me: *walks up/down a flight of stairs* that very flight of stairs afterwards:
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Favourite PL characters 2 / ? ? Charlie Previous  ► Otaki-san (Yamada) Next  ► ???
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I want people to be able to tell I’m queer. Not like how I dress, not stereotypes, but like. I want to give off a queer aura. Like I walk into a room and everything becomes less straight, pencils bend and shirts become wrinkled,
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(Socket’s crying starts to lessen, not because he’s feeling any happier, but more because he’s just exhausted. Exhausted from everything, numbness and tiredness starts to set in and the sobs become occasional rather than constant. Charlie is right and logical, but he still doesn’t sound sure when talking about the penthouse and staying together.
Socket doesn’t care, Charlie will still be in England, Even if it takes all of his earnings from the market, he’ll visit him every weekend. nothing will stop him. He silently decides this in his head.)
“I-I will be with you. E-even if I ‘ave t’sneak on the train. I’ll be there as many weekends as I can.”
(He sniffs and looks up at Charlie, gently placing his fingers below his pretty, watery eyes, as if to halt him from crying.)
“I’ll work even ‘arder n’get more money. I-I’ll invent somethin’ really amazing. J-just a few cities between us won’t keep us apart okay?”
(He pushes himself up to kiss Charlie softly and shakily, letting the fingers on his face wander to his curls, stroking them soothingly.)
(The old Charlie would have protested that Socket couldn't sneak onto a train, because that would be risky and dishonest. But he's not going to argue now. Partly because he's been around the Black Ravens for long enough to know that it won't make any difference and partly because he wants to see Socket so badly that he'd be okay with it. As long as they get to see one another as often as possible what else could matter?
So he just nods and sniffs again. Looking pathetically over at Socket as the shorter boy puts his fingers below his eyes. Then Socket talks and they kiss. He moves to stroke Charlie's hair and in this moment Charlie can't even comprehend that they could ever be apart. By the time they pull away from the kiss he's hugging Socket tightly.)
"...You don't need to tell me that you'll invent something amazing. I already know that. You're going to become dead famous some day and everyone in the world will be coming to you for help with that great thing you're going to invent. I'll be disappointed if you don't. A-and when that happens I'll be famous too somehow... A-and we can be that celebrity couple that everyone talks about, l-like the Ledores. Only we'll be a lot more scandalous than they are.... W-we c-can makeout in public p-places and be poofs e-everywhere, can't we...?"
(He leans in again, desperately wanting confirmation of his fantasy story.)
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im back!! this was supposed to be just a portfolio piece of the albert docks but i dont really think its good enough on its own. seemed a shame to waste so i stuck…. charlie & socket on it… BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT THE LAYTON FANDOM WANTS. 
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(Socket has to give in and throw his arms around Charlie then, it’s impossible to not when he smells so nice, and his hair,clothes and skin is so soft. He doesn’t ever want to let him go. He’s never felt something so passionate and fiercely in all his life. Charlie is his best friend, his boyfriend, his love. H-how can be possibly deal with being away from him for so long?)
“Y-yeah but… ya might find someone like that too, like a Socket with no bad parts. Ya saw all that stuff at Gressenheller. A-an’ also… if ya start sixthform or collage you’ll definitely make friends there...”
(Socket hiccups and finally looks up at Charlie, his face red raw and sore, goggles askew on his forehead. Socket feels like the last of his confident ego has disappeared down the drain, like he couldn’t be cheeky if his life depended on it.)
“I-I.. I dunno… I-I’m bein’ ‘orrible again ain’t I? Y-you could ‘ave a really ‘appy life in London, n’I want ya all t’myself… I-I just love you so much… i-it’s like this… this big huge ache in my chest n’my gut… I-I-I….  I’m so scared of bein’ away from ya… “
(He buries his head in Charlie’s chest, trying to regulate his breathing.)
“I-it hurts so bad…I-I… I know there’s nothin’ else… I-I’ll miss ya so much… I-I’ll visit as much as I can… okay? W-we can still be together right? U-until we ‘ave enough money t’-t’get that penthouse…”
(It hurts to hear Socket talk like this. Because as much as Charlie knows that he's not going to wander off and no one in any university is anything like Socket, it makes sense that Socket is torn up over this. This could be the end for them. And even if it isn't, it will make being together a lot harder. Charlie's broken thinking about what this means for them as well, but he just can't seem to show it in the way Socket is and he feels horrible at himself. He had no problem getting up in his father's face earlier, so why can't he cling to Socket now and insist that they're never going to leave each other? He knows that he never wants to leave Socket, that's for sure.
