alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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You don’t ever want to not be grateful, and it’s nice to be liked because I think as actors, that’s the thing—at the end of the day you want to at least be respected for what you do and what you put out in the world. But sometimes you feel like all they want from you is a picture. They just want the proof that they met you, and you’re like, ‘I’m a human. I’m a person.’ So that’s been something to kind of deal with, I think for all of us. We’ve talked about it on the show. It’s hard, and do you say no? When do you say no? Do you have to say yes? Where do you draw the line? Still figuring all that out I guess. Trying to take it case by case. Kids you can’t really say no to. Kids are too endearing.
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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Bay righted herself and reached into her back pocked, blindly clicking the volume button down on her phone to lower the music. She collected her bags from the floor, and took the one from Alex with a grateful smile. “You’re right, it was loud, I was just hoping to spread some of the holiday joy,” she said cheerily. Bay was not oblivious to Alex’s bad mood, but chose to bulldoze past it. Someone clearly needed a holiday pick-me-up. “I hope I didn’t hurt. Would you accept an apology candy cane?” She opened one of her shopping bags, searching for the jumbo box she had purchased.
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Alex couldn’t say she was used to this much cheerfulness from someone, especially after the accidental attitude she had given the girl. The brunette watched as Bay recomposed herself and she, herself, stood with her arms crossed loosely. “You didn’t, don’t worry,” she replied, her mood picking up ever so slightly. “Apology candy cane? Obviously, I will. Is that even a question?” Alex questioned, a small laugh leaving her lips but keeping her tense look. “I’m not a Christmas hater, by the way. I mean, ‘tis the season, but maybe just take it down a few notches.”
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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“aw, love you too, slime.” he ended that sickeningly fake-sweet comment by him blowing a kiss in her direction. the fact that they never sat down and honestly talked about how their relationship was awful and should never be spoken of again was brought up in romeo’s mind and he quickly smushed the thought. that would be no fun.
he squinted back at her, purposely avoiding her eyes and looking at the tip of her nose - exactly where he knew a problem area of hers was. “yeah, we can do that. they’ll certainly still be there tomorrow.”
“the spirit of christmas gives coal to children who are being lil shits as well as presents, he’s not perfect!” he’s surprised that at this point their bickering didn’t make someone call security on them. romeo felt like they were getting louder without even realizing it. “i’m not going to ruin your life - how much of an asshole do you think i am? nobody’s going to come in, it’s practically the middle of the night.“ he glared at her as he knew this was a battle he was going to lose. romeo was determined to not come up empty-handed. “i’ll take your wine mom offer, but i also want the power to send three texts from your phone to anyone i want. and you can’t tell them it’s not me.”
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regardless of how easily annoyed she got, alex still valued their friendship. the pair had certain days where they just bickered more, and days where they seemed to be completely fine. it usually depended on what type of mood alex was in. “i know you’re not going to ruin my life, but you’d still make it hard for me to live. but, i mean, you have been for the past twenty-one years, so i expect nothing less,” she said, offering a sarcastic smile after. “if you seriously think i’m going to let you get me into drama and let you drink my wine for free, you have to be crazy.” alex, in all honesty, couldn’t tell where this would lead the pair. “but three texts is better than having my entire for an entire day – what would send anyway? and to who?” she questioned. she couldn’t believe she was genuinely considering his offer just so she could get into her own home. she swore she’d never forget her keys again.
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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which michael scott are you today?
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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“don’t blame me for you falling under the romeo spell. a month is longer than i’ve lasted with some other people, so don’t even act like it meant nothing!” it did, it honestly did mean nothing. in reality he was kind of weirded out it happened in the first place too, but he pretended to act cocky about it because he knew that it pushed alex’s buttons every time he brought it up. 
“wow, i really need to take one for the team and get stressed out more then. girl, your pores are clogged as hell.” he stuck his tongue out at her, surprised it took him this long to do so. “i’ll stop when you stop.” clearly the master of thinking up good comebacks. 
romeo placed a hand on his chest as if he was deeply offended. “that is so accusatory and has nothing to back itself up with. i am simply trying to be the bigger person and help out a friend in need. i am the living embodiment of the spirit of christmas.” he was not helping his own case in any way, shape, or form. “since you’re not telling me what it is, maybe i’ll just ask leo myself. i want complete control over your phone and all social media accounts for twenty-four hours and you’re not allowed to tell anyone that it’s not you. then i’ll let you in.”
