alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
I made one! here it is
do you have a master list?
I don’t know what that is. I’m not good at tumblr, but feel free to tell me :)
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Fan Fiction [Part 16]
Emma's POV
When I woke up the next morning, I could feel the dried tears still on my face and looked down to see I'd fallen asleep in my clothes. I sighed. Tony said I disgusted him. I've been called many things, I've made a lot of mistakes, but no one has ever told me that I disgust them. Let alone Tony motherfucking Lopez. After sitting in bed and contemplating my whole life, I decided that I should go check Tony's room and see if he ever came home. I get out of bed, making sure not to disturb Avani and Addison as they had slept in my bed with me last night.
Walking down the hallway, I approach Tony's door, but notice Nick sitting outside the door next to Tony's, Bella's a room.
"Hey Nick, you good buddy?" I turn to him, cocking an eyebrow. I get a good look at him and his eyes look bloodshot as if he'd been up all night. He rubs his face with his hands before answering,
"Somethings up with Bella, I'm just waiting to go talk to her." I nod still kind of confused about what was going on, but I have to deal with Tony first before I can worry about this. So, I give Nick a sympathetic look, and head into Tony's room. When I got inside, he was sitting in his computer chair, looking at his phone. He glared up at me,
"What do you want?" He grumbles. I took a deep breath in, he didn't throw me out, that's a good sign.
"I want to talk." I say trying to collect my thoughts. He rolls his eyes and gives me a sarcastic grin, dropping his phone into his lap.
"What could you possibly have to say?" He asks me, quite rudely. I bite my lip, I deserve the tone.
"Look, Tony. I know you don't want to hear this but you and I were just fuck buddies. And I know Ondreaz is your brother but I don't see why it's your business who I slept with." I start to ramble, but cringe on the inside knowing that my words weren't coming out the way that I had intended for them to. Tony shoots out of his chair and starts to shout.
"Fuck buddies!? That's what you think? I fucking told you that you were mine." His teeth grit at the word mine, and a shock ran through my core. But my next words came out in anger.
"Just because you say I'm yours and you start fingering me while drunk at a party doesn't mean I owe you jack shit!" I rage, but can't help but freak out on the inside that he really thought I was his. Tony gets closed to me and pulls me into him, putting our foreheads together aggressively. We looked into each other's eyes and I could feel Tony staring into my soul.
"Well you're mine now. That good enough for you?" He growls, putting his hand into my hair. I couldn't help but become weak at the knees. All I could do was nod feeling extremely turned on by Tony's aggressive and possessive behavior.
Our lips crashed together in a heated and passionate kiss. The anger dissipating with each passing second and want and need taking over us. I pull away slightly.
"You got treated for the chlamydia right?" I ask, out of breath. He rolls his eyes and smirks at me before connecting our lips once again.
Bella's POV
I wake up and feel a presence in the bed beside me. I could tell by the scent that it was Nick, but I wasn't ready to open my eyes, so I kept them closed. I felt his hands in my hair, playing with it softly. I felt calm being beside him for just a second, but then the events of last night came flooding back into my brain. I opened my eyes and was greeted by Nick's adorable smiling face.
"Hey Belle. How you doing?" He asks, not removing his hand from my hair. I wanted to speak, but I felt my voice caught in my throat. I didn't want to lie to him, but I also didn't want to say anything that invited anymore questions. Instead, I stayed silent and closed my eyes again. I could hear Nick sigh. "Belle please talk to me. I'm worried sick about you." I kept my eyes closed and wished I'd never opened them in the first place. I felt Nick lay down beside me and lean forward to kiss my forehead. "I love you Belle, no matter what." I opened my eyes and was met by his face a few inches from mine. I could see the worry evident in his eyes, and I felt my heart break. I didn't want to worry him, but it's too late.
"I don-I can't talk about it." I feel tears involuntarily welling up in my eyes. He reached out and cupped my cheek, wiping the tears as they fell. He then put his arm around me and hugged me into his chest as tight as he could.
"Is there someone else you rather talk to about this? I just don't want you bottling whatever it is up." He said, stroking my hair with the arm wrapped around me. I shook my head through my tears.
"It's bad." Is all I could manage to say before pulling away from Nick and wiping my own tears away. The look of worry on Nick's face turned to a look of concern and I felt sick to my stomach.
"Are you in trouble?" He asks, sitting up straight. I turned over onto my back and shook my head, beginning to feel empty again. "Does it have to do with Aaron Carpenter?" He asked, causing me to snap my head in his direction.
"What?" I ask not wanting to give myself away despite already knowing that he probably knows. He looks down at the bed, not making eye contact.
"Alex, he told me he picked you up from Aaron's apartment." I nod to myself, taking in the information. "I'm not mad, I just want to know that you're okay." I laugh sarcastically, beginning to shut down in defense.
"I'll be fine." I say sternly just wanting to be left alone at this point. "Just go." I say glaring at him. I watched his face fall, looking like his heart was breaking.
"I'm not leaving Belle, don't do this, don't shut me out." He pleads, and my heart begins to soften. I want to tell him, but he'll never look at me the same. It'll ruin everything.
"Nick. Look, you don't want to know I told you it's bad now just leave. We're...we're done." I stutter on the last part but keep my glare. A single tear leaves Nick's eye, and his voice catches in his throat. He doesn't leave immediately. He just looks at me with sadness in his eyes.
"We're not done Belle. You can say that, but we are not done." He wipes the tears from his eyes. "When you're ready to talk, I'll be there." He says, leaning over to me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. He then gets up and leaves the room. I let out a sigh of relief, letting go of the tension I was holding in my body. I don't know what I'm going to do.
Alyssa's POV
Talia stormed out of the room. I looked over at Griffin hesitantly, and then made my way to his bedroom door.
"Wait, Alyssa, stop." He reaches out and puts a hand on my shoulder. I freeze in my position, and turn to look at him over my shoulder.
"What?" I roll my eyes not wanting to hear whatever it was that he had to say. He's had his opportunity. He looks at me, a pleading look in his eyes.
"Aly, I'm sorry for whatever it is I did. You know how I feel about you!" I scoff, turning around fully towards him.
"Are you shitting me? I poured my heart out to you and all you said was 'Aly you should get some sleep'. You're so condescending sometimes Griffin. You treat me and Talia like children. I can't stand it anymore." I walk up to him, putting a finger up to his chest in what was supposed to be a menacing way. He grabs the finger.
"I'm sorry." He practically shouts, fed up with being criticised. "You were drunk, I just...I just care a lot about you and it makes me act like an idiot." I get caught up in his eyes, the sincerity and kindness evident in them. My heart melts. "I love you Aly, I love so much it hurts." The only thing I can think to do is crash my lips onto his.
Talia's POV
I pull away from Jaden. "Was that your new song you were just singing?" I smile at him and raise an eyebrow. He keeps his arms wrapped around me and smiles.
