alice-chester · 14 days
Everyone's Suicide Scene
All 21 characters + 1 compilation image so beware, it's image heavy!
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alice-chester · 15 days
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if anyone has an idea they want to see for one of these feel free to send it in and i’ll see what i can do 😼 i have a few more lined up (plus an idea for one that would be sort of dramatic/slightly angsty that im fleshing out :D)
i love you!!!! <3
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alice-chester · 20 days
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hi!!! <3 thank you for 100 followers wtf?!?!?!?! i’m so glad you guys like these so much?? i have a lot of fun making them hehe <3
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alice-chester · 20 days
Characters Awakening Lines Translations
After posting the lines for Jin and Rui, I felt like translating other characters too so here we are!
Please note that since I don’t have access to all of the characters’ lines, most of the raw lines are taken from the unofficial JP wiki. The texts are all there so if any of you notice any errors/mistranslations, feel free to correct me!
Awakening: To think I'm receiving alms from my servant... Should I kneel in front of you? Fully Awakened: Trust is something that can be broken easily. Don't you dare come any closer than you already have.
Awakening: This feeling… It appears that you want me to keep reaching out for the top. Is that how it is? Fully Awakened: With this power, we're one step closer to achieving our goal. And I'm* going to make sure we see it through the end. [*he's referring to himself as “ore” instead of his usual “”watashi” here]
Awakening: I devote myself to protecting the weak, for that is the path I have to take. Fully Awakened: I'll become stronger than anyone. I don't want to lose anything important to me一not anymore!
Awakening: Could it be… even someone like me can get stronger too? Fully Awakened: You have done so much for me! This man, Kaito, will no longer run away!!
Awakening: This power is dangerous. Stay away from me. Fully Awakened: I don't really know what’s appropriate to say for this kind of thing, so… well… umm, thanks a lot.
Awakening: C'mere, Honor Roll~ I'll show you those guys’ ugly crying faces too~ Fully Awakened: Obviously. If I don't like someone, I’ll take matters into my own hands and create hell on earth just for them. There's no such thing as divine retribution, you know?
Awakening: Thanks for waiting. Well? What do you want me to do now? Say it clearly. Fully Awakened: Sure, okay. I got it. If it's your request, I'll make sure to at least listen to it through the end.
Awakening: That sure hits the spot~ Now I don't even need those energy drinks! Fully Awakened: I'm going as far as this road is going to take me. I made a choice to walk down this path and it's not something I can just simply throw away.
Awakening: Heheh~ Did I get stronger? How interesti~ng. Fully Awakened: I wonder why humans are such foolish, whimsical, and pitiful creatures… yet they manage to still be so lovable?
Awakening: Doing something like this… Senpai, what are you planning? Fully Awakened: Geez! Even if you look at me with those expectant eyes, I know you'll just get tired of me right away…
Awakening: Gyahahahaha! Aren't you one greedy little kitten~? But I don't hate that about you. Fully Awakened: A hasty greed and a sincere wish. There's no big difference between the two of them.
Awakening: Come now. Is it really the time to be charmed by my beauty? Fully Awakened: I need to be perfect all the time一for that is my way of staying triumphant on this world.
Awakening: This will help in furthering my career. Fully Awakened: N/A (if anyone has access to his fully awakened lines, please feel free to tell me!)
Awakening: I’m so happy that you're right here beside me to watch me grow. Fully Awakened: “Ignorance is Bliss" and “Silence is Golden”. Don't you agree that it's unreasonable to try and break the admonitions we inherited from our predecessors?
Awakening: Oi oi oi. Don't expect too much from me, you hear? Fully Awakened: If our life were decided by the things we were born with, you bet I'd be the first one to kiss that kind of life goodbye.
Awakening: It seems that my capability has bloomed yet again! Fully Awakened: I was wrong, my dear. As it turns out, dreams are not to be kept as just an idealized fantasy but something we should achieve with our own hands.
