#subaru kagami
kusanagihaku · 1 day
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˖ ⊹₊ 我可以 陪你去看星星 不用再多說明 我就要和你在一起 I'll watch the stars with you. What more is there to say, I just want to be with you.
stargazing with hotarubi ⋆˙⟡
couldn't decide if i wanted the text or not so here have the textless version as well asdjkflhaksj
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stinkyturd · 5 hours
Look, I know Haru is like cute and motherly... but he's also diabolical? 💀 Re-reading Ren and Haru moments. Canceling his work schedule, tracking his location, and forcing him to work with aquatic anomalies out of all of them? Mans is also calculating. And Ex-Sinostra?
Kind of reminds me of how Taiga really enjoys ribbing people that give him a reaction. 👀
(Thoughts while cooking ch.9)
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showtime-sparkles · 2 days
*MC, Lyca, and Subaru were sitting near Sho's foodtruck.*
MC: *Gets up.* I'll be back guys, I'm gonna go see if Sho can break a twenty. *Pulls out a $20 bill.*
Lyca: Oh, you need someone to break it? I can do that for you. *Takes the $20 bill and rips it in half before handing it back to MC.* Here you go.
MC: *Trying her hardest not to yell at Lyca for his ignorance.*
Subaru: Lyca, that's not what that means...
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aayakashii · 1 month
How would they react if you received a confession from some random student?
Warning: yandere behavior, possessiveness, A LOT of manipulation etc etc you know the drill
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Gasp! You received a confession! A human student fell for you and confessed that they have had a huge crush on you ever since they saw you in the admission ceremony. They even invited you on a date! You're so excited! But... wait... how will your ghouls react to that...?
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Fuji Kaito
Absolutely distraught.
He knew you first! He was supposed to be your first option!
He doesn't try to hide how desperately jealous he is.
Bombards you with self-deprecating messages that do more harm than good because it gets super annoying after a while.
Stops eating properly and pays even less attention to class, which makes him take even more remedial classes.
Asks you for your help immediately. He's so insistent on you tutoring him, that you end up saying yes just so he'll stop whining.
He happily creates a schedule that eats up most of your time, so you can only see him every single day. After all, he has such a hard time learning! You gotta help him a lot 🥺 and no, Luca isn't an option.
It's almost like he planned this... but nah, that's Kaito we're talking about. He wouldn't do this, right
Lucas Errant
He doesn't really understand what he's feeling at the moment
At first, he has a positive reaction – after all, you're an amazing person! It's only obvious you'd have admirers.
But then he finds himself thinking more and more about it.
Is that person capable of protecting you? Do they possess any type of skill in combat so they can fend off anomalies? Will they pay attention to your needs? Will they hold your hand when they walk you home? Will they actually walk you home when it's late??????
He starts worrying more and more about your safety until he can't brush off his concerns any longer.
He will not approve of this relationship. He's pretty sure that person isn't capable of providing you with all you need and deserve.
At least not like he can. He knows he can protect you. So... stay with him instead, will you?
Ishibashi Tohma
Hm... Really. So you have a little admirer. How cute.
Tohma couldn't be more obvious with the disdain and contempt towards the person who confessed to you.
He always manages to spot you wherever you are, just to steal you away and drag you with him to do something 'important'.
"Why yes, you must come with me to pick up this order of tea leaves I have put on. Of course I can't do this alone, you have to learn the ropes of my work since you're my dear helper."
You better not be thinking about going on dates. Tohma will ruin all your plans by summoning you to his side as soon as you step out of your dorm.
He will control your time and your schedule until you forget entirely about that silly little person who tried to take you away from him.
And when you hear the first whispers of awful rumors about that person, Tohma already has his hands on you, permanently dragging you away from them and their terrible influence.
As if he wasn't the one that spurred the gossip in Frostheim from the very beginning.
Kamurai Jin
No. Just no.
Don't even think about it.
You just aren't allowed any distractions from your work for him. You're his servant.
Actually, sratch that. You're his, period.
The fact that someone would be so bold to try and take you away from him is unbelievable.
And you're CONSIDERING their confession? Are you insane? What do they have to offer you? How can you even begin to think of them as more important than him?
You're crazy if you think he'll just let you go and date some peasant.
Jin WILL bribe the person who confessed to you to make them go away in a heartbeat.
He's convinced that everyone will fold when they're faced with money. Everyone but himself, because he already has it all.
All except you, apparently.
Jin will offer them a life changing amount of money just to keep them away from you.
Don't worry, he'll be right there to see your little heartbroken face when you're walk back to him after all that.
He'll take his sweet time picking up your pieces and putting you back together.
Mido Alan
Alan stuffs his hands inside his pockets and scowls as soon as you let him know about someone confessing to you.
Oh, he despises that idea.
At first, he wonders whether it is because he might see you as a little sibling or... some other platonic thing... that activates his protective instinct.
But then he sees you crack a little smile as you talk about actually going on dates, and the jealousy he feels is simply undeniable.
Alan may be stoic, but he's very well acquainted with his ugliest feelings.
And this jealousy is simply the most hideous thing.
Do you know that person? Do you think they truly care about you? No. They don't. At least not like him.
Alan doesn't say all that openly, but he hangs around you for longer and longer, like a guard dog. Arms crossed and scowling, ready to pounce at anyone crazy enough to invade his space.
And obviously, you're in his space. You're the only one allowed in it. The only one he wants attached at his hip.
He eventually wins by wearing down his competition. After all, no one is brave enough to poke this lion with a short stick.
You're just not worth them risking their lives like that...
Don't worry, Alan is right by your side to pet your little head and comfort you.
He'll always be by your side.
Haizono Sho
Well, look at you. Being popular and shit. Gotta be feeling good, huh?
Kinda upsetting that the one who likes you is a loser that definitely doesn't deserve you.
Who said that.
Sho immediately bans you from eating at his food truck.
If you're gonna play these dumb games, then he has his own cards to play, too.
Even if you have zero intention of making him jealous and genuinely just want to go on a cute date, he WILL see it as a challenge.
He would rather get hit by a car than see you taking some random ass dude to HIS food truck to eat HIS food during a date. You're supposed to eat his food only if you go on dates with HIM.
He's gonna make you choose between him and your stupid new guy as soon as you tell him about the confession.
Are you going to abandon him? Are you really going to choose some dude instead of a friend? Someone who needs your support and ideas? Someone who ACTUALLY cares about you and didn't just randomly appear out of nowhere?
There is a correct answer for his ultimatum, and you better choose wisely.
Kurosagi Leo
Some people do have awful taste, huh.
Cannot fathom why someone would ever fall for you.
You're plain and boring, just a stupid NPC. That person must be just as boring as you, if not worse.
He makes sure to tell you all of this so you know your place.
But then you decide to give that person a chance and begin to ignore his messages.
How fucking dare you answer him only in the end of the day. You're supposed to be at his beck and call. You're supposed to be by his side whenever he needs you, like a good NPC.
He gets antsy. He's bouncing his legs, biting his nails and feeling his stomach flip flop inside him.
Okay he GETS it. You can stop trying to make him jealous now, god. You're so fucking desperate for his attention, aren't you?
Just... answer his fucking texts for once, okay?
Otherwise, he's gonna have to handle that rando that's been glued to your side on his own terms, and you don't want that.
Don't make him do something both of you will regret <3
Sagara Haru
Of course someone would fall for you! Who wouldn't?
You're so sweet, strong, patient, helpful, comforting, and you always do your best to spend time with him so he feels less overworked and...
If you have a s/o, this means you won't be able to help him and spend time by his side, huh...
That is a problem.
Haru needs your company. He needs to know your whereabouts and what you're doing. You won't leave him hanging behind on his own, right?
He knows that you care for the animals and you wouldn't abandon them, but what about him?
Will you really leave him behind?
Haru is busy with everything in Jabberwock, so it's not like he can neglect his job to follow you around, but... Maybe he can keep an eye on you through his little gps.
