I just think blood’s neat :]
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Strongly of the belief that every single faction is flawed and is so for a reason and everyone can have the piss taken out of them equally and be debated against, I reckon I'm a bit of an imperium fan boy but I love that it isn't the defacto good guy faction, it is incredibly flawed
Thinking about a few instances where I've seen Imperium fans complain about people being critical of Imperium fans and acting like Imperium fans are the only people to get this treatment by the fandom.
There's a few things wrong with this line of reasoning, first of all being that Imperium fans tend to be extremely vocal about criticizing other factions, notably Eldar, Chaos, and Tau. As a noted Chaos fan, I have to deal with people constantly telling me the traitors aren't worthy of my sympathy, that they deserved their fates, and the loyalists are all so much better and cooler and have bigger dicks. After a while, it gets really fucking grating when you try to have a discussion or just say you like a traitor character only for someone to butt in and explain to you why they suck. Eldar fans have to deal with Imperium fans constantly talking about the Birth of Slaanesh, while Tau fans have to deal with Imperium fanboys mad that Tau have better tech, better living conditions, and that a Tau powerplayer beat their army that week.
To act like Imperium fans get more backlash than those three factions combined... Well, in some ways, I suppose they do. But you gotta remember what the Imperium fans are doing. Constantly playing up the Imperium, decrying other factions, constantly justifying the Imperium's shitty government while not realizing the kind of ideology they are accidentally justifying.
I wouldn't begrudge people for being suspicious or critical of Imperium fans when the fandom tends to act Like That and makes little to no effort to be more empathetic towards their fellow fans. You don't need to bring in game rivalries out into the real world.
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Regardless of all other points, you do realise that if you shoot an animal but don't kill it in one shot you're legally expected to finish the job and not leave it in pain. Having something that works faster than some archaic ass hunting shotgun is pretty nice peace of mind for if you don't feel like chasing down some poor damn deer bleeding out and instead can just yank your boogerhook on the bang bang switch again without any time wasted before the deer makes like a tree
Ah, yes. A semi-automatic shotgun.
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yknow. for hunting.
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Here's an article made by the Rock Island Auction company, who are famed for selling historical and exotic firearms, they're pretty much experts in any subject historically related to them, the article lists examples of what existed before 1791.
Regardless of your political opinion, I think it's important to be well educated on subjects you have said opinion on and there were plenty of repeating weapons that had been around for a long time by the writing of the amendments.
Effectively; I don't care about your political opinion either way, do what makes you happy but please be factual when you're arguing it
I'd also like to make the point that you mention smart guns as if they are something to be more afraid of than a regular mechanical one. Smart guns are primarily a safer device than mechanical firearms because the whole point of them is that only one person can use them, be it through biometrics like a fingerprint or the very early one that necessitated the operator to be wearing a smart watch to fire, meaning that if the gun was stolen it wouldn't work, unlike a regular one which doesn't give a damn who's pulling the trigger.
Secondly, these smart guns are infamous for their unreliability due to the inherent need for electricity in them and well disliked by the firearms community.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
I don't know jack shit about guns, but I do know that our founding fathers could never have anticipated how far firearms would progress -- they have even been working on a smart gun -- or the tragedies that we would be facing in the future due to gun violence. The second amendment gives people the right to keep & bear arms, but it has never specified the type of arms they could keep; that is what we have a judiciary for. Our government has every right & reason to place restrictions on the type of weapons civilians are allowed to have. However, I do think decisions about the types of weapons & accessories that should be banned is something that we should be consulting with our military about.
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I've never put it to words but absolutely, the fact he's,. A little bit shit (as far as your other options are for a spirit of the same level go) but refuses to admit it makes him so much more of a compelling character. Love it.
No but it's so important to me that Bartimaeus is mediocre, he's terribly average, he's not awful at what he does but he's certainly nothing special. Look at the most mid spirit in the world, winning the day only because he cares about people.
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Final Round /_^
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Good luck!
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I don't see why you're calling them racist, I'm too young to drive so my only way of getting around us the bus system I thankfully have good access to from my home, which is especially important since I live rurally. The bus I take is a direct line to and from Dublin and absolutely it is full of weirdos, creeps and people who are high off their tits on god knows what, I've been harassed by plenty of them. The nature of laws that affect whether or not people can drive is that it leaves then with no option but buses and trains, so society's more vulnerable groups (those who are too young or old to drive) end up being left with the groups most likely to hurt them (general crazies, addicts and those who are usually drinking out of a brown paper bag)
Mass transit is generally terribly maintained, is a shit job for the drivers, is a shit experience for everyone trying to use it and without a doubt has a higher concentration of crime.
It's stupid to use passenger deaths in this conversation because cars crash alot more than buses or trains, you should use numbers for passenger assaults, or complaints of verbal/physical abuse. Crime on public transport doesn't specifically mean you got stabbed to death by a fellow passenger, you should really be looking at assaults or harassment on public transport. The asker is absolutely right that I can't wait to get a set of wheels under my arse so I don't have to be constantly made uncomfortable by people.
And finally, for the record, anyone who loves public transport, is such a mythical creature exists obviously doesn't use it, because it fucking sucks dude.
Any response to people correctly pointing out how incompetent government is at expanding and repairing mass transit, and how it deliberately refuses to keep criminals from terrorizing people on mass transit, thus it becomes completely understandable that people would prefer their cars? No? Lol, of course not. I bet you can't even see these words on the screen.
this is not really related to anything I said. if you're looking for a generic "boo cars, yay transit!" guy to fight you're going to have to find someone else
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Cool flavour idea; as elves get older it is very common for them to become addled like senile humans, due to lead poisoning from all of the tankards and pewter plates they would eat off, so despite their age an elf's median of wisdom is about 3/4 or less of the way into their lifespan
Lead, mercury, and other heavy metal poisoning would be a big problem for long-lived elves, due to bioaccumulation
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I hope this crusty idiot shits his pants at the podium someday. The incompetent, incontinent fuckwad
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“We can’t make transit free because then people might use transit”
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I would subscribe to this service.
would it be illegal to pay my mailman to throw out junk mail for me
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Real people have started following me! This is very hot and cool thank you non bots
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Reblogging this so I can find it later to Yearn At™
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3K notes · View notes
All of you talking about carpeted kitchens, please step aside..
For the carpeted urinal
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0 notes
Can't stop thinking about muntjac deer. See the thing with muntjacs is that they have these large scent glands below the eyes and on the forehead, and they use them to mark territory. Many types of deer have the glands in front of the eyes (pre-orbital) but muntjac are unique in having forehead glands (frontal). Here's the video I saw. There's something really unsettling about the idea of an animal being able to like. Open it's face. Idk I think it's madly creepy but it's like a perfectly natural thing for the animal to do. It just looks scary.
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I am so, so very curious
This is only my second day on Tumblr but the wizard community is already very fun, just today I was eaten and entered a wizard tournament :D
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Blended beetroot
me:*fills a water gun with printer ink* me:i dont even need a wii u to have fun
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Firearm design go brr
Hi hello neurodivergent people who love clicky button, i am a neurodivergent person and I am interested in what kind of hyperfixations are most common! If you have multiple current hyperfixations (me too), choose the main one!
if you are willing to please reblog so I can reach more neurodivergent people and get more interesting results!
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