alicerbecker · 3 years
He was grateful that he found the right name, and could how place a face to it as well, slowly piecing together all his mystery matches, a majority names he simpy didn’t recognise. He got a vibe, if that was how he could describe it, that Alice wasn’t exactly thrilled to have him as a match, which he dismissed as his nerves regarding the situation as a whole, and that the Switch was simply being paranoid. “Yeah, I’m still debating whether it was a genius or insane thing to put a school in the middle of an island getaway,” He half-joked, “So, Alice, enjoying the barbeque so far?”
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Alice chuckled softly.  “I’m going to go with genius, because at least if people are bored in class they know they just need to get through it and there’s a beach waiting right outside the door.”  It definitely helped her, at least, when class was dragging and she needed that last little bit of energy.  “I am, Sir - it’s a lot of people and I think more talking than I’ve done since I got here, but I’ve had a really nice time.  The food is delicious and the company is honestly pretty great.  Present company included, of course.  And yourself?  Have you had a fun evening?”
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alicerbecker · 3 years
Honestly, Avery had no idea who Alice was. He was sure he must have seen her around, but not one face came to mind. He gave up after a while trying to look for her, instead settling on a picnic bench set up for the event, overlooking the beautiful campus. “This place is amazing, right?” He asked  the woman who came and joined him, glancing back and smiling at the name tag. “Alice, right?”
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The moment that she’d seen Avery’s name on her matches, Alice had groaned internally.  She’d been carefully curating the knowledge of who she actually was, not wanting to get in the way of her relations who were already attending the school.  But it was going to be all but impossible to keep it to herself since there was no way they could go through with a claim or scenes - now it was just a matter of figuring out the right way to break the news.  First, though, they had to at least meet - accomplished when she saw him sitting on one of the picnic benches and sitting down beside him.  “That’s me, Sir.  And it is - very, very beautiful.  Sometimes I still can’t believe I go to school here.”
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alicerbecker · 3 years
Finding the partner called Alice, Whitney grinned, the Switch offering her a drink. “Hey I’m Whitney and you are one of the most gorgeous people I have ever met,” She introduced smoothly, with a cheeky wink. “How long have you been here, I feel like I would have noticed you by now!”
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Alice chuckled softly, seeing by the other’s nametag that she was one of her matches for the event.  “Well, thank you, you’re pretty gorgeous yourself Miss.  I’ve been here for about a month and a half now, I think, but to be honest I’ve spent most of my time doing homework on the beach trying to catch up with classes.  So it’s fair enough that you haven’t seen me!”
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alicerbecker · 3 years
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@alicerbecker your matches are as follows
Keep reading
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alicerbecker · 3 years
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Florida heat can’t be beat.
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alicerbecker · 3 years
Yes well it’s a pretty accurate description I think. I am thank you for asking, you did a wonderful job helping me unpack so thank you very much for that Alice. How have you been?
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Oh, you’re absolutely not wrong.  Coming from the Northwest to Florida has been an adjustment for certain.  I’m very glad you found it acceptable, Dame!  I’ve been well, just enjoying the beaches and the weather - have you ever had spot prawns?  I tried them at this place in town and I’m in love.
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alicerbecker · 3 years
Coming back here after being away for awhile was sort of nice, but I kind of wish I never left in the first place because even though it’s hotter than the Devil’s asscrack it’s still better than London weather. My name’s Penny Potter, I’m a switch and if it applies you can call me Dame. I’ll be here over the summer semester, and if anyone needs an escort feel free to just gimme a shout.
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The Devil’s asscrack might be the most interesting turn of phrase I’ve heard for a while, Dame.  Are you settling in well?
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alicerbecker · 3 years
Trixie beamed at the other girls well wishes. “I really hope that it will be, I’m going travelling for the first time ever with my Dominant. We’re going to Italy to see his family, and then I’m going to introduce my half brother to my dads and our sister and uncle.” She chattered, more animatedly than she might usually. Simply because she was so happy.
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“That sounds really nice,” Alice smiled.  “Italy would be an amazing trip.  I’m sure your half brother is really going to like meeting all of those people who are important in your life.”  She knew more than she let on, of course, but that was always going to be the case.  “Where in Italy are you going?”
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alicerbecker · 3 years
Trixie was just putting up her closed for the summer sign over the well thumbed Trixies Treats price board when she spotted Alice Becker who’d bought from her once watching her. “Hey so sorry if you were looking to order again.. I’m going on summer vacation but I’ll be back next year, you have my word.” @alicerbecker​
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Alice hadn’t really been intending on an order, but there weren’t many ways that she could justify hanging out with Trixie without revealing their familial connection.  “Hi Trixie - that’s completely okay, you deserve a nice summer vacation, and I hope it’s a good one for you.  Anything firm planned, or just taking some time off from classes and making treats?”