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"can i just reminder how much i actually hate you? in all seriousness?” alex questioned, shaking her head at his words. the pre-pubescent days were far behind them but somehow, the thought of their ninth grade, hardly even relationship still annoyed her. she still didn’t know why the pressure of their friends practically forcing them into the awkward relationship got to them.
the brunette let out her harshest huff yet and just shook her head once. “i’ve literally had of you for today, we can continue this conversation about my pores tomorrow.” sometimes, alex questioned how they actually stayed friends for this long.
“if you’re the living embodiment of the spirit of christmas why don’t you just let me into the building and let me be at peace for once?” she questioned. at romeo’s idea for letting her into the building, she let out a scoff and gave him an are-you-serious look. “you think i’m gonna give you the power to singlehandedly ruin my life when i could just easily wait from someone else to come in and let me in?” she asked, finally standing up again. “and he’d probably say the same thing anyway – so can you just let me in? i’ll let you get wine mom drunk.”
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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“the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. sorry boo, we’ve tried it and i was too handsome for you to handle. time to move on.” romeo shrugged as he nodded his head to counter her shaking her own. it seemed like they were having two conversations, one with their mouths and one with the movement of their heads. 
it was romeo’s turn to sneer as she took a moment to enjoy the memory. “uh huh, yeah, you remembering breaking my property is what it takes to get you to smile - that’s real nice.” he reached out and nudged her head with his hand, going back to the poking and prodding he knew that she loved so much. 
his mouth opened to push her further into talking more, but then she continued, albeit very awkwardly. romeo was going to drag this out as long as possible until he got what he wanted. “fine as in fine looking? fine as in you’re tapping that again? fine as in you two are fighting each other? you are so cryptic when you talk about him. you know me, i try to avoid drama and stay in my own lane, but you can tell me what’s going on!”
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"considering how long we’ve known each other and that us ‘trying’ it was for like... less than a month freshman year, i think it’s safe to say it all cancels each other out.” alex hated whenever they had to talk about the dreadful, forced high school relationship due to romeo acting like he got a medal for it – it was just something alex wanted to ignore.
alex smiled widely up at him, “yeah, i love seeing you stressed out. it always clears my acne and debt,” she joked before attempting to swat his hand away. “okay, i get it, you can stop now,” she spoke with an annoyed tone, trying to push his hand away from her head.
“fine as in fine,” she replied, speaking as blatantly as she could. “you try to avoid drama and stay in your own lane?” she questioned, a chuckle following her words. “you’re literally the biggest drama queen i know – you’re literally trying to get something out of me right now so you can let me into the building! – something where nothing’s happening anyway, so you’re really going to get nowhere with this.”
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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Bay couldn’t hold a tune if her life depended on it, but that never stopped her from singing. She had been playing Christmas music from her phone all day as she ran errands Not bothering with headphones, she danced through the hallway of her apartment building. Shopping bags hung from her arms as she twirled. “All I want for Christmas is–– OH!” Bay had been in her own world and had spun her way right into another person. Dizzy and thrown off balance from the collision, she nearly fell on her ass and dropped her bags trying to catch herself.
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Although nothing in particular had happened to her today, Alex was in one her moods and couldn’t seem to shake it. Her regularly loud self was rather quiet and reserved today, and even though what Bay was doing was something Alex would do, it just so happened to bug her today. Bumping into the girl, Alex let out a harsh huff. “Okay, I’m a fan of Christmas music too, but you need to watch yourself,” she spoke, picking up one of the bags Bay had dropped and handing it back to her. “Someone’s gonna send a noise complaint your way if you’re not careful.”
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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“it’s me, your father- ” he huffed out as the rough push caught him off guard, even though he should have known to expect it. “wow i cannot believe you are so overwhelmed with lust for me that you can’t even live in the same building. yet another tragic love story.” romeo brought his middle finger up to his face as he used it to draw a pretend tear track running down it.
he had to laugh at those words. everyone knew alex was not as innocent as her pouting may make an outsider believe. “that’s debatable. remember that time you broke my wii controller because i beat you at mario kart and you threw it at my wall? i do.”
“that is a crap way to avoid the question, and you know it. i want the truth, sweet cheeks. i’m like dr phil and you’re the cash me outside girl. i just want to be a friend to you and help out any way i can!” lies. such lies. not even he believed the words coming out of his own mouth.
