aljerards · 6 years
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spirited away; chihiro to haku
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aljerards · 6 years
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spirited away; zeniba
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aljerards · 7 years
“Memories Sweet by Anonymous It was only just a practice for graduation but at the end — I almost cried. As the practice started, I was pretty much in my fun and bombastic vibe without thinking too much on the practice. As for our last song which is our alma mater song, I sang it cheerfully. At the last chorus of the song, everything hits me all of a sudden — we are graduating. I looked at my classmates at that moment and I found myself smiling at them. I looked down and tried to continue to sing the song but I couldn’t. I just stopped and bobbed my head as they continue to sing the song. I smiled through all the memories I made with my classmates for the past two years — and it was all fun, memorable, and splendid. I was about to cry but I held it back.”
Somebody wanted to share this before everything ends
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aljerards · 7 years
Christmas Party with 12-Zeal • 2/2
this is the second part of the Christmas Party video with my classmates
First of all, this year was a complete stressful one but it’s one of the most fulfilling year I got. Thank you to my classmates who is always their for me at my shenanigans. I also want to address my two former classmates (Sharmaine & Eloi) that they went to school to spend their time with us celebrating our party. Anyways, I’ll be seeing you guys on January 03, 2017 (and tomorrow on that day will be our defense 😂 ). Lots of love! Merry Christmas and a have a Happy New Year
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aljerards · 7 years
Christmas Party with 12-Zeal • 1/2
this video contains the first half of our Christmas party in our school 😂
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aljerards · 7 years
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Thank you Kim Jonghyun! May your soul rest in peace.
I've lived the way I wanted to. I've walked the road the way I imagined it.
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aljerards · 7 years
Extra Post #4: The (Un)expected Visit (12월13일17년)
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When you can’t do vlog, then do a blog for it instead (hehe)
So it was 12:28 P.M. and it's our lunch time and I was ecstatic with my former classmate/friend a.k.a Eloi visiting us here in our country because she is studying now at abroad in Australia. I was excited and cannot wait to see her again but one of my classmate (Shaina) told me to go down to the school's lobby with her and that made me even more ecstatic than ever. So as we go down to the lobby, me and Shaina talked about how I will feel if I saw Eloi again and as we get nearer I was telling a story of me screaming like a pterodactyl similar to my another friend visiting me. As I said the pterodactyl thingy, I saw Eloi sitting on one of the front bench of our lobby and I was screaming but I'm also conscious with my scream because we're near the school registrars and stuff like that. I immediately rushed towards her and gave her a hug (REUNITED!) because I freaking miss her presence in our classroom.
So as we went back, some of my classmates were at the canteen and saw Eloi and also same reaction with giving her big hugs and missing each other's company. Even our P.E teacher said Eloi looked a lot more pretty after she went to go abroad for schooling and we totally agreed with that. Her skin looked like it's unstressed while we looked like rags (most especially me — I looked like a mop and a trash when I'm beside her). We also brought Eloi to the SHS Faculty and same reaction like us.  One of our professor introduced her to the SHS faculty and luckily they gave her a warm and pleasing welcome.
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Fast forward to as soon as she went inside of our classroom, most of the people are shocked and screamed and again same reaction like before — more hugs and "I miss you". As soon as she sits we all made a circle around her and legitimately bombarded her with a lot of question on her schooling and living in Australia. One of our professor gave us the time to bond with her (awwwww!) and the endless conversation with her started. I carefully listened to her hardships and struggles as she tries to adjust with her environment. But we also try to lighten things up by asking funny or even stupid questions on her living abroad. As the time progresses, we also surprised our Cluster Leader who came inside of the classroom in order to gave us the shirt sizes for our Work Immersion and same reaction like before too. You expect us to be prim and proper when our Cluster Leader is around right? But nope, we partied out inside of our classroom (like literally) and gave her our 'cheering phrases' (there is something wrong with our classroom but it's not bad meaning bad but bad meaning good you know 😂  ).
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So Eloi was about to follow our Cluster Leader but through our professor (Mam P-Ann), she came to sit in on our Entrepreneurship class and we did another round of questioning to Eloi. Fast forward to our dismissal time, we said our goodbyes to Eloi in hoping to see her again on the coming days. The remaining 4 hours in our school was much more memorable, fun and precious. I seized the hours and the moment I knew, this Christmas will be heartfelt and ecstatic at the same time. Thank you Eloi!
