alaister-merrygold · 2 months
Thanks for answering, but I don't like this couple either (and I know why this pairing is bad and toxic). I'm sorry if the question wasn't clear, but in this case I was referring to how this news (the possibility of Casaandra x Daniel) is being received on Tik Tok...
-ooc Aaah, my apologies, I was without my glasses and my linguistic comprehension is well... EJEM, anyway, the reception is kind of negative too considering the points I mentioned earlier, but it seems most people use it for their MC's lore, or at least for the little I've seen, I just saw a pair or two of videos, the rest are about other things of the game or lore of their ocs and such. Hope this actually helps out and it's not an answer full of rambling oVo"
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alaister-merrygold · 2 months
You mentioned about Tik Tok and Cassandra x Daniel… I don't have an account there, could you please tell me how the reception on Tik Tok is regarding the possibility of this couple existing? I see that on other social networks the majority is negative (Reddit, Instagram, Twitter…)
-ooc Alright, so, the part of TikTok was that I saw some videos where Daniel and Cassandra could be located outside the Dance Club together alone.
The "why" this ship is seen as bad, and even toxic, is blamed on four main points: 1) The usage of the trope "enemies to lovers", which I don't fully blame, there are some good examples of how it can be done well, say, Lumity (Luz x Amity) from "The Owl House" or if you want a couple more similar to the characters, Dipcifica (Dipper x Pacifica) from "Gravity Falls". 2) A big part of the fandom shipped their MCs with either Daniel or Cassandra, and the game even helped players with that with either main or side stories, which conflicted with many players, myself included, but more than this, I'd say for the point that comes next. 3) This is the one I consider the most negative of them all, being that Cassandra was not "a little mean" to Daniel to suddenly start to build a friendship or relationship out of the camera, no. She literally doxxed Daniel's family records, caused and joined the bullying the school made against him, and made the Frey brothers constantly attack him, and that's only the things she did to Daniel, she also went for Ivy and I wouldn't be surprised if she did things like this to other students. Even if there are details of her stopping most of her worst acts, I'm sure someone said that once she ordered the Freys to not do something to him and joked that if she liked him or what, it's not enough reason. She hasn't won the privilege of forgiveness from anyone she damaged. 4) Another point that joins the last one is that Colby has a crush on Cassandra and Colby has a golden heart, poor boy, ngl.
And yeah, I guess that's it. The big problem is the point 3, in my opinion.
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alaister-merrygold · 2 months
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"Alright Alaister... You worked hard for this moment. After practicing what to say to the mirror for, like, 2 hours, and growing this plant, you got what you need for the moment of your life... You can do this, you can do this... You can do this... You can—!"
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"... No... No... No no..."
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- He ran away as soon as he could, unnoticed by the eyes of the boy he loved, avoiding any contact with people around the castle. The plant he managed to grow to confess his love crashed against the ground and the soil spilled on the cold stone floor... -
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- For some hours, 1 or 2, students rumoured to each other that Myrtle went to the man's bathroom to cry, not doubting the information at all. "Maybe it's just her, looking for pity of the boys of Fifth Year", they said... -
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- Avoiding the place, the only thing they noticed was the crying of a devasted person from the outside... -
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- But it wasn't just the crying of a ghost, but the cry of a young, broken heart, tortured by a twisted turn of events... -
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alaister-merrygold · 2 months
I just had a daydream about a possible route Alaister would take:
He starts being like, sad, depressed of being left by the toxic bully (if it really is like that) and he gets closer to Colby who is in the same position. They eventually decide to date and go through their problems with ✨ f a s h i o n ✨ and revenge.
So, they become the new popular trio (Alaister, Colby and Fischer because he won't leave his bruva alone and likes being more dark and all) and they become like mean girls, out Cassandra down on the popularity pyramid and are mean to the others.
Of course, that doesn't mean Alaister is evil, he is actually a nice boyfriend who gives Colby books of poems and one empty for him to write, and is also nice with Fischer giving him gifts and training him and such.
Ivy still is trying to make Alaister reason, but it will take a lot of time.
Daniel will end up possibly having an unrequited love for Alaister.
Cassandra will try to sabotage them without many success and then learn to be better or I dunno.
Colby still likes Cassandra deep inside, just like Alaister to Daniel, but both of them try their best to forget their feelings.
There's possibly a happy ending where everything goes back to normal but eh.