Whenever he sees you out and about, he'll shoot you the cutest, most heartwrenching message about how he the animals miss you.
It never fails.
After all, you're so sweet. He knows exactly how to tug on your heartstrings until you run back to him.
Otonashi Towa
You're not going to date anyone.
Towa loves romance, yes, but only if it doesn't involve you with someone else.
You're his Dandelion! You're his. You're not going to leave him, ever. Why are you even thinking about someone else? You're so silly, Dandelion.
Towa doesn't try to be subtle. He will threaten the other person and kick them out of your life immediately.
If he needs to strike them down with a dozen lightnings, he will do it. Do not doubt him whatsoever.
Don't be sad, though. If you wanted to go on dates, you should have just said so!
He will take you to every pretty place he finds in Darkwick – cave systems, flower fields, dense woods, and anywhere else you feel like going!
As long as you go with him.
He's not letting anyone steal you from him, ever.
Shiranami Ren
Whines and whines and whines and whines.
He becomes actually insufferable.
"You're actually going to become one of those disgusting people that flaunt their relationship everywhere, aren't you?"
"Ren, I don't even know if I'll accept the date..."
You don't get it, though. He thought you were different. He thought you weren't like everyone else! But you got A CONFESSION?
That's like the most normie thing in the whole world...
And who's gonna watch B-horror movies with him now? Who's gonna play his mobile games and do his dailies with him?
You're gonna be just like those assholes that forget their friends when they start dating, aren't you?
He knew you were just too good to be true. That's on him, though. He was stupid to believe you would stick around.
Wait, no, please don't go. Please don't get mad at him.
He just doesn't want you to spend your time with someone else... but also, he would rather die than straight up tell you that.
Maybe read between the lines of all his whiny ass messages and forget about that other guy, how about it? It's almost time for a raid anyway.
Hoshibami Taiga
Oh honey. I don't know why you think you can even leave Taiga's side for long enough to receive a whole confession.
Although, if someone is crazy enough to mess with TAIGA'S little kitten, they are very brave.
Taiga may let them shoot their shot just to amuse himself and see how the dumbass would try to woo you.
But if they got even a little bit closer, his gun would fire immediately.
It would either end in someone getting terribly traumatized and/or wounded, or in death.
Getting away is just not an option if you're Taiga's.
You're always in his reach. No reason to think about silly little scenarios like "receiving a confession".
Pffft. Don't be stupid.
Romeo Lucci
Are you fucking insane? Shut up and go fetch him a face mask.
Of course he's not letting you date anyone. You're his assistant. You dont have time for shit like that.
What do you mean you don't need permission? Oh that's RICH.
Romeo isn't very patient about this whole situation.
If you try to argue too much, he just pushes you into his secret room and then inside one of his cages until you understand your place.
He's never letting you just walk away and spend your precious time with some broke asshole. Your time is HIS. YOU are his. Don't get any funny ideas.
It doesn't matter if you get mad at him. He will keep you locked up until you're sweet and compliant again. Just the way you're supposed to be.
And if that doesn't work quickly enough, he can always order his men around and beat whoever tries to get too close to you.
No one fucking steals from Romeo. Much less what is the most valuable to him.
Shinjo Ritsu
Ritsu is incredibly confused once you bring up going on dates with someone who confessed to you.
Did you forget you are legally binded to him by the terms of your partnership?
You have no time to go on dates. During working hours you have to be fulfilling your part of the contract right beside him.
It's not his fault that there's so much work to do that you end up needing to work overtime...
Yes, he IS very against unpaid overtime, obviously.
But it's not like you're not getting anything from this! You'll have the best lawyer in Japan always ready to help you.
But you'll only have this rare privilege if you stop being foolish and forget about dating that silly student.
You have to focus. Focus on your partnership.
Focus on him.
Focus on Ritsu alone.
Kusanagi Haku
Oh, so you hesitate to accept his invitations, but you're quick to go on a date with some other random person?
Ouch. Yikes.
Immediately lets you know that the person a very nasty spirit posessing them.
But you'd be a bit silly if you believed what he says because Haku is going to blatantly lie.
If that's what it takes to keep you far from anyone trying to get their hands on you, you BET Haku will try to manipulate you.
"Exorcising them? Nah, can't do it. Too strong of a spirit, you know? Better just keep your distance ;)"
He's honestly shameless. Doesn't stop following you around for a second and always manages to barge into every conversation you have with a general student, even if it's not even the person who confessed to you.
Can't be too careful, you know? After all, you're so sweet, what if more people fall for you?
He hates competition, so it's best to just cull everyone that gets too close to you. Makes things a lot easier for him.
And you know, since you're so eager to go out on a date with someone, why don't you choose him for once?
It's not like he'll ever let you have another option besides himself after all.
Kagami Subaru
Oh, he's guilt tripping you right away. All those years of acting are SHOWING.
Have you watched a kabuki play? There are some SAD ones, you know.
And you best believe Subaru is going to look like you've just ripped his heart apart as soon as you tell him about the confession.
You're the only actual friend he has besides Lyca... Do you really want to leave him in the dust like that? All for some dates? He really thought he mattered more to you than that...
It doesn't matter how much you try to reassure him you won't abandon him, he'll only stop being gloomy once you tell him word for word that you are not going to date anyone else.
And as soon as you do that, it'll be like clouds letting the sun shine again. He'll smile and cling to you like a magnet, gently feeding you the softest daifuku.
All while subtly touching you and checking your memories for the face of whoever dared to confess to you.
His good relationship with Darkwick will definitely come in handy to keep them far away from you.
Kotodama Zenji
He is having such a hard time with this!
He is more than happy to know you're appreciated! You are such a wonderful person! His lovely little human!
However... he can't help but feel awful about it all too. What if you stop talking to him?
After all, besides you, only Haku and Subaru see him. He knows you wouldn't be able to talk to him if you had someone unrelated right next to you. Much less someone who isn't even a ghoul!
His late night visits become more frequent. He stands at the foot of your bed, looking at your sleeping figure, very conflicted.
Is he allowed to be a little selfish, even though he's a spirit?
Soon enough, you stop hearing from the person who confessed to you. It's not that big of a deal, but you ARE curious as to why they up and vanished.
You'll never know how they suddenly got prophetic nightmares about how they shouldn't date you, complete with some bloodied messages on their wall...
Mizuki Rui
He's absolutely distraught. Not only he cannot touch you, now he must be tortured by the sight of you touching someone else?
Even worse: someone else touching YOU?
His days just keep on getting worse.
Will you still please visit him at his bar then? You won't completely starve him of your company, right?
Maybe he should just touch this crush of yours.
Haha, just kidding! He wouldn't do that.
He will, however, hide in the darkness for as much as he needs until he's sure that he approves of that date of yours.
Spoiler: he will never approve of anyone that isn't him.
Rui will bombard you with messages until you understand that his jealousy will never subside unless you reject that person once and for all.
And maybe, for some peace, you should. Because Rui is nothing if not insistent.
From the corner of your eyes, you see the way he lurks in the shadows of every place you visit.
Give yourself a break and mend the shinigami's heart for once, please?
Edward Hart
Oh dear. Who's going to take care of him now 😔
You're heartless, you know. Wasting your finite human time with a pointless date, instead of helping an old man when he needs you... You wound him so...
Ed is the king of emotional blackmail. He will moan and groan on and on about how weak and alone he is (even though Rui does everything for him) and how cruel you are for not spending your days in his room, tending to all his whims.
It doesn't matter if Rui can help him with this malware-riddled website. He wants YOU to help him. His plain but pretty little thing.
Didn't you learn you must respect your elders, love?
Then go lay down on his bed with him, thread your fingers through his hair, and shush him when he's tired and in pain. You're his walking balm, dear.
Don't leave him hanging. That would be so rude of you.
Lyca Colt
No no no no no no no no
You're not gonna date anyone!! You're not going to hang out with anyone else, ever!!!