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aljerards · 7 years
a l i e n (12월10일17년)
December 10, 2017
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I don’t know what to title this but I'm just gonna go with my latest bop (even if the song is already old),
So I woke up at 9:00 A.M. and practically did nothing but watched YouTube videos and later on watched the movie of Boruto. Unfortunately, the gardeners didn't went at our house (such a bummer) to check out how will they landscape parts in our house. We ate blackfin scad with spinach for lunch and I usually eat it with precautions because it still has fish bones and it ruins my eating time since it's very time-consuming to look at it carefully in order to prevent myself to feel the thin sharp bones of a fish.
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Fast forward to 3:00 P.M. where me and my mom bought food good for 3 days of consumption because my mom will be going to a national convention for their institution at Pasay, Manila. I aso bought some Christmas gifts even if I don’t know what to buy for ‘them’. I'm very sorry to my classmate for not having to go to her debut today :( I also bought Japanese food for dinner and also bought turon for snacks.
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               We had dinner at around 6:30 P.M. and I ate the food I bought and also an Ilokano dish that my father always cook. It looks unpleasant but I swear it’s clean and tastes good and it consists of mostly two ingredients such as mushrooms and leaves from chilli peppers.
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      So I’m going to end this blog post right now because we’ll be waking up tomorrow pretty early. Bye!
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aljerards · 7 years
chill chill chill (12월09일17년)
December 09, 2017
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Doing happy things for the Christmas season because of my heart’s bitterness (and also coldness) towards Christmas
I woke up at around 9:00 A.M but I was still in a daze because my cousin just woke up so I doze off for awhile. My cousin is here because my mom isn’t at our house and she had an overnight seminar at Subic (I’m kinda but envy because the factory outlet store of a shoe brand is there so — I’ll just be fine lol 👟). Every morning, I’m not your typical bright attitude with vibrant eyes but rather I wake up and still look at my surrounding and be quiet for a few minutes and they call that muni-muni in Tagalog. From my knowledge, that term means meditation or think about something (anyways, it’s just me being unconscious for a few seconds).
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I did some minor tidying on my clothes since I’m bored and I arranged them according to short sleeves to long sleeves. At around 11:14 A.M, I usually watch YouTube videos in that time. Besides my world of Korean Pop and Korean Hip-hop music and culture that I watch, I also watch tech videos, tech reviews, tech rumors, tech unboxings and even more tech stuff. It excites me when a companies releases the new line-up of their product (whether phone, tablet, laptops or desktops) and people are in the hype for it and it’s the latest buzz in the tech world.
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     At around 12:00 P.M, we ate our lunch with my mom since she just got home for a couple of minutes and we ate the Adobo that she doesn’t like (which is the sweet and salty side of the dish) because the taste was “too strong” for her palette (sorry mom 😂 ). After eating lunch, I still continued watching YouTube videos.
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At around 1:41 P.M, I luckily tagged along with my mom and dad’s search for the landscaping of some parts of our house. I wasn’t supposed to be comig but due to my lowkey clingy nature, I went with them too (also with my cousins too). We went to a familiar place of mine and in just a year that I hadn’t use a school service type of transportation in going to school, there are some advancements such as business establishments. I was kinda bit shocked for the moment (all the memories I made from my past mates in the school bus). We got some plants for our house again (lol). Also, we got to check out for a few minutes at the house of my cousin which is totally pleasant and nice because of the renovation in their house. We also bought turon which is a plantain encased in a wrapper with sugar inside of it and sometimes if it’s extra special it has some thin pieces of jackfruit in it.
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    As I went home, I was still unsatisfied with the amount of food intake I got. So as I went home, I cooked some 3 packs of instant spaghetti noodles (eating monster activated — I’m sorry ✌🏻). I gave my last batch of marshmallows to my cousins as a small token of appreciation for being available to drive for us (a sudden attack of Christmas festivity in my mind — I hope I’ll change my perception of Christmas again because it was bitter before).
