aliasimagines · 5 months
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Show me those pretty white jaws, show me where the delicate stops | source
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aliasimagines · 5 months
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middle fingers up if you don't give a fuck
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aliasimagines · 5 months
This sure is a nice little tumblr post here
Sure hope no one turns it into a Analog Horror for no reason whatsoever
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aliasimagines · 5 months
Hi, so, III's and IV's new straps are also inverted.
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(III's Photo Source)
(IV's Photo Source)
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aliasimagines · 7 months
Quirks i’ve noticed Sleep Token Members have
mind you, this is things i’ve just noticed from from the concert videos i have caught out of no where
big stomps
flaps arms and hands when hes dancing
scrunches his face in photos with flash
squeezes himself with an arm to calm himself
broad stance
almost always wears vans
right eye is slower to open the his left (hes just super sleepy)
flicks his hands
brushes his hand over his head trying to “smooth back his hair”
pants are always regular length and never tall length just so socks are on display
head bangs like his hair is out
thumb holes in long sleeves (hes just like me for real)
loosy goosy dance moves
looks like he would punch you if you acted wrong to someone hes close to
hood up almost always
40 year old dance moves
palms not painted purposfully
sassy/saucy body movements
adjusts the soft mask A LOT
props up guitar with his right thigh during the summoning solo
i feel i missed a couple but thats okay!
(i do indeed know that some of these are for technical reasons and such but i just notice them and want to write them down)
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aliasimagines · 11 months
List of songs that remind me of Mary
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aliasimagines · 2 years
Hi!! I had a request but wanted to ask if you wrote for My babysitters a Vampire? Your list says you write for Disney so I wanted to know if that was included :)
Hi! No, sorry, I don't write for my babysitter's a vampire.
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aliasimagines · 2 years
' May I ask 25 and 1?
1, song of the year?
I'm gonna go with Call me little sunshine by Ghost. When it came out i listened to it every day, it was part of my morning routine to listen to music while drinking coffee and cmls was always the first on my playlist.
25, Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
Hmm, i probably always create new characters / oc's when (re)entering a fandom. At the beginning of the year i started writing this witcher fanfic, it was an eskel x fem!oc, her name is Rosemary. She had wavy brown hair and brownish eyes. She was this princess who ran away from home just for the fun of it and met eskel on the road. (cliche, i know). She is your average goodie princess, good hearted, kind etc.
Buut i actually have another oc, she is a ghoul and i actually have a drawing of her:
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I haven't decided on a name yet, but she is a multi ghoul. She is very good friends with the band ghouls, especially with Swiss and Sunshine. And maybe a bit closer with Aether if ya know what I mean.
Thanks for the ask, dear❤️
end of the year asks
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aliasimagines · 2 years
End of the year Asks
Song of the year?
Album of the year?
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Movie of the year?
TV show of the year?
Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
Favorite actor of the year?
Game of the year?
Best month for you this year?
Something that made you cry this year?
Something you want to do again next year?
Talk about a new friend you made this year
How was your birthday this year?
Favorite book you read this year?
What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
Post a picture from the beginning of the year
Post a picture from the end of the year
A memorable meal this year?
What’re you excited about for next year?
What’s something you learned this year?
What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
Favorite place you visited this year?
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
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aliasimagines · 2 years
the one who left//mary goore
word count: 916
a/n: it's pure angst, sorry.
warnings: Mary being absolutely self-conscious, them being afraid of his feelings and their future with the reader
i used they/he pronouns for Mare
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 You woke up to the sound of someone shuffling around the apartment in the middle of the night, which wasn't anything new, you got used to Mary's weird sleeping hours so you just got up to pull them back to bed. You didn't expect to find them throwing everything of theirs into a duffle bag, rummaging for their special mug in the cabinet. "What are you doing?" you asked then, voice small and shaking. 
"Go back to sleep." was all he said, he didn't even look at you. You didn't even know what was going on, let alone know what to say. They walked past you, grabbing their bag and started making his way towards the door.
And now, there you stood, your body frozen and you couldn't do anything but call after him. 
"Come back-!" your scream came out groggy, sleep still clouding your mind. They stopped, only for a millisecond, but that was enough for you to come to your senses and lounge yourself after him. You got a hold of their arm and tugged on it. 
"Mary, please…what's going on?"
 You felt him tense at your touch, which sent a wave of pure cold pain through your body. 
 You saw them this morning and everything was fine. You had breakfast together, they even helped clean up afterwards, while headbanging to some death metal band. They kissed you before they left for band practice and work. What happened?
  "Just let me go."