Lyca is another one that's not subtle.
He'll just cling to you 24/7 and growl at the person who confessed to you until they run away.
He'll NEVER let you spend a single minute longer with some boring human. You have to spend time with him and teach him more about... well, about everything! You're his caretaker, aren't you?
The fact that he used to protest every time someone called you his babysitter does not matter anymore!
He is going to stay by your side and chase everyone away. How dare they try to do those disgusting things with HIS human!
It's overwhelming how clingy and possessive he gets – even more than before.
Lyca won't let you breathe peacefully. He'll be clinging to your arm, your hand, your neck, your shoulders, anywhere he can grab just to show everyone that you belong WITH HIM ALONE.
It's best if you just accept it. They do say it's hard to teach older dogs how to behave, don't they...
Isami Yuri
He didn't expect much from you, but to waste your time with meaningless endeavors... Disappointing!
You better never sleep then! Because he's not letting you off the hook! You're still spending more than half of your day in Mortkranken, under HIS watchful eye!
And if he sees you texting some random guy, well. He'll just have to snatch your phone away from you.
How dare you think of anything else besides your apprenticeship under him?! Him, Isami Yuri, the best doctor in Darkwick. You're so ungrateful!
Yuri will wring you dry. He's so merciless, it'll be honestly best if you just focus on him...
He wants your full attention and focus. If you go on... *retches* dates... your mind won't be into your work.
Stop this insanity, worm, and pay attention to him. Pay attention and praise him. Don't go praising some random, worthless person. They don't deserve it.
But Yuri does. Yuri deserves your praise.
Praise him.
And forget all about anyone else.
Kirisaki Jiro
Hm... will going on dates affect your health positively? Your mental health, maybe? Huh.
Jiro doesn't really understand what he feels about you spending time with someone else.
What he does know is that he likes having you around, as much as he can process how "liking something" feels.
He likes how you take care of him after he showers and how you worry about him, no matter how many times he tells you it's pointless. He likes your reactions and how you try to be helpful. He likes you.
If you spending time with someone else means he won't have you doing all this anymore, or at least not as much as he'd like, he can't say he approves it.
Jiro straight up tells you he doesn't want you to go on dates and why.
It'd be wise to listen to him. Otherwise, he'll try to get his fix of you by following you around.
Not sure you'd want the tallest and strongest man in Darkwick following you around like a shadow... but you do you.
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danieyells · 3 months
I feel like this is a big ask so for sure don’t feel pressured to! Would it be possible to have a masterpost for the voice lines? I’m trying to go back and find them with no success.
Not really a big ask! I know how to find them so it's not a big deal. I'll make this the masterpost!
Tokyo Debunker Home Screen Lines Masterpost
if a character has '(JP)' next to their link, that post also has the original Japanese in it!
If you want to use the template for something, I've left a blank here.
Jin Kamurai (JP)
Tohma Ishibashi
Kaito Fuji
Lucas Errant
Alan Mido
Leo Kurosagi (JP)
Shohei Haizono (JP)
Haru Sagara
Towa Otonashi
Ren Shiranami
Taiga Hoshibami
Romeo Scorpius Lucci
Ritsu Shinjo
Subaru Kagami
Haku Kusanagi
Zenji Kotodama
Edward Hart
Rui Miziki
Lyca Colt
Yuri Isami
Jiro Kirisaki (JP)
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zomboivex · 1 month
Cuddling the Tokyo Debunker guys?
Please I beg-
With extra bullying, Romeo to top it off
Cuddle Sessions
What cuddling is like with each of the boys.
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Jin - You had expected your cuddle session with Jin to be forceful. For you to be held close against his side. But said expectations were dashed. Instead, he lay on his bed with an exhausted stare. Another day of depression as his stigma didn’t seem to work. He had called you and demanded you to come over and when you did, you were greeted by him already lying on the bed. “Lay on me.” The words a demand. But he wouldn’t move. So you’d go to comply, pressing your chests together as the subtle ride and fall of his own would lull you into comfort. His hands moved to hold your hips- but not firm, so you could leave if you so desired. Odd… You had expected him to refuse to let you move at all. But you would subtly shift on top of him and he would remain still.
Tohma - Tohma would let you cuddle on his lap while he works. A hand occasionally reaching down to pat your head or run his fingers through your hair. He would continue with whatever task he had been working on prior, only opting to give you attention if you behaved. When he finished his work, Tohma will instruct you to move to the bed and wait for him. He’ll join you shortly, having you lay flat on your back as he goes to rest atop of you, placing a well-deserved kiss to your temple. “You behaved well today.” The words leave him with a breathless chuckle.
Kaito - You can tell Kaito is nervous. He had never expected to be in this situation! His hands are a bit clammy as he’s not really sure where it’s okay to put them. After all, he doesn’t want you to think he’s copping for a feel! Oh god- and the actual terror on his face when he realizes that he’s just a bit too excited to be this close to you. But you don’t seem to mind- nor do you make any comments. So, eventually, he eases up and lets his arms rigidly rest around you. Your head resting back against his chest as you can hear the marathon his heart seems to be racing.
Lucas - From how he holds himself, you had assumed Luca was used to cuddling. But you found him to be oddly stiff. Occasionally, he would shift around and make sure you were comfortable but he wouldn’t know quite what to do with his hands. Should he wrap them around you? What if that was too much? But it would be awkward to keep them beside himself. Eventually, he’d settle to simply ask if you were okay with him holding you. Which you found charming and obliged. You would lay facing one another and Luca would whisper to you about how enchanting you are, eventually going to softly brush some strands of hair from your face. A kiss would make this all the more perfect.
Alan - Big and strong arms wrapped around you. It feels warm and somehow soft all at the same time despite Alan being quite muscular. He smells a bit like car oil but it’s not entirely off-putting either. A sense of security and safeness as you fit snuggly against him. Alan rests his chin atop your head and is mostly quiet- aside from the occasional, “Is this okay?” Or “Are you comfortable?” Even if he claims to be a monster, you can’t help but to think he’s the safest person you could be with right now.
Leo - Leo was surprisingly comfortable to cuddle. He smells nice- fresh from the bath. And he was warm. You moving to press your back against his chest and an arm casually wrapped around you. The other mindlessly scrolling through TikTok so you both could watch reels together. He’d occasionally watch a few trends, debating out loud if he should do those or not. Your opinion being weighed into consideration. Though, all good things must come to an end and he eventually tells you that he needs his beauty sleep and turns away to get his rest, uncaring if you stayed or left. But don’t expect much attention from him after he decides it’s time for sleep.
Sho - Cuddling with Sho feels natural. You rest snug against him as one arm is casually flung over your body and the other taking a resting place under his head. You had situated yourself so you were laying atop of him, soaking in his warmth. He smelled vaguely of fried foods covered up with some soap- but it just felt comfortable and relaxing. There’s no real silence between the two of you as you both shoot the shit and crack jokes. Then deeper and more meaningful topics fill the time. There’s just something about being around him that lets you feel like you can just be yourself.
Haru - Haru is definitely restless when it comes to cuddling. So expect tickling sessions and goofing around more than actually lying still. If he has showered beforehand, he certainly doesn’t smell terrible. But if you’re cuddling pre-shower, Haru smells like a barnyard at best. He will typically only try to cuddle post-shower for your sake. But if, for some reason, you don’t mind the smell, he’ll gladly hold you in his arms and shower you with affection a million miles a minute.
Towa - You will be held still and in position for as long as Towa desires. His hold is firm and forceful. But there’s still soft nuzzling and gentle hums. He smells faintly of plant life. Not flowers, per se. Just- plants. It’s not off-putting by any means and you find yourself growing accustomed and comfortable in Towa’s rather forceful grip. The happy hums fill any silence between you and you eventually allow yourself to doze off. You wake up just as the sun is sinking in the sky and you’re met with, “Did you sleep well, Dandelion?”
