al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
Wolfstar’s First Kiss
Three weeks. Three weeks since  Remus decided to distance himself from Sirius, fearing that before he had been too bad at hidding his stupid crush with his friend. Of course, Sirius realized Remus wasn't getting that close to him anymore which worried him more every day. One afternoon, looking through the window, he saw Remus was heading towards the lake instead of going to the great hall. He thought that maybe it was better to clear things up for once, he didn't want to lose one of his best friends for whatever nonsense he had done this time.
He got to their usual spot, where Remus was just throwing some rocks into the lake
“Aren't you going to have lunch?”
“No, I have many things on my mind, and you?”
“Not very hungry, do you mind if I join you?”
"Of course not," he said, giving him a rock to throw
“Remus, can I ask you something... Why have you been so strange these days?” he said with a slightly sad tone
“Yes, when I sit next to you you change places, we don't talk so much anymore and when I tried to hug you the other day you ran away from the classroom so fast that you almost threw Frank's cauldron”
“Did I do something to upset you? You know you can tell me anything, you are my best friend”
“Of course not Pads, you haven't done anything wrong. Look... I'm sorry you felt it's your fault. The truth is that I have had some issues, but they are nothing you should worry about"
“But you know you can talk to me about anything, I'll could help you, we can do something”
“No Sirius, I don't think you can help me, in fact, you distract me” he said without realizing it. Oh he shouldn't have said that
“I distract you?”
“I mean you 3, with your nonsense and pranks that I as a prefect should report instead of help covering up” he replied to try to amend what he had just said
“Ah, sorry, we will try to behave if that's what you need”
“Seriously don't worry, it's not a big deal, it's silly”
“Then tell me what it is, maybe I can help you, I have a lot of experience with problems and you know it”
“Well not with this kind”
“Remus just spit it out”
He exhaled, was he really about to say that  to Sirius? Apparently yes.
“Please promise me that you won't treat me differently”
“Oh no… you are going to tell me that… You are a werewolf!” with that he earned a bump on the shoulder but also a couple of laughs
"Do you remember that morning Peter and James were talking about girls?" Sirius nodded, feeling his heart beat getting stronger and stronger "Well Peter asked me if I liked girls and I said yes... well I do like girls but I also like boys."
“Oh... I see” Sirius's excitement was so big at that moment he could have danced with the giant squid, although he controls himself because he doesn't want to scare Remus. The fact that he likes boys does not necessarily mean that he likes him “Wait how dare you say I have no experience with that”
“Moons... I'm gay”
“WAIT WHAT? since WHEN?”
“I gues always...”
“Why didn’t you tell us? And what about your crush with Marlene?”
“I have always said that I like her style, James was the one who invented that I wanted something with her. I just think that she is cool... and I never said anything because I didn't want things to change. Although Prongs figured it out a month ago. He said he doesn't mind but I wasn't ready to tell you in case you two weren't cool with it” he said raising his shoulders “so ... Who is it?”
“Who is what?”
“Well when I finally accepted that I was gay it was basically because I had a strong crush with someone, and if you say that you have many things on your mind I suppose that those things have a first and last name”
Remus exhaled, it was one thing to tell his best friend that he liked men and another thing to tell him that he specifically liked him. Of course, knowing that Sirius was gay had raised his hopes drastically, but even so... he knew that he was not exactly the most handsome boy in Hogwarts and if Sirius was going to fall for someone it would definitely have to be someone on his same level.
“That doesn't matter ... nobody would ever notice me”
"It's true Pads. I'm not worth even a second glance"
“Don't say that! You are handsome, you are smart, you are charismatic, I have not met anyone as kind as you. You are fucking perfect. Anyone would be so lucky to have you as a boyfriend Remus, anyone!”
As he spoke, Black had taken several steps forward, leaving them both inches apart. Seeing Sirius's eyes, Remus steeled himself and decided to risk everything. He leaned forward and captured Sirius's lips with his own.