They tried to wiggle out of your hold, but you held onto him like your life depended on it. 
"Why won't you just tell me what is going on?!"
"Nothing, I'm leaving." they turned to you, face stoic, no trace of any kind of emotion. "Let me go."
"You're scaring me."
"Good. Finally you've come to your senses. Now, let go of me."
Hot tears rolled down your cheeks and  you saw Mary turning their face away from you.
"No…"you breathed out."No, Mary, love, please, come on we can talk about this. O-or if you don't feel like talking we can just cuddle or sit in silence, just please, please…please-"
"Stop." they said, eyes closed. "You're better than this, don't beg for someone."
"I'm not begging for someone! I am trying to talk to you!"
"Well don't! You deserve way better than-" they scoffed and threw their hands up gesturing to himself. "-me."
"Stop that! Stop telling me what I do and don't deserve. Fuck that Mary, i do not care when you are the one i need! I love you Mary, for fucks sake."
"You will never have a happy life next to me! I am not fucking built for that and you know it!"
"But I am happy with you Mary, happier than I ever imagined. You keep telling me how you're 'not built for this'. Newsflash Mary, that is fucking bullshit! You're just afraid of losing everything. So when things get too happy, too domestic, too serious- you bolt. Well, you can't fucking do that to me, because I want you to be happy. I want to be happy with you."
"But you won't!" he shouted. " I don't ever want to get married or move to the suburbs and have kids. You might say you're okay with that now, but a few years from now you will regret staying with me and I won't be able to fucking deal with that."
"So you are just leaving."
"It's better off like this." he looks at you with sad eyes. "Besides-"
"No. Please stop trying to convince me why this is okay. I know you're hurting and I know you don't feel like you deserve a good life. But you are-"you let go of their arm and held their hand, locking your fingers with their motionless ones."I know you are doing this out of love, but don't make decisions for me. You don't know if I am willing to give up marriage and all that, if it means having you. Which I am-"
"Don't say stuff you don't mean."
"But I do mean it!" You placed one hand on their chest, feeling their heart beating. 
 "Please?" you look up at Mary, their face no longer emotionless, they're clearly thorned, not knowing to give in or run away.
  "Please, just think this through. Wait until the morning, at least. We can talk in the daylight."
  "I can't-" he shaked his head. "If I…I- fuck…"
  "I love you." you said, your hand reaching to touch Mary's face. They grabbed your hand and pressed a kiss on it. With a smile you kissed them. You could feel their tears running down your cheeks. He held onto you tightly as you kissed.
  "I love you too." they whispered, pulling away. You smiled at him fondly. You knew Mary loved you, they showed it every day, he just wasn't really vocal about it, so to hear these words from them meant a lot. 
The lighting was dim, however you saw the look on his face. You opened your mouth to object, to plead , to beg for him but you saw the determined look on their face. 
  "Bye, y/n"
 And just like that you were standing alone in your shared apartment, which you didn't share with him anymore. There was no sign of anyone else living there besides you.
 And just like that you were alone. Mary disappeared from your life just as fast as he entered it all those months ago.
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aliasimagines · 2 years
im gonna post something soon to make up for the lack of content lately!! (its just a few months old mary goore wip i quickly wrote an ending to, so don't expect a masterpiece )
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aliasimagines · 2 years
omg hi i love your mary goore writings and the others as well. i was wondering if you could write something that’ll be like reader is a ghoul or a sibling of the sin and they and mary are dating and reader introduces mary to the ghouls or something like that. hopefully that made sense lol anyways thank you and i hope you have a wonderful day! <33333
OML HI, I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY (why am i yelling). I went with a sibling of sin reader, but I would love to write a ghoul reader too, so feel free to send ideas for that. It might take a while for me to respond, its almost exam period (again already??) so im quite busy with school, bit i always appreciate getting requests so thanks for sending this one in.
I just posted it and you can read it here. Have a super wonderful fantastic day ❤️✨
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aliasimagines · 2 years
first impressions//mary goore
word count: 1181
requested by anon
i was wondering if you could write something that’ll be like reader is a ghoul or a sibling of the sin and they and mary are dating and reader introduces mary to the ghouls or something like that.
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You woke up way before your alarm clock, practically buzzing with excitement. You carefully selected your outfit for the day, got ready in the bathroom and headed down to the ghoul dens. 
 The only ones up were Aether, Cirrus and Cumulus. They were quietly chatting on the couch in the living room era until you arrived.
  "Good morning, guys!" you whisper yelled. Cumulus jumped up and ran towards you, wrapped you in her arms.
  "Good morning, gorgeous! Oh my Lucifer, you look stunning, honey!" 