Awakening: Oh dearie me. If you whip my old bones any harder, I might actually die this time, you know? Fully Awakened: Sometimes a youthful folly can lead one into committing grave sins. So I hope that you keep this in mind一remain modest and cautious.
Awakening: Thanks a bunch for working hard for my sake~ I really mean it! Fully Awakened: It's fine if you ended up forgetting about me. I simply wish for you, of all people, to become happy.
Awakening: Thanks. I want to show the current me to Neros soon. Fully Awakened: I’m going to work hard. I don't want to come back to those hellish days anymore.
Awakening: This feeling! It stimulates my brain cells! Fully Awakened: I will pioneer the advanced road of genomic analysis for anomalies and establish myself as the best doctor in the world!
Awakening: Thank you very much. I feel slightly better. Fully Awakened: I won't let you die. The reason I'm helping you? I don't really understand it myself either.
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alice-chester · 25 days
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some more while i procrastinate doing my accounting homework 💪😼
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alice-chester · 1 month
hello tokyo debunker fandom i come bearing gifts (tdb fake twitter posts)
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(also light inspo from @/incorrect-tokyodebunker for one of them! dm me if you want it removed <3)
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alice-chester · 1 month
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some more!! hehe
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alice-chester · 2 months
I'm pretty sure the ghouls stigmas are related to their wishes, so I'll had :
Jin wanted control, not necessarily over others, but probably over his life. His father certainly has his future all figured out for him, as well as how he should act, etc... That's why his stigma is about controlling others.
Subaru may have wanted to know people true thoughts and intentions. Becoming an actor so young and from a renowned family, I'm sure many people tried to manipulate and use him. That's why our boy has so low self esteem, he was probably praised in order to be manipulated. So he wanted to power to see people true nature for himself.
We don't know Haku's stigma yet, but it might have something to do with a desire to escape his family's expectations for him. At the same time, Haku is so secretive about himself, saying many things while revealing almost nothing. His wish might have something to do with something else entirely.
Jin, Subaru, and Haku could all have the same reason for making a deal with a demon, that being freedom.
Jin wants freedom from his dad
Subaru wants freedom so he can be a normal guy
And Haku wants freedom from his family
(I think Subaru wanted freedom. I mean he's been an actor since he was 4)
(Clearly it's been awhile since I've read any of the story)
(honestly could be reading them wrong
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alice-chester · 2 months
tdb doodle reqs batch 3 - mc x the boys
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heyy guys so i finished these three. oh and for my dear @jabbloo i somehow convinced myself to do all of them so you're in luck 😭
well! lets get on with it now shall we
firstly, for our birthday celebrant!! here's haku!
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i kid you not i got flustered doinf this i just stared for a good 10 minutes help m
next up! one of my favorites :3
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i canteven say anythinf to describe this one other than thank you for the idea <3 my beloved smug mc
now here we have!! our silly little flustered reaper
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i was originally gonna put dialogue but my rizz is so bad my friends and i spent like 30 minutes brainrotting to come up with nothing HEADSJSDJFHD
ok next up. leo our beloved oomf
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i am a sucker for a person with good music taste and i think leo's def gonna have like 1293812389 playlists (or the psychopath thing where he puts everythinf into one 😔😔😔)
and last but not least,
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mc chu!
i do have one more req for today and i'll post it right after this hsfdhf
as for the others, i'll work on em when i have the time aaaa ive been really busy for the past few days (>人<;)
i hope you enjoyed!
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alice-chester · 5 months
I've seen a few twitter posts about Harmony!Caelus imitating quite a few moves of Aventurine.
Gave me this Avencae idea
Caelus kind of becomes aware of how many people around him seems to attract others. Not realising his own attractiveness, he decides he want to learn how to seduce people.
Not because he wants to seduce anyone in particular,  but he wants to have rizz you know?
So he decide that the best person to teach him about seduction is Aventurine. After all, on their first meeting, the man managed to be both threatening and flirty while proposing his deal.
Aventurine is both amused and honoured that Cae sees him as the best seduction teacher. So he readily accepts.