"Yeah, that was Angels and Demons." He says looking quite proud of himself, and from what I heard he had absolutely every right to be.
"You have a beautiful voice Jaden, you truly are gifted." I raved, stepping back to talk with my hands. His cheeks turn a light shade of pink, the smile not leaving his face. He looked adorable.
"Thanks Tal. But wait a minute...where were you the past 2 days?" He asks, suddenly looking very confused.
"Well I was at Alyssa's for a bit, and then I spent the night at the hype house." I say recalling the past two days. His eyes furrow and a frown appears on his face.
"With Ryland?" He questions, sounding a little bit annoyed. I nervously laugh it off, wondering why he cares so much about Ryland.
"Yeah. Why do you sound so annoyed?" I ask knowing I could ask Jaden anything. He rolls his eyes,
"Have you forgotten he probably is the one that almost got you sent home in the first place?" Jaden suddenly now sounds exponentially more irritated. Right, I forgot about that. I look up at the ceiling for a moment thinking about how to answer that one.
"Well, yeah...but he apologized." Jaden scoffs. Whatever this attitude is, it doesn't look good on him..
"What is it with Ryland that makes you go so star eyed?" Oh right, it's jealousy. Suddenly I feel ashamed, as if I've done something wrong, I feel my cheeks heat up.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I say. Jaden sighs and I can tell he's trying to calm himself down. He's not the type of person to get angry, especially not at me.
"Look Tal, I could waste my time and let myself keep falling for you, or I can accept the fact that you're going to end up with Ryland and I can't do anything about it." He says, extremely calm. The words coming out of his mouth send shock to my core.
"I'm not-There's nothing-no-it's not like that." I sputter out not really sure how to respond to what Jaden said. He starts to roll his eyes, but stops himself.
"It's okay, Tali. I'm glad you're here to stay, I'm just going to have to live with the truth." He says turning his back to me and going to sit down on his bed. I stand there, somewhat in shock. I mean I know things are complicated with Ryland and I, but we've never even kissed. And he's in love with Daisy. And Jaden, he said he was falling for me and now he's...what the fuck.
I shake myself out of my trance and leave Jaden's room and see Anthony still in the main hall making tik toks. I go up to him and give him a hug. He laughs,
"Glad you're sticking around. Now I can get you to make a tik tok with me." He laughs, pulling out of the hug. Anthony and I proceed to make a tik tok together and I get my mind off all the Jaden/Ryland stuff. While we're making the tik tok, Alyssa comes up the stairs from Griffin's room and I pause, looking at her suspiciously. Why was she down there with Griffin so long? I get a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"Whatcha doing Aly?" I try to play it cool to read her reaction. She whips her head around to look at me.
"Looking for you." She smiles. I can't tell if I should be suspicious. Alyssa is my best friend, she would tell me if something was up with her and Griff. They were probably just talking or something. I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions. I give her a nod, and she joins the tik tok with Anthony and I, making us start all over.
"I'm going to go to the hype house to hang with Avani, you guys wanna come?" Aly and I look at each other and shrug. What else were we going to do? We decide to go with Anthony to the hype house.
Upon entering the hype house it pretty much looked like how I left it. Except Calvin and Patrick were building a wall out of red solo cups.
"What're you two dumbasses doing?" I laugh walking up to them. Anthony goes off to see Avani, and Aly says she's going to go check on Bella while we're here.
"Shhh, we need to concentrate." Patrick says going to carefully place a cup on the top. He and Calvin were both standing on ladders on either side of the solo cup wall. I laugh at the sight of the two of them. Just as Patrick places his cup down, Calvin places a cup down on the opposite side, but it slips and the whole wall comes down. I take a few steps back to avoid the solo cup avalanche.
"FUCK!" Calvin shouts.
"Calvin YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!" Patrick shouts in frustration.
"You guys are too much." I burst out laughing holding my gut. The two of them look at me, serious looks on their faces.
"It's not funny, that was our third try. This has taken us forever." Patrick says, dead serious. Calvin crosses his arms and nods, agreeing with Patrick. I shake my head, a smile still on my face and throwing my arms up in defense.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't realize how much effort this required." I say, trying to contain my laughter. "So other than this, what have you two been up to today?" I say wanting to make conversation with them, we haven't gotten to talk too much since I've been here. They both look at each other, making me somewhat suspicious and confused.
"Should we tell her?" Calvin tries to whisper to Patrick, but I could clearly hear him.
"I don't know, I don't know. Should we?" Patrick replies. They whisper back and forth for a little, seemingly having a silent conversation before they both turn back to me. At this point I was completely and utterly confused, I just asked them a simple question.
"Well, I woke up this morning and I really had to take a dump-" Calvin starts, but Patrick smacks his arm,
"Get to the point Calvin!" He says sternly. I look between the two of them, entirely intrigued as to what they were talking about. Calvin rubs the spot where Patrick hit him on the arm, glaring at Patrick before turning back to me.
"Well anyway, there was no toilet paper so I was digging in the trash in the bathroom, and...I came across a pregnancy test." Calvin says. I look at them with a blank expression on my face, not sure what this means.
"It was positive." Patrick says, and I begin to see the picture more clearly.
"Wait, someone in the house is pregnant?" I ask, gasping and looking at the two of them wide eyed. They both nod in unison. "Who!?" I shout. 
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Hello! Thank you to everyone who is reading my Ryland Storms Fan Fiction that I’ve posted here. I really really appreciate it! I finally made a master list, so I hope that helps you all navigate the story more easily. 
Find it Here: X
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Fan Fiction [Master List]
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Fan Fiction [Part 15]
Talia's POV
At around 3:00 am, Alyssa decided to go sleep on the floor of Bella's room and Nick had previously gone back to his own room. Kouvr and Alex were still up, of course, but locked away in their rooms. I decided to go downstairs and make myself a little morning snack, probably some ice cream :). I opened the freezer and lean in to grab my mint chocolate chip when I hear,
"Boo!" And I jump, my heart beating out of my chest. I turn around and see a grinning face. Ryland.
"What the fuck! You asshole!" I whisper shout, clutching my chest trying to regain control of my heart beat. He breaks down in silent laughter.
"Dude I had no idea it was you! That was so funny. What're you doing here so late?" Ryland asks, suddenly realizing it's 3 AM.
"Long story, I'm just grabbing some ice cream. Aren't you supposed to be in your room depressed?" I put my hands on my hips in a joking way. For a second a pained expression crosses his face, and I immediately go to console him, but then it gets replaced by a wide grin.