The kiss did not last long, when they separated they both laughed. They couldn't feel happier. They hugged, trying to understand why they didn't do something earlier.
"I ... I have liked you for a few months" he said while still hugging him, but Sirius laughed.
"Weak" he replied making Remus raise an eyebrow, "I like you since the third year Moony”
“What? But… but why didn't you ever tell me?”
“Well first, I did not know that you liked men and I thought that if I told you, you would run away and... I want you enough to prefer having you just as a friend to not having you at all in my life
"I can't believe us" Remus laughed flushed before giving him another kiss.
That afternoon they lost track of time, they didn't mind skipping classes, or skipping lunch like that. That afternoon they were truly and completely happy.
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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For the Wolfstar Comfort Mini-Fest organised by @swottypotter  ♥
Day One (19/9) - An Anniversary
What better way than to draw the husbands?  ♥ ♥ ♥
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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the night Sirius ran away 😔
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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the shrieking shack (I will never stop drawing angst. also I know this do be kinda cringy dialogue but deal with it.)
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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Full moons during the summer 😪
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
Moony Eyes
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Seguir leyendo
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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Here I am, crawling back to Tumblr, because no other place is good for posting art. 
Have some Wolfstar to appease you. 
Harry Potter series was written by Hatsune Miku, and everyone is gay and trans.
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
yoyoyo you requested a request and i am here to deliver can u write possessive!remus???smut is okay and in fact it is encouraged
Sirius could feel Remus’ eyes on him the entire class, burning into him.
“Y’know, Black, I’m glad we were partnered up today.”
Sirius looked up from the big cauldron and at Casper Bastardith and his smug face. He cleared his throat,
“Um, just Sirius… if you don’t mind.”
“Ah…” Casper leaned on his elbows, face inching closer to Sirius’ making him desperate to lean back but not wanting to appear particularly rude, “First name bases, then?”
Sirius huffed, pretending he needed to step away to write something down on his parchment, “I Just prefer it, actually.”
“Well then, you,” he placed a hand on Sirius’ thumb rubbing over the knuckles and making Sirius’ skin crawl, “Can call me, Casper.”
Sirius laughed stiffly, sliding his hand out from under the slightly moist one, “I already do that if you haven’t noticed-“
“Yes, that’s right.” A new voice to Sirius’ left made his heart soar in relief. Both boys looked at Remus, towering over both of them - but especially Casper - and whose eyes were narrowed, “everyone calls you Casper. I’m afraid you last name is just not one you can say in front of the first years.”
Remus smirked as he watched Casper’s ears turn pink, “I told you. It’s pronounced Bay-star-die-th…”
“Yeah,” Remus’s fingers laced through Sirius’, squeezing lightly and already pulling them away from the fuming boy, “Whatever you say Bastardith.”
Sirius could barely contain his laughter until they got out of the classroom and was practically barking the second they were out of the door.
“Merlin’s beard,” He gasped, leaning into Remus’ side, “You saved me. And what a save it was-“
Sirius bit his lip glancing up at Remus, noting the way his chest was rising rapidly and his tight grip around Sirius’ waist. In a second Sirius had him pinned against the cold stone of the potion’s lab,
“Who knew you were so snarky, Mr. Lupin.”
Remus looked down at him, head tilted to the side and a look in his eyes that made Sirius swallow hard, suddenly not feeling like he was the one doing the pinning but instead like Remus was pinning him against a wall with just a look,
“I believe the real question - Mr. Black -  is why on earth you allow other boys to fucking flirt with you like that when- when-“ But Remus just shook his head.
With a slight growl Sirius suddenly actually was the one being pinned, “I hate watching.. him- them - whoever it is.. God, it’s always someone… someone who thinks they can just come in and steal you away from me.”
Sirius waited for the rush, for the heated kisses and tightened grips and grinding hips, waiting for a mood of Remus’ that he loved.
He closed his eyes, tilting his head up for a kiss, baring his neck for a bite - anything.