Charlie reaches forward to hold Socket's head as he buries it in his chest. He's sniffing back tears as well now.)
"You're not being horrible... We've tried so hard to be together behind everyone's back and now it's come out we're being forced apart. You're angry. Of course you're angry. I'm angry, too. And I want so much to be with you..."
(He hiccups.)
"...B-but there's nothing I can do. We both know I can't stay here. I-I need to find something, even if it's not ideal. Maybe we can work something out soon. It won't be forever, that's for sure. Just until... w-we get our penthouse, yes..."
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(Socket lets Charlie pull him close, but he doesn’t uncurl from his ball, still sobbing helplessly. This is horrible, it’s so horrible, it’s the worst feeling he’s ever felt. He’ll fall apart without Charlie, that’s what it feels like right now.
He refuses to uncurl even when Charlie nuzzles into him, just crying harder. Charlie’s Gran adores Charlie. Adores every little delicate and feminine quirk about him, of course she’ll let Charlie live with her. She’ll spoil him rotten and give him whatever he likes and… and Charlie would be happy.)
“If you g-go t’London you’ll find someone bettah than me straight away…! Everyone there is rich n’pretty n’clevah n’I ain’t gonna ‘old a candle…!”
(Charlie will fit into London like a glove. There’s even gay communities in London, h-he can be himself, make all the friends he’s dreamed of and live how he likes, and Socket can’t go with him.)
“N’don’t say that ya won’t ‘cause I know ya will…! Y-ya say ya love me now b-but f’ow long once ya start enjoyin’ that perfect, ‘appy life n’start makin’ friends that ya ‘ave loads in common wif a-and…”
(He does lean heavily into Charlie now, but his face is still hidden.)
“A-and they won’t be ‘orrible n’annoyin’ and yappy like me… T-they’ll know loads of shit about clothes n’make-up n’they’ll… they’ll be perfect for ya… B-but I don’t want Charlie t’go!”
(Charlie rocks Socket as he leans in close. Despite the situation he can't help but smile a little at what Socket's suggesting. It must be horrible for Socket to worry about this, but from Charlie's perspective it couldn't be further away from something Socket should be worrying about. He hopes that he can explain why.)
"There's no way I'd want to date any of those boys, because I'm not interested in dating myself, am I? I already know that I'm the best boy at wearing beautiful clothing and anyone like that would be doomed to a life of jealousy if they dated me. I just couldn't live with myself to bring that on a lesser being. But you, you're perfect in different ways. You're exactly the sort of boy that I like, the only one that I've really, really liked. I couldn't date someone who isn't you, because even someone a lot like you could never be as good as you."
(He strokes Socket's head as he talks, noting how hot it is from all the crying.)
"Besides, I've never made friends in London any of the other times I've stayed there, so why should I start now? I'm not all that interested in making friends, to be honest. Maybe that's cruel, but I just don't have time for many people I meet."
(As he goes on, Charlie realises that he's wandering too far away from the point. Better rein this back in and talk about what matters.)
"But anyway, if I can't go to London and I can't stay here, then what can we do? I'm not sure what other options there are outside of those two."
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(Socket is silent as Charlie speaks, he knows he’s been kidding himself, but it still hurts to hear. He’s being so selfish, this must be so hard for Charlie, not knowing what to do after being dumped by his parents. B-but Socket can give him everything he needs, if Charlie lets him, he can make it right again. I-if Charlie just gives him a chance, does he not want this?
He pulls his hand away from Charlie’s and sits on the bed, drawing his knees to his chest. The little mechanic tries to fiercely blink back tears, but he fails, and two fat ones slide down his cheeks.)
“But ya Gran lives in London. That’s ages away. I-I could probs only see ya every other weekend if you went t’live wif ‘er. That ain’t enough.”
(Socket sniffs and wipes his eyes with his sleeve, but some sob are definitely threatening to bubble up to the surface now.)
“I…f-f’the last few years, I’ve almost seen ya everyday. I-I couldn’t deal wif only seein’ ya once a month or somethin’. Th-that’s definitely not a good s-solution.”