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So fast forward to dinner at 7:30 P.M. (yes, I still ate dinner — I’m an unapologetically a eating monster), we ate our remaining Adobo and ate some chocolate covered peanuts. So as we rested for a bit my mom went inside my room and we started arranging some portraits of ours. I saw my 2 year old self which was very very cute unlike my 7 year old self which was super duper extraordinarily cringy. But anyways, I saw my mom dad portraits (with me as a baby) when they were still lean and have simple and casual outfits.
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At 9:00 P.M., the friend of my friend (which is the cousin of my another friend) asked help through her about designing a poster about Korean street food but my artistic prowess isn’t top notch but I gave a small advice and helped give the bigger picture to my simple edit (it’s simple like for real). Anyways I took a bath after that.
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I’ll be ending this blog post for this day because I want to sleep more. See you tomorrow on the next blog!
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aljerards · 7 years
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aljerards · 7 years
When the sun rises, together with you I walk in sync I am really really into you When the moon rises, in my arms you fall asleep I really really like you
f(x); The 2nd Album “Pink Tape”; 미행 (그림자; Shadow)
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aljerards · 7 years
미행 (그림자; Shadow) (12월03일17년)
December 03, 2017
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Foreshadowing the day because I can do it anyways.
I started my day at 11:25 P.M. because I like waking up late on the weekends (and of course because of the Melon Music Awards I watched yesterday — you can read that on my another blog post here). I looked around our house and it looks freakishly good which I felt like I’m in a vacation house (good in the sense of chilling out but bad in the sense that it gets me lazy lol). My mom and dad did some small arrangements since all of the furnitures and stuff are already at their places and just needs a little bit of “perfection” or “art” as they would say. I did my fair share and since I’m tall, I would get the things at the cabinet that they cannot reach (me is not giant, I swear). I first ate lunch than my parents since they slept for  awhile. Our lunch was my favorite Ilokano dish (yaaay!).
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Fast forward to 1:30 P.M., I was reading an article of Billboard about “The 40 best K-pop deep cuts of the decade so far” which featured different Korean artist’s songs that has a lot more meaning on it. Dean was on the list and also BTS and EXO but the first one is the group that I also love and listen the most which is f(x). Plus the first place of this artist’s song is my favorite of all time which is Shadow.
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The article says: “f(x) specializes in balancing weirdness with mainstream appeal, and their beloved Pink Tape is constructed around that duality. It was hard to come to a consensus about the best deep cut, but “Shadow,” which peaked at No. 6 on Korea’s Gaon chart, is arguably the best embodiment of the girl group’s quirky sensibility. It’s a clever trick to take whimsical elements -- like the xylophones, vocal samples and lyrical love theme -- and twist them into something sinister. Those descending xylophones at the beginning paired with the warped vocal layers sound deeply unsettling -- then you read the lyrics, and the song becomes straight up chilling.
The song strays away from explicit horror elements in favor of subtlety. On the surface, lyrics like “When the sun rises, together with you / I walk in sync” sound romantic. But on a closer read, the song is sung from the perspective of a stalker -- expressed through the extended metaphor of a shadow, a lyrical device borrowed from the album’s preceding song and lead single, “Rum Pum Pum Pum.” On top of its interpretive richness, “Shadow” is a downright catchy tune, proving that K-pop is a high art all its own. -- C.K.”
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I totally agree with the high art since I always use this song on my vlogs, video projects and listen to it every single time or making it my bed time song. Its melody, instrumentals, and especially their voices made it the best AF. You can also watch the Art Film which is very aesthetic and at point. You can check the video here (or I’ll put the video below).
We went to the mall at 3:00 P.M. and got myself a haircut since it’s been a month and my hair is getting annoying already and I can feel the stress of the past weeks of school on my hair. I usually let my hair fully grow itself before I get a haircut. Anyways, my haircut was pretty nice though. We bought some groceries and a chocolate cake (chocolate indulgence to be exact with the name) for my dad.
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  At around 5:50 P.M., I made the first batch of our version of Graham balls and it tasted great. I will make another one for our weekly Kris Kringle which the theme of the coming week is something handmade or homemade. As the night progresses, we ate dinner and also ate the cake we bought.
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  See you on my next blog post! (Still pushing my luck with the cancellation of classes tomorrow)
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aljerards · 7 years
music awards and more music awards! (12월02일17년)
December 02, 2017
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Spending my Friday and Saturday nights watching Korean music awards one at a time.
