alignlovegrow · 6 years
7 Steps to Manifestation
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1. VISION - have an idea, image, dream, wish, picture of what you say you want. Having some initial concept or vision.
2. DESIRE - this goes hand in hand with the idea of excitement. The things that you see that you say you want must be accompanied by a strong energy, emotion. That energizes the vision. Pumps energy into it. Emotion = Energy in Motion. Strong, intense all consuming desire for the Manifestation of that reality.
3. BELIEF - you must know, explore, examine within yourself that you have the belief that it is POSSIBLE to manifest this thing. That you DESERVE this thing. Your beliefs are going to allow this thing to be possible. So get in touch with the idea of what you do believe, and find out what you would prefer to believe. Find out where the beliefs you had came from, why you insist (or have insisted) on maintaining them, why they have worked for you, why you are motivated to believe those definitions and determine in your imagination new definitions that are more representative of what you really desire. And then KNOW that those new beliefs are in effect, and that’s the 4th step…
4. ACCEPTANCE - you must totally accept yourself and the new belief as true, without question, without a shadow of a doubt. Just as you accepted the old belief. The first 4 steps are what you call, in effect, the
SET-UP. The last 3 are; Once you have the vision, the desire, the belief + accepted it totally, then you need…
5. The INTENTION - You must intend to manifest it. You can want something but not neccessarily intend it - with your will, with your focus to manifest it. It must be a conscious CHOICE. Not an effort, but a focus. This is also known as your conscious commandment of your reality. After that…
6. ACTION - you must act like you’re already in the state of that reality you want. You must BEHAVE as if the reality already exist in the present. You must do the things you would do in the way you would do them as if the reality already existed for you. You must GROUND all the vision, desire etc. in the actions that you do. So that your BEHAVIOR and YOUR BODY LANGUAGE are different than they used to be, and representative of the reality that you are now focused on. Rather than of the reality you no longer prefer. Because your body language is really telling what you believe you are capable of. And what you really believe exists for you at present. After you have build up that intense cloud of vision, that intense emotional desire, that crystal clear belief, after you have totally accepted that this is true for you, after you have focused your intention and have your actions to reflect it, you…
7. Absolutely, totally DETACH from any outcome at all. Allowance is the last step, you have to LET IT GO. Utterly, utterly!!UNCONDITIONALLY. That’s the power of paradox. You’re using the power of the paradox of the existence of creation. The dark and the light, both sides of the polarity. You have to have, in order to manifest anything, an absolute intensity of what you want - with absolutely NO EXPECTATION that it has to manifest at all. That’s the BALANCE STATE you need to be in for the manifestation to be EFFORTLESS. You have to let it go.
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
Southwesthern Eggs
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Recipe >>>HERE
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
sending “I hope you get that job” vibes to the people out here tryna get jobs
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
Snickers, Doritos, and Fruit Juice. Oh My!
So, I went to the gym today for a workout and I was feeling great afterwards. It had been a while since I’d been because of how busy I have been lately and I was just doing workouts at home. It wasn’t until afterwards that I felt furious.
I went to the snack area, you know the one that’s supposed to have “healthy” snacks, protein shakes, and water for you to munch and sip on real quick so you’re not starving by the time you have a real meal. Well, apparently they have a different meaning of the word “healthy.”
I don’t know if I just never payed attention to it or if something had changed because the last time I went to the snack area there was fruit and veggies and a ton of water in the fridge. Of course, some of them had protein bars and muscle milk, but that was not the case this time around.
I decided to order a protein shake since I had a very light lunch that consisted of just a cup of fruit and a handful of almonds, and I wasn’t going to start dinner for another couple hours. As I’m waiting for my shake I start thinking maybe I should get a banana or apple slices, too. I look to see what my options are and I realize, THERE’S NO FRUIT!
I am baffled at this point so I ask, “Do you have any bananas?”
The girl behind the counter, who is making my protein shake, looks at me like I’m crazy because the shake I ordered had bananas in it and she just responds, “Yeah...”
“Can I have a banana to take with me as well?” When I said that it’s like a light went off in her head that made her realize what I was asking and her response absolutely baffles me even more.
“Ohhh, yeah we have bananas but they’re only used for the shakes and smoothies. We can’t sell them. I’m sorry. But feel free to look at the other healthy snacks we have!”
WHAT! You’re a snack bar at a GYM! And you can’t sell me FRUIT! This makes me livid because as I’m looking at the other “healthy snacks” all I see are muffins, cookies, very sugary granola bars, pop tarts, basically what a person takes for breakfast when they’re being lazy in the morning or running extremely late and grab the first thing they see and walk out the door.
As I look even closer I realize there are SNICKERS! Candy! Seriously! There’s not only snickers but Twix and M&Ms, too! And when you look in the fridge, there soda, fruit punch and fruit juice. And, no, fruit juice is not healthy for you unless you are squeezing/juicing it yourself or if they say organic! And sometimes even organic is iffy because of how much sugar is added to these beverages!
Why do gyms even offer these things as snacks after a workout! I just worked my ass of to try and burn as many calories, fats, and sugars that I have consumed in the last twenty-four hours, and you want me to put them back in my system! I don’t think so!
Is this a way for y’all to get people to come back so that they can work they’re asses off like I did but get no results because of your “healthy snacks.” This needs to change! Gyms should want to help people, not keep them from succeeding!
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
Eventually you’ll end up where you need to be, with who you’re meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing. Patience is the key.
Unknown (via the-starseeds)
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
looking healthy does not mean:
 petite, curvy, small, large,muscular, slim, pretty, well dressed, sweating from the gym…etc
looking healthy means:
 eyes sparkling, real smiling and laughter, skin that glows, a functioning alert body and radiating contentment and positivity about yourself.
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
You Are Going To Have So Much Success In 2018 (pass it on)
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alignlovegrow · 6 years
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It’s always hard to take the first step to become better. But once you take it, you find it’s the best decision you’ll make because it’s not just for a little while, it’s for a lifetime.
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