Ren - Lazy cuddles are his preference. Ren preferring to sit upright with your back against his between his legs. Arms wrapped loosely around and chin atop your head. He has some B horror film playing, occasionally letting out a breathy laugh at the horrible and overdramatic scenes. If he’s not watching a film, he’s playing a game, content to have you snug against him. If you’re hungry? Don’t worry, there’s a bag of crisps nearby. Thirsty? He has that covered, too. There’s no reason to move just yet. But he won’t fight it if you absolutely do need to get up. Just expect some lightweight complaints about being cold without you there to keep him warm.
Taiga - Taiga is hard to cuddle with. He’s rough and moved how he wants to with little consideration of your comfort. He tends to play with your hair- running his fingers through it and giving it some brief tugs. He will also nibble on your skin from time to time, mumbling some gruff words that you can’t quite make out. His hands exploring your body before abruptly pushing you away as soon as he’s done. He does things on his terms and only his terms, after all. And who the fuck are you, anyways? He certainly doesn’t remember inviting you into his room. Better get out quick before he pulls out his gun!
Romeo - When in Rome. Or however the saying goes. Romeo would take some convincing to cuddle. After all, why would he want to with a BB like you? Ugh… fine. Just don’t make that ugly scrunched up expression that you always made before crying. It was gross. He’d open his arms and expect you to come to him. Once you did, he’d hold you, a hand moving to pet your head and brush his fingers through your hair. He’d definitely mention that you need to exfoliate your scalp. It’s fucking disgusting. And he’d remind you that it’s a privilege to be held by him like this. But he’s also secretly enjoying this and when the cuddle session ends, he finds any excuse he can for you to stay. “Let me show you a good scalp exfoliator”. That would definitely be his go-to.
Ritsu - It feels almost like you’re laying against a plank of wood with how rigid and stiff Ritsu is. Has he ever cuddled before? With how he’s acting, you somehow doubt it. Despite the almost awkward posture, you still find a comfort in it. You rest your head against his chest and a hand flits up to brush through your hair. Briefly. He tried to be subtle about it but with how unnecessarily still he was, any movement made was immediately noticeable. You don’t call him out on it, though. And you enjoy the fingers brushing through your hair. He smells nice, too. Clean.
Subaru - Cuddling is considered a rather intimate act for Subaru. He’d make sure you were absolutely okay with the fact that he’d be able to see every aspect of your life if his bare hands make contact. You reassure him that it’s okay and he still frets. Cuddles with him are followed with breathy and nervous chuckles. But he does his best to ensure that you’re comfortable. That you feel safe with him. And quiet, soft-spoken conversations would flow between the two of you.
Haku - Always the type for a casual cuddle session, Haku would happily and lazily have one arm around your waist. The other running along your arm or brushing against your cheek. Expect him to lay down some flirts for you. Tell you how you’re utterly perfect you look and how you’re the most breathtaking person he’s ever laid eyes upon. He’ll want to play with your hair, planting soft kisses to the top of your head. Or just enjoy a lazy afternoon together. But whatever you do, expect to be comfortable.
Zenji - Were he not dead, Zenji would wrap you up in his arms and simply never let go. Unless you needed something or wanted to go elsewhere. He would keep you company and recite you only the most romantic poetry, playing with your hair as you had your back to his chest. Expect loving kisses to the top of your head and enthusiastic reminders of your beauty, darling. With Zenji in your life, you’ll never forget how much of a diamond you are- glistening beautifully.
Ed - Being the equivalent to an icebox, Ed can be a hit or miss when it comes to cuddling. If you prefer colder environments, then you’re welcome to lay with him as much as you want. Especially on particularly hot days. His cuddles come across as relaxed but there’s still a part of you that feels a bit on edge. As if waiting for something to happen. Instead, you hear the mindless drabble from whatever YouTube video Ed has playing in the background.
Rui - Cuddling was one of Rui’s favorite pastimes before he was cursed. The way he enjoyed having a cutie in his arms and playing with their hair and peppering them with kisses and laying them up with endless flirtatious compliments. Ahh…. That was the life. Now? Well… Rui sticks to his daydreams of days long past. Even if you pestered him, he would decline and jokingly say that his heart might explode from so much love. If you continued to ask and offer up carefully considered solutions, he might just give you a sad and tired smile. “Maybe in the future.” Whatever that held.l for you both.
Lyca - Lyca would happily cuddle and share warmth with you. His favorite blanket wrapped around the both of you as he’d take a blissful nap. Don’t expect much romantics from him. Cuddling is more of a built in tactic for him- a way to stave off cold nights. If you express it to be romantic, he might just blink at you and ask you if you’re stupid. This is normal? Nothing weird about it at all, in his mind. Ah- until that blond gigolo explained to him that cuddling was what you did with an intimate partner. Lyca promptly refusing to cuddle after that. Sorry. He doesn’t dislike you but you’re not dating. But when you do start dating? Well, he’ll be happy to cuddle and keep you warm then.
Yuri - Another awkward cuddler. Yuri is usually too wrapped up in his research for such things! But, somehow, you managed to pull him from his lab and get him to sleep in an actual bed for once. His hands go to stay placed on your shoulders- resting there as you bury your face into the crook of his neck. You find the connection warm as Yuri’s hands eventually slide down your shoulders to rest on your arms. That’s as much as he dares to explore for now! Even being this close to someone was not something he ever thought was a possibility. Not because he couldn’t get cuddles if he wanted! Oh, no! He just has way more important things to attend to! And this is such a waste of his time-! But- it does feel really nice.
Jiro - When you cuddle Jiro, don’t expect too much movement. He likes to lay very still. So much so that you check to make sure he’s still breathing. An arm may go around your shoulders and he’d love to have your head tucked against his chest. This is reassuring because you can listen to his heart beat and insure he’s okay. Or- okay enough. He feels stiff, at times. But you’ve grown accustomed to this. Don’t expect much, though. Not unless you directly tell him what you want. Otherwise, he’ll remain still and stoic.
Sorry it took an age and a half! But hope you enjoy it!