I'll do drawings of them in the future to show their looks and such, just wait for it! The thingy of the voting is still open for the week, though, but if you have any suggestions or support this or not or anything, please feel free to comment here, everything is welcomed.
And finally, if you want to get an idea of how the power trio will be, well...
This is their theme.
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alaister-merrygold · 2 months
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alaister-merrygold · 2 months
I need to be more active and, what better than do dynamics and such, and knowing there's so much talented people (many more than I), I thought "heck, why not?".
I'm open for ideas like, art exchanges, AMA IC and OOC, collabs, show my other many ocs of HP:MA or doing more Daniel x Alaister content, dunno.
Blast my comments section and such!
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alaister-merrygold · 2 months
ooc- I gave up with the background
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alaister-merrygold · 2 months
-kicks the door-
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alaister-merrygold · 4 months
"Ah, I'd love to play UNO and go shopping with her! I love the hat too, where did you buy it?"
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Mc ref
Template -> https://www.tumblr.com/0hcerrie/724323518380130304/i-got-bored-so-heres-a-magic-awakened-oc-template
So ummmm. Here’s some stuff about her :D
- She’s a muggleborn
- Her mother is a zookeeper and her father a doctor. They have a good relationship
- She’s a drama queen
- Her niffler and owl have formed a team to get each other shiny stuff and food respectively
- She has figured out how to do wandless magic she just prefers using her wand
- She caries around a pack of UNO cards wherever she goes
- She’s very protective of any animal
- She also likes to coordinate and put together outfits
That’s it for now ig
Feel free to ask anything about her :D
Have a nice day :D
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alaister-merrygold · 4 months
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"I wish it was more than just a gift, but an 'I love you'..."
-ooc, I seriously loved this photo, more with the new gala look for Alaister. I have it now in another color, but meh, this works too.
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alaister-merrygold · 4 months
"Not an asylum... He's just... Vibing! T-That's the word, right? It's vibe... Yeah... Yeah, I wrote it well."
he needs to be locked in a mental asylum
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alaister-merrygold · 4 months
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ooc- Ignore all the Spanish stuff, just look how these two have intense gay vibes and their best friend is looking from afar, wondering if this is just for the dance or something else is going on.
It is just for the dance, but Alaister will remember this for ever
*insert TWD meme*
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alaister-merrygold · 4 months
"His smile was his biggest treasure"
୨˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˙˚˙˙˚˙˙˚˙˙˚˙˙˚˙˙˚˙˙˚˙˙˚˙˙୧ Being in Third year was one of the best things for any student, as they could travel to Hogsmade, the little winter town that many students, and even adults, had dearly in their hearts... Especially, with one certain establishment: The Three Broomsticks Inn.
If you asked the people around, it was obvious that reasons for it existed: the cozy atmosphere, the enjoyable presence of the owner, Madam Rosmerta, and of course, the drinks served there, butterbeer, pumpkin juice, cherry syrup, and even for the adults, some fire whiskey.
But today, for Alaister, was a place he didn't expect to be. Not because he wasn't thinking of going before, he surely was to do so, but because he was invited there, that night, by none other than his best friend (and secret crush) Daniel Page. It did take him a long time to not lose his mind and exaggerate the invitation, to stop jumping in his place, squeaking while his roommates were elsewhere, and of course, to get his best looks to the occasion, even if it was just using his uniform, fix his hair, and make sure his cherry earrings were in place and his glasses were clean... And why not, some cherry perfume here and there.
Sometime later, he finally arrived just in the hour at the location they'd met, outside the place, greeting each other, and, sure enough, going inside, feeling the change of the atmosphere from a cold, white winter to a warm, wooden establishment, with fireplaces and plenty of tables and costumers, from students to adults.
Daniel: Ahh, the Three Broomsticks. Lively as ever.
Alaister: You've come here before?
Daniel: Just once, I think. My mum must have brought me... But I don't really remember, since I was too little back then, I believe. But I've heard plenty of stories, though! Alaister: Huh, well, what everyone said of this place is true, it is cozy and welcoming! And it doesn't surprise me this place is popular, it looks a little crowded tonight... How about you get us a seat and I go look for our drinks? Daniel: Sure. I'll find us a quiet table on the second floor... You know what I like.
The blonde boy couldn't help but let out a giggle... Gosh, he really fell hard for him, more now that he could see Daniel way happier and open than usual. It was a sight he could never get enough of, and containing the blush on his cheeks was a hard task that he, somehow, fulfilled as he turned around and walked towards the bar, talking to the woman who owned the place.