But instead he felt a hot forehead drop into the crook of his neck, and lips against his collar bone, and a soft voice,
“I just hate watching it… The things it makes me think.. Makes me feel like an animal.”
Sirius’ eyes flash open, taken off guard by the vulnerability in Remus’ voice.
He hesitates for just a second, before wrapping his arms around Remus’ torso, placing a kiss to his shoulder,
“You aren’t an animal, love.. I probably think some of the same things when I see that Ravenclaw girl from Charms all over you - fuck, what’s her name?”
“Selene something-or-other.” Remus mumbles.
“Right. I think animalistic thoughts about Selene something-or-other, too.”
Remus made a disgruntled sound and Sirius laughed,
“I meant I think animalistic thoughts about getting Selene something-or-other off of you…” he was silent for a beat, “…then I might think some animalistic thoughts about you from time to time. Or you putting your animalistic thoughts into action on me…” Sirius swallowed, “Y’know… usual things to be thinking about.”
“Really?” Remus mumbled.
“Really. Actually, that’s probably what I’m thinking most of the-“ Sirius cut himself with a gasp at the feeling of teeth scraping softly at his neck.
“Something like this?” Remus’ voice had gone a pitch deeper if Sirius wasn’t mistaken, and he felt two large hands grip his hips under his shirt.
“W-what are you a- ah - a mind reader?” Sirius’ head fell back against the wall, eyes fluttering close again, allowing Remus to trail his mouth along his throat.
Remus inhaled deeply through his nose, mouth sucking lightly right under Sirius’ ear, “Yeah… Something like that.”
Sirius fisted the back of Remus’ uniform as Remus pressed their hips together, pulling a loud moan out of Sirius the echoed off of the stone walls.
Remus instantly brought one of his hands to cover Sirius’ mouth.
“Jesus Pads- do you want Slughorn to come out here?”
Sirius’ eyes were hooded and the only response Remus got was the feeling of teeth against his palm.
Remus rolled his eyes glancing at his watch, “Class is practically over, anyway.”
Sirius’ eyes lit up, his voice muffled, “Common room?”
Remus smirked, removing his hand to pull their hips together again, “I was thinking Prefect’s bathroom.”
“Fuck,” Sirius drew the word out, pressing his forehead to Remus’ and grinning into Remus’ palm which was now placed over his mouth again,
Remus laughed too, replacing his hand with his lips for a hard kiss and then pulling Sirius away from the hall of classrooms, “Come on, loud-mouth.”
Sirius leaned onto his tiptoes, nipping Remus’ ear, “You like it.”
Okay don’t hate me - I would totally include the full on smut but every time I wrote it it just wasn’t coming out right and I’d rather leave it here than give you bad smut. Hope you like it
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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can’t stop thinking about the childhood sweethearts
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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Art request for Sirius and Remus 💜
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
Okay! Very excited about this one! It’s based off of a request sent to me by @queer-dog-boys (I LOVED THIS REQUEST) but it got so long that I decided to post it separately.
Wolfstar Soulmate!AU in which the first words your soulmate says to you appear as a tattoo. Remus and Sirius are soulmates but they don’t figure it out until later…
Warning: very slight mention of abuse (in the beginning)
Growing up:
Sirius was ten years old when the words appeared on his inner left forearm. He was laying on the drawing room floor, his cheek already swelling from his mother’s harsh hand, his salty tears not helping the pain of the cut beneath his eye. And he was scared and so young and his family hated him.
So, when the words came, they came with a bit of hope for Sirius Black. They traced themselves across his skin in a messy scrawl right before his eyes.
Are you okay? Are you sure?
They came with the knowledge that, one day, someone would care- they would care so much in fact, that they would ask twice. Once just to ask and then again- to make sure.
He stared at them for hours from his place on the spotless hardwood floor, until finally it gave him the courage to sit up, and slowly make his way to the bathroom where he cleaned his small cut, staring at the words through the mirror the entire time.