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alicerbecker · 3 years
Family || Self (Task 7)
Who: Alice, Thomas, and Greta Becker
Where: Portland, OR
When: April 2021
Description: As Alice packs, she talks over her intentions and reasons for choosing Devereux.
“You’re sure this is what you want?”  The conversation, as many of their family conversations did, happened over strong cups of Turkish coffee that would keep all three of them awake long into the night.  Alice’s apartment had already been cleared out, and she had returned home for a week to stay in her old room until she was prepared to light out for the territories.  “You know that we don’t expect you to do this, right?  We’re proud of your degrees, the life you’ve built, everything.  Neither of us would want you to go to finishing school if that’s not what you want.”
Alice smiled over the rim of her cup.  “It is, Mom.  I’ve put it off long enough, and I’d like to learn about what the next phase of my life might look like.  This is the best scholarship I’ve been offered, and it’s a school on an island in Florida - I can’t turn that down.”
Thomas cleared his throat from beside his wife.  Her father didn’t often say much, and when he did it was worth listening to.  “I won’t tell you about that story we saw on TV about Susan going to the island, because I know you’ve seen it.  I just want you to be safe, and I don’t like the thought of her coming around.”
“There’s nothing she can do to me, Dad.  She’s just another woman.  It’s not as if she’d even remember me, especially under a different name.”
“And the others?  Are you going to tell any of them who you are?”
“What would the point be?  I don’t want to make it seem like I’m showing up there expecting them to be my family.  I’m going there to go to school, it just so happens that a lot of them are going there as well.  If they don’t know who I am, and there’s no reason most of them should, I’m not going to make a thing of it.”  Thomas looked to Greta, and she worried at her lip.
Reaching over, she took Alice’s hand in one of her own and squeezed it gently.  “You’re allowed to want them to be your family.  No one else would understand what you’ve been through the way that they would.  In some ways you’re more of a family with them-”
“Don’t say another word,” Alice snapped.  “You’re my family.  You’re my parents.  Don’t think for a second I don’t value that.  I’ve spent most of my life studying and researching the Lynns, but that doesn’t mean you’re any less my family.  I just want them to carry on living their best lives, there’s no reason for me to try and wedge myself into their existence.  I’m going to Florida to learn to be a better submissive, to lay on the beach, and maybe to find a claim if that’s how it works out.  That’s all.”
Thomas nodded, looking decidedly unconvinced.  “If that’s what you want, Alice.  You better call us at least once a week, though.”
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alicerbecker · 3 years
Not at all! Summer vacation is like the best time! I am also looking forward to it, I’m going to Tuscany this summer!
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Oh wow - that’s not a bad way to spend your summer vacation.  Have you been there before?
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alicerbecker · 3 years
I hope everyone had a restful weekend! Or like, a super productive one if you couldn’t rest for whatever reason! But like, it seems to be super busy lately, right? With the dance next week and all the little events in between! What’s everyone most looking forward to?
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Is it cliche to say I’m most looking forward to summer vacation?  I’d like to be able to do my next semester of classes from the beginning.  How about you?
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alicerbecker · 3 years
Hi Alice, it’s nice to finally speak with you! I’m Charlotte. That’s so wonderful, thank you! Here’s my number [x], if you could just text me for the details! How have you been finding everything at Devereux?
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It’s nice speaking with you as well, Charlotte!  It’s absolutely my pleasure, I’ll shoot you a text this afternoon.  It’s been really nice so far, although I’ve been pretty buried in homework and notes trying to catch up - the party should be a nice break.  How long have you been a student here?
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alicerbecker · 3 years
I am Rosemary's granddaughter The spitting image of my father And when the day is done My momma's still my biggest fan Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy But I've got friends who love me And they know just where I stand It's all a part of me And that's who I am
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alicerbecker · 3 years
Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! So just a reminder this Saturday (June 12th) is the Devereux PRIDE Beach Party! It’s going to be at the beach on campus so you can bring friends but no need for escorts! We’ll have some fun things both on the shore and in the water, it starts at 7 PM and goes until 11:45 PM! Everyone is welcome to come join in the fun! Any questions? Concerns? Volunteers for set up and/or clean up? 
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Hi there!  I don’t think we’ve spoken yet - my name’s Alice - but I’d be happy to help set up and clean up!
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alicerbecker · 3 years
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Hang in there, Kitten, it’s almost Friday...
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alicerbecker · 3 years
Over the course of my life, I've celebrated my birthday on three different days.
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