"I'm fucking with you!" He laughs, causing me to glare at him again and punch his arm lightly. "I had my little episode, but I'm all better now." Ryland says matter-of-factly. I raise an eyebrow at him in suspicion. But instead of entertaining it, he reaches around me and grabs the mint chocolate chip ice cream out of the freezer. "You want some?" He grins and I roll my eyes and nod enthusiastically. He places the tub on the island and pulls out two spoons.
"Bro this ice cream is heaven." I rave and he nods in agreement, a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.
Suddenly, I feel something cold hit my face and go to touch it. I realize it was ice cream and look up at Ryland to see a mischievous look spread across his face, and his spoon held up in defense. I open my mouth in shock. "OH it is on!" I whisper shout, and go to grab a spoonful of ice cream, and before I know it Ryland and I are running around the island throwing ice cream at each other. He reached over the island with his long limbs, for the ice cream carton that was sitting closer to me. I dash to get to the carton before he can, but he snatches it up and looks at me with a devilish grin.
"Maybe I'll throw the whole thing at you!" He states. I gasp,
"You wouldn't dare." I challenge him. We both stand our ground, our eyes locked on each other. But he places the ice cream carton down on the island and slowly walks over to me one hand up and the other one extended towards me.
"Truce?" He asks. I pretended to consider it for a second, before I grabbed his hand to truce, but it was a trick. He pulls me down to the floor. So I pull him down with me and we collapse onto the ground in a laughing mess.
Somebody walks into the kitchen in the middle of our laughing fit.
"Would you guys keep it the fuck down!" I hear Paper say before he walks out again. Ryland and I stop laughing for a moment and look at each before bursting out laughing again, but this time slightly quieter. We both stopped laughing, I was clutching my stomach from laughing so hard, and I leaned back against the counter, still sitting on the floor.
"Tal, you got some ice cream on your cheek." Ryland giggles, sitting up slightly and supporting himself with his elbows. He reaches his thumb out to wipe the ice cream off my cheek. Our eyes meet, and I feel my breath hitch in my throat. He wipes the ice cream off, "there you go." He whispers, not breaking eye contact with me. God his eyes are beautiful.
But then someone comes storming angrily through the kitchen from outside. My eyes focus on who it is.
"Tony? You're back? Where the fuck did you go!" Ryland and I both jump up eager to see what's going on. But Tony doesn't acknowledge us and storms off to his room. Ryland and I both look at each other and once again burst out into a fit of laughter. "I should go to bed Ry, and so should you." I finally say. He nods in agreement. And as I go to walk away, he grabs my arm and pulls me closer, giving me a kiss on the top of the head.
"Goodnight Tali." He smirks, walking off to his bedroom. I stand still in my place, my heart beating fast, and not being able to move. What games is this kid trying to play with my heart? I sigh, roll my eyes and run off upstairs to go find a place to sleep.
I woke up in the morning on Bella's floor to the sound of fighting next door. It sounded like Tony and Emma again. I sighed, hoping the two would work it out. Tony clearly wants to, I mean, he wouldn't have come back so late last night if he didn't...I also hope he went to a doctor to get treated, lol. I look over at Bella's bed and see that she made it under the covers and seemed to be sleeping peacefully. I exhaled, relieved to see that. I see Aly still asleep on the floor beside me and start poking her.
"Aly...Aly..wake up" She grumbles and turns over, opening her eyes.
"What is it?" She questions, sitting up and stretching. I nod over to Bella's bed and she takes it in, smiling. "Glad she got some rest." I nodded.
"I should probably tell Griffin I'm still here." I let out an exasperated sigh, not wanting to do it, but knowing it would be better to just rip the bandaid off. Aly nods sleepily and yawns. "Will you come with me? For moral support?" I ask her, causing a look of alarm to cross her face, which she quickly replaced by showing no emotion. I want to question it, but decide it's just because she's tired.
"Yeah...yeah I'll go." She gives me a soft smile. We both slowly get ready for the day, Bella still staying sound asleep on her bed. Once we were ready to go, Nick walked in the door.
"How is she?" He asks, concern evident in his voice. I melted at the sight of him being so caring.
"She didn't say a word last night, but we got her to take off her shoes and change into PJs, she's been sleeping ever since." Alyssa gives Nick an update. Nick looks over at Bella in bed, sadness clear in his eyes. Aly puts a hand on his arm to comfort him. "She's going to be okay. Whatever it is, she'll talk about it when she's ready." Nick bites his lip and nods, going over to Bella's bed.
"I'm just going to stay here until she wakes up." Aly and I glance at each other, not sure exactly what to do, but silently decide that it should be fine. We say goodbye to Nick and head over to the sway house.
The two of us walked up to the door and I could feel nerves building up inside of me. I look to Aly for reassurance, but she looks more nervous than me.
"Aly, why are you nervous?" She jumps, startled that I had asked her that question and shakes her head.
"I'm not, it's nothing." I look at her suspiciously, but drop it because now was not the time. Aly and I ring the doorbell and wait for someone to come answer the door. After a little bit of time the door opens.
"Talia! Oh my god what're you doing here!" Josh exclaims immediately wrapping me in a hug and then giving Alyssa a hug as well. "I thought you went home!" He ushers the two of us inside and I see Anthony making a tik tok, but he immediately stops when he sees Alyssa and I.
"I'm not gonna pretend like I'm surprised, Avani told me." He laughs and I roll my eyes at him. He still comes over and gives us both hugs.
"Griffin here?" I look at the two boys who both nod and tell me he is in his room. I roll my eyes, of course he is. The kid never seems to want to come out and socialize. Aly looks at me hesitantly, not sure if I want her to come with me, but I grab her hand and pull her towards the direction of Griffin's room. Griff is nicer to me when she's around, I need her for the moral support. We go into Griffin's room, his back is turned but he immediately spins around once we enter.
"Talia! Alyssa?" A mixture of surprise and confusion crosses his face. I can't help but laugh at his reaction. He runs over to me and wraps me in a tight hug, now it was my turn to be confused.
"You're not mad at me?" I ask, struggling to pull away from his tight grasp. He laughs and profusely shakes his head.
"I overreacted. I shouldn't have sent you home. But why aren't you home? Where are you staying?" He starts asking me a million questions. I can't help the warm smile that spreads across my face. Relief filling my body that Griffin wasn't mad at me and that he was happy to see me. Alyssa stands awkwardly to the side.
I explain everything to Griffin. About how I called Mom right after he hung up with her. About how I didn't go to the airport, I went straight to Alyssa's house. And how I stayed at the hype house last night which earns a disapproving look from Griffin.
"I thought you overreacted? Why are you looking at me like that?" I cross my arms and give him a stern look, not here for his supportive brother, overprotective brother act. He takes a deep breath.
"I'm sorry. I did overreact and I know you're 18 and capable of looking after yourself. It's just Jaden is one thing, some of those boys at the hype house are...a whole different thing." He says running a hand through his hair. I wanted to defend them, but I took a moment to consider what Griffin was saying.