Remus was just eight when the words appeared on his left inner arm, and all of his friends were gone. He wasn’t allowed out of the house, he was lonely, and neither of his parents would quite look him in the eye. He just didn’t know what he’d done wrong. He wasn’t a monster all the time… At least, he didn’t think he was… He hoped not…
He was sitting on his bed, knees curled to his chest and staring up at the almost perfectly round moon, trying to will it to disappear, when they appeared. Once second his arm was blank and the next, soft cursive was inking its way across his pale skin as he watched with wide-eyes,
Do you want to join us?
And at first, it brought tears to his eyes because he thought it was some sick joke his friends - or who use to be his friends - were playing.
But then he realized - this was what his mum and dad had been talking about. This was his soulmate’s first words. 
And this realization brought tears to his eyes for an entirely different reason because, for a while, with how everyone else had been treating him, he had seriously doubted that his even existed.
But here was the proof. And the words.
And Remus sat up, grinning, for a good part of the night, just tracing his fingertips over the slightly raised letters, because someone did want him. Maybe not now… but they would.
And so he would wait.
Hogwarts: 1st Year
The Hogwarts express loomed in front of Remus, tall and red, and smoking - ready to be on its way. His hand tightened around the handle of his trolly, maybe out of nerves, but mostly because he was so excited he couldn’t breath.
He never thought he would be here, never dreamed in a million years he would be on his way to Hogwarts with all the rest of the eleven year old wizards. He always thought he’d be right where he’d always been: homeschooled in their library, by Mrs. Craint who always spoke in rushed, panicked sentences and jumped every time he so much as scooted his chair.
Because he was use to that- people flinching away from him, crossing to the other side of the street. And he was so, so happy to be here… but he didn’t see why it would be any different.
So he walked alone to the train, handing the guard his luggage to pull into the compartment under the seats for him, before boarding. He silently walked, glancing into the booths at groups of friends laughing and joking. They all just looked so happy Remus didn’t know how it could be real. He’d certainly never felt that happy, didn’t know it was possible. He passed compartment after compartment, friends after friends, until he came to the end, sighing with relief when he saw a single empty booth.
He glanced at the compartment across the hallway, through the glass door, at saw that was filled with three boys, laughing at something the one with glasses was saying. There was a small, rather chubby boy who was practically on the floor in giggles, and then there was a dark haired boy. He seemed to be rather joining in with the boy with glasses. Remus turned away because he knew he was only torturing himself, and entered the empty compartment.
He sat for about an hour, watching the hills roll by, occasionally turning into small towns or rivers. It was a bright and sunny day, with no moon in sight. Half way through his hour he found himself wishing that he had taken a book out of his trunk to read. He had taken to counting the trees that went by to entertain himself, and was up to 22 when the sound of the compartment door sliding open made him jump and whip his head around.
The boy with the dark hair was standing there. Remus swallowed hard. Here it comes, he thought. The mockery and the flinching and the loneliness-
But then a slightly crooked smile spread across the boy’s face and he gave a sheepish wave,
“Do you want to join us?”
And Remus was so caught up as he was pulled out of the cold compartment and into the one across the hall - the one that smelled of chocolate and candy and was full of two other boys smiling at him - that it didn’t even register. He didn’t even remember the words inked on the inside of his wrist.
Sirius had noticed the boy across the hall almost instantly, and had been watching him stare out the window from the corner of his eye for the past hour before he decided he had to do something. He scolded himself for not doing something sooner.
“Lads, I say we invite him in.” He jerked his head across the hall.
James looked across the hall and Peter looked at James, as if waiting to see what he had to say about it. And James just smiled,
“Yeah, why not? Go get him.”
So here they were, four instead of three. They boy hadn’t really said much… actually, the boy hadn’t said anything. He just watched them talk with wide, guarded eyes as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. And Sirius didn’t push him, only handed him a chocolate frog or a hand full of beans every once in a while.