(His voice cracks on the last word and that it, he’s crying properly into his knees now. Charlie’s going to go all the way to London and it’s all his fault.)
(While Charlie's trying to think about this logically, Socket is thinking about it emotionally. He's torn up, trying to fight back his tears until they eventually win out in the end. And he brings up the point that neither of them can avoid much longer - that London is too far away for them to see each other all the time. Or even see each other very often, for that matter. Charlie's mind whirls as he tries to think up a solution to this. But for the moment all he can do is sit next to Socket on the bed and put his arms around him, pulling him close.)
"No, it's not a good solution, but it might be our only one... I have to stay with someone, Socket. And as much as you want me to stay here, your family don't feel comfortable about us. They're not wicked like mine are, but we couldn't keep on going like we have been if we both live here. That wouldn't be fair to your mum..."
(He hates having to be the voice of reason. Part of him just wants to run off with Socket and never have to think about any of these people again, but he knows that isn't an option. As much as he detests himself for it, he has to think about the sensible options, for both of their sakes.)
"We could work around it, come up with something that works for us somehow... And hey, my gran hasn't even said yes yet. There's a chance she might not want me to stay with her and then I won't be leaving for London after all."
(When he's finished, Charlie nudges Socket's head with his own, wanting to get him out of the ball he's curled himself into.)
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(Socket’s mum nods, glad that Charlie is seeing things her way, but not as happy to see how much he’s hurting and how much she knows that Socket will hurt too. It’s going to be rough, but if it’s nipped in the bud… Maybe the casualties could be lessened.)
It’s completely fine Charlie. I-I’m sorry. I wish… I wish there was more to be done.
(On that note, Socket bursts back into the room with a tray of tea, glaring at them both suspiciously. Socket’s mum just takes the tray from him and stands, balancing elegantly in her high heals. )
Thanks Penn, I accept this as your apology for speaking to me so rudely. I’ll leave you boys to it. Fresh towels are in the bathroom if you want a shower in the morning Charlie.
(With that, she’s gone. Socket frowns after her.)
“Hmph. Glad she saw it my way. She’s a propah softy at ‘eart.”
(Socket takes Charlie’s hand and leads him upstairs.)
“C-c’mon! You can section off part of my room and change wot ya want! I-I’ll get it propah tidy so you’re ‘appy in there Charlie…”
(Socket's mum just looks so amazing, even after the stressful evening she's had worrying about her son. In a different situation Charlie would probably be admiring her and wanting to be like her, but right now he just feels worn. He's glad when she leaves, even if he does feel guilty about Socket getting the wrong impression.
Once again Charlie allows himself to get led along and doesn't speak as soon as he should. Because of this, Socket starts to spout ideas about sectioning off his room for the two of them to live together. At that point Charlie has to tell him the truth.)
"Socket, I'm sorry but your mum didn't agree to let me stay here. She also didn't say that I couldn't, bedfore you get the wrong idea, but she didn't think that it would be the best solution. And maybe she's right. It could bring a lot of trouble to your door and your family aren't ready to take on another person. I couldn't put upon you like that. So she suggested that I ring my gran, to try and sort something out with her. And I... think that's a good idea."
(He feels traitorous coming out with this. And he knows that Socket isn't going to take it well.)
"Please try to understand..."
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(While Socket is still grumbling in the kitchen, his mother nods absently at what Charlie tells her, like it’s all she needs to know. She goes to sit heavily on the sofa, looking almost guiltily to the side.)
I see.
(There’s another long silence, she doesn’t need Charlie to say anymore. This has gotten dreadfully out of hand, and now Socket’s in this deep, she knows her son won’t let go so easily.)
Charlie. I… I can’t very well let you be homeless, so… you are welcome to stay here if you want. Penley… he cares about you very much, but…
(She forces herself to look at Charlie, pressing her lips together uncomfortably.)
I don’t think this… this can end well for either of you. Penn is very… passionate and… reckless. I think that… from what I can see of you, that you might be too. This is.. it’s a very sad and unfortunate situation and I don’t think… well, I don’t think Penn is thinking straight. 
(Socket’s mother glances to the kitchen door, swallowing thickly.)
Perhaps we should call your Grandmother.
(Socket's mother says all the things that Charlie's been worried about. Things that he doesn't want to admit to himself might be true. But hearing them from an adult, especially a sensible one, means that they must be. As much as he is starting to doubt that adults do know better than him, especially not his own parents, he can't deny that it sounds logical.