"I know, I'm careful. But if I screw up Griffin, you gotta let me. I don't know you running in every time something goes wrong." He bites his lip and nods. I smile at him and we hug one last time, and I'm suddenly very hyper with happiness that Griffin approves me staying.
"I gotta go tell Jaden!" I exclaim, pulling out of the hug and running off. Leaving Alyssa alone with Griffin.
I make it up to the door to Josh and Jaden's room, and slow my pace. I twist the door knob carefully and spot Jaden with his back turned towards the door, and hear him singing to himself. My god was his voice beautiful. I tiptoed up behind him and draped my arms over his neck, causing him to jolt.
"Hi Jaden." I said into his ear causing him to jump up and turn around. A big smile spread across his face, and it warmed my heart.
"What are you doing here!?" Jaden exclaims, looking a mixture of surprised and happy.
"Thought I'd stick around for a while longer...I'm moving to LA." I told him, causing the already huge grin to grow even wider. He pulled me close to him for an intimate hug. I melted into his grasp. He pulled away, but kept his arms wrapped around me, and put our foreheads together. I looked into his gorgeous eyes and a feeling of immense happiness washed over me.
Before I knew it Jaden was leaning in, and honestly, so was I. Our lips met in a soft kiss. He pulled away after a few seconds, leaving me breathless and in a trance.
"I think I'm falling for you Talia Johnson." He breathed, cupping my cheek. I smiled back at him, caught up in the moment of it all. Maybe Jaden and I were meant to be more than a hookup. But Ryland was still screaming at me in the back of my mind.
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
do you have a master list?
I don’t know what that is. I’m not good at tumblr, but feel free to tell me :)
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Fan Fiction [Part 14]
Bella's POV
During the fight that Ondreaz and Tony were having, I slipped out of the house going, mostly, unnoticed. I'm going to tell Nick that I went to meet up with Aaron, but I had to see what Aaron wanted first. Afterall, he threatened to leak the thing I thought didn't exist anymore and I just cannot risk that.
I get out of my uber and look up at the apartment building before me, shivers run down my spine. The memories at this place were not pleasant, not at all. I looked to my left and my right just to make sure no one was watching me, not that I thought someone would be. I make my way to the door of the building, avoiding the puddles on the ground the rain had left. Taking a deep breath I push the button on the intercom to Aaron's apartment.
"I'm here." I breathe out heavily into the mic tension dripping off my every word. The cold, night air blows my hair eerily in the wind. I hear the door to the building unlock and Aaron's voice through the speaker,
"Come up." Only causing the panic within me to grow. I squeeze my hands together to try to grasp any sense of reality, and assure myself that it was going to be okay. I then entered the building and made my way up to his apartment.
I didn't need to knock on the door for Aaron to be aware of my presence. As soon as I came close, he swung the door open and I met his eyes for the first time in months. His friendly smile unnerved me as I knew the evil it was hiding underneath. I didn't return his smile, but instead shoved past him into his apartment and sat down on a bar stool.
"What is it Aaron?" I jumped right to my point, not wanting to be around him for longer then I had to be. He chuckles and puts his hands up in defense,
"Calm down Belle. Don't you want to have a drink first?" He enters the kitchen and gestures at the bottle of rum sitting on his counter. If I'm being honest, a drink sounded perfect right now. It would calm my nerves and let me speak my mind. However, it would also leave me vulnerable to him and you NEVER want to be caught with your guard down around Aaron Carpenter. Instead I rolled my eyes at him and gave him my most intense glare, turning down the drink. Aaron's facade didn't falter. "Belle, I come in peace okay? I just want to talk." His fake polite tone was making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I couldn't believe him.
"You wouldn't be threatening to leak the video if you 'came in peace'. So cut the bullshit." I growled at him, practically begging for his dark side to show. Instead however, Aaron laughed again and proceeded to pour himself a drink and he poured one for me, sliding it across the counter.
"In case you change your mind." He raises his glass and toasts with the air before taking a sip. My heartbeat quickened at the idea of being here with an intoxicated Aaron, that was something I did not want to do. I kept my glare fixed on him, not intending to let my own tough persona fade. He noticed this and put his drink down, but not removing his hand from the glass. "So, as you know I recently came across a little video. I thought it was erased, removed from history, but it turns out fate had other plans." His face turns into a twisted grin. I could feel myself feeling sick as I watched his friendly demeanor be swallowed up by his true, demented self. My voice was caught in my throat, I felt physically incapable of saying anything, feeling trapped in Aaron's tight grasp. He took another sip of the rum and I watched as the liquid traveled down his throat and couldn't help but tremble in fear at the thought of him drinking any more.
"I mean, the video really shows the real Bella Martinez in the light she deserves. I feel selfish keeping it all to myself." I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and I finally felt some words reach my lips.
"What do you want?" I spit out, not feeling at all relieved from having spoken. The smile on Aaron's face vanished and he finished the last of the alcohol in his hand. He made direct eye contact with me, making me feel small.
"What I want is for you to feel as humiliated and stupid as you made me feel. I want the world to know what you are, a slut." Aaron suddenly gets close to me, leaning over the counter between us. I gulped trying to shove the anxiety inside of me down. But instead, I feel a tear rush to my eyes.
"Aaron. It wasn't my fault, you know that." I practically squeak, not being able to speak up through my anxiety. Aaron shakes his head at me.
"No, I don't know that." Is all he says before he goes to the other side of the kitchen and rests both of his hands on the counter, his back towards me. This gives me time to breathe and stop the tears from falling down my face.
"He is your Dad Aaron. You'd be exposing him too." That's the only thing I could come up with to say to try and convince Aaron. He whips around from the counter top, but instead of seeing anger on his face I see tears, leaving me speechless.
"He's my Dad. You're right Bella. And that's what makes you a slut." He glared straight through his tears, not letting the outrage die. I feel small again, and weak. There is nothing I can do to mend this.
"Just, please Aaron. I don't know what you want me to do, you could've leaked the video by now if you wanted to. Why bring me here? To torture me? Because trust me I've been torturing myself enough." The words spill out of me without my permission. Months of pain and irreparable damage falling out onto the floor with no filter. "He seduced me. And I let him. I didn't know he made a video. I never wanted to hurt you, b-but he was so convincing." The tears came flowing out now and no invisible barrier was going to stop them. Aaron's own tears had been wiped away, his face still hard.
"I wanted to see if you had any remorse or if you just wanted to save your own ass. I lied about having the video. Now go the fuck home before I stop feeling bad for you." He crossed his arms and laid back on the counter. My tears stopped as I searched his face for any emotion.
"I truly am sorry." I say before getting off the bar stool and leaving his apartment. On the way down the stairs, I collapsed into the stairwell in a pile of my own tears.