 You couldn't help but smile at the ghoulette's enthusiasm.
Cirrus smiled over her coffee, giving you a nod, silently saying that she agrees with Cumulus. You smile back at her and take a seat on the couch.
  "You know.." Aether puts an arm around shoulder, his usual lazy-flirty smile on his face."You might just be the most breathtaking sibling of sin I know."
  "Aw, well you might just be the hottest ghoul I know. Well..after the ghoulettes. Sorry." You add making him bark with laughter.
  "That boyfriend of yours is very lucky, huh."
You lay your head on the quintessence ghoul, slowly getting lost in your thoughts, listening to the ghouls' conversation with one ear. 
 They became very important to you over your time here as a sibling. They were like family. And to be honest, you were quite nervous about them meeting Mary. You liked him, very, very much and you only hoped that the ghouls would too.
 The time passed agonizingly slowly. The other ghouls started to get up too, one by one. First came Rain, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes, then Mountain, with what some would describe as a stoic expression but you could tell he was in a great mood. Sunshine came jumping in like a small fairey, greeting everyone with a quiet good morning and big smile. Dew’s first thing to do upon entering the room was to pick a quarrel with Aether, earning an eye roll from everyone.
 The last one to join the little company was Swiss, in a red bathrobe and silk head wrap covering his hair.
  “Morning, fuckers.”
  “Morning? Swiss it’s like- Fuck, it is noon, dude!” you exclaim.
  “So what, sweetie pie? It’s our day off, chill out.”
  “They can’t-”Dew calls from across the room, his mouth full of coal. “Their little boyfriend is coming soon.”
  “Uuu, right!! The boyfriend…"he purrs, slightly taping your shoulder before disappearing to the kitchen.
 Mary wasn't nervous, he made his way towards the satanic church, softly humming to some song he heard somewhere on the way here. He however, was aware of how much the ghouls meant to you. Which, i don't want to say that it put pressure on him, but it did kind of.. make him want to be on his best behavior.
 He was familiar with ghouls, and because he was a regular visitor at the abbey he probably crossed paths with the band ghouls too a few times, but he never really met them. 
 Getting through security ghouls was easy, they knew him by now and he spent a few minutes just joking around with them. 
 Maybe it was more than a few minutes because he heard his name being called, and seconds later he saw you rushing down the hall towards him, a couple of ghouls trailing after you.
 You ran ahead, only stopping a step away from Mary.
  "Hey..sorry to run here, i just got worried you might have been held up at the entrance but, all is well I see."
   "Sorry, I didn't realize I've been here for that long." Mary sheepishly kisses your cheek. 
  "It's okay, uh-" you see the ghoulettes starting so you grab Mary's hand. "Come on, I wanna introduce you."
 Mary waves bye, to the two ghouls at the door and lets you drag him over to the three figures.
  "Girls, this is Mary. Mare, this is Sunshine, Cirrus and Cumulus."
 Sunshine opts for a shy wave, Cirrus for a handshake and Cumulus..well, she pulls Mary into a bone crushing hug.
  "So nice to finally meet you!! Oh the dark lord below, y/n talks about alllll the time, it's-"
  "Okayy, not all the time." you chime in, making Mary smirk and Cumulus wave you off.
  "No, Cumulus is right." Cirrus adds.
  "Yeah.” Sunshine nods
  “You really make them happy and that’s so nice to see…but if you hurt our little y/n, I will make sure you die slowly.”
  “Cumulus! Oh Satanas, you can’t just say that and then threaten people!”
 Mary shrugs,”It’s ‘kay, if I hurt you I’d want me dead too.
 You look over at him, clearly touched by his words, but Mary just squeezes your hand, avoiding eye contact. 
 The ghoulettes, seemingly pleased with the answer, make their way back towards the den. Mary and you slowly follow after them.
  "So uhm, that was very romantic of you, Mare. If I hurt you, I'd want me dead too." You repeat his words teasingly. He elbows you in the ribs (gently).
  "Oh, shut up.." he mumbles shyly. 
  "I think the ghoulehs like you, tho." You give him a smile. He cocks his eyebrows.
  “They do!” 
 As you arrived at the den, you gave his hand a squeeze before entering the living room.
 You saw Rain lounging on the sofa, trying to hide his smile behind a book.
Just as you opened your mouth to ask about the others' absence, you hear a loud crash from the kitchenette that opened from this room.
  "What are they doing?!"
 Rain threw his book away, not being able to hold back his laughter any longer. 
  "Swiss and Dew had the idea that they'd cook something for you two." He stopped laughing and quickly introduced himself to Mary before sitting back down on the couch.