I woke up from my bed early because we had Saturday classes. I’m pissed off like who invented classes on the weekends? (I’m gonna punch him on the face, just joking lol) Fortunately, I gave my weekly gift to my classmate Allen and it is soft drinks. This week was supposed to be something soft and I came up with the idea that why not soft drinks? I gave him that since he’s (VERY) sarcastic at times. My classmates were shocked since I attended classes today (and they think it’s a Christmas miracle). Coincidentally, I accompanied Allen going home (which is very strange since me and my cousin usually go home together lol).
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As I got home, our curtains of our home was being put in to place. It was kind of bit off for me since curtains will always give me a vintage vibe (which I some sort of hate it but I have nothing more to say).
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As afternoon progresses at 2:30 P.M., we have arranged the Christmas decors in our house and it looks quite stunning. The tree was a pain in the ass. The bushes are arranged one by one and it’s very tiring but the results were fine. I continued my day watching Melon Music Awards. The first segment was the Red Carpet of the known artists and actresses of the Korean industry. Some known artists such as BTS, EXO, TWICE and a lot more. The red carpet shows the feelings of the artists before the awards start. Plus their fashion style is at point (don’t get me started with the price point what they’re wearing).
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Fast forward to 6:00 P.M., I saw our tree and it looks simple yet amazing at the same time. I’m happy that the Christmas tree is above me rather than we’re at the same height (t’was 7 ft. I think) and it compliments the decors at our stairs.
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Additional fact: I also watched MAMA 2017 last night so it has been two days of sleeping late but I don’t have any regrets at all.
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A lot of my fave artist got awards (which made me really happy). The whole night I spend watching the awards show and made a good 1 minute shower (how did I even managed lol). BTS got numerous awards and also it gave the award for Best Pop (which is given to American-pop singers) even if I’m salty with people around me talking sh*t on Korean music
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At the end, all artist deserve an award whether they didn’t receive any since all their hard work and hardships are recognized by their fans themselves. Thank you to Nina and Karla for watching wit me on thelast 3 awards of the Melon Music Awards. See you on the next blog!! 
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aljerards · 7 years
Extra Post #3: back (11월27일17년)
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a concrete jungle post (lol)
I started this already at 12:10 A.M., because I’m still at my hype state even if we need to go already at 8:30 P.M. and wale up at 7:00 A.M. (another sleepless night with me).  I danced to Red Velvet’s Peek-A-Boo to EXO’s Power (that’s how energetic I am). But anyways I passed out at 12:30 P.M.
I took a bath at 7:30 P.M., and got already done and on the road at around 9:40 P.M. Our first destination at was at Dau, Pampanga at around 10:40 A.M. My father bought an air gun scope for the first destination and it costs at a bit of a hefty price.
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Fast forward to 11:03 A.M. where we got to the mall that we’re going to. Before we went inside the mall, I already said to my mom that I’m already hungry (even if we were still on the road because I didn’t ate breakfast today — you don’t want a food a fighter to get grumpy and irritable right? just joking lol). We first start to go at variety store in the mall to buy different things and stuff for our house (like I get it, we like to buy stuff but it is a need rather than a want). We had an early lunch at a smorgasbord place in the mall to get started early on the shopping. The menu of the smorgasbord place is all good and easy so I got my money’s worth fortunately (a food fighter has summoned I’m sorry).
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I started shopping on our Monito Monita which is a well-known Christmas Filipino tradition. The names or codenames are written in pieces of paper and you’ll give a gift to whoever the person you got. The gift may vary in different categories such as something sweet, memorable, long etc. I bought a hand cream to the person that I’ll give and it’s the same scent that I use which is the Green Tea one (yaaaaas my fave!).
We went inside the department store to buy (again) stiff and things for our house (shop till we drop kind of thing — I’m sorry). My dad bought a shirt and my mom bought polo shirts for themselves. As we ventured out in the department store, we left our father to the lounge to let him rest for the whole walking. We went to buy clothes at two fashion retail stores but the one is usually for tops and the other one being for bottoms. The thing when I shop for clothes is that I want bigger and breathable in any way but I can be very meticulous when picking since I like Asian fashion rather than the Western one. Japanese fashion is a lot more reserved and “chill” while Korean fashion tends to be more trendy, creative and experimental in a certain way (one example is that dress shoes DON’T go with jeans and your bottoms shouldn’t be scrunched up by the shoes that you’re wearing). I bought two tops and a bottom and that’s about it since I’m very particular with my fashion.
