider!Gwen AU.]
My Comments: This is absolutely brilliant, well researched, amazing descriptions and fantastic characterizations. The Female friendships are incredible and Gwen trying to figure out where she stands is so compelling. 
Half Awake in a Fake Empire by Idrilka
Summery: Sometimes it’s the most difficult thing, coming home. They both learn that, in their own ways. (In the end, Bucky comes back to Steve. In the end, it is all that matters.)
My comments: Heartbreaking doesn’t even begin to come close to describing this series. It’s absolutely breathtaking in the expansiveness and heartbreakingly beautiful in the relationships. The look at Academia and fandom must be read to be believed and it’s just so realistic and incredible.
When the First Bombs Fell We Were Already Bored by @kindclaws
Summery: Rangers Clarke Griffin and Wells Jaha are drift-compatible but refuse to pilot together. When Kane pressures them to find a solution, Raven Reyes and Bellamy Blake step up to the challenge. The months that follow are a whirlwind of Kaiju, media speculation, and quiet moments between battles that let unexpected partnerships grow. In the aftermath of the apocalypse, everyone wonders who piloted the very last Jaeger. The ones who know, aren’t telling.
My Comments: *High Pitched Screaming* This fic is absolutely incredible, the found families, the politics, the way Bellamy and Clarke fight so hard, the incredible Clarke and Raven friendships. Also the mixed media just makes it 300 times better
Survivor’s Guilt by @wellsjahasghost/LaughingSenselessly on ao3
Summery: “There’s no one else to live for anymore.” Clarke utters those words without too much emotion. They’ve had time over the years to reflect on all the people ripped away from their lives. It’s no longer a fierce, stabbing pain, just a kind of endless ache that surges and subsides with every breath they take. After all their efforts, they failed. The story of the Skai Kru would die with them. “We’re the last of our people.”
Bellamy finally looks up at her tone of voice and after a pause he says, slowly, “We don’t have to be.”
–(Life After.)
My Comments: Do you want to cry and fangirl? Of course you do. This future fic is absolutely incredible and heartbreaking and until the show proves me otherwise I consider this canon. It’s funny and heart wrenching and romantic and gah it’s just everything you want out of a future fic for this show
 Spellbound by @rongasm/writergirl8 on ao3
Summery: Percy always thought the most bewitching thing he could discover at Hogwarts was magic. Then he met Annabeth Chase.
My Comments: so brilliantly well done it’s insane. Absolutely on of the best Hogwarts aus out there and Percy and Annabeth fell like they’ve fallen out of Riorden’s books into this series. It’s just so so so good. 
Have You heard by Peradi
Summery: "I heard FN-2187 was a Stormtrooper.“ –Finn sparks a revolution.
My comments: this fic is one of the greatest looks at what Finn means to the world of TFA and the found families feels are absolutely insane. It’s a propaganda fic and so compelling and fascinating. 
don’t you remember when you were young (and you wanted to set the world on fire?) by @tempestaurora/Bowlingfornerds on ao3
Summery: If Bellamy was made of gunpowder and tear gas, Clarke was built with ashes and blood.
-Bellamy had been fighting in the revolution against the council of Ark for a long time, but it wasn’t until Clarke came along and they fought together that change finally happened.
My Comments: The Ark revolution I’ve always so desperately wanted is here and it’s completely brilliant. With copious family feels and Maya Vie being badass this fic is simply incredible. 
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
hey! so today is fanfic writers appreciation day, and i wanted to give a shoutout to my favorite authors and let them know how much i adore their work. @alienor-woods, @justadram, @argyledpenguin, @caesiamusa, @mattysigh, @misshoneywheeler, @thefairfleming, @ohbeeone, @ajrchaosrising, @verbam, @fetchalgernon, @bigquidditchhero, @messrprongs, @bcdaily, @writingrosesandcoffee, @alrightevans, @lizardcookie, @illholdhimoff, @sevenperseids, @snapslikethis, @iolanthepotter, and @bex-chan: thank you all so much for your contributions to fandom. all of you are absolutely phenomenal writers, and the time, commitment, talent, and effort you put in does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. hope you all have a fantastic day, and again, thank you for all you do! :)
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
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I am proud to announce that an anthology in which my poems are featured has just been published! 
Some of you may know that I have been running a poetry sideblog for over six months and I am proud to say that the response has been amazing and overwhelming.
And now my poems have been included in Z Poetry’s anthology.
Among them is Things We Should Learn from the Stars (picture above).
Besides myself, other incredible writers from all over the world have been included and it’s honestly an honor to be in their midst.
So far, the anthology can be purchased in e-book format on Amazon (main, UK, Canada) and Smashwords. 