They are in too deep. If they carry on this way then he could be harmful to Socket. Which is the last thing Charlie wants.)
"Th-thank you for your kindness. I appreciate you letting me stay here until I can sort something out..."
(And then she throws him a life-line. Something he hasn't at all considered but should have been the first on his mind. Of course they should call his Gran! She's only the person who cares the most in the world about Charlie, definitely more than his parents do. The only person who could rival her affections for Charlie is Socket himself, though of course the two of them care for Charlie in very different ways. And there's no way she'd see him homeless...)
"That sounds like a good idea. I wouldn't want to wake her so late at night, but maybe tomorrow I can give her a ring. If you don't mind me using your phone, that is."
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(Socket’s mother bites her lip a bit nervously, not entirely sure of what to say. She’s often like this in front of Charlie, as much as she can yell for England at her children. The whole situation with Socket and Charlie has her at a loss.
Socket himself gives Charlie a look that’s half angry and half terribly sad. D-does Charlie not want them to stay together forever? W-why isn’t he fighting for them? He turns back to his mum, pink with determination.)
“Charlie’s gonna stay ‘ere now. His parents ‘ave chucked ‘im out so if ya don’t let ‘im stay it means ya propah ‘orrible.”
(Socket’s mum sighs, rubbing her temple a little, but she looks more like she’s deep in thought rather than annoyed. She’s silent for a long time.)
Penn. Make us some tea. Okay? The good blend.
“D-did ya not ‘ear m-?”
Now, Penley.
(Socket sniffs and storms into the kitchen, closing the door behind him and grabbing the crockery noisily. Socket’s mother takes the time to look Charlie up and down, sighing more heavily this time.)
Now, are you going to tell me whats going on now Charlie? All of it. From the beginning.
(Charlie can't believe that Socket is arguing with his mother about this, especially telling her that she's horrible if she doesn't let him stay there. He wants to speak up and assure her that she doesn't need to feel pressured, but Socket's mum is faster than that, swiftly banishing Socket from the room on an errand.
As he goes, Charlie looks after him, not able to stop himself from weakly raising his hand up. He doesn't want to be left here without Socket for support. And part of him doesn't want to explain himself, even when asked for the full details.
But at the same time he knows that he can't go back. So he returns his gaze to Socket's mum and nods.)
"Sock- ...Penley pretty much got the overview of it. I was thrown out of the house. We... um, I don't want to get into too much detail, but we were caught there. And I came clean to my parents about who I am, something they weren't happy with. I didn't want to get any theory or be changed so they... threw me out. And now I'm here. But they didn't hurt Socket, I promise. Also, I know that I can't stay here really, so I'll make some plans tomorrow and sort something out."
(He's not sure how much more detail he feels comfortable going into, so he hopes that she doesn't ask him too many questions.)
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(Socket presses his lips together as Charlie talks about making other arrangements, he doesn’t want to hear about that. He doesn’t want Charlie to go away, he can’t even entertain that idea. 
Luckily Charlie does stop for a moment, speaking about Socket fondly and making his ears burn. He loves Charlie so, so much. He knows all the right things to say, they’ve come so far. Socket’s happy bubble doesn’t last long though, because Charlie soon draws it back to the future.)
“Shut up, ya stayin’ ‘ere n’that’s final. It’ll be easy, on the weekends we can stay at my dads n’Carol’s and on the weekdays we’ll stay e- O-oh. Mum.”
(Socket flicks on the light in the living room as he speaks, and stops dead upon seeing his mum sat on the sofa. Socket’s mother is petite like Socket, but she resembles Wren a lot more.  She’s still in her second hand, but none the less smart, business suit, her hair is a little tousled and she looks worried.)
Penn… Charlie… I… 
(She runs a hand through her hair, sighing a little with relief.)
Carol called, said she’d heard some commotion around North Ely while she was walking Morris. I was worried about you both.
(Of course Socket is as stubborn as ever and insists that Charlie has to stay there. On some level Charlie isn't even sure why he's arguing against this point. Staying with Socket's family would be wonderful. But he knows that he just can't. Not forever.
But before he gets a chance to debate this point further Socket flicks on the light and they're both faced with the worried and worn face of Socket's mother. She says they they've been heard up in North Ely. By Carol no less. The bottom drops out of Charlie's stomach and he wonders just how long it will take before everyone knows the full truth.