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We picked up my dad from the lounge at around 2:30 P.M., and he felt rejuvenated from his sleep. We got into our car and went to a duty free to buy some imported goods (most especially chocolates and chips) and drive thru in McDonalds after. I cracked up since the roads of the shop we went is so quiet and there are just few to no cars passing by us (weekday shopping is the best since there aren't a lot of people — the smell of introvert-ness).
At around 4:25 P.M., we got to the exit toll gates and it was clearly traffic because it was a long line of waiting cars. We went to one of my cousin’s house that is bring renovated to make it new. Their progress makes me happy because it is all coming together perfectly (me is very enthusiastic with achievements of other people whether small or big).
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We drove back home at already 5:35 P.M. and rested for a good 40 minutes before we ate dinner. And you can check the vlog here!
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aljerards · 7 years
바쁘다 pt.2 (11월26일17년)
November 26, 2017
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If you think yesterday was busy well think again, today it’s a lot more busier LIKE A LOT.
I woke up from the sound of the telephone ringing at 10 A.M. Waking up early isn’t a thing for me since I like sleeping. And I went outside of our room and I rushed towards my room and started cleaning my things already (like a lot more things to arrange and stuff like that).
I ate lunch at 12:50 P.M. and my father unfortunately didn’t bought some linoleums because the stores are closed at this day. That didn’t stop me from doing my work. I gathered all my Korean merchandises and arranged them neatly as possible even if I failed miserably. I arranged some of my tech stuff t from my gray plastic boxes to the drawers in my room. I did some cable management of course in order to prevent myself from the horrifying octopus cords (I swear, it’s terrifying as heck). All went well actually, my alternative linoleum for my drawers is plastic bags from SMTOWN COEX Artium store. Thanks to one of my mom’s acquaintances that I got some albums because of her.
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At around 4:30 P.M., I assembled my monitor without any help from my parents (yeah, I’m “adulting” as they would say). Good thing my good friend YouTube and the setup manual helped me through. I was super careful in everything because I know to myself that I’m clumsy as heck. As I was to put the HDMI to my laptop, I had second thoughts whether it will connect (since the adapter costs a bit more). YAS! The connector worked! It works good than what I have expected. *rejoices to the heavens above*
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As the night passes by at 6:30 P.M., my mom and I worked together to arranged my bed. I did the heavy stuff and my mom did the tidying part and it looked great because of the colors in my room. I chilled in my room and look everything that I worked on for 2 weeks and I have to say, I did a great job to be honest (with a little help from my mom and dad).
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I may have written limited words today but the pictures said everything that I did today. I need to sleep early because we’ll be going out of town to go shop and relax (possibly going to do a vlog). Anyways, see you on my next blog post!
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aljerards · 7 years
피곤해 (11월25일17년)
November 25, 2017
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I woke up on the sound of the phone ringing and it’s 7:30 A.M., my body did not felt great and I’m not feeling well. My lower back did not seem to budge. The gloomy skies welcomed to me and its arms reached out while I was still in my bed. The rain and cold weather brought me joy and and peace of mind (to put things in perspective, I’m a pluviophile). I tried to get up out of my bed even if it hurts a bit. 
As I got up and went outside of my room. I was invited by the pleasing and sweet song called Bato sa Buhangin which was sung by a 70′s Filipino pop band Cinderella. The song was about the love that isn’t in the present time but timeless and isn’t ephemeral but eternal (the influence of my father’s old song choices are hitting me up for real). We ate breakfast while the painter finishes my room. Well I was at our dining area because of strong smell of the paint that was applied on some of the cabinets inside our room.
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As the noon progresses, I decided to listen more thoroughly and watch the music video of BTS’ Mic Drop that was remixed by electro house musician Steve Aoki and featured rapper Desiigner (you can watch it here). The beats were more upbeat than its original track (like duh self it’s a remix). For me, both songs are both good and nice but I prefer more on the original since it has more old school vibe on it but I like both songs. Unfortunately, I cannot do vivacious moves because my lower back won’t budge.