If you purchase the anthology, leave a review and make sure to mention my poems by name (if you liked them, of course) because there is a contest going on.
Thank you for helping me get here and supporting me! 
You can purchase the anthology on:   Amazon (main, UK, Canada) and Smashwords.
Please help me get the word out & reblog!
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
Everything he’s saying is true, sadly (on another point: WORK IT, DAVID :D).
I’m half I-Kiribati. My banner? A photo I took from my last visit there earlier this year - the island is beautiful, isn’t it? My avatar? That’s me (or my legs) at my aunt’s home in Tarawa, the main island. I’m in a hammock in my aunt’s backyard. That beautiful sand in the background? That used to be a seawall that we used to sit on when we were kids. The sea has risen so high that it carried sand OVER THE SEAWALL and at high tide, it’s only a few steps away from the kitchen door.
Kiribati is drowning.
I credit my love of the ocean to my mother and her people because I have never experienced a culture or a people who has as much salt in their blood as the I- Kiribati do. The sea is just another extension of themselves. And there’s something so profoundly sad in the fact that it is that very thing that will drive them out of their homes.
To anyone who says that climate change, global warming and sea level rise is not real or a hoax, tell that to Polynesia and Melanesia who are witnessing it with their own eyes, tell that to Micronesia who will point you in the direction of their contaminated wells.
Tell that to Kiribati, to Nauru, to the Marshall Islands who have to live with your ‘not real’ everyday.
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You may have seen the exuberant celebrations of David Katoatau, an Olympic weightlifter competing in the 105-kg weight class for the island nation of Kiribati.
NBC titled their video clip, “Weightlifting makes David Katoatau want to dance.”
But there’s another, solemn reason for his joyful performance. Katoatau told Reuters he wants to raise global awareness of the climate change that threatens to destroy his country. 
Video: NBC, Map: Wikimedia
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
And to celebrate my first ever Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day, I’m going to do a quick rec for the fic I’m currently reading: ‘Survivor’s Guilt’ by @wellsjahasghost. It’s hugely popular already (IT WON BEST FUTURE FIC IN THE BFFA 2016) but if you haven’t read it, whoo boy, you don’t know what you’re missing out on.
Real life is slamming me right now (that sounded vaguely dirty and it is but not the good type of dirty *sigh*) so I downloaded SG last night because I needed something to take my mind off things. It certainly did that.
Haunting. Poignant. Beautiful in its tragedy and heart-wrenching in its beauty.
Damn, this fic took me by the throat and shook me until I was helpless in its grasp.
This is a story of those who are left behind. It’s a story of what comes after, when the worst has happened and you’re the only one left standing. It’s a story of raison d’etre.
It’s a story of two people whose spines ache, weighed down by the names of the ones they lost, but who love each other with a desperation that would have them walking to the ends of the earth.
SG’s author is out of this world talented, I’m not even joking.
The way this story is written, the way Clarke and Bellamy’s despair, love, guilt and desire is written, is breathtaking. They take us to familiar canon settings and make us see those settings in a different light (I, for one, will never look at the drop-ship camp again without wanting to cry or punch something and I’d probably start lobbying to stick Bellarke in ALIE’s mansion for a little while next season). But we’re also whisked away to new places and given a glimpse of a world beyond what we see on screen. And it’s terrifying but there’s also hope and beauty.
Gorgeous prose – crisp and biting during the tense moments, languid and bittersweet during the soft and heart-pounding and hot during the love scenes – brace yourself for the angsty scenes though because this author will wreck you. The plot was perfectly constructed and well developed and I loved its pacing. We might not be getting the other characters too but with the way Bellamy and Clarke are written? They’re strong enough to carry the story.
A word of advice, though – if you start this late at night, it’s going to be hard as hell to put down. In my case, it was impossible and I staggered straight from reading, into the shower and to work. I was near incoherent, my eyes were swollen and red from lack of sleep and crying but holy hell, it was worth it all. So, don’t do as I did or do *shrug* - I don’t really care how you do it but read it. Just read.
@wellsjahasghost, thank you for gifting us with this masterpiece.
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
@marauders-groupie - in case you haven’t already seen this :) For your love of galaxies and star dust
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Galaxy Hair Trend Inspired by Stunning Astrophotography Shots
After the high demand of pastel and rainbow hair became an artistic trend among hair-stylists and their clients, the galaxy hair trend surfaced. 
Keep reading
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
So, I just found out its Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day – which, holy hells YES – so I’m going to give a shout out to all the amazingly talented writers out there in our fandom. Well, every fandom actually, but I especially love the writers in ours, so here goes:
To the writers who pour themselves into a fic, offering a little bit of their souls for everyone to see – even when you’re terrified that you’ll be found lacking: you’re beautiful and so is your work.