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berrygoodjob · 3 months
Loving your pervert TD boy series so so so much. It’ll be the death of me. Thank you for your service 🙏 😻
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MDNI 18+
Tokyo Debunker Pervert!hc
(Hotarubi spoilers)
Ft: Haku, Zenji, Subaru, Tohma, Lyca
Haku Kusanagi
(Barely even have to hc this one,,,, man doesn’t even try to hide it)
—pervert!Haku is always sneaking peaks down your shirt, will let himself get caught one or twice too. He’ll laugh it off and say he was curious then change the subject
—pervert!Haku asks Zenji to check out what kind of underwear you’re wearing before you can see him
—pervert!Haku has suggested that you become a nude model for hotarubis painters, they need more anyway. He actually just wants to see you naked everywhere he goes though
—pervert!Haku is a bit gropey he likes to have a hand on you at all times. On your shoulder, your arm, your hand, your waist……. Your ass. He just is always going to keep his hands on you anywhere that you don’t immediately pull away from
—pervert!Haku still jokes a lot about you two dating, and does promise to show you a good time. Like “Are you sure this isn’t a date? I think we’d have a lot more fun if it was.” (And if you ever do go out under this promise of a good time, be prepared to get absolutely railed by the end of the date. His charming ass is gonna get there. And you’re gonna feel like his personal cock sleeve the way he mercilessly pounds into you)
Zenji Kotodama
—pervert!Zenji did not know he could get boners as a ghost, but when Haku told him about the new honor student he met on the train, he had to go check you out. And of course you were in the middle of changing
—pervert!Zenji felt bad at first, since it’s rude to spy. But it became a habit to relieve stress. Hed go watch you change lay on your bed and stroke his dick while watching
—pervert!Zenji hit the jackpot one day and walked in on you masturbating. He was ecstatic going on about how you and him are so in sync. He gets down between your legs and rubs his ghostly dick on you at the same pace your hand is moving
—pervert!Zenji is beyond thrilled when Haku makes it so you can finally see him, he’s so so so happy because in his head you’re practically his lover already
—pervert!Zenji forgets that you can see him now so when he goes to watch you sleep and you wake up, you will question his presence
Subaru Kagami
—pervert!Subaru is the guiltiest one here. And it all started from an accidental touch that you didn’t even notice, but he got the full view and memory of you fucking yourself the night before
—pervert!Subaru now can’t help but want to see more, you think he’s starting to get comfortable with you, but actually he’s just trying to see you naked in your memories
—pervert!Subaru loves the feeling of your skin and wants you on top of him so bad, he’s so desperate and needy
—pervert!Subaru is very touch starved, so if you initiate contact with him first, he’ll get rock hard
—pervert!Subaru touched your underwear once when it was sticking out of your uniform by your hips, and got the full show on display from the memory of your undies. Needless to say he got so flustered he could hardly look you in the eye for the rest of the day
Tohma Ishibashi
—pervert!Tohma is a sneaky lil bastard and you’ll never catch him in the act
—pervert!Tohma stands closer to you than he does anyone else, and will occasionally place his hand on you, usually in a friendly seeming way, but he’s getting to know your body, memorizing every inch he can
—pervert!Tohma enjoys watching Jin order you around, and wonders just how obedient you are
—pervert!Tohma will sometimes tell you to go do something, just testing the amount of control he has over you
—pervert!Tohma turns the ac down in frostheim when he knows you’re coming over so he can watch nipples harden on contact with the cold air, and maybe even offer you his jacket (if you’re lucky)
Lyca Colt
—pervert!Lyca doesn’t understand personal space and will rub himself on you upon first meeting (Subaru is mortified and has to pull him back)
—pervert!Lyca is convinced you’re his mate and will get upset if you look at anyone else. He’ll pull you close and growl at whoever looks at you, while pressing up against you
—pervert!Lyca needs to watch himself around you because his instincts tell him to just full on just pull your back against his chest and start humping no matter where you are. on a walk? School hall? That one time you stood up to answer a question in class?? He wants to fuck so bad,,,, he doesn’t care where or when or how or who might be watching
—pervert!Lyca will back off if you tell him no, but he’ll get very sulky and not understand why
—pervert!Lyca gets off to your scent, will keep something of yours (literally anything you have touched before) just to use to get himself off
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mytokyodebunker · 5 months
Asking The Ghouls To Do Your Hair
Jin Kamurai
Jin… Doesn't know. Probably hands it off to Tohma- I'm just joking…UNLESS-. He's actually pretty caring of others so he might learn one or two different braids but that's it. He seems like he's probably good at putting your hair in a clip or a bun but nothing else.
Tohma Ishibashi
Tohma…..He would be good at it probably. If not, then surprise!!! He is now. He's used to taking care of Jin anyways, adding hairstyles or braiding to that list wouldn't be that bad.
Kaito Fuji
Kaito would absolutely love to do it but he would probably be bad at it. He's SCREAMING at the fact that he's touching your hair with your permission, extremely happy the entire time. Might be confused during the process but he's not complaining at all.
Lucas 'Luca' Errant
He doesn’t know but won't give up until he knows every hairstyle humanly possible. Every time he asks you with earnest eyes to let him practice again, and every hairstyle is more elaborate than the last. The process is always long and painful on your scalp, but the end result never disappoints!
Alan Mido
Our young grandpa himbo. We all know he wouldn't know how and he would rather not accidentally hurt you in any way, even if you flinch at the slightest tug, he'll stop immediately.
Leo Kurosagi
Leo knows different hair styles, but doesn't know how to execute it. He knows what's trending and what looks good on a person. Little bastard wouldn't give the advice until you mess up though.
Shohei 'Sho' Haizono
He wouldn't know until he get comfortable with your hair and he'll pick up on it after awhile. The type to learn quickly. Alternatively, he does Leo's hair when Leo makes him do it, and he always does a good job. Very gentle.
He also strikes me as Leo's unwilling makeup artist and lighting/photoshoot assistant so you know that he has some sort of experience.
Haru Sagara
He's the best person to ask if you want someone to brush your hair nicely (and quickly), since he's the one who grooms all the animals at Jabberwock. Can't do much else to your hair - maybe add a bow? Would still somehow injure himself in the process though.
Towa Otonashi
Surprisingly good at hair. Would probably also put flowers in it too while he's doing it. Sunny sunny day the entire time....may or may not eat the flowers while it's in your hair. He knows One (1) style and proceeds to make everyone he can get his hands on look like a fairy princess. There's no choice.
Ren Shiranami
Doesn't know. Doesn't WANT to know. Frankly, he is offended you asked him. He hasn't touched a comb in ages, his hair is short enough and it'll get messed up again anyway.
If anything, you would be combing his hair. But be warned, he will loudly complain whenever you get the comb caught on a tangle.
Taiga Hoshibami
Taiga….Nope. He will pull and tug on your hair. Forget anything about braiding or any hair styles, he'll fuck up your hair worse than you ever could. Taiga would rip your hair out or else cut the tangles out with scissors if you ever asked.
Romeo Lucci
He had strong opinions about your hair (and the rest of your look) from the start, so if you let him he'll give you a full makeover.
he'll know what your face shape needs and wash & style your hair nicely, then complain that your skin is crap and give you a facial and apply your makeup, then put you in a better outfit so that your shitty clothes don't ruin his hard work. Then make you work the casino floor because his services don't come for free and no he won't pay you. Do you have any idea how much the perfume you're wearing costs?
Ritsu Shinjo
Doesn't know. Could learn. Will he though? Probably not, it's nothing he needs to be a lawyer. If you insist, then he proceeds to over-gel your hair while you die inside. Later, he'll genuinely ask why you haven't asked him a second time.
Subaru Kagami
Subaru would say he doesn’t know anything about hair but if you insist then maybe he'll just brush it out for you, but secretly he probably knows all of the theatre hairstyles for kabuki. He prefers leaving your hair loose though.
Haku Kusanagi
He can, and is ridiculously smooth at it too. No head pain, can tell if you've got a sensitive scalp, knows all of the staple styles - ponytail, bun, braid. It's strangely therapeutic to get your hair done by him, like spending time with a big sibling.
Zenji Kotodama
Zenji would make some rendition of maiko and geisha hairstyles but with his own spin on it, but it will take hours and your scalp will be screaming at you and he won't shut up all through the process. He would spout off poetry while at it. Might sing too. If you don't like his voice, too bad he's doing it every time he does your hair if he gets the chance.
Yuri Isami
He insists that he, a genius doctor, is adept at everything that requires dexterity, but he refuses to spend his incredibly precious time braiding your hair. Suggest he's not actually that good, and he'll change tune. He'll sit you down and plait your hair with perfect surgical precision (ha), then demand endless praise and fawning.
Jiro Kirisaki
Doesn’t know. Probably hasn't used a comb before. He could learn, but that's so much effort. Thinks it'd be easier for both of you if you just cut it all off.
Rui Mizuki
Rui won't touch your hair, because he's worried about his curse, but he'd notice right away when you change your hair. He'll happily compliment it, and might suggest hairstyles he'd love to see you wear in the future.
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aardelea · 17 days
Love Languages: How They Show Their Affection
Hey everyone! I'm back with another headcanon post, this time diving into how our favorite characters express their love and affection. Whether it's through subtle gestures, grand displays, or tender moments, each one has their own unique way of showing how much you mean to them. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed putting it together!
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Jin • Jin is not a man of many words. That’s why it’s important to understand the language of his gestures in order to feel his affection. • He shows his affection in various situations where you can count on being the only person who gets to experience it. For instance, he often lets you decide what you’ll have for dinner. Believe it or not, you won’t even notice if you pick something he has no appetite for. • When he craves closeness, he’ll send you a message, regardless of the time, calling you to his room. It’s more of a command than a request. But if you comply, you’ll find yourself wrapped in his arms on the couch or bed, simply enjoying his presence. That moment belongs to just the two of you. • Whenever you even think about wanting something special, it will appear in your room the next day. He also likes to surprise you with things you hadn’t even thought of. He catches every little detail from your stories about your dreams and passions, and when the opportunity arises, he brings them to life through small gifts.
