alanpaulstevens · 3 months
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alanpaulstevens · 3 months
As He Is
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alanpaulstevens · 3 months
Held in His Embrace
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alanpaulstevens · 3 months
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alanpaulstevens · 3 months
Alive Inside You
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alanpaulstevens · 7 months
Grace is the fragrance of love
Grace is the fragrance of love. It is the aroma of all the Christ is. The sweet sacrifice that is pleasing to God. In all Christ did it was the delightful aroma that filled the magnificence of heaven. Grace given to you is the ability and power of love. Grace, being love, means you will be rooted and grounded in Him when you are rooted and grounded in love. Grace out of God’s very heart comes…
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alanpaulstevens · 7 months
Storehouse of Grace
God is our storehouse of grace. He is the provider all we need. He demonstrated this in Creation, in every detail He provided for mankind. God stored creation with minerals, metals, gasses, and oil for His man to enjoy. He didn’t create it void, He created it full. In Creation, God filled the world with His fullness. Creation was a storehouse of climatic fullness. In Creation God declared what…
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alanpaulstevens · 7 months
Righteousness – By receiving grace we have become the Righteousness of God in Christ. This Righteousness is not an experience, although it gives birth to many marvelous experiences. It is the nature of the Father imparted to us. It is that nature gaining the ascendency in us until we know that we are what God says we are masters, conquerors! Righteousness means the ability to be in the presence…
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alanpaulstevens · 7 months
Presence – By receiving grace we enter permanently into the presence of God. The presence of God lives within every believer, and we are never separated from God’s presence. This means we are now the permanent home or temple of the Almighty, living God. God’s presence is our constant companion. In the Old Covenant it was all about ascending and descending of the mountain or going into the temple…
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alanpaulstevens · 7 months
A New Spirit
A New Spirit – Your new creation spirit has been made perfect in Christ. You have the fullness of Christ living inside of you. You’ve been made perfect and complete in Christ (Colossians 2:9,10). Inside of your spirit, you have the love of God. Inside of your new creation spirit, that is seated in heavenly places in Christ, you have the very joy of God, the peace of God, his patience, gentleness,…
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alanpaulstevens · 7 months
LoveLove – By receiving grace the unconditional, limitless love of God has been birthed into your heart. For this love that has been planted in your heart is an intimacy beyond your wildest imagination. It is a reflection of the love that upholds the universe, it is a love birthed in infinite desire and consumed in intimate delight. It is the perfect love in the perfect relationship of Father,…
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alanpaulstevens · 8 months
A New Heart
A New Heart – By receiving grace God has totally re-created your heart in Christ. You are a New Creation in Christ and you have been given a new heart with new creation soil and new creation God birthed faith and beliefs. The tree of righteousness and the fruit of the Spirit have been planted and grow inside you. As Max Lucado writes in his book “Grace” –“Grace is God as heart surgeon, cracking…
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alanpaulstevens · 8 months
Adoption – by receiving grace God has adopted me into His family. Adoption is an amazing thing. It is even amazing in human terms. When a couple chooses to adopt a child, that child becomes theirs and they become the parents in every sense of the word. Birth certificates can be changed so that the birth parents are replaced by the adoptive parents. Names are changed to reflect the new…
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alanpaulstevens · 8 months
Union – By receiving grace our New Creation spirit has been fully united with Christ so that means that you are united with Christ in His death, in His burial, in His resurrection, His ascension, and in His seating on the throne. Everything that happened to Jesus also happened to you! The good thing about it is that when He hung on the Cross, you were united with Him in that – but you didn’t…
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alanpaulstevens · 8 months
Fullness – by responding yes to grace we have received Christ fullness. This is confirmed in the gospel of John 1:16: “For of his fullness have we all received, and grace upon grace.” What is that fullness? It is what Jesus is in Himself. That is what made Him what He is. When you received Eternal Life in Christ you received the very thing that makes Jesus what He is. You received of the Father…
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alanpaulstevens · 8 months
Joy – The life of Christ now alive in you, has been given to you and now your heart is filled with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory. The Holy Spirit has placed the joy of heaven in you. His fruit in you means that you have an abundance of joy and your fruitfulness with burst inside you with Joy. Now by grace the incredible Joy of heaven has been given to you. Jesus’ joy is made full in…
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alanpaulstevens · 8 months
New Birth
New Birth – By responding yes to Grace I have been born a completely New Man. I have come out of the womb of God. I am born of God. I am a New Creation created in Christ Jesus. As soon as I am Born Again, Recreated, and became a New Creation, I became indwelt by the great mighty Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead. This means I have been born out of Adam’s family into God’s family. I am…
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