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It was 3:00 P.M. and all of the workers are busy putting some glass in the rooms while me and my mom arrange some linoleums inside some of our cabinets to make clean and “presentable” (yup, my family is a one cleaning machine). My dad went to do stuff at around 4:00 P.M. and the work continues. At 4:30 P.M., I started arranging some of the things inside of my room since most of it was left for almost a week (lol I’m lazy). I decided to make my shelves near the mirror of my room to have no things on top of it since I want it to look minimalistic as possible (even if my life and things are a mess, but at least I’m trying). I suddenly had a short realization when I was cleaning and back when I was a child, I like collecting notebooks that are small and it has a smooth white paper texture (I’m very particular when it comes to choosing when I was a child up until now — I became meticulous 😂 ).
At 6:30 P.M., my dad went home and bought us cake and our car is back (because our garage before was full of plyboard and buckets of paint) from our house and it still smells the same even if it was parked before at a very dusty environment. We settled for a bit and I saw my pictures of me with birthday messages from my relatives, family, friends, and my mom’s co-workers. I was so cute like what happened before? (hahaha sad lyf)
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I already took a bath at 7:00 P.M. because I’m annoyed with my itching hair and I just realized that my hair is already long and it’s time to have a freaking haircut (but due to the fact that I’m lazy — I’ll wait for another week to get it trimmed). So as the night continues, we ate dinner with the black forest cake that my father bought for us (I’m sorry if the picture below doesn’t look appetizing).
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I’ll never forget this day that it has been a 1 year since 2NE1 disbanded. It was heartbreaking for the fact that they were the ones who entered me in the Korean realms of my world. The fact they were popular during my childhood days means a lot to me. They were the ones that:
Having a different taste of music is never bad; 
You can enjoy music without understanding it because music is a universal language; and
Respect each other’s differences.
Like if we all have the same melody, would you think there will be harmony? In short, don’t judge someone because they’re different.
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I guess this may be the end of my blog. See you tomorrow for the next one!
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aljerards · 7 years
Extra Post #2: p a r t y (11월23일17년)
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So I was having fun doing this blog thingy and I’m back here with another (extra) blog post
So at around 11:30 P.M., we had our presentation of our dances to our Phys Ed class which is kinda fun since I’m with my classmates. The performance of our school fair will be such a bummer (like always) but nevertheless, I’m just going to be in my normal composure even I’m annoyed. We were playing Pokemon Sun and Cuphead (as usual) after eating our lunch.
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Fast forward to 3:35 P.M. and that is the start of our “party”. So I was expecting to go home being sleepy and neutral but nope, not all. My former adviser was about to close her laptop but good thing that we got to her R&B songs and we jammed out to the beats (like we are people at the club except we are not drunk). We jammed out from Beyonce’s Sweet Dream to Cali Swag District (you know already their famous song in the past so no need to type it here because it’s kinda bit uhm uhm idk). Our professor was even more at shock every time a new song pops out and we laughed it all out when we do some crazy dancing of it (we’re not drunk, I swear). The last song was Shots (and again we’re not drunk) and we partied all out and everything was semi-chaotic since mostly half our class is partying and the rest were at the state of being composed and prim. And just like that, the fun just started.
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At 6:00 P.M, we celebrated my cousin’s birthday (I even forgot her birthday and yep more partying). We celebrated it a known local karaoke bar (with our parents, of course) here at our city. The first thing that i did is that I rushed towards the karaoke and find songs to “pump up” the environment. As usual, I did some small vocal impersonations and of course did some singing. This is the first time that I wanted to sing with my family and relatives since before I hated singing whenever there are people around even if it’s my relatives (shyness is gone, finally). 
We sang some old to new songs and I just randomly searched in the song book for Jeff Bernat’s Call You Mine and it turns out it has his song there and I quickly clicked the numbers after my cousin sang (me is secretly a Jeff Bernat fan).
As the karaoke war is commencing, we found out there is something wrong with the system — my cousin’s score is higher even if his voice was kinda bit off-tone and tone (the system is fraudulent when it comes to giving scores).  As the night progresses, we did the usual Happy Birthday song to Carla and ate our dinner even if the serving was a good 30-minutes wait. After eating and some more singing, she blowed the candle as she turns sixteen this year. We said our goodbyes and last greetings to her before we went home.
Happy Birthday Carla! Just be yourself and reach for your dreams! (me is such a sweet cousin, I know)
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