To the writers who endure writers block or the vicious cycle of ‘write only to delete’ until frustrated tears smart your eyes because you have a story inside you that wants to be told but you can’t find the right words: you’re resilient and strong and you can do this. I believe in you.
To the writers who write out of pure love for our OTP and whose joy comes clear through my screen: I owe you so many smiles because you’ve put one my face too many times to count. Especially when canon gets angsty ;)
To the writers who are too scared to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard..?) because you think that no one will read your work or no one will like it and you’re right now questioning whether you should even try: TRY. Trust me. Write. Write. Write. Post it. Tag me and I will definitely read it. Don’t you ever give in to that fear.
To the established fic writers: your fans have great taste and you deserve every single kudos, positive comment, like and reblog.  I’m probably already a stan of your writing and wavering between canon-balling into your inbox to tell you how much I love your work and flinching away because I’m too shy. Trying to work on that.
To the not-so-established fic writers who are just starting out or have been writing but haven’t gotten as much traction – You. Are. Amazing. Don’t give up. Your strength is inspiring because you’re telling me that your passion, whether it’s for Bellarke or writing in general or both, is stronger than anything else. And that is the type of strength that makes dreams a reality, the type of strength that is applicable for anything in life. TAG ME and LET ME LOVE YOU.
To all my English-is-a-second-language writers - yeah *winks* I feel you. Keep doing what you’re doing, loves.
So, tagging everyone who I know are writers because you deserve all the appreciation in the world (this is going to be short because I’m still reconciling who’s who on A03 and Tumblr. Please let me know if you’re a writer! If you’re a writer and I haven’t tagged you, this is still for you, babe)
 @carrieeve, @marauders-groupie @gravesfirstonesfree @magic-and-timetravel, @bilexualclarke, @hiddenpolkadots, @rosymamacita, @wellsjahasghost, @griifinclarke, @the-ships-to-rule-them-all, @missemarissa @bellohmyblake, @hawthornewhisperer, @ponyregrets, @tacosandflowers, @tarnishedsoul,
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
Openly gay Tongan athlete Amini Fonua issued a sharp condemnation on Thursday to a horribly irresponsible and exploitative Daily Beast story on athletes’ use of sex apps in Rio that might have outed gay athletes. [RELATED: Olympic Silver Medalist Gus Kenworthy Condemns Journalist For Outing Closeted Athletes In Rio] Fonua, an Olympic swimmer who competed […]
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
Anon 1:
seriously can't wait for the rest of weave me a myrtle crown bc it's so good and so heartbreaking and so !!! i can't even, like it's a serious work of art & i cannot wait you to update it :`)
Anon 2:
Just stopping by to say I hope ch2 of Weave Me a Myrtle Crown is still going well!
Anon 3:
can i tell you again how great your firehouse/gods fic is? no pressure just love. ive reread it so many times and i just love everything about it. the past world that clarke sees in visions and the current work environment she lives in your world building is just incredible & just the way everyone is the firehouse is just so perfectly cast & oh the angst THE ANGST!!! its so good it hurts. i am a fan of your work. happy creating. *poly cheek kiss*
So, you guys probably want to poke me with stick by now since it took me ages to reply and I totally get it because I’m the worst :( I’m sorryyyyyyy
First off, thank you for the encouragement :D I love that you’re enjoying the fic so much :D
It took a lot longer than both Kels and I expected it to take, mostly because (in case you haven’t already heard) we re-shuffled and tweaked the outline of the chapter.
But the writing is done and it’s now being yoyo’d between us for editing and proofing. Also adding to it’s tardiness is the fact that it kind of...ummm...exploded. It’s still one chapter but I’ve had to split it into two parts because it’s a longer than planned. In case you haven’t noticed, don’t ever leave anything up to me to plan because my plans suck lol
Anyways, here’s to hoping that you’re still holding on. Although if you’re about to expire or explode from the wait or just plumb given up, I totally don’t blame you :/
Thanks so much for the support!!
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
poly pride! so proud of him. saw your post and a lot of the comments i saw were just awful, like educate yourself. but on a lighter note, have you seen the movie three wise cousins? i cant see a photo of him holding the flag without singing "shine bright lika diamond" how fitting that the movie advice "you wanna be a star?" "then use that coconut oil!" came true. ps. have you seen his ig? its great its so corny
Hi Nonny! Nope, haven’t seen the movie but it’s on my list now :D Coconut oil, indeed :D
And noooo, I haven’t seen Pita’s ig either. I do know he’s been training forever, been injured seriously several times, couldn’t walk for like a month but still kept going. Regardless of how he does, I’m proud he’s standing where he is.