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“oh yeah,” she began, furrowing her brows and nodding along with romeo’s words. “you caught me. i can’t even stand to see you because i am just so infatuated with you – get over yourself,” alex rolled her eyes and shook her head at him. 
alex cracked up from her serious demeanour as romeo reminisced ( if you could call it that ). “oh, of course i remember. that was so funny, there’s no way and i could forget – and completely called for. if you know how mario kart gets me, it’s your fault for suggesting to play it.”
the brunette huffed and repositioned herself to get more comfortable on the chair. she figured she would be here for awhile considering where the current conversation was going. “okay, yeah, definitely,” she nodded at his words before dropping her expression. “i don’t know what you’re getting at but can you just get it over with? leo and i are fine, he’s... fine,” her words came out clearly confused and alex just opted on rolling her eyes.
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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exactly as she said those words, his body made contact with hers as he pulled her into a hug. “hush child, all with come with time.” romeo crooned, petting her head. he couldn’t do this with just anyone and even if she did threaten to kill him almost every day, he knew that she loved him as much as he did her. 
he nodded his head enthusiastically to her question, a mischievous smirk spread across his features. “wow, what do i want? hmm, well, you know it might take me a few more hours to think of something so sit ya bony ass back down in that chair, hunty.” 
romeo paced back in forth in front of her, simply to drag the moment on. “this is a completely unrelated question, but how’s everything going with leo? i can never fully keep track of these things…” he failed to keep his face looking as innocent as possible and cover-up that this was leading somewhere. 
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alex’s jaw dropped slightly as soon as he pulled her into a hug and lifted her arms in defence. “literally get off me. i don’t even know who you are,” she spoke in a sarcastic tone, finally pushing him slightly away from her. “have i told you yet? i’m moving tomorrow so i can finally get away from you! are you as excited as i am?” alex joked, crossing her arms and looking up at romeo.
“why do you bully me so much? it’s not what i deserve,” she pouted, shaking her head at her own words and sat back down on the chair, allowing romeo to pace around in front of her. she let out a dramatic sigh just to make sure he knew how fed up she had become with his antics.
“are you actually kidding me right now?” she questioned at his words, quirking her eyebrows following her words. “what do you want from me?”
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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this was already so awkward and frankie could practically feel it surrounding her. but she’d already gone so far as to approach someone, she might as well continue, right? so she plastered a smile on her face and pretended as if she were “hey, uh, sorry to bother you, but there’s this guy in the corner who keeps on trying to buy me a coffee, and i told him i was meeting someone here, and since you just walked in…” she trailed off, shrugging and still smiling. “help a girl out?”
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when the familiar female approached her, alex furrowed her eyebrows. she couldn’t tell if the upcoming conversation would be as bad as their others – having held petty grudges on each other for awhile now. but as soon as she heard the reasoning, alex’s features softened up. “yeah, definitely – but only because i hate men,” she replied, her tone serious but actually trying to joke around. “bitching him out is also always an option for me if need be.”
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
Silas leaned against the doorframe leading to his apartment, looking cool. Real cool. Maybe it was the slightly reclined stance, the way his arms crossed so nonchalantly across this chest. Or maybe it was the fact that he was shirtless. And therefore without all of the basic necessities he usually carried in his jacket pockets. Wallet, phone, chapstick, mints. His key. Proof that there were perhaps two drawbacks to frequenting the same café when he worked on his latest project. The first: needing to change locations in order to write when inspiration hit. And the new, second addition to the list: sometimes, when in an inspired rush to get to said location, one might forget to put on a shirt. So here he stood, drops of water still trickling down his cheeks, jaw, and neck, completely screwed. At the sound of footsteps coming down the hall, Silas shifted his weight and attempted to look as if this situation was entirely intentional. “Oh.” He carded a hand through damp hair, lips upturning in a slight smile. “Hey.” Smooth.
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The days when Alex actually decided to live like a regular person and take care of her well-being were much needed days. It was a shock when she actually did her own chores without having been reminded and today was exactly that day. Her untraditional approaches never failed to sneak their way into her routines though, if you could ever call them that. She wasn’t expecting to see anyone on her way to doing laundry, so when she walked down the hall with a full laundry basket, hair curlers in and a wine bottle in the other and saw Silas, she immediately regretted her decision of living ‘adulthood’. “Oh hey, man,” she replied, furrowing her eyebrows slightly and looking him up and down. “Am I interrupting something?”
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
she’d just wanted to see what they looked like.
her impatience had gotten the best of her—again—and she stood on the stairwell, a tangled mess of christmas lights bundled up in her arms. and around her shoulders. and just generally causing a nuisance as she tried to untangle them before bringing them up to her apartment. when she heard footsteps coming up the stairs, a slightly ( just slightly, though, because she’d gotten herself in this mess and she was not going to act embarrassed about it ) sheepish expression fell upon her features. “okay, i know i look like a christmas tree, but i just wanted to see what they looked like—-”
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surprise visits seemed to be what alex was known for, especially living in the same building as some of her closest friends. why she had chosen to live by herself was something no one would ever have an answer to. she could barely fend for herself and if her friends, especially devon, didn’t live close, she probably would’ve wound up dead somehow. upon approaching the girl, alex let out a laugh when she saw her current situation. “you look like boo boo the fool. what are you doing?” the brunette questioned, laughing out each word. it wasn’t often she saw devon in a state like this.
