alliance-sentinel · 11 years
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i do actually know someone who got a cake like this once (the butt was 100% frosting)
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
"You. Come. Snuggle. NOW!"
"I know, I know. But you said you wanted to watch a movie. If I don't set up the vid screen, we can't watch it. And you'll just fall asleep."
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
"I miss you so very much."
He thumbs the edge of the vid screen, her face a little less puffy than it was last week. "I miss you too." He sighs unconsciously. "Got a little more to fix up here and I'll be back. Did the doctors give you the progress report? Any news when we can get you out of there?"
He looks around the expansive place again, red sun blooming high above the raging windstorms and dunes of Inta'sei. "It gets really hot here, remind me to check with Tali about the air conditioner at some point. Running up too much bandwidth out here." 
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
"Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
Kaidan turns with one eyebrow raised. "Yes. Of course I do. Do you doubt me?" 
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
TO: Shepard
FROM: Kaidan
I think I'm being followed. Some drell who gave me his waffles keeps staring at me now. I was just hungry. Did I offend his people, you think?
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
Jayce-mun: Because girlfriend in jersey. XD
Me: He is like. Lemme wife you so hard k.
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
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Mass Effect TV Tropes
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
Kaidan raises a brow and his lips tighten. "Why, look at that,you're out of uniform, huh. Want to keep pushing it, Lieutenant?" 
"Could’ve fooled me, with all that ‘I used to know the Commander’ nonsense."
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
+ disgracedcommandershepard
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
+ cdrwintershepard
TO: SHEPARD, W. FROM: ALENKO, K SUBJ: Let’s go out and be normal people You know what you need, Shepard? You need a night where you get to just hang out and try to be normal for a few hours. Let's get something to eat. After that, we could go down to the strip or whatever you want. Let me know. … Winter always surprised him. Though, Kaidan imagined, he was not alone in this thought. All of them – her crew, through all the years, had been shocked by her stories, her attitude, and her prowess. Not a single one doubted her for a second. Except for him. She had forgiven him, but Kaidan had yet to forgive himself. In fact, he probably never would. But he was efficient. He knew how to compartmentalize. He knew where the road was headed – Earth. Sooner or later they would go home and bring the fight to the Reapers. They had precious little time left for the small things. And there was a promise he made once, way back when, and he intended to fulfill it. Even so, Kaidan was a determined man. He wasn’t taking her out, in fact, he had no intention of leaving her apartment until they were too drunk and too full of steak to move. She always joked he ate more than four men in one sitting, but he knew better, he knew she had the same appetite. He had seen her sneak snacks from the Mess late in the night. So he rang the buzzer to her apartment with mischief playing about his features.
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
offline ... .. .
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
+ arcturusstation
Kaidan stood at attention, hand at his head in crisp salute. "Admiral." It was always an honor to see the man in person, though admittedly Kaidan Alenko had more experience with the man's battle-hardened voice over the communication systems. 
Ever the man of many exits, plans and unfounded worries, he had to wonder to what he owed the pleasure.
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
+ liarat
Cerberus built one fine ship, but they never improved the elevators. Why, Kaidan couldn't fathom. Above his pay grade, though admittedly, he was SPECTRE now, there was little above his pay grade. 
He could hear gears grinding behind polished metal walls, slow as a crawl and then -- stopped. Of course. One elevator for a crew of fifty-plus. He leaned against the wall, huffing out an impatient sigh. 
"Oh. Liara. Hey." The doors opened and revealed the asari. Kaidan had been informed of her new position and if Shepard hadn't told him in such a serious voice, he never would have believed that the skittish scientist was The Shadow Broker. It was kind of funny, he thought as she joined him. "How are you? Sorry I haven't dropped by ... Glad you're here, too."
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
+ renegonsoldier
Kaidan rolled his neck, eyes straying from the stack of datapads before him. He was unmotivated. There was little to do between boots on the ground and boots off that he was unsure just what to do. SPECTRE work turned out to be less about paperwork and more about doing. 
He sighed. He cracked knuckles, eyed his cold coffee dubiously. He wondered if someone bothered to make a fresh pot. Most likely not. He stood, stretching out aching knees from the last haul Shepard had them on. He felt a painful click that past just as sharply and quickly as it appeared. 
Doors swished open and he would have taken another step were it not for the man standing there. "Hey, Shepard." 
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
"Our little secret, Lieutenant. Though I resent the assumption that have nothing better to do with my time but spread rumors. Last I checked, this was a warship, not a high school."
"I don’t. Obviously. But I don’t want you spreading rumors. I have a reputation."
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alliance-sentinel · 11 years
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