Tohma • Both of you have strict schedules, so showing affection is key in this relationship if you want to make the most of the time you have together. Tohma knows this well. • When you see each other amidst the hustle and bustle of the academy, he gives you, and only you, his warmest smile. • He’s not a fan of showing physical affection in public, but when he crosses your path, he’ll always pass close enough for your hands to “accidentally” brush. His hand closes slightly, as if trying to hold yours. • If time and circumstances allow, he’ll quickly and wordlessly pull you into an empty room or hallway when you pass by him. He gives you a brief but passionate kiss, brushes a strand of hair from your face, and looks deeply into your eyes before you both go on your way, as if nothing happened.
Luca • Luca is initially reserved about showing his feelings for two reasons. First, he knows his best friend Kaito has feelings for you and doesn’t want to rub it in his face that you didn’t choose him. Second, Luca is a true gentleman who would never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable. • But he never tires of showering you with compliments, all of which he means sincerely. You can see it in his eyes—no man could look at you with more love. • When you’re alone, and you’re facing away from him, he loves to hug you from behind. You both linger in that position, enjoying each other’s warmth. • When you sleep together, he holds you tightly, as if afraid you could be taken from him at any moment.
Kaito • Kaito knows you love it when he makes you something, so he spoils you with plenty of sweets whenever he has time to bake for you. Missing desserts from your homeland? He’ll surprise you with them as soon as he finds a good recipe. • He’ll take many photos of you and the two of you together. While part of him loves to show off, it’s mostly because he still can’t quite believe you and he are real. Your relationship is still beyond his imagination, so he treasures every photo when you’re not with him. • He remembers every detail about you and is always looking for ways to surprise you. Love ice cream? Prepare to visit every renowned ice cream parlor in Tokyo—he’ll take you to all of them. • And of course, you won’t be able to escape his constant messages. He always wants to know what you’re doing and how you’re feeling, not out of worry or jealousy, but because he genuinely cares (though he’s no stranger to those feelings either).
Alan • Do I even need to mention how often he’ll pat your head? • He always checks how you’re doing and makes sure you have everything you need. He’ll also always offer to let you sleep in his T-shirts when you stay over. He just loves seeing you in his oversized clothes, and though he’d never say it out loud, the smile on his face when he sees you in his sleepwear says it all. • His sweetest way of showing affection is his almost casual request for you to join him in nearly everything he does. He loves having you around. Even if you’re not into physical activities like he is, he doesn’t mind—he just wants to be near you. • Wherever you are, Alan will seek your physical closeness. Sometimes, you’re not even sure if he’s doing it consciously or if his feelings just naturally draw him to you. Whether it’s an arm around your waist, moving closer on the couch, or casually holding your hand, he always seeks contact.
Sho • For Sho, love truly comes through food. So rest assured, you’ll never go hungry if this man is yours. Lucky you. • Though Leo is his best friend, he will never allow anyone, not even him, to badmouth you. Never, ever. No one—absolutely no one—touches his sweet girlfriend. • Sho will often give you small gifts in the form of jewelry. Nothing overly expensive, but always something unique. Seeing you wear it makes him incredibly happy, so you’d better wear it, because it’s also his way of marking you as his own. • Though he’d never admit it, Sho actually enjoys public displays of affection. He’s proud to have you by his side, and when you reach for his hand, he’ll pretend he’s only letting it happen for your sake, to make you more comfortable. In reality, his heart is always racing when you do.
Leo could only accept a partner who is on equal footing with him. That's why he can actually be very sweet in a relationship when he wants to.
Naturally, the maximum amount of physical affection in public will be displayed, as long as you allow it. After all, the world needs to see what a great relationship you two have. It’s a wonder you haven’t yet shared a French kiss on campus. He definitely enjoys making your admirers jealous.
But of course, he’s only doing this for the show and for the clicks when he films you both. It has nothing to do with the fact that he maximally enjoys your closeness and can’t get enough of you. Never. How could you come up with such silly ideas?
He will shower you with gifts that he "just happened to buy somewhere." Does this have anything to do with the fact that he actually listens to you and explicitly searches for things you like and that he hopes will make you happy? Such nonsense.
Despite his strict schedule, Haru will never miss the chance to show you how much you mean to him.
Every now and then, you'll get messages from him asking where you are, only for him to show up shortly after with all kinds of stuff. Surely, you've forgotten to drink enough today, right? Don’t worry, he’ll take care of you.
You’ll also receive sweet messages from him every day. At first, he’s a bit overwhelmed with flirting properly, but eventually, he gets the hang of it and showers you with subtle love declarations.
Speaking of love declarations: when he sees you on campus, he won’t miss the chance to greet you with a hug and a kiss on the forehead. He doesn't care if others see you.
Towa is a true romantic. He understands the language of flowers like no other. So, be prepared to receive numerous flowers from him. He takes the effort to present you with a special one every day, just to emphasize how unique you are to him.
He doesn't care what people around you think. He will hug and kiss you in public whenever the mood strikes.
Towa is a good listener, and even though he's not necessarily good with words, he always knows how you feel and what you need at that moment. If it's peace, he'll leave you alone; if it’s closeness, he'll whisk you away to a quiet spot and hold you in his arms until time forces you back to reality.
Wherever you go together, he'll want to hold your hand. It’s important to him to have you by his side at all times.
Ren is more the type for subtle expressions of love. So, a keen sense of perception is needed if you don't want to starve from lack of affection in a relationship with him.
The most noticeable thing for an attentive observer is Ren's smile when he's around you. He always seems much more relaxed when you’re there, and you're probably the only person who’s ever made him laugh.
In public, he wouldn’t dare show any affection, but when you're alone, he craves your touch. Even though he'll always claim you're the one who wants it and he’s simply complying with your wishes.
He also loves playing with your hair during your evening movie nights. Not having to ask for head massages definitely has its perks.
Usually, it's Romeo who receives affection, but even he sometimes gets overwhelmed by longing, and everyone around can see how much you mean to him — and that no one should mess with you because of that.
Romeo is possessive. It’s no different with his partner. You belong to him alone, and everyone who even thinks about getting too close to you should know that. That’s why you're probably the only person on the planet who’s allowed to touch him in public without getting punched.
He lets you sit on his lap in his office when you're talking, and he makes no effort to let you go when one of his lackeys enters the room. After all, everyone knows you belong to him.
You also don’t need to worry about not being stylish enough for Romeo. He'll make sure your wardrobe is perfectly aligned with his. Expect a complete makeover. You won't recognize yourself — in a good way.
Regardless of his moods, Taiga is definitely a physical type. This means that he loves to show his affection through hugs and kisses of all kinds, as long as you let him. His lap is your second home.
He may not be greedy or superficial, but he has taken a liking to showering you with gifts. Though, in most cases, you’d better not know where they came from.
Depending on whether you’re okay with it, he’ll either nibble on your ear and cover your neck with kisses when you two are alone. He just loves it.
He practically lets you move into his room because, as his good luck charm, he always wants to have you near.
The first thing anyone who knows Ritsu even a little would notice is the fact that he doesn’t talk to you like a potential client, but actually like his girlfriend. Even though he would never, ever talk to you in a childish manner or give you pet names in public. That’s simply not his style, love or no love.
Ritsu has good manners and knows from several sources that it’s proper to take a lady out to dinner. So, he regularly dresses up and takes you to the finest restaurants Tokyo has to offer.
Since he wants to be taken seriously as a lawyer, he refrains from physical contact in public. But since he still wants people to recognize you as his love, it’s acceptable to link arms with him.
Though he seems rather stiff, he does enjoy hugging and kissing you. It should just happen in private.