To say they were overjoyed when they were all sorted into Gryffindor would be an understatement. The night was full of all the food you can eat and laughter until they were ushered up to the dorms by the head boy - Alexander Stuntleputt. They filed into their dorm, which they were quite pleased to find they had all to themselves. Peter took the bed closest to the door, then James, Sirius, and finally Remus, who took the bed between Sirius’ and against the wall. They talked until Alexander came up and shushed them.
But Sirius couldn’t fall asleep. They reality of what had really happened that evening was crashing over him in waves.
He was in Gryffindor. He was a Black, Toujours pur, and he was a Gryffindor.
He knew he’d never be able to go home again once his mother found out. He was finished, disowned from his family. As far as he could see, he had no family anymore.  The thought made his eyes sting and he tried to keep quiet but if there’s anything that’s hard to keep in, it’s tears.
He was trying to muffle a sniff when-
“Are you okay?”
The quiet voice came from his left, and he started a little, turning his head. The boy, Remus, they had learned when Professor McGonagall called his name for the sorting, was peering at him from his own fourposter, his amber eyes seeming to glow in the dark.
Sirius hurriedly wiped at his eyes and nodded, “Y-Yeah. ‘m alright.”
Remus bit his lip, “Are you sure?”
Sirius went to nod again, but something stopped him- he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. But instead, he slowly shook his head.
Remus sat quietly for a moment before he was swinging his legs out of bed and going to rummage around in his trunk. Sirius noticed that his pajama pants were much to short for him - he must have grown recently. When he surfaced, he was holding a thin package. He hesitated for a moment, eyes flickering from Sirius to his bed, until he seemed to rally his courage and walked over to Sirius’ bed, sitting on the very edge. He held out the parcel and, in the moonlight coming through the window, Sirius now saw that it was a large bar of chocolate. When Sirius didn’t react much, Remus gave a little impatient huff (which somewhere in his subconscious Sirius found rather cute, and would for many years to come) and tore the top foil off, breaking off a large chunk and holding it out to Sirius.
“It’s chocolate.”
 “Well, yeah, I gathered that.”
He held it out more insistently, “It makes me feel better when I’m down…”
And Sirius doesn’t know what to say because he can’t remember a time when anyone has ever tried to make him feel better.
“It helps, I promise.”
And so Sirius takes the chocolate and takes a little bite. And it turns out Remus was right (he’ll later figure out that Remus is always right), it did make him feel a little better.
He takes another bite and chews slowly, studying the other boy’s face,
“You know, this doesn’t mean I’m going to tell you what’s wrong.”
Remus doesn’t even flinch, he doesn’t look like he was expecting an explanation. All he does is shrug his shoulders and smile sadly, “That’s alright… Some secrets have to be kept.”
He breaks Sirius off one more piece and lays it carefully on top of a scrap piece of foil on Sirius’ bedspread, before wrapping the rest up and setting it on Sirius’ bedside table. Without another word, he climbs right back into his own bed.
Sirius bites his lip for a moment, “Hey, Remus.”
Remus turns his head, and Sirius can see his eyes are already beginning to close.
“Thanks. For not making me say… And for the chocolate.”
And Remus has got that disbelieving look in his eyes again, the same one he had on the train, like he can’t believe Sirius is still talking to him. He just nods, and rolls over to go to sleep. Sirius finishes the chocolate and does the same.
Both of them don’t quite put two and two together though. Even with the warm feeling spreading across the lettering on their wrists.
Hogwarts: 5th Year
The ceiling of the great hall was a mass of murky black clouds, only lit up once and a while but hairpin flashes of lightning. Rain pounded against the windows, trying desperately to get in at the glowing, warm Christmas feast.
“I’m only saying,” James paused to take a rather large bite of his treacle tart (his third slice of treacle tart). He swallowed, waving his fork in the air, “that, like, what were the chances? I mean, really what were the chances of the four of us sitting together?”
“You act like it was fate or something.” Remus rolled his eyes.