Each breath became more and more effort as I felt myself start hyperventilating and getting home on my own seemed to be an impossible task. So I pulled out my phone and I texted Alex to come get me.
Alex had responded almost immediately and was at Aaron's apartment in 15 minutes with his BMW. Upon seeing the look on my face, Alex knew not to ask questions. He put the radio on quietly and we drove home in comfortable silence. But once we got to the hype house, I felt myself unable to get out of the car.
"I don't want Nick to see me." I say looking worriedly at Alex. He looks at me sympathetically.
"I'll have Kouvr make sure he's in his room." I nod apprehensively and wait a few minutes. Alex stays in the car next to me until I feel ready to go inside.
I walked into the hype house through the garage door and cautiously went to my room as fast as possible, leaving Alex behind. Once in my room, I shut the door and jumped into my bed. I felt stripped of any motivation. I couldn't move, not even to get under the covers. My socks and shoes stayed on my feet. And my skinny jeans hugged my body tightly, but I wasn't focused on them slowly cutting off my circulation.
Aaron had just single handedly ripped off every bandaid I'd slapped on myself to keep going. In one 10 minute conversation, I felt just as disgusting and just as helpless as I had felt 6 months ago.
"Belle?" I didn't move at the sound of Nick's voice, I'd barely even taken notice of it. My mind was empty and all I could think was "I can't" repeating over and over again in my head. I felt hands on my back, but I still did not budge.
Talia's POV
After leaving Ryland's room, I checked my phone and realized that it was 1:23 AM. Being at the hype house is like being in a time warp. I have no concept of time. I took a quick glance around the main area to see where everyone was, but it seemed most people were in their rooms. I'd told Ryland I was going to go talk to Griff, but that was just an excuse to remove myself from that situation. I am going to talk to him, just not now.
I texted Alyssa to see if she had gone home, but she responded that she was in Alex's room and told me to come up. So, I did as she said and went up to Alex and Kouvr's room. Upon entering, I didn't see Patrick and Calvin messing around in there as I had expected, but instead I saw Nick and Alyssa sitting on the bed with Kouvr and Alex talking in hushed voices. They looked extremely concerned.
"What's going on?" I asked, suddenly very worried myself. Kouvr patted a spot on the bed encouraging me to join their conversation. They all began to speak very fast.
"Bella is acting like a zombie." Alyssa said.
"She won't talk to me at all, she won't even look at me." Nick added.
"She texted me telling me to pick her up it was an emergency. I-I didn't ask any questions!" Alex explained worriedly. Kouvr nodded along to everything everyone was saying. I sat back, absorbing the information.
"Wait, hold on. What's wrong with Bella? Where did you pick her up from Alex?" I turned to Alex deciding to focus on his story first.
"She texted me asking me to pick her up. She said it was an emergency and she sent me the address. It was Aaron Carpenter's house." Nick looked like he wanted to explode. I nodded along.
"Wait, so who is Aaron?" I questioned, quite confused.
"Her ex-boyfriend." Nick grumbled and everyone else corroborated what Nick said. I told them that I was going to go check on Bella myself, but that all said that I should give her some space. I insisted, saying I just wanted to see how worried I should be, and they let me all go.
I got to her door and knocked on it, but heard no response. So I entered the room and saw her laying on top of her covers, staring at the wall. She looked completely spaced out. I walked up to her and kneeled in front of her face.
"Bella?" She gave me no response. She didn't even seem to acknowledge I was sitting in front of her, but instead she turned over and began to stare at the other wall. Not a peep came out of her. And suddenly, I was very worried. I decided to leave her be because maybe she just needed some time alone, sometimes I get like that. So, I left the room and went back to Alex's.
They all looked up at me expectantly, but I shrugged my shoulders. I had no news to report.
"You guys better keep an eye on her though. I mean it seems like it might be temporary, but if this continues through tomorrow then we need to do something." Everybody nodded in agreement. Nick, however, looked lost. And I could feel my heart swell, he's really concerned about her. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to Ryland and wonder how much he cared about me. But I shook the thought from my head, I shouldn't be thinking about that right now.
"Hey, Tal I think we should sleepover tonight. I know a little bit about her ex and I just want to be there for her if she feels like talking about it." I agree with her, even though I don't know much about the situation I still care, Bella is one of the girls and we always have to be there for each other.
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Fan Fiction [Part 13]
Talia's POV
The girls and I rushed down the stairs to help Emma after what just happened. I noticed Ondreaz was now sitting at the dining room table, breathing heavily and bleeding. I figured that Emma had enough people crowding around her and went to grab bandages and ice from the kitchen. I go into the dining room with the stuff and approach Ondreaz, kneeling on the ground in front of him.
"Here's some ice. Let me clean your cuts for you." He takes the ice and nods at me, giving me a small smile. I could tell though that he was still pissed. I took a wet paper towel and dabbed the cut on his cheek gently, careful not to apply too much pressure. He winced.
"That's gonna bruise. Not sure how I'm going to make tik toks looking like I just got jumped." He laughs sarcastically. I give him a half smile.
"Some girls are into the just got jumped look." I say light heartedly. That causes him to grin.
"I didn't know they were a thing. I swear, I wouldn't do that to my brother." Ondreaz says looking me in the eyes, letting me know that he was serious. I could see that he was being sincere. I finished cleaning up his cuts and took a seat on the chair next to him.
"Tony will come around. He just needs some time to cool off." Ondreaz nods at me, knowing that what I had said was probably true. Ondreaz turns to me, his whole demeanor changing from tense and frustrated, to friendly.
"We don't get to talk much. How have you been." I smile back at him, appreciating the friendly gesture. He seemed extremely nice, and I started to regret not talking to him sooner. We chatted a little bit about this and that and I told him that I was staying with Alyssa. "You know my boy Ryland looks at you the way he used to look at-you know what nevermind. He just seems to really like you. I haven't seen him like this in a long time." I raise an eyebrow at him, but decide to drop it.
"Yeah Ryland's really chill. We're just friends though." Ondreaz laughs.
"Didn't think Ryland was capable of being just friends with a girl." I laugh too. And begin to think about Ryland and the strange things that have been going on with him lately. I just want him to open up to me. Ugh. I always do this. I tell myself I just want to be the person everyone opens up to, but I know that's not the full story with Ryland. He's gorgeous and broken and he makes me feel alive.
"Has he always been that way?" I decided to ask Ondreaz, just wanting to know everything he knew about Ryland. Ondreaz hesitates, thinking about the best way to answer the question. I bite my lip waiting for his response.
"No. He just had a rough experience with someone." A light bulb went off in my head. There's no way.
"Was it Daisy Keech?" I ask eagerly, causing a shocked look to cross Ondreaz's face.
"How did you know that?" He asks. I explain to him everything opening up about the day I spent with Ryland and how he dropped me off so abruptly and then about Chase. Ondreaz nods along to the story.