Madam Rosmerta: Why, hello there! Fresh from Hogwarts, are ya? Alaister: Greetings, indeed, miss, I have just arrived from there. Madam Rosmerta: Call me Rosmerta, please! "Miss" makes me sound like an old crone! Alaister: Ah, my apologies, Rosmerta... I wanted to ask about the specials here, any type of recommendations are welcomed greatly. Madam Rosmerta: Well, our two specials are our famous butterbeer: a frothy, buttery creation that is our house specialty, and pumpkin juice, fruity, with notes of spice. It's perfect, hot or cold! We also have other drinks, like, for example, cherry soda, with natural cherry syrup. Alaister: Hmm, I think I'll have one cherry soda and... A butterbeer, please. I'll pay them both. Madam Rosmerta: Great choices! A cherry soda and butterbeer, coming right up...
It didn't take too long for him to get the drinks and pay them both with a few sickles and galeons, and as best as he could, he walked to the second floor, doing his best to not spill a single drop, as his friend waited for him on a far, far table. Leaving the drinks, one after the other, on the table, he took a sit right in front of the other.
Alaister: Here they are... I got you a butterbeer... I hope that's what you wanted, I forgot to ask you before. Daniel: Knew I could count on you! Cheers!
And just as soon they would rise their orders, by the corner of their eyes, they noticed how a group of spiders rushed out of nowhere, and not small ones, precisely, yet not as big as an adult acromantula.
Alaister: Ah! W-Where those came from? Madam Rosmerta: Somebody help, please? My potential customers are fleeing from these spiders!
And, soon enough, they've found themselves, using Arania Exumai as their lives depended on it... Luckily, Alaister wasn't alone with this, and he even found it quite nice to work together with Daniel as he used to...
Madam Rosmerta: Well done, lads! Thank you for your help, the next round is on the house! Alaister: Oh, thank you very much Rosmerta, but it was not the big thing... Although, I am worried about their possible origin... Madam Rosmerta: Oh, it was probably Hagrid who left his new pets again. He can expect a nice, lil' chat with yours truly next time he comes in for a pint...
Both smiled happily at this and went back to their table, enjoying their time and their drinks... Alaister couldn't stop smiling all that night, even when he was on his bed. The sight of Daniel talking so passionately about his likes, about his day, being so open, so relaxed with him... It was a thing that made his heart flutter like crazy. He even hoped he could just dream of this moment so he'd never forget... Because his smile was his biggest treasure.
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alaister-merrygold · 4 months
Remember when I said Alaister was a fan of One Direction? Well. This is the reason. And yeah, IC will be the text like above, and OOC will be like this.
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alaister-merrygold · 4 months
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"Don't tell Daniel... But, he looked so cute with how happy he was when he talked with me~" "By the way... Asks are open!" (ic or ooc, must specify first!)
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alaister-merrygold · 4 months
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"Well... At least it has my eye color... And, uh... It has the same haircut I have... Right?"
(If anyone wants the link, well, here it is)
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alaister-merrygold · 4 months
🍒 Meet Alaister Merrygold!!
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Alaister Merrygold
╰┈➤ "The older of two children of Eun-Ji and Matthew Merrygold. A charming and mannered boy who does his best to help everyone around him yet does not seek popularity among the students. One of the most talented transfigurators, the chaser of Ravenclaw, and a passionate reader of the history of magic."
🍒 Curious facts! 🍒
- Despite being talented in certain areas of magic, he's deficient at potions and divination, where he only gets away by mere luck... And Daniel's tutoring. - Drawings are not his thing, and only gets good scores with the crystal ball because his friends know him enough to understand his scribbles. - His favorite spell is Meteolojinx (and therefore, Meteolojinx Recanto) and Astrolium. - Loves music, especially boy bands like "One Direction", and it's a fan of Britney Spears. - Has a Facebook and a Club Penguin account (his favorite famous penguin is Aunt Artic and reminds him of McGonagal). - He has myopia. - Daniel gifted him the potion for dying his hair on his 12th birthday (Alaister hugged him so hard that Daniel had some pain in his chest, but that meant he loved it). - Has a deep crush on Daniel since 3rd year and his Boggart is to not only be rejected by him, but for him to see him as a freak and end their friendship. - His birthday is on August 15th (and he's a Leo). Original template by @antheross (thank you sooo muuuuch!)
some pics in game:
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With his summer uniform
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At Madame Pudifoot's Tea Shop (his favourite place on Hogsmade)
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