Might as well start now. He clears his throat.)
"I'm so sorry that we worried you, Mrs. Turner. Penley and I... we... well, there was a bit of a commotion back home. B-but Penley's all right and it's nothing we can't work around, right...?"
(He looks over at Socket for support, knowing full well that he's crossed the line.)
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(Socket’s eyebrows furrow with worry as Charlie kisses his forehead. This is really serious, so much more serious than either of them imagined. Socket had always been more frightened of bully’s in the street than their families, but for Charlie, it looked like he was homeless now. Homeless. Prim, proper Charlie who loved his material things homeless. Socket can’t stand it.)
“It doesn’t mattah. Ya don’t ‘ave t’worry about that, you can live with me now.”
(Socket speaks firmly and stubbornly, he’s clearly made up his mind on the spot.)
“I don’t care wot ‘appens, I wanna stay with you. I-I meant it when I said f’evah.”
(They arrive at Socket’s tiny front yard and he fumbles for his front door key, refusing to let go of Charlie’s hand the entire time.)
“W-we’ll get really rich okay? I-I’ll even try n’take my GCSE’s again…! We need t’buy that pent’ouse right?”
(He tugs Charlie inside.)
(Socket's talking about all these things that they're going to do as they walk along. He's so determined. But to Charlie all of these prospects have never seemed further away. He stays quiet up until they reach the house and Socket lets them inside, but after that he needs to speak.)
"I'm sorry Socket, I do want to be with you forever but... this isn't fair. Your family are lovely and I'm sure they'd let me stay if they knew my situation, but I can't put upon them like that. W-we will get that penthouse one day maybe, but not right now. And I kind of need to figure out what I'm going to do with myself right now..."
(He's conscious of making this all about him, so he reels it back in, looking fondly at Socket.)
"You're going to do something amazing someday, I just know it. You're a genius and you can do more than anyone I've ever met. Those walkie-talkies you made us are just beyond anything I've ever seen. But you know that the school setup isn't for you. Or for me. Or for anyone we know, really. It can't be the only way to go though. And I know you're going to manage, but right now we need to think about the near future. We can't carry on like this..."
(Charlie's not sure what he's getting at, just that it's something they both need to talk about either tonight or tomorrow.)
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(Oh god, this really is the worst. What has he done? Socket looks at his feet with shame, he really could have handled that better. He could have handled everything better, right from the very beginning. I-If he’d left Charlie alone that day they met, he wouldn’t be in this situation right now. He’d be still in his home and happy.
Would he be though? Maybe Charlie would be with another boy, or several other boys. Maybe he’d be with no-one, stewing in his fake life for who knows how long. Still, Socket could have handled it better.)
“I-I’m sorry…”
(They’re still Charlie’s parents, and no matter now much anger Charlie is feeling for them right now, it must be still hurting terribly. Socket could barely stand it when his mum asked him to be discrete, he’s not sure how it would have felt if she’d reacted like Charlie’s dad.)
“C-come on. Let’s go back to mine, k-kay…? Some of ya clothes are still there.”
(He graspes Charlie’s hand, not caring who sees them for once. They’re proper boyfriends now, right?)
(Charlie leans forward to kiss Socket's forehead. Also not concerned about who sees them this time. Although that's not so much of a bold gesture as it is that it's a dark night in Misthallery and nobody wanders the streets of North Ely at this time. Everyone keeps tp themselves and obeys the rules around here. Even when those rules are hurting others...)
"You've got nothing to be sorry, so don't apologise. You've helped me and I'm g-glad of it. Hopefully one day I can return the favour... B-but yes, let's get back to your house. I promise I won't stay there long, it'd bring too much trouble to your door, but it'd be nice to get to stay there for tonight. We can plan what to do after that tomorrow."
(As he says this, Charlie realises the gravity of the offer and corrects himself.)
"N-not that I'm implying you need to leave home or anything like that! Your family is wonderful and I wouldn't want to take you away from them. I am going to need to work something out for me though. And that will affect us as a result..."
(He's trying to talk about this logically, mostly so he can stop himself thinking about his parents. It stings so much, but he's gotten good at blocking things out and clinging onto only the bitterness - Crow is an example of that. Instead of thinking about his parents right now he needs to get back to a safe place with Socket and he needs to plan. So he squeezes the hand that he's holding, smiles across at Socket and begins the walk back to the market.)