“It was fate!”
“It was.” Peter added helpfully.
James ignored him, “ Honestly, what was the chances that we would all just happen to sit together? C’mon Padfoot, back me up on this.”
But Sirius was feeling his own version of rain, he wasn’t listening. He glanced over at Regulus, at the Slytherin table, for what felt like the thousandth time. He watched as Lucius talked to him, a smirk on his face. His younger brother looked enthralled, eager even. And it made him sick. It was when Lucius caught Sirius’ eye and his smirk widened, that Sirius really get uneasy. He turned away, huffing unnecessarily loud. He leaned his head on his hand, rubbing at his temple. He didn’t know what to do. Asking Reg about it was certainly out of the question; he hadn’t really talked to his brother since he got to Hogwarts five years ago. And Malfoy certainly wasn’t going to tell him what they were planning, was he? He had no way of finding out, no way of saving his little brother whom he was sure needed to be saved.
“Hey,” He looked up quickly, a voice so close to his ear startling him. He was met with the warm, amber eyes of Remus, his brows drawn together in concern, “Are you okay?”
Sirius cleared his throat, nodding at his best friend, “Yeah. Yeah, Moons, ‘m fine.”
Remus didn’t look convinced and set down his fork, “Are you sure?”
And damn Remus, Sirius thought, because he always just knew, didn’t he?
And he went to nod, because who was he to ruin Christmas? Everything was fine and everything that wasn’t fine could wait.
“I’m okay, Re, really-“
But he stopped, eyes locking with Remus.
And he wasn’t really sure what made him think of it because his thoughts had been nowhere near  that subject. But it was suddenly as if someone was trying to read a picture book in his head very quickly; he was getting flashes of images before the page was turned: Their first night, crying, a very small boy peering at him from the bed next to his, a soft voice in the darkness, chocolate…
The words on his wrist, the ones he knew, or thought he knew, so well grew hot.
And it took a second, but then someone un-crumbled the last page and everything just clicked.
Are you okay? Are you sure?
Sirius’ own fork clattered to his plate. He felt like he’d just surfaced from a very long underwater swim.
“Sirius, what-“
“Shh.” He gripped Remus’ wrist under the table to stop him from talking - he had to think.
It’s too good- It’s too perfect- It can’t-
His thumb brushed over Remus’ skin absentmindedly and he felt raised lines of ink, much like his own. Without another word to James or Peter, he swung his legs over the bench and nearly tripped Remus as he pulled him along behind him and out of the Great Hall.
“Sirius,” Remus was pulling back, trying to slow Sirius down, “Sirius stop!”
He gave a final tug and it was enough to set himself free of Sirius’ grip and cause him to stop. They stood there in the entry hall, about 10 paces apart, breathing hard and staring at one another.
“Sirius, you’re scaring me.” Remus’ eyes were confused, “What’s wrong-”
“Do you remember on the train?”
Remus shook his head in bewilderment, “What happened on the train-?”
“No, the first train. The first train, first year, do you remember it?”
Remus nodded slowly, “Of course I do. It was the best day of my life… Pads, what-“
“You didn’t say a word the entire ride, not a thing.” Sirius took a few steps towards Remus, “Not until that night…” He bit his lip, “Do you remember that night?”
Remus answered hesitantly, he still wasn’t sure what was going on, but surely, “You were crying.”
“And?” Sirius pushed.
“You were crying and so I gave you chocolate. To make you feel better-“
“No. Well, yes, but before that?”
Remus opened his hands in a, ‘what do you want me to say?’ kind of gesture.
Sirius groaned, frustrated that Remus wasn’t catching on because that could mean it was all in his head. He rubbed his hands over his face, angry at himself for getting his hopes up. He just wanted so badly for it to be true.
“Sirius please tell me what the hell is going on. What’s wrong?”
