akashiana · 3 years
जब रात और दिन के बीच का एक बेसुध बेहोश महीन सा धागा धुंधला पड़ने लगे तब जीवन में प्रलय या सृष्टि होती है।
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akashiana · 4 years
कुछ पथिक कई युगों से चलते आ रहे हैं और कई युगों तक और उनका सफ़र जारी ही रहेगा। पथ? वे जहां जा रहें हैं उन्हें पथ की आश्यकता नहीं।
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akashiana · 4 years
वह उसे सुपुर्द कर देना चाहता है। इसमें मार्च के पत्ते जमा हैं और जुलाई की रातें, गुलमोहर के फूल जो मई के शुरू में कनॉट प्लेस में दहकते थे और पुराने शिमला की वो किताबों की दुकानें और टेलीफोन बूथ... एक ऐसी दुनिया जिसके भीतर अभी भी मुझे किसी पेड़ के नीचे सांस लेते हुए देखा जा सकता है।
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akashiana · 4 years
I stand with common good
*The following text is to explain why I have no expectation of political gains from either right or left and why rather I distrust both movements, at least in so far as they are political movements arising within modern political theory.  Nonetheless, several things I am not claiming should be made clear in the beginning.*
For several years, from sixteen to twenty, I consciously considered myself a member of the political left.  I first identified myself as a communist and a Marxist, and finally, for nearly two years, an anarchist. As an anarchist I would have allowed myself to be called socialist or communist, so long as these terms were not taken in a particular, narrow sense. Near my twenty-second year I began to question various of my political principles and after several months I recognized that several were wrong, though I did not claim to know the correct principles.  Several things I never questioned: my distrust of the political influence of wealth, my sympathy with workers, my contempt for the ugliness and inhumanity of technology, my sense that man has been estranged from nature, and thus from his own nature, and so on.  This re-haul of my political thought led to a moral reevaluation and thus to my return to the Catholic-Islamic-Hindu-Jewish faith.  But the political reevaluation came first. Returning to religionsim, I was determined to hold to the faith in its purity.  I believed, for a short while, that this demanded I align myself with the right.  Yet I could never champion capitalism, at least insofar as the word refers to industrial or high-finance capitalism.  While I rejected the near-pacifist position central to my anarchism, I could not find enthusiasm for any of the military engagements so readily supported by the right.  And thus, for one year, since my 23rd, I failed to feel any deep sympathy with left or right.  Further, I have come to reject the distinction of right and left as an appropriate approach to political order. My sense that the distinction and opposition of left and right do not arise from the principles proper to political order coincided with the sense that left and right agree on much that each side takes for granted.  More and more it became clear to me that they take for granted an opposition to the principles that make real political order possible.  Some of these principles are found explicitly in traditional teachings about politics, especially in traditional religious social teaching, although others are found there only implicitly.  In fact, left and right, to my mind, are in general agreement with modern political and economic thought and disagree with how that thought should play out. To make the principles where left and right agree more clear, I shall first tell some of the principles I understand to be central to traditional political thought.  None is more fundamental than the notion that according the very nature of man the common good gives rise to the political order.
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akashiana · 4 years
We are flourishing far away in the pink silence, My love!
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akashiana · 4 years
I pour both old and new clothes together in a bucket of water nowadays — in the hope that I wish both of them would leave a little color on each other, so that I would feel little stranger in acquaintances and little familiar in strangers.
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akashiana · 4 years
I have been orbiting her like a moon since the birth of our soul.
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akashiana · 4 years
Goodbye #13ReasonsWhy, I’m glad I took the ride. 📼
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akashiana · 4 years
The intellectual atmosphere of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries can hardly be understood.
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akashiana · 4 years
Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.
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akashiana · 4 years
"If I should succeed in putting some warmth and love into my work, it will find its friends." - Vincent van Gogh
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akashiana · 4 years
If we have decided to collect the wealth of austerity (access of higher reality) by kicking the material comforts, then the family, friend; which is fascinated by it, may be disgusted, in fact, that determination has foresight and intelligence.
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akashiana · 4 years
Physical beauty can be achieved but intellectual beauty has to be earned.
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akashiana · 4 years
We get what we deserve.
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akashiana · 4 years
"When the one surrender themselve to the higher reality (any form of Art) and practice austerity of inner world thus he begins to realise and see things in the very raw form. Very much clear view of Supreme truth. So when any artist starts showing their reverence and adoration to their Art they starts realising the truth of everything."
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akashiana · 4 years
If your creativity is driven by a desire to get attention, you're never going to be creatively fulfilled.
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akashiana · 4 years
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"Do you remember this? My love! Far from this evident dimensions. When the time was not born and the space was prancing for genesis. There was a heavenly shore, away from the veracity. We both rendezvoused there. Do you remember?"
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