Haku is an incorrigible charmer and will shower you with compliments anytime, although you often have to read between the lines of his jokes to find them. However, the longer you're together, the more serious he becomes with his compliments.
Physical closeness is something Haku finds very comforting, so he loves holding hands or walking with his arm around you.
He also won’t hesitate to kiss you passionately in public. Of course, he’ll refrain from doing so if it makes you uncomfortable.
Additionally, he regularly invites you on dates, making an effort to keep them as varied as possible. By the way, long walks are not considered actual dates for him but rather a standard activity.
Due to his stigma and his rather reserved nature, Subaru will initially refrain from showing affection through physical closeness. Instead, he expresses his feelings in a more subtle way through many small gestures.
Even though he values having enough personal space for both of you, he places great importance on seeing or at least hearing from you every day. If you couldn’t meet during the day, he will call you at night to wish you goodnight.
Another way he shows his affection is by sharing his memories and feelings with you. Normally, he doesn't like talking about himself, but with you, it feels so natural to share his deepest thoughts that he doesn't mind at all.
Whenever there's an event he thinks you might enjoy, he’ll make sure to arrange everything so you can attend together. After all, he wants to make sure you're happy and that you experience lots of things together, helping you grow closer.
Zenji is a master of words and will primarily express his affection verbally, especially when there are no other alternatives. This might be in the form of poems or songs that he has written exclusively for you, meant only for your ears.
He’ll also always keep you company whenever you need it. He loves staying up with you late into the night, talking about everything under the sun until you fall asleep. Seeing you so peacefully and safely in bed is the greatest gift for him.
You'll often find little hidden notes from him, wishing you a good day, asking for a smile, reciting a short poem, or revealing his feelings. You usually discover them much later because he hides them so well.
Wherever you go, he will watch over you. Even though he may no longer be able to protect you himself, he’ll make sure you’re safe.
Rui’s days of physical affection are unfortunately behind him, so he has had to find new ways to express his feelings. His first idea was to gift you a small teddy bear, which you can cuddle whenever you feel the urge to hold Rui instead.
If you’ve managed to convince him to enter a relationship, he will generally want you to have something that shows you're taken. So, he'll gift you some sort of special piece of jewelry — most likely a ring. Although Rui's the one constantly surrounded by admirers, he's the one who is deeply afraid of losing you because he believes you're too good for him.
Rui is incredibly attentive and can literally read your wishes from your eyes. If it's within his power, he’ll fulfill them. This also means he always knows how you’re feeling, as he can read you like a book. So be careful what you're thinking!
When you're out together, he gives his full attention to you alone. Even though he may use his usual charm when approached by others, especially women, he never gives you any reason to worry.
Usually, Ed is the type who craves attention and affection, but he’s also capable of expressing his own feelings.
Social conventions matter little to him, as he doesn’t see himself as part of society. So, you can expect him to show affection at any time or place — whether through hugs, kisses, or his hands wandering elsewhere on your body. That is, if you allow it.
You’re never quite sure if he actually wants to bite you, but he loves passionately kissing along your neck. The fact that he rarely breathes during this makes the situation just as eerie as it is arousing.
He regularly texts you about how much he misses you and what a cruel person you are for leaving an old man alone. After all, he always wants you by his side, no matter what you’re doing together. It’s more than clear that he finds you far more interesting than he would ever admit.
Lyca is known for having no experience with women, let alone relationships. Therefore, he reacts quite shyly to anything you do involving physical contact, making it difficult for him to initiate gestures himself.
If you do anything that even remotely puts you in danger, he’ll call you an "idiot." He worries about you practically every second, so don’t hold it against him.
He’s trying his best to live among humans, so he observes people a lot. On campus, he watches couples and tries to pick up certain behaviors from them. Depending on the couple, this can be more or less awkward. Shy attempts to hold your hand, sharing lunch, or stroking your hair — he’s really doing his best to make things work between you.
Most of all, he shows his affection by wanting you to accompany him everywhere, especially when he’s discovering something new. You’re meant to be part of his journey toward humanity.
If you enjoy his drawings, he’ll be more than happy to paint anything you ask him to.
Yuri is a very passionate man when it comes to his work and research. However, when it comes to dealing with women, he lacks much experience. Still, his innate enthusiasm for you is definitely in your favor.
He will gradually involve you more in his work, asking you to help him in the lab whenever possible so you can extend your already-too-short time together. He’ll even send Jiro away more often just so you two can be alone.
Whenever Yuri makes a significant discovery or feels proud of an accomplishment, he becomes filled with energy that he needs to release. He'll pick you up, spin you around, and then give you a passionate kiss before turning back to his work. Only after a few moments does he realize what just happened, as you can see from his blushing cheeks — always an adorable sight.
Despite his tight schedule, he’ll try to regularly take a night off to have dinner with you. He understands that variety is key to keeping a relationship alive.
Jiro initially struggles to identify his feelings for you, so you'll need to be patient if you want to feel his affection.
He’s not a man of many words, so you're more likely to experience physical affection from him. Once he’s had a taste of you, he’ll want more of that sweet feeling. Why does his heart beat so fast when you touch him? Why can’t he think clearly when your hands brush his cheek? Why do his knees go weak when he feels your skin touching his own? These are all things he needs to thoroughly experiment with to understand the obvious cause.
The most beautiful thing for him is your smile. He’ll do anything to bring it out — whether through jokes, gestures, or giving you flowers. He quickly learns how to behave in ways that get the desired reaction from you.
He’ll also ask you to do ordinary things with him, such as eating or cleaning or activities that foster a deeper relationship. Very soon into your relationship, he’ll realize that everything is better with you by his side.
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zenjikotodama · 3 months
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subaru and lyca r so cuteee
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hannkazuu26 · 10 days
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He's so gorgeous, I really can't be mesmerized by him since I first met him 😔💜
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otometo · 4 months
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Finally got to see my favorite spooky boys
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stinkyturd · 2 days
Chapter 9 Fever Dreams is cookin'...
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(Might get some shell in there)
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snoozzee · 2 months
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Hotarubi’s captain my beloved 🪻💜
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aayakashii · 25 days
how do they ask for consent?
Warning: NSFW, not super explicit but still gtfo if you're a minor.
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Consent is sexy!! I had this idea in a dream and I had to write it (⃔ *`꒳´ * )⃕↝
Also, if some of these characters can't touch or be touched, well. Now they can. GET TOUCHED IDIOT 🫳👉🤲🤚🤜🤲🫵👐🫳👉🫸🫱🖐🤝👐👇🤌🫷🫴👉🤲🫲👐👈🤝🤲
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He feels disgraceful, but the white hot feeling in his groin can't be ignored any longer. He glares at you, the reason for his predicament, and threads his fingers through your hair. You can see the conflict in his eyes as he gets closer, his white porcelain skin tinted pink and hot to your touch. And when he presses his lips against yours, all doubt fades away. He holds your body like it's his lifeline and when your lips part, he allows himself to say one word he would never say to anyone else but you: "please".
He desperately holds one of your hand with both of his and kisses each one of your knuckles, slowly – a plea for you to allow him to touch you further as his gaze burns deep into your eyes. He deliberately kisses you with an open mouth, the wet sound of his lips bringing shivers down your spine, much to his pleasure. Once you nod, he finally allows himself to pull you flush against his body. There's no running away from him now.
All blushes and stutters. His eyes are hazed and his breath comes out in puffs while he tries to voice out his desire for you, but fails. His face is mere inches from yours and his gaze is so intense that it could burn. He places his hands onto your shoulders, fingers digging into your skin as he pushes the fabric of your shirt away. Give him permission or take him out of his misery. He's been in your hands since the beginning.
He sits on his feet, a hand on top of his chest so he can feel his own racing, loud heart. He opens and closes his mouth, trying to think of the words to say. Once he finally gathers the courage, he simply mumbles a "can I?" and he hates how feverish he sounds. His heart takes a bigger leap when he feels your hand against his cheek and the flustered smile on your face when you say yes. He quickly realizes that being yours is something he could get used to.