“I- I thought-“ He couldn’t look at Remus, he kept his face in his hands, “I don’t- fuck, I’m so stupid-“
“Pads,” There were too warm hands wrapping around Sirius’ wrists, “Pads, stop. Talk to me-“
“I can’t. I can’t, I was wrong-“
“Wrong about what?” Remus insistently pulled Sirius’ hands away from his face, revealing his red eyes and wet cheeks. Remus pressed his hand to Sirius’ cheek, wiping away the fresh tears, “Pads, what’s wrong, I don’t understand… I’m sorry, I just- you have to tell me.”
And Sirius just stared up at Remus for a moment, leaning his cheek into his hand because if this were the last normal moments with Remus, before he said anything, he wanted to savor them.
Finally, he sighed, his voice breaking, “You asked me if I was okay.”
Remus nodded, obviously still lost as to what he was suppose to take from this, “Yeah. Yeah, you were crying, I was worried…”
He trailed off when Sirius started shaking his head, fresh tears falling, “You asked me if I was okay and then-“ He felt like he was trying to talk through cotton with the lump in his throat. His hands shook as he raised his arm, his fingers trembling as he pushed up his sleeve, “then you asked me if I was sure.” His voice finished as a whisper, and he closed his eyes, not able to look at Remus’ shocked face. He shivered when he felt Remus’ fingers tracing the letters softly.

“I- I know it’s just a coincidence. I know, I just- fuck, please don’t hate me for this - I just… I hoped-“
And he slowly opened his eyes, instantly taken aback at the sight in front of him. Remus wasn’t cringing. He didn’t look awkward, or pitying, or like he wanted to walk away, no…
Remus was crying. Remus was crying, and smiling, and he let out a laugh and a sob at the same time, bringing up a thick sleeve of his sweater to wipe at his eyes. His fingers wrapped around Sirius’ wrist and the words, sliding down to grasp his hand.
“Fuck, Pads… Why’re you always so dramatic?”
Sirius was too stunned to do much more than stutter, “I- Wh-“
But Remus was already pushing on, “Always jumping to conclusions without any fucking reason. Merlin..” He was shaking his head, the huge grin across his face not going with the tears on his cheeks at all. He took a last step forward to Sirius and they were so close now that their chests were touching. Remus had to angle his neck down to still look in Sirius’ eyes,
“Do you remember what the first thing you said to me was, Pads?”
And Sirius’ heart was beating so hard, it could have been trying to escape and run right to Remus as he shook his head.
And Remus let out another wet laugh as he pushed up his sweater sleeve to his elbow, allowing Sirius to see the words inked there,
“Do you want to join us…” Sirius read them softly, over and over until, again, everything just fell into place.
“W-wait. I- said that?”
And Remus’ hands again were cradling Sirius’ face, wiping tears with his thumbs, or maybe just feeling Sirius’ soft skin in a way he’d never gotten to before, “Yeah. You did.”
And Sirius, seemingly unconsciously, fisted Remus’ sweater in his hands, “I- That means- Remus.”
“I know.” Remus was still smiling.
And then Sirius was smiling with him, clutching his sweater, “Remus. Re-“
But his words were cut off by Remus’ mouth, the feeling of Remus’ lips hot on his.
And all Sirius could think was, this is who cares.
And all Remus could think was, this is who wants me.
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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“Your parents appointed me your guardian … if anything happened to them …”
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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Harry left the classroom, wishing he hadn’t mentioned Black, as Lupin was obviously not keen on the subject. 
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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“It’s very painful to turn into a werewolf.”
“They couldn’t keep me company as humans, so they kept me company as animals. My body was still wolfish, but my mind seemed to become less so while I was with them.”
@wolfstar-secret-santa for @roriii3754  ~ Merry Christmas!
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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yet another reason why Sirius was the family disappointment.
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al-ships-and-chips · 4 years
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ten kisses over the years
on the ear
on the nose
on the lips (cute)
on the back 
on the cheek
on the forehead
on the shoulder
on the lips (passionate)
on the neck
on the hand
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