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
A single magazine inhabited her P.O. box. She pulled it out without a glance and headed to the elevator. Her mind assumed it was The Economist, a subscription rather important to her studies and future career, but when she titled her head down to take in the full cover, she choked. Across the top, loud and clear, wrote “PLAYBOY.” Of course, by a stroke of luck, someone decided to enter the elevator at the same moment, and in a panic, she slammed the mag to her chest, hoping the person couldn’t see anything. Her thoughts ran. This is a mistake. Nothing to hide. Just a mistake, right??? Somehow her tense self managed to utter a polite, but unnatural, “Hey! How’s your day been? Nice weather outside, yeah?”
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Alex had taken the day off to her advantage. She was never one to spend time by herself, but there were times when it felt like it was necessary for her. So, she dedicated her day to running errands – which was something she usually forgot to do. Entering the apartment building, Alex let out one more dramatic shiver at the cold air before going into the elevator. When she saw the familiar girl, Alex flashed a small smile to her. “Hey Tessa. My day’s been good – I actually ran errands for once. Nice weather? I don’t think you’ve been outside for days,” she chuckled, thinking about the cold, winter air that breezed through Winona that day. “What’cha got there?” The brunette questioned, quirking a brow and motioning to what was in Tessa’s hands.
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
It had been a long day. Sutton hadn’t been able to fall asleep until almost two in the morning and two hours later, her cat, Milo, had decided that Sutton’s bed was the perfect place to take a walk on. She hadn’t been able to get back to sleep and the only reason that she hadn’t completely crashed was because of all the coffee she’d had throughout the day. Surprisingly enough, her shift at Cup a Joe, the coffee shop where she worked, ended up not being too bad. The hustle and bustle of the shop gave Sutton something to do, which she liked. When the time to close up finally came, Sutton couldn’t wait to go home. It took her a moment to notice the person curled up in her favorite armchair, lost in a book with headphones in as she glanced towards the tables and armchairs spread throughout the shop’s floor. She approached them quietly before tapping them lightly on the shoulder in an attempt to not scare the person. “Hey…” Sutton murmured “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I’m about to close the shop. Also, are you reading anything good?”
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Alex didn’t get many days off, but today, with a stroke of luck, someone had to take her shift to make up for lost time and Ale couldn’t have been happier. Her days were usually spent, when not working, out doing something fun with her friends, but today, she had opted for a more relaxing day. She figured she needed one every now and then, and today seemed like the perfect opportunity. Having been cooped up in a small armchair for what felt like hours now, while reading her book, when someone finally approached her, she was taken aback. “Oh shit,” she mumbled out, widening her eyes slightly at Sutton. “I didn’t even realize the time, I’m sorry,” the brunette apologized as she started to collect her stuff all together. “I mean, I’m not a big reader, so it’s about as good as books get for me,” she spoke with a chuckle, flashing the cover of the book, Go Ask Alice, to Sutton. “This book is insane.”
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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romeo was taking dramatically large strides through the snow, seeing if he could make it in as few steps as possible. he was not paying attention one bit to his surroundings as he walked into the sibe lobby. when he looked up and saw alex looking like a child waiting for their mother at the lost-in-found, he gave a smirk. “you actually being happy to see me? aw, you do have a heart!” romeo reached his arms out to give her a hug, knowing that his jacket was still covered in snow from walking in. “here’s a thought: if i let you in, you owe me something. anything i can possibly think of, you have to do. and i mean anything.” she was not going to be let off the hook just because she looked like a cat taking a bath. “my day was average, but it’s became ten times better seeing that you’re at my mercy.”
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"don’t touch me,” she replied, a jokingly, disgusted tone carrying through her words. “i take back literally everything i just said, except i do want to get inside.” although on the outside, it would look like the pair didn’t get along – but they did. it was just the relationship they had developed having known each other practically their entire life. “okay, so i literally have been sitting here for hours and i’m freezing, and i just want inside – but you’re gonna make me owe you something to get into my own apartment?” her tone came off annoyed and she put her arms up in such a way to question everything he had just said. “what do you want?”
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alexandric-blog1 · 7 years
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