"Yeah. Daisy and him had a thing. Daisy was just using him, but he thought it was more than sex. He was in love with her. And then the whole stuff with the hype house kicking Daisy out went down and she told him the truth, that she just wasn't into him. Since then, he's been bouncing girl to girl and playing every single one of them. I don't think he's capable of liking someone because he's still in love with her." For some reason a pain started to grow in my chest, and my stomach dropped upon hearing those words. No, my heart isn't shattering into a million pieces right now. I just feel bad that Ryland got so hurt. And I feel rage building inside of me that Daisy would do that to Ryland. And what did she want from him today? I decided that I'd given Ryland enough time and that I was going to go talk to him.
I took a deep breath before knocking on Ryland's door. The first knock there was absolutely no response, and I couldn't even hear moving on the other side. So I knocked again, and for a second I thought he might answer it as Iheard some covers rustling, but nothing. A surge of confidence overtook me and I started profusely knocking on Ryland's door.
"Go away." I heard a voice grumble loudly enough for me to hear. I continued to knock,
"Nope, let me in!" I shout through the door. And immediately, the door swung open and I was greeted by a messy haired, shirtless Ryland. He looked terrible and beautiful all at the same time. He frowned at me. He kept his arm on the door frame to prevent me from coming in, but I just ducked down under his arm and entered his room.
"What do you want?" He says, sounding utterly annoyed. I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the edge of his bed. He groaned and flopped into the bed, wrapping himself up in his blankets. I laid down on the bed beside him.
"I'm not going away until you talk to me." I state, crossing my arms even though I know he couldn't see me. He poked his head out slightly from under the blankets.
"There's nothing to talk about." He says sternly, sounding borderline angry. I sigh. And in doing so, I get a strong whiff of his bed. It smelled like him. The smell was somewhat comforting to me now.
"If there is nothing to talk about then why have you been in your room since you got back like 5 hours ago? And you completely missed Ondreaz and Tony fig-" He cut me off,
"Wait, that's what that was? Why were they fighting?" I rolled my eyes,
"Yes, long story they have chlamydia." Now I had his attention, he sits straight up, with the blankets still wrapped around him.
"Chlamydia! Damn bro I haven't even had chlamydia." He chuckles thinking about the situation. I think carefully about what I was going to say next.
"Ry, c'mon you know you can talk to me right? I know something is wrong and I just want to make you feel better." His face falls. And he flops down into his bed again. I threw an arm around his body and hugged him closer to me. "Ok you don't have to talk about it, but I'm still going to make you feel better." He buried his head into my chest deeper and I tangled one of my hands into his hair. We stayed like that for a little bit until Ryland finally pulled away.
"I want to tell you about it." He says. I couldn't help but to start to feel giddy. He wants to open up to me. I stay patient and wait for him to speak next, not wanting to say anything to change his mind. "I was with Daisy today. The girl that used to be in the hype house." He checks to make sure I know who he is talking about.
I nod, because of course I do. The scandal about her being kicked out of the hype house was all over the place. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't see the handful of tik toks Ryland made with her, but I thought those were all just for show. I hadn't noticed, until now, when I think back to those tik toks, the way Ryland looked at her. Like she was the only person that existed. Like he was the happiest person alive because she was standing right there with him. I felt another pain in my chest. "She and I had a thing. It got serious, on my side, but she didn't reciprocate the way I felt. I didn't know that until she got kicked out. Every time I'm drunk I call her and she never answers. She's the only girl I ever lov-liked."
He stopped himself. But I knew he meant love. He just didn't want to. He didn't want to believe he was stupid enough to fall in love with someone who didn't give a damn about him. He didn't want to believe he had fallen in love at all. Because Ryland Storms was NOT a simp and he certainly didn't love someone. I got caught up in my head, painting the story of Ryland Storms the way that I saw it, whether it was the truth or not.
"So that's who texted you yesterday. What happened when you saw her?" I ask, wanting to know more. So that I could console him of course. Ryland flips over onto his back and stares at the ceiling above his bed.
"She told me she loved me. She told me that she was being forced to lie to me by the hype house, AKA Thomas and Chase." I furrowed my eyebrows in complete confusion. Does she love him? Thomas and Chase are making her lie? Why would they do that? Some many questions began running through my brain before I even had time to feel pain. Pain? Why am I feeling pain. Oh fuck...no I don't. I can't. I bring myself back to reality by focusing on Ryland's facial expression. And an instant feeling of fondness takes over my body. He truly is a fascinating, beautiful, amazing boy.
"Is that true?" I finally settled on saying, figuring that was the best way to encompass all of my questions in a simplified way. Ryland scoffs.
"No. It's complete bullshit. But was I stupid enough to go meet with her even though I knew nothing good would come of it? Yes. You know why? Because I'm still hopelessly and foolishly in love with her." He shouts at the ceiling as if he was mad at the gods for putting him in this situation. I reach out and put a hand on his shoulder.
"That's a lot Ry. I'm so sorry she put you through that. You are not an idiot for having hope that the girl you love loves you back. Love doesn't disappear overnight, it's going to take you time. Every day it'll get a little bit easier, and then some days it will be just as hard as the first day you lost her, but those days will get less and less frequent with time. The best thing to do is bury yourself in your friends. We are your support, and we love you." I pour my heart out to Ryland, wanting him to know just how much he has made me care about him in such a short time period. I was invested in his happiness, and that became clear to me the more I spoke to him. He looks away from the ceiling, and gives me a half smile.
"I lied to you. I told Griffin about you and Jaden." My jaw almost dropped. What? What did he just say? I was speechless because I didn't want to be angry at Ryland, not right now. "I did it because I'm scared. I'm scared of you." My jaw actually dropped. I couldn't believe what he was saying, why was he scared of me.
"What the fuck does that mean?" I ask him somewhat snarkily.
"I'm scared of you because you made me feel what Daisy made me feel, but 10x stronger. So, I pushed you away. I figured Griffin would send you home or something, and then I wouldn't have to deal with the way you make me feel." My heart swelled. Why was that kind of sweet? I was a sucker for bad actions, good intentions, so what if he almost got me sent back home? He did it because he...likes me?
"Ry-" I start to say, but he cuts me off.
"Before you say anything, that was before I saw Daisy today. And after seeing her I know I'm not ready to deal with whatever I'm feeling for you." I wanted to scream bullshit at him. If he knows that he likes me, then why should anything be stopping him. But then I remembered I had things stopping me too. Griffin, who doesn't even know I'm still in LA. Jaden, who is absolutely precious and deserves the most in this world. And Ryland himself, I cared about him and throwing a relationship into the mix would only fuck with his emotions even more.
"That's okay Ry, you need time to sort out your feelings, it makes sense." As I said the words every bone in my body was screaming tell him how you feel, but I didn't. Ryland gave me a smile and said,
"Thanks Tali for being a good friend." And I returned the smile and changed the subject.