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(Socket doesn’t seem to understand the seriousness of the situation. Sure, he understands that it’s serious, that it’ll take a long time for Charlie to get back to normal, but he can’t seriously comprehend that Charlie’s parents don’t want him in the house. He carries on glaring at them both, even when Charlie drags him out into the night.)
(He calls after them ineffectively, not picking up by how broken Charlie is by his mothers reaction, only picking up how angry he is at his dad. Once they’re out on that fateful patch in North Ely, his motormouth sets off.)
“Yikes. Knew they’d be mad, but that was a bit ovah the top wasn’t it? I s’pose that’s ‘ow I reacted when I caught Crow n’Badgah too. They’ll chill out soon.”
(He looks at Charlie properly and shuts up. Oh. Oh. He’s really made a mess of this hasn’t he? He bites his lip  and waits a few moments, before reaching out to gently pat Charlie’s cheek.)
“…’E-ey… are you really okay? Like okay-okay? They’ll get ovah it y’know. Stuff like this just takes time. We’ll be propah back t’normal soon. Th-they won’t actually tell the church, yeah?”
(They're not stopped as they leave the house. Which does make it easier, at least they don't have to fight his father all the way to the door, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. Charlie clings to Socket's arm once they're out in the cold street, sniffing to himself as Socket talks. He wants to nod along, but he can't bring himself to do it, only making to respond when Socket pats his cheek. He looks worried about Charlie now, so Charlie wishes that he has something more encouraging to say, but he doesn't.)
"I'm afraid that it's not going to be back to normal ever again. My parents aren't nice like yours, they don't forgive. Short of me handing myself over to get the therapy myself I doubt they'd ever consider taking me back. Or at least my dad wouldn't and my mum won't fight him... not for me..."
(He shakes his head out of that thought, forcing a smile for Socket's sake.)
"But it doesn't matter anyway. I don't want to go back with them. Because I can't live my life pretending not to be me. Maybe things won't be easy for the two of us, but it'll be better now, right?"
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(Socket gasps a little as Charlie’s father fixates on him, he doesn’t look anything like Badger’s dad, yet he’s still as intimidating, dry, icy eyes burning right into him. He says he can’t see Charlie anymore, can’t talk to him, nothing. Socket can’t even begin to imagine it. 
For a few moments, he’s just in a daze, silently processing the despair as it wracks through his buzzing brain. Charlie’s dad’s eyes have him transfixed, but certainly not in the nice way that Charlie’s own do. Socket can’t stand it. He can hear Charlie grabbing his clothes and squawking in retort, but his father seems entirely unswayed.
Socket finally crackles to life, realizes how horrible, disgusting and idiotic this whole ordeal is, his tiny hand shakily raises and then swoops to aim a hard, open palmed slap across the mans face.)
“’Oo the fuck do you think you are mate? Ya know ‘oo I am! I’M THE FIX-IT BOY, ‘AN I SAY THAT CHARLIE DON’T NEED T’BE FIXED! He’s already propah perfect and well bettah than you! He’s suffered for propah long worryin’ about wot you shit’eads think n’now ya gonna lose ya perfect son because you’re a great big middle class prat!”
(Charlie gets his pants on first and then hurries to pull the rest of his clothes after them. He's tugging on his jumper by the time he hears the slap. His head swivels around to look. And while he's missed the moment itself not much is left to the imagination what's just happened. His father is holding his face, his mother is covering her own mouth in horror and Socket yelling at his father. Saying things that, despite the situation, are so touching. Charlie is already close to tears, but now he just wants to hug Socket and thank him for staying by his side and believing him.
Of course the situation doesn't allow for this. Especially not once his dad recovers and rears up against Socket.
'You dare talk to me like this in my own house!'
Charlie opens his mouth to make a reply, but both he and Socket are beaten to the punch by his mother, who places her hands on his father's shoulders.
'Howard, you need to stop... Just, let Charlie go... There's no point.'
Hearing that is maybe the worst. Whenever Charlie's imagined this moment his dad's reaction has always largely been the way this evening has panned out. But he always believed that his mum would stand by him. To hear her saying that there's no point in fighting this, no reason to keep Charlie here, hurts more than anything. He clings onto Socket's sleeve, sniffing back tears.)
"Let's go..."
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