His hands fist the sheets of your bed, knuckles going white with the effort. He nuzzles his nose against your cheeks and he pants, hot breath against your skin, haggard like you stole all the air from his lungs – and you might as well have done that. Self-control shackles him in place, but anguished desire pulls him to you and he feels his restraint rip apart. And still, he'll never ask, but he'll silently scream for your permission – permission to place his wretched hands all over your body. If you're able to hear it, let him dive into you. He's starved of your touch.
It's not so simple. First, he needs to cross over the hurdle of his own shame. He is just embarrassed that he needs you so much, but once he accepts it, he's an unstoppable force: doe eyes, batting eyelashes and bratty pouts to convince you of touching him right where he needs you. He's all arms over your shoulders and kisses on the corner of your lips until you give him the answer he wants. And once you do, he promises you won't forget the feeling of his skin against yours.
It's simple. He doesn't fight himself when it comes to you. His scarred knuckles run gently over the skin of your cheeks and his lips brush over yours, as he breathes deeply to ask for your permission to take things further, loud and clear despite the slight tremble in his voice – permission to fulfill all the feverish dreams he has at night when he's alone and no party can substitute the high of your skin against his. Allow him to taste you like you do his food.
His hands find their refuge on the plush of your hips. From this up close, you can see small freckles peppering his sweaty skin, surely a consequence of all his work under the sun, and the pretty blush spreading through his face. Haru licks his dried lips, hands still kneading your hips as he gulps, readying himself to ask you for your touch – he figures that, at this point, he was ready to beg. He rests his forehead against yours and a sunny smile spreads on his face when you give him permission into your body. He never knew how much he wanted you until now.
He kisses you under the stars, in the middle of the fields, on top of the hills, in the deepest caves. If you need him to prove his love to you, he'll spend a lifetime smothering you in kisses, waiting until you reveal your most intimate parts to him. Every kiss will be a question, but he doesn't need an answer. He just loves to love you. He lets you take the reigns and choose the timing. Whenever you allow him in you, it'll be perfect and romantic enough for him. He just wants you to love him back.
He worries you might run as soon as he shows interest. He wants it, he so desperately wants it, but what if he messes it all up? What if you don’t feel the same? Ren gets so tangled up in the "what ifs" that it takes a while for him to get out of his own head. His question is hurried and mumbled, like he's trying to quickly rip out a bandaid so it'd hurt less; so the shame would drown him in one go once you refuse his touches. Suffice to say, he's confused once you open yourself to him. He thinks you're insane, but he'd be damned to let this chance pass.
He kneels in front of you and licks a long stripe on your clothed crotch. He glares at you from under his lashes – a predatory gaze if you've ever seen one – while his teeth pierce the waistband of your pants, pulling it just a little, while his hands greedily clutch handfuls of your bottom. He could rip your clothes off in seconds if he wanted to, but he patiently waits for you to answer his silent question. It's so much nicer when you beg for him.
He recognizes he is a man of many sins – pride and greed have been part of him since his early age. So it's rather ironic when it all sends him into a spiral of conflict when it comes to you. His pride prevents him from outright asking you for your attention, but his greed demands you all for himself. A new sin, however, overpowers everything: lust. He can't run, can't hide from the stirring in his insides when he sees you. It is then, that trapping you between himself and one of the golden walls of his office, he finally asks you, breathless and flustered, if you'd help him quell this urge.
He hates everything that he can't understand. Things he can't organize, control, jot down on his notes or record in his phone. Still, he can't help but be addicted to this maddening desire he feels for you, deep inside his core. It's unpredictable, unreliable, and beyond his comprehension. But he loves it. Words, to him, have never been a problem, not even when he's embarrassed beyond belief. He holds your hands firmly and openly tells you of his feelings – of his needs. And if you'll have him, he'll do his best. Just like with everything he does in his life.
He can't find the words to explain himself to you. The blush on his neck, his cheeks and the tip of his ears burn his skin, and he pants – velvety smooth lips pouting with the weight of the words he can't say. He reaches out for your hand, holding it gently against his cheeks and he stares at you with a gaze so lustful that you shiver, as if he managed to strip you bare with a single look. He hopes you understand his gestures and give him reprieve from the need in his body. Set those words stuck in his throat free, with your touch, please.
His hands glide up and down your arms, fingertips hover gently over your skin to elicit goosebumps – he takes his sweet, sweet time with all of it. He places kisses on your jaw and begs you not to be cruel and to please, please let him in. He's his family disgrace – what is dignity to him when you, of all people, are involved? If you wanted to, he'd get down on his knees and kiss your feet like a devotee worshipping his deity. He'd pray for you to let him have you. All for you to allow him to touch the parts of your body he has only dreamed of.
He does not hesitate to voice his desires loud and clear. Gently tilting your chin up to look into his red eyes as he asks you whether you'd give him the honor of being intimate with you after smothering you with hot, loud kisses. His intensity is suffocating. Having someone loving you so openly and loudly is dizzying and it's okay my love, he understands. The lightest touch already inspires him more than any poet's muse ever did. He'll patiently wait (though with bated breath) for you to turn his world upside down once you let him in.
Not even over 400 years of life could prepare him for this surprise – a weathered vampire, lusting for a meek little human. He wastes no time inside his mind and goes straight to you. His arms embrace your waist, and his lips place dangerous kisses on the column of your neck – tongue darting out to feel the inviting pulse of your carotid artery. He whispers his question while nibbling the lobe of your ear and, if you're not ready yet, it's okay. He can be patient, but don't make him wait too much. He needs to eat and you smell like his new favorite food.
He's confident in his ability to convince you. He knows cute winks and silly flirts won't work, don't worry. He decides to be honest: to hold you flush against his body, arms circling your waist as he rests his forehead against yours. He whispers in secrecy how much he is desperate to touch you, to feel you against his tongue, his fingertips, his skin. He wonders if you'd have him, yours to do as you please. When you smile in the kiss you place upon his lips as an answer, Rui melts down under you, relief washing over his body. All that's left is this maddening lovesickness that feels incurable. But anyway, simplicity sometimes is best.
He's confused, and maybe a little scared. He burrows his face in the crook of your neck and drowns himself in your scent – only for the feeling to worsen. He bares his teeth, the need to bite down on your flesh and never let you go almost overwhelming him. You're the only one he trusts with this. Would you help him? He knows it's embarrassing, but you're the only person he can think of at the moment, the only one he wants. He can barely control his hips as he helplessly humps against your thigh. He's sorry, he's sorry. Please take him into your arms and help him?
He wonders for a second if he should treat you like an experiment. On... how would he feel during and after intercourse. He sighs, knowing his excuse is terrible. It's hard, admitting to himself that he wanted you. But maybe telling you was still harder. He decides to announce it, like he would announce the results of an exam. It's easier, and he feels less like dying this way. He stammers, cheeks furiously red, as he tries to ask you for your "cooperation" and sighs, running a hand on his sweaty forehead when you smile and agree. Don't tease him. He has no experience in this. If you want him to be more romantic, he'll need practice. You'll practice with him, won't you?
Jarring, is how he'd act. As soon as he realized he wanted to be intimate with you, he made a beeline towards your door. Things are simple with Jiro, no need for convoluted explications. He wants you, do you want him back? He makes his point clear by grabbing your hand and placing it on his crotch and you nearly faint at the feeling of him already eager for you. He'd truly appreciate it if you accepted. Just be aware that these things are chronic, okay? Therefore, he might need your assistance again quite soon.
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wsteria-rain · 2 months
Omg can you draw Suba petting Lyca and his tail wagging..... I think it would cure me of all ailment... Thank you🙇...
HELLO MY BELOVED OOMF so i was kiinda ill for the last few days but i came up with this silly little idea
sso here... i hope you like it `(*>﹏<*)′
believe me this also cured me of all ailment i love them so much its unreal
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