  "Cook?? Those two? "
 Someone yelled, probably Aether, and there was another crash. 
You opened the door to the kitchen finding Aether, Dew, Swiss and Mountain in there.
Aether tried to put out the fire while yelling at the duo, while Mountain just stood there, amused.
  "..you knew how important this day is for y/n and you guys fucked it up anyway. They could be here any minute and you set the kitchen on fire."
  "We just wanted to make stake tho-"
  "Shut the fuck up."
Dew and Swiss started pushing each other around.
  "Guys! Stop!" you yell, grabbing their attention. 
  "Hey y/n!" they call in union. 
  "I am so sorry for the mess- I'm Aether. Nice to finally meet you." the ghoul extends his hand and Mary takes it.
  "You too, dude. And don't worry about the mess, i 'ppreciate the effort. A bottle of beer would have done the trick though."
  "Oi-" Dew grabs a six pack beer from under the counter." I think we'll get along."
 The whole 'meeting everyone' could have gone better or smoother, but hey, it's Mary Goore and the Ghouls we are talking about. They seem to get along, no one killed anyone so..I'd consider this a win.
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aliasimagines · 2 years
thank you for making my request! my only desire and reason to live from now on will be to find my Mary and i see nothing wrong with that
i liked to imagine spending all those years with him, growing old with him and like. Love, you know.
(my expectations are too high right now, good luck real life people)
Ah, i feel ya, anon, finding love is hard and even harder if you are attracted to fictional people. But hey, im raising my galss (cup of coffe) to you: May you find the man Mary of your dreams
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aliasimagines · 2 years
hi if you’re putting fics/blurbs under character tags can you please use a Read More cut? it’s way friendlier for mobile users not having to scroll through a huge block of text on their dash or in the tags thank you!!
I got ya, went back and added read more cuts. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, have a nice day!
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aliasimagines · 2 years
hello hello! completly in love with your Mary Goore content, so id like to request something:
could you please write about young Mary vs older Mary relationship with reader? in my head, they are quite different people, young version more playful and 'ill saying as loud as i can' while older version is more like lovesick and 'its our business, no one else's'.
i need to thank you for everything u gave us until now, i admire you and your writing a lot <3
hi, hi darling thanks for requesting, i made it into headcanons if that's okay but here's a moodboard to make up for it🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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Dating Mary would be like:
Younger Mary (from late teens to late twenties )
he loves showing you off and making other people know you are with him, constantly having and arm around you and/or making out with you, or making you wear his jacket when he is not next to you
he is absolutely protective, if someone is looking at you the wrong way he will start a fight
he likes to live in the now and not worry about the future so expect to be dragged into some crazy and illegal shenanigans 
Mary is not the best at expressing his feelings 
I feel like he has trust issues and it's gonna take a lot of convincing from you to make him believe you really want to be with him
his go to date is going to a concert and hooking up in the venue's bathroom 🤷🏻‍♀️
he is not the best at reading the situation so if you're not feeling well, are uncomfortable, or have a problem with how he is acting sometimes, you are going to have to make the first move and talk to him
Older Mary (from thirties-)
He is definitely more chill and not as hyperactive as his younger self
He no longer cares about making a scene and being scandalous 24/7
I can still see him starting to make out with you in public, but that's not as common as it used to be
He cherishes every moment he can spend with you alone
He still goes to concerts and likes to bring you along if you are up for it but he likes having stay at home dates, back in the day he was always on the move, barely spent anytime at home (if he even had a place to call home) so yeah, he likes the fact that he can slow down and enjoy your company in quiet and in the comfort of your home 
He is more romantic than his younger self, expect occasional flowers and small trinkets wrapped in black, skull patterned wrapping paper (because come on y/n that's so cute metal)
He is much more open about his affection, younger Mary was all over his partner but it was about lust more than anything else, now his affection comes from a place of ✨pure love✨ *insert gomez kissing morticia's hand*
And he is much better at wording his emotions
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aliasimagines · 2 years
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My name is Luca but people have been calling me Alias because of the blog's name and I quite like it so either is fine.
My main blog is @little--sunshine so all likes, follows and comments are gonna come from over there
English is not my first language and my work is not proofread so ya know, proceed with caution
This is a multi fandom blog but i basically only write for the fandom I'm obsessed with currently. At the moment that's
Here is a list of important links:
Masterlist to all my writings: here
A list to the fandoms I write for: here
A post to read before requesting: here
A post about requests in general: here
And finally, a sort of introduction post about me: here
Thanks for reading, hope you have fun here✌🏻🥳
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