"So, Griff did actually try to send me home and I'm staying with Alyssa right now. I actually haven't told him I didn't go home, so I should probably go tell him that." And with that I left Ryland's room, completely confused as to how I felt and how he felt about the conversation we just had had. 
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Fan Fiction [Part 12]
Emma's POV
After chatting with the girls for a while I decided to head back to my room for some me time. Afterall I had a lot to think about. How was I going to tell Tony that I have chlamydia? And what if Ondreaz gave it to me..fuck. I have to tell both of them, they have to get treated. I reach the door to my room and push it open. My eyes locking in on my bed, heaven. But before I could make it there, two hands gripped my sides and pushed me into the closet door. I gasped, not expecting it. When my vision focuses I see Tony inches from my face, a smirk plastered on his face. His lips find their way to my neck aggressively biting and sucking on the sensitive skin. I tilt my head back to allow him more access. But then I remember, I have to talk to him. Tony's lips traveled up to my mouth, but before they could get there I put my hands on his chest and lightly pushed him away.
"Tony, stop." I say sternly causing him to halt his actions and take a step back. He looks at me with a slightly annoyed face and somewhat confused.
"What's wrong?" He asks. I sigh and break eye contact with him, trying to mentally prepare myself for what I was about to tell him. I start to pace around the room in an attempt to hype myself up. The look of concern on Tony's face starts to grow. "Did I do something?" He asks, searching for the reason for my madness.
I stop dead in my tracks, in front of Tony. And decide to just spit it out as casually and as cooly as I could muster. It's not a big deal right?
"So, I have chlamydia. Which means you should probably get tested so that you can get it treated." I say waiting for Tony's response. For a moment, he doesn't do anything. His face was blank and the anticipation began to fill my gut with unease. Then, out of seemingly nowhere, Tony burst into laughter. I cracked a smile. "Stooop this isn't funny Tony!" I said, but his laughter continued.
"I'm sorry." He chokes out between laughs, "you just seemed so worried." He grabs his gut, seemingly dying of laughter. "But you just have chlamydia. Which means I" he tries to compose himself, "I have chlamydia too!" He manages to say before laughing even more uncontrollably. I playfully hit him,
"This isn't funny!" I say, but I can't help but begin to laugh too. "It's embarrassing!" I say trying to sound as serious as possible, but utterly failing. Tony wraps one arm around my waist and falls down onto the bed, pulling me down on top of him. His laughter completely ceases, and he looks deeply into my eyes.
"Hey, we both already have chlamydia sooo we can still fuck." He wiggles his eyebrows at me. I scoff, I cannot believe this boy.
"No we can't! I'm on antibiotics, and you should be too. Until then, we can't fuck." I argue with him. He looks at me with a frown evident on his face. He grips my ass cheek hard with one of his hands,
"How am I supposed to resist you?" He bites his lip and I feel myself getting wet. The things this boy does to me, oh my god. I run my hand down his stomach slowly, teasing him.
"I guess I could spit on it." I try to say as sexually as possible. He instantly throws me off of him and sits up, crossing his arms. I burst out laughing.
"Fuck you! Don't make fun of me." He says, but I continue to laugh at him. My phone buzzes beside me and I look down at it to see I've missed several notifications. I had a bunch of text messages, snap chats, and dms from many different people. I felt my heart start beating out of my chest. There must be something wrong for all these people to be contacting me. I must've been visibly worried because Tony said, "What is it?" seeming concerned. I shook my head at him, and opened up my first message from Talia.
Talia: Dude. Someone told tiktokroom you have chlamydia. They're saying you got it from Ondreaz...?
My eyes bulged out of my head. And I looked up to see Tony checking his phone. Fuck. "Emma, what is this?" Tony said cautiously. I gulped. He turned his phone around to face me and on his phone was the post from tiktokroom, I began to think up excuses in my head. "Why're they saying you got it from Ondreaz?" He didn't sound angry, he sounded confused. I took a deep breath and considered my options. I could tell him and deal with whatever the repercussions are. After all, he and I were just fuck buddies. At least to him...or I could lie and evade all responsibility. Tony was still looking at me intently, waiting for my response.
"I don't know. Does Ondreaz have chlamydia too? That's weird." I try to sound normal, but my voice cracks were clearly giving me away. I could see Tony visibly tensing up.
"Are you fucking my brother." He growled, the anger clear in his voice now. I shyed away from him, scared of how angry he was. My silence said it all. Tony shot up and in a flash he punched a hole in my wall, causing me to flinch. And then he rushed out of the room. I could hear people in the house calling after him and shortly after Chase was in my room standing over by the door Tony flung open.
"Emma what the fuck happened?" He said, sounding concerned and glancing over his shoulder. I looked down at the floor. Chase then noticed the hole in the wall. "Holy fuck. Tony punched a hole in the wall?" I nodded sheepishly. More people crowded into my room behind Chase. The girls pushed past him and joined me on the bed, trying to comfort me. I didn't see Ondreaz amongst the people standing in the doorway.
"Are you okay?" Addison asked me. I hadn't realized I'd been quiet for so long, as I had been zoning out thinking about why Tony was so angry. I mean, I know why, but like why.
"Is it true? Did Emma give Ondreaz and Tony chlamydia?" Calvin asked sauntering in behind the others. Chase smacked him in the chest. "Ow." He said rubbing the spot Chase had hit him.
"Shut the fuck up Calvin." Chase said. I glanced up at them, causing them all to disperse.
I looked at the girls who were all giving me concerned looks, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I felt like an idiot. I felt embarrassed. I felt like a slut.
"Are they gonna kick me out?" Is all I could manage to say before I felt the tears falling freely down my face. Addison wrapped me in a hug and pulled me closer to her chest. Avani spoke,
"They're not gonna kick you out. We'll give them hell if they try." I silent cry for a little while longer into Addison's arms before I pull away and smile through my tears.
"He really punched a hole in my wall." The other girls chuckle softly and nod. "I don't do this. I don't simp over a guy. But Tony...he does things to me I can't explain." I say, wiping the tears away from my eyes.
Just then, we hear voices from below us. And they didn't sound happy. I hear the sound of glass shattering and all of us shoot up and race out of the room. I could see on the floor below us two people fighting. I recognize them to be Tony and Ondreaz. A shattered vase lay across the floor. Thomas, Chase, Alex, and Nick were also down there trying to break them up, but to know avail. I watched in horror as Tony threw Ondreaz onto the ground.
"What the fuck bro!" Ondreaz said, trying to cover his face. Tony looked savage, so filled with anger he was almost unrecognizable. Without thinking, I start to rush down the stairs. The girls try to stop me, but I push them off trying to get to Tony and Ondreaz before it gets worse.
