alifbaaaa · 2 years
Hello, My name is Danielle. Thank you so much for your blog. I was messaging you to ask you where you found the Grand Hotel show with Arabic and English subtitles. Thank you
Hi, I found Grand Hotel on netflix.
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alifbaaaa · 4 years
Hot: drinks vs. weather
مشروب سخن - hot drink 
mashroob - drink
suchn - hot 
حار جوّ - hot weather
gaww - weather
haar - hot
* information from my tutor (it differs a bit from what lisaanmasry says).
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alifbaaaa · 4 years
Updated List of Egyptian Arabic dubbed or Arabic subbed films
Lilo and Stitch
Subtitles only:
Silence of the Lambs
The Addams Family
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alifbaaaa · 4 years
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alifbaaaa · 4 years
Come here in my wind. تعالي هنا في ريحي
Egyptian expression; used to tell someone to come closer or come sit next you. “Why are you over there man? Come here in my wind.” (via arabicinenglish)
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alifbaaaa · 5 years
Abu - Eish Ya Alby
Egyptian Arabic music video with English subtitles.
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alifbaaaa · 5 years
Thumbelina in Arabic
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alifbaaaa · 5 years
Khaled Mounib - Naweely Ala Eih | خالد منيب - ناويلي علي ايه
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alifbaaaa · 5 years
لكن (lehken) “but” is MSA (Modern Standard Arabic), not colloqial Egyptian. Say بـَسّ (bass) instead.
مِن فضلَك - min faDlak is also very formal.
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[Do] you speak (m) - بتتكلم betetkalem
[Do] you speak (f) - بتتكَلَّمي betetkallehmee
Arabic - عربي - ‘araby
French - فرنساوي - faransawee
Spanish - أسباني - asbehnee
English - إنجليزي - engeleezee
Yes - أيوه - aywa
No - لا - la
I speak - باتكَلَّم - batkallem
I don’t speak - أنا مش باتملم ana msh batkellem
A little bit - شوية -shewaYya
I speak a little bit - باتكلم شوية
Well - كويّس - kwayyes
I speak ....... well - باتكلم ...... كويس
Very - أوي - awee
Very well - كويس أوي
I do not understand - مش بافهم - msh bafham
He understood - فهم - fehem
I understand - بافهم
Not - مش
I don’t understand Arabic well - مش بافهم عربي كويس
Do you not understand (m) ... - مش بتفهم - msh betefham
Do you not understand (f) - مش بتفهمي - msh betefhamee
Do you understand (just remove the مش)
Not so well - مش أوي - msh awee
I do not understand very well - مش بافهم كويس أوي
At all - خالص - khohles
I don’t understand [insert language] at allأنا مش بافهم .... خالص
Where are you from - أنتَ/ أنتي منين - enta/enty meneen
Where .. from - منين ؟
America - أمريكا - amreeka
Egypt - مصر masR
Canada - كنَدا
Sorry (m) - آسف -asef
Sorry (f) - آسفة - asfa
But - لكن - lehken
From - من - min
Are you from - أنتَ / إنتي من .... - enta/enty min ..?
Welcome - أهلاً وسهلاً - AHlan waSAHlan
If you please (speaking to a male) - لو سَمَحت - low samaHt
If you please (speaking to a female) - لو سَمَحتي - low samaHtee
Can - ممكِن - momken (changes meaning depending on context, also used to say “maybe”, “possibly” and “can I have”)
Question - سؤال - sooehl
Can I ask a question - ممكن سؤال ؟
Moment - لَحظة - laHza
Can I have a moment - ممكن لحظة
Please/excuse me (speaking to a male) - مِن فضلَك - min faDlak
Please/excuse me (speaking to a female) - مِن فضلِك - min faDlik
*use lisaanmasry.com for vocab for languages and countries bc my thumb hurts, bye*
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alifbaaaa · 5 years
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* for prepositional sentences “كان” doesn’t change according to the subject of the sentence, it’s just always كان*
The word for “was” is كان kaan
I was - أنا كُنت ana kunt
You (m) were - إنتَ كُنت inta kunt
You (f) were - إنتي كُنتي inti kunty
You (pl) were - إنتوا كُنتوا - intu kuntu
We were - احنا كُنَّا ihna kunna
He/it was - هو كان huwa kaan
She/it was - هي كانت hiya kaanit
They were - هما كانوا huma kaanu
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alifbaaaa · 5 years
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alifbaaaa · 5 years
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alifbaaaa · 5 years
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alifbaaaa · 5 years
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audio: https://soundcloud.com/aucpress/kallimni-arabi-book-2-183?in=aucpress/sets/kallimni-arabi-2-module-03
book page 92, pdf page 94
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alifbaaaa · 5 years
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Book page 88, pdf page 90
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alifbaaaa · 5 years
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Track 10 and 11 - dialogs from Kallimni Arabi (Book 2)
Book page 86, pdf page 88
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alifbaaaa · 5 years
Kallimni Arabi (Book 2) Module 3
Module 3 starts on pdf page 77 (book page 75).  First track is music, second track goes with pdf page 79. pdf in resources.
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