alexluciano · 10 years
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alexluciano · 10 years
I don't know, but definitely not an Evan.
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Track practice was killer
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alexluciano · 10 years
Then why are they allowed to be kept as pets?
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Yeah, I think so.
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alexluciano · 10 years
It's nice to meet you as well. You really don't look like an Evan.
Track practice was killer
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alexluciano · 10 years
Are hedgehogs prickly like porcupines?
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alexluciano · 10 years
hey guys I have to go to a school function, but i'll be back on later xo
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alexluciano · 10 years
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alexluciano · 10 years
Indeed it is.
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And please, call me Alex.
Track practice was killer
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alexluciano · 10 years
I bet I can run faster than you.
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Track practice was killer
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33 notes · View notes
alexluciano · 10 years
It's nice to meet you Jaye.
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Sweet, I’m Jaye.
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alexluciano · 10 years
I'm Alex.
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Who are you?
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alexluciano · 10 years
Yeah, I get that.
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Eh, not really feeling it today.
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alexluciano · 10 years
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alexluciano · 10 years
Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine.
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So instead of me pretending like I care and ask you what you did over the break, how about we talk about an actually interesting subject.
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alexluciano · 10 years
I like it so far. What about you?
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No roommate means no one to ask if I can throw a party
It’s nice to meet you too. How are you liking Mc’Allister?
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alexluciano · 10 years
I'm Alex, it's nice to meet you.
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No roommate means no one to ask if I can throw a party
I just met her a couple minutes ago. She seems like an alright girl. Oh I’m Chris by the way and you are?
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alexluciano · 10 years
Brooke Haven.
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No roommate means no one to ask if I can throw a party
Who’s your roommate? Yeah having a dorm to yourself is pretty great.
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