Since Cae learn better by actions, Aven decides on a hand on approach and teach him by literally flirting with him.
So each time the both of them met, Aven would be flirting with Cae and be very tactile. A hand on the shoulder or the hip, kissing his hand. Aven takes his role very seriously and holds nothing back. Cae is just the same and do his best to imitate everything Aven is doing. They are so into it, that to outsiders, they are a very lovey-dovey couple.
Queue to them catching feelings for each others, but not confessing. Cae is sure that all the affection showered on him is just Aven being a good teacher. While Aven has the misconception that Cae wanted him to teach him about seduction because he wanted to seduce someone in particular. Someone that is very obviously not him.
Despite the misunderstanding, neither of them wish to stop their "lessons" (dates). And the pining continues on forever.
In the end, I either imagine Cae not being able to stay quiet and decided to confess. Even if it means being rejected. Only for the both of them to be surprised that their feelings are mutual.
Or Ratio, who has been a very unwilling audience to their pining, decides he has had enough of this two idiots. So he hit both of their heads with his book and order them to stop being stupid and to confess their feelings already!
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alice-chester · 5 months
I had this idea while talking with a friend. I don't if I'll write it, but I decided to share it.
It's Dancae and Avencae with Dan Heng angst 😈
Dan Heng and Cae have this thing going on, where they are not in a relationship but you can see them getting there. Everyone expect them to end up together sooner or later, Dan Heng too. He doesn't make a move yet because of his secrets. He doesn't want to keep things from his partner, but he isn't yet ready to divulge everything.
Then the Luofu happens and Dan Heng distance himself a bit from the others like in canon. Everything is too much and he needs time for himself to digest everything. While both Cae and March are bummed by that, everyone understands and give him space.
Come Penacony, Dan Heng decides to stay behind because he still doesn't feel okay. After all, nothing should happen here. He regrets it when he learn that Caelus got into trouble. He wants to go there, but the rest of the crew tell him to stay put so he reluctantly does.
In the end, the crew manage without him and everyone return safe and sound. Even Caelus seems alright both mentally and physically, though he did come back with a new hat and new powers. So Dan Heng expects for things to return as they were. He feels nearly ready to confess to Caelus.
But after some time, he realise that Caelus is more distant. Not in the sense that he is avoiding him, Cae is still very friendly. But they spend less time together than they used to. Cae is often elsewhere, and when on the train, he is always chatting on his phone.
At first Dan Heng doesn't makes much of it, Cae is very friendly and he seemed to have  made numerous friends on Penacony. He is also eager to help, so it wouldn't be surprising that he got asked to help with a project like for the museum and Aurum Alley. He did hear about helping in a bar. So Dan Heng is just waiting for things to die down like it generally do.
But it doesn't.
In the end, everything comes to a head when Cae comes on the train with a guest in tow. Dan Heng recognise the man as the IPC Aventurine. He is surprised by Cae and Aven friendliness. Because as far as he knew, Aven had been trying to manipulate Cae from the moment they met. The rest of the crew didn't understand much either, but told Dan Heng that Cae had told them that things weren't that simple and that Aven wasn't a bad person.
Still, because of Cae bleeding heart, Dan Heng decided to keep an eye on the IPC employee.
That's when he realised the heartbreaking truth. The way Cae smiled at Aven, the way he tenderly looked at him. How often he was in his personal space, often touching Aven somewhere : his hand on his sleeve or wrist, his head on his shoulder. Those were all things he used to do with Dan Heng but not much anymore.
Though the worst part was that Aven reciprocated everything. Always a hand in Cae's hair, or on his back. The way he always seemed to be more relaxed, more open when Cae looked or talked to him. The fondness in his eyes when he looked at Cae and the other wasn't.
Caelus had gone and fallen in love with someone else. And this person reciprocated his feelings.
Dan Heng was too late...
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alice-chester · 6 months
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brazil fling is canon. furudate told me.
