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Greetings everyone! I am kind of new here, so I don’t really know the basics. I don’t even know if anybody would be able to read what I am writing. But here is it anyway.
I am a third-year college student. Pursuing a Bachelor of                 Science in Secondary Education with a major in English. Let me start by saying it is not easy, the journey that I have been through is a lot harder that I imagined it to be. Not because I chose a difficult course but because I chose a difficult life. They say that if you put love into your passion then everything will just flow smoothly. I think that is my problem – ever since I was a kid, I am always confused of who or what I am going to be. Being an educator is not my first choice – hell, studying is not even a choice for me. It is a requirement of the world, and I must follow it in order to have a good life in the future. I just don’t get it, why do we have to pay to live in the world that was not created by money? I think that is the root of my problems, I don’t want to belong. I am not afraid to be different. Everyone just follows what everyone does. We are all prisoners of the so-called leaders of this world. Okay, I think I might be swaying away from the topic. I am sorry for that. Let’s get back to it. Its just that, whenever I write something, I just drift far away and thoughts, ideas, and imagination just clash together inside my mind. Anyway, my journey started during the pandemic, it started when I decided to get back to school after stopping and figuring out my purpose in life. Teaching was never my passion. Yes, I am fascinated whenever I meet a good teacher that opens my mind and teach me things that I can really use in the future. But it is never enough to light up the fire in me and make teaching my passion in life. I did not choose education because somebody told me to, but because it is what’s available at that time. I failed several times in life, and I have become a disappointment to my family countless times. I have a chance to make it right and I took it, education presented itself to me, and even though it is not in my list, I took it as an opportunity.  
I am glad to be where I am right now. I don’t even expect to reach this far and now I am here still surviving the harsh environment of school. I don’t like studying but believe me when I say that I love learning. In my years in college, I have learned a lot and I have observed a lot of diversity, hate, war, and deceit in order to get what they want. I watched kids turn to men, I watched good people do evil things just to pass, I silently watched everything change including myself. And its all for the purpose of passing, finishing what we started and not becoming a disappointment to the people we love. A teacher once read a bible verse to us during the incident that happened that includes students giving up on life because everything felt heavy for them. I’m not going to talk about that bible verse, I am going to talk about that life. Everyone is struggling in these hard times, and it is really stupid to tell people that they are weak, that their struggles are nothing compared to what you’ve been through. We are all uniquely different in a beautiful way and everyone matters. I just think that a little bit of understanding and consideration will go a long way. That is what these students need the most, right now. People say that they became teachers to make an impact, to inspire change, but what they do not know is that you do not need a title, an achievement, a name, to inspire a little bit of change. Those little things that we do for other people, that is what matters the most.
I started this journey with a wrong goal, I started because I do not want to be a disappointment to my family. Now, I am halfway through the finish line, and I learned that I am not afraid to be a disappointment to other people. I am more  afraid to be a disappointment to myself. I started this journey knowing that this is what my family wanted for me. But now I know that this is what I want for myself. Listen up people, every human being has two lives, and the other one starts when you figure out that you only have one. Don’t waste it trying to impress other people. If you feel tired, breathe, rest, sleep. Do not rush to go where you want to be by taking huge steps and leaving behind the important lessons in life. Take those boring little steps and learn slowly. Do not be afraid to commit mistakes. Remember that mistakes are our greatest teacher in life. Always take care of yourself. Because at the end of the day, when everybody leaves, the only one who will stay with you is yourself. Turn every challenge into an opportunity to become better.
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