The comments were terrible, I know :(. At one point, I needed to stop reading and take a step back because I had gone beyond pissed and straight into sick. There’s a video of him being interviewed that turned my stomach. He was trying to talk about how it took him twenty effin years to get there and a bunch of women came up and started rubbing their hands all over him. Their only saving grace was the fact that they were using coconut oil although they didn’t know that until he told them what it was. Sorry, I take my words back, not even that can save them from the fact that they basically treated Pita like a piece of meat. If it were men sliding their oil slickened hands all over a woman, they would have been stripped raw by everyone. Gotta love your double standards.
Now I’m also hearing people saying that he isn’t Tongan. Pita, as far as I know, is biracial. I know his father is Tongan and I think his mother is white. That doesn’t make him any less Tongan. He’s TONGAN. He has the right to claim his Tongan side idgaf what anyone else says or thinks because they are wrong. No one gets to erase that from him - especially not when he is so clearly choosing to represent his blood.
I’m not biracial so I won’t be able to understand it on his level. But I can empathize because my mother isn’t Tongan either. I claim both sides of my heritage even though I identify more with being Tongan. And I dare anyone to tell me to my face that I’m not Tongan simply because I’m not ‘full-blooded’.
I’m sorry, Nonny, you got the edge of my bitter tongue *sigh*. But thank you for the support :)
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ajrchaosrising-blog · 8 years
Okay, so this is a looong time coming :/ Not exactly the best time to go on hiatus :/
Every single fic and writer nominated is amazing and crazy talented and I’m so honoured to have had my fic stand alongside them. Still a little dazed, actually, because the fics nominated are out of this world…?
@bellarkefanfiction – thank you so much for organising this. I can’t even imagine the amount of work and dedication it took to make this happen. You guys did this for us, the writers, the readers, the Bellarke fam and you deserve a standing ovation. Thank you.
Major shout out to everyone who voted for this fic – I want to buy you all puppies (or kittens, if that’s your thing) and wrap you up in rainbows. I love you guys so much. This fic – this fic holds a special place in my heart and you guys are amazing and…my gratitude knows no bounds and I’m so sorry it took me this long to say thank you. I don’t deserve you guys – please know I do appreciate you, I do.
Everyone should know that this fic wouldn’t have been written if it weren’t for @ebbnfloww. She slid into my inbox mere moments after the episode aired and said I should go for it. This was my first one-shot, only my second fic and I had been terrified to even try writing again because I was coming off my first fic and I seriously thought that that story was all I had in me. I had tried to write but nothing stuck and I had no inspiration. I thought that was it for me. But Kels asked. So I tried again. She put me back up on that horse and told me to ride and ‘When the Strong Break’ was the result. There’s a reason why I call her my muse. In fact, every fic that I have written after was done with relief because I now knew that I could still in fact write. I don’t think she even knows what she did. And she’s still doing her muse-y thing :D
To @carrieeve, my fellow writer and friend, who was the first to come careening at me, yelling about the fic and how much she enjoyed it. And hun, you gave me my breath back because I was stewing in anxiety and I was scared to even check if anyone had read it yet. You’ve been with me since the get go and if I haven’t told you how much I appreciate you, I’m sorry. Thank you for cheering me on, giving me writing tips, waving your pompoms and being my rock :D Plus, she’s a talented writer in her own right and her gift with bittersweet nostalgic moments is something I’m constantly trying to capture in my own writing.
To @missemarissa who was voting like nuts for this fic – OMG, thank you, your support means the world. Congratulations on your wins :D And speaking of, I want to talk about ‘Unexpected Explorations’. Your fic opened my eyes to so much and I have you to thank. You’ve brought me a step closer to finding and understanding myself and the underlying message of absolute trust in UE is so beautiful.
@bellohmyblake - I saw you, babe and I’m sorry it took so long to reply. Thank you. I had to WORK through a lot of issues to write this fic and I poured everything I had into it. And then it became your favourite canon fic, like...you? *crying*. I don’t know how to express my joy at that, but please know that I felt your words in my soul. Thank you so much! And omg, congratulations on your wins :D
This fic didn’t get this far on me alone and if I’ve forgotten anyone (because my memory sucks balls), I’m so sorry!! Please feel free to come screech at me so I can remedy that!
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Congratulations [AJRedfern] on winning Best Canon Oneshot for When the Strong Break!
And, congratulations to our runner ups -
Just Know (i will be around) by @nathenmiller​ [troubledpancakes]
done my time and served my sentence (dress me up and watch me die) by @bilexualclarke​
give you everything i have by @dreamingundone​ [glowinghorizons]
I’d Do Anything For You (And I Will) by @sherlockvowsontheriverstyx​ [bella_my_clarke]
To view the category totals, click below.
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