[image 1 is a 3-panel comic depicting hinata and oikawa happily running towards each other at the olympics, hinata yelling “oikawa-san!” and oikawa yelling “shouyou!”; in the third panel, they meet in a passionate mouth kiss. at the very bottom are the faces of hoshiumi, bokuto, atsumu, kageyama, and ushijima in a row, each looking completely bamboozled by this turn of events. image 2 is a 2-panel comic; hinata and oikawa turn toward the team innocently, still half in an embrace. hinata says, “hm? oh, this is just something people do in brazil.” and oikawa says, “yeah it’s how friends greet each other in brazil.” at the bottom, atsumu is kneeling on the ground, clutching his chest, while kageyama stands stock-still in shock. behind them, iwaizumi says “OK c’mon”, looking completely unperturbed and clapping a little to hurry them along.]
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alice-chester · 10 months
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Je fête mes 10 ans sur Tumblr 🥳
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alice-chester · 11 months
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✨🥃Drunken Revelry 🥃✨ A ThanZag Microcomic based on a Microfic by @stygiusfic​ based on Hadesgame Fanart by MagusCulpa
Thanatos has maybe had a little too much to drink. 
A fluffy, 16+ minicomic based off a microfic by @stygiusfic based off a little drawing of mine. 
 CW: drinking, being drunk. One (1) shot of buttcheeks
Pay-what-you-want pdf available on gumroad (link in pinned post)
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alice-chester · 2 years
King's avatar / Quan zhi gao shou
When I was first thinking where to start my reviews, it didn't take much time to choose King's avatar.
Pretty much because it was my first many things : first webnovel (I didn't know something like that existed), first content in the game genre, first anime that wasn't japanese, etc... And I really liked it.
So here we go !
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In this novel, we follow Ye Xiu. A former god level Glory pro-player who, for some reasons, was forced to announce his retirement (which mean he can't play as a pro-player for at least a year). But far from abandoning playing Glory, he decide to start anew in the new server. We follow him as he progress with his new character Lord Grim, makes new friends and teammates, and ends up creating his own team and makes a comeback in the pro league.
You can read it on webnovel.com, or on novelfull.com
I actually discovered this gem by its anime. I don't remember how I fell upon it, but I really liked it. At that time there was only the first season, which was only 12 episodes long. So I searched the original material and discovered the webnovel, and webnovels in general.
I like the fact that while Ye Xiu is an overpowered character, it makes sense that he is (though I don't mind overpowered MC in general, it was refreshing and new). Because Ye Xiu is a pro-player whose been playing Glory for 10 years. One considered god level and a great master tactician at that. So of course when he plays against regular players, even great ones, he is going to be overwhelming. And when he plays against other pro-players, it is clearly stated that his victory is mainly due to the unique "class" of Lord Grim since the others are not used to fight against it. I haven't finished the novel yet, but it probably won't stay the same in the future.
Another thing I like, is the lack of romance. There is no FL, still all the women in the story are really cool in their own way. Actually all characters are interesting because they have depth and evolve along with the story. They are not stuck in a stereotype, Sun Xiang is the best example I think.
Though understanding all the gaming terminology might be a bit difficult at first, if you're not too into RPG games (at least I know it was for me...).
Also, keeping track of all the names of the characters and their own characters can be a hassle... For my part, I literally created a character chart for myself 😅
To conclude, if you are interested in the game genre, like well written characters and a blunt and pretty much grimlin MC, but who's also dedicated, passionate and a great dad mentor (I love him okay). Then it's definitely a must read.
If you are hesitating, you should do like me and start by watching the first season of the anime (there is now 3 OVAs... and I just learned there is a 2nd season and a live action ! omg I will need to watch those !) and see if you like it. Though Ye Xiu personality is pretty tame in the anime compared to the novel (his words can be so savage, he could compete with Huang Shaotian in trash talk if he wanted to (and does at one point lol))
So enjoy~
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alice-chester · 2 years
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I kind of suck at tagging, so I made this infographic to help make it easier.
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alice-chester · 2 years
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spent an hour making these instead of writing
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