"Stop! Stop fighting!" I shout, and grab onto the back of Tony's hoodie as he is leaning over Ondreaz throwing punches at his face. I pull on it as hard as I can. Tony releases Ondreaz and allows me to pull him off.
"What the fuck are you doing? You're the one that fuck my brother!" Tony spits at me. Ondreaz doesn't move from his position on the floor. Thomas goes over to Ondreaz to help him up. I felt rage build up inside of me.
"So take it out on me. Don't fucking start a scene and beat up your own fucking brother!" I shout at him. He scoffs and spits blood onto the floor.
"You disgust me." He says before walking out the front door of the hype house. My heart stops and all I want to do is crumple to the floor. The girls rush down the stairs and come to my side. I know they're talking to me, but it all sounds like noise.
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Fan Fiction [Part 11]
Bella's POV
"Bellaaaaa!" I hear someone shout before I feel a body putting all their weight on me in my bed. I groan, and attempt to push the body off of me without opening my eyes. They don't budge, but instead latch onto me tighter. Then I feel lips kissing down my neck, causing a shiver to run down my spine. "Bella, wake up." a voice I recognize to be Nick's whispers in my ear. My eyes shoot open and a grin spreads across my face. Nick returns the smile and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I want you to meet my family today." Nick says, absolutely shocking me. I shoot up, pushing him to the side.
"Your family?" I choke out, looking at him with a surprised expression. He chuckles and nods at me. A wide grin spreads across my face. "I'd be honored to meet your family." I say. The smile on his face grows and he leans in to give me a kiss. I kiss back and when we part I grab my juul from under my pillow and take a big rip. He rolls his eyes at me. "What!" I say in between rips.
"You're too addicted to that thing." He says light heartedly. I push his chest.
"Shut up." I stick my tongue out at him. "Now I have to get ready. How should I dress? Casual but not too casual? Sweet but not childish."
We pulled up to a cute house that was quite sizable. Nowhere near the size of the hype house mansion obviously, but still not small. Nick parks the car in front of the house, and puts his hand on mine. He could sense my nerves.
"They're going to love you." He gives me a reassuring smile. I give him a determined nod back.
"Let's do this thing." We both laugh and exit the car. We walk up to the front door of the house, hand and hand. He rings the doorbell, and we wait for someone to come to the door. He gives my hand a little squeeze to let me know that he's got my back. I hold my breath in anticipation as I hear a dog barking at the door and people moving around inside.
"Nick! Oh who's your friend? She's gorgeous. Oh is this Bella? It's so nice to meet you!" The nicest woman, who I presume to be Nick's mom swung open the door and immediately began rambling off. I already love her. Nick goes to open his mouth, but I cut him off.
"Hi! It's so wonderful to meet you, I'm Bella. I love your home, it's so lovely to meet you." I say turning on my charm. She smiles warmly at me and gives me a big hug and then ushers us inside. Nick and I both step inside. I look around admiring Nick's house as we follow Nick's mom into the kitchen. In the kitchen, there is a middle aged man sitting at the counter looking down at his phone.
"Scott, this is Nick's girlfriend Bella." Nick's Mom says to Scott, Nick's dad, putting a hand on his back which causes him to look up at us. He looks at Nick's Mom, the expression on his face not changing and says,
"Oh no, how'd Nick pull this one off." I let out the breath of air I was holding in, he was joking. We all laugh and Nick's Mom ushers me to sit down so that we can chat. She asks me all kinds of questions about how Nick and I got together.
"I know you two have been friends for quite awhile now. Nick always would talk about you! I'm so happy that you two are finally together." She gushes and Nick groans.
"Mooom!" She rolls her eyes at him and I laugh.
"I was surprised when he finally made a move!" I joke with Nick's parents. I was completely engrossed in talking with Nick's parents who were telling me all kinds of stories about Nick as a kid and just asking me about myself and what not. They were funny, and the nicest people ever. I really felt like I belonged. The entire time I was talking to Nick's parents, Nick would chime in from time to time, but I caught him looking at me the majority of the conversation with a look of fondness on his face. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, and I couldn't believe I hadn't let myself feel this way about him because now that I have I never wanted to take it back.
"Oh, let me get the photo albums. There is just the cutest picture of Nick in there!" Nick's Mom excitedly exclaims running off to go grab the photo albums. Nick's Dad stands up,
"See loves any excuse to get the photo albums." He says going over to the refrigerator and going to grab a drink.
"So, what do you think?" Nick looks at me with hope in his eyes. I put my hand on his,
"Oh I hate them, they're horrible." He rolls his eyes. "They're great, I'm so happy you brought me to meet them." I say sincerely. Nick's Mom comes back into the kitchen with two photo albums in her hands. She lays them out on the counter in front of us and starts rapidly flipping through the pages. I watch as she does so, seeing cute baby pictures of Nick amongst the family photos.
"Ah, here it is!" She turns the photo album towards me and points at a photo of what I could tell was Nick when he was a toddler. He had what looked like chocolate all over his face and cute, little brown bunny ears on his head. I put my hands on my heart,
"Oh my gosh! You were right, Nick was the cutest baby." I look over at Nick whose cheeks were turning pink and he grinned widely at me. Nick's Mom starts flipping through the photo album again determined to show me another cute picture of Nick when my phone starts to buzz. I picked it up to see who was calling. When I saw the name flash across the screen my heart sank into my stomach. I could feel myself growing hot, and panic was coursing through my veins.
"Excuse me, I have to take this." I say as calmly as I can manage, but Nick could see what through me. He shoots me a concerned look as I scurry away into the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, I take a deep breath, press accept and bring the phone to my ear. "Hello." I quietly say into the phone.
"Bella! You picked up. Please don't hang up." The words sent chills throughout my body. I tried to compose myself to respond, but I couldn't. I quickly removed the phone from my ear and declined the call. Just as I did so, Nick opened the door to the bathroom.
"Bella? Are you okay? Who was on the phone?" I stared at him, my thoughts empty as I was in shock. Why had I picked up the phone. I felt Nick put his hands on both of my arms and trying to make eye contact with me. "Bella? You in there?" He said, and I snapped out of my trance, looking into his eyes. I took a deep breath.
"It was Aaron Carpenter. I-I didn't say anything, I hung up." I rush out the words, not really believing that that had just happened. Nick drops his arms from my sides.
"Your ex. What was he doing trying to call you?" I could hear the venom dripping off of Nick's words. I shake my head.
"I don't know okay Nick. I hung up before he said anything. I just want to forget about him okay?" I look up at him pleadingly. He looks at me the anger evident in his eyes, but they soon soften once he realizes how shaken up I was.
"Nick? Bella?" Nick's Mom says wondering where we were. Nick asks if I was ready to go out there and I nod, and we both leave the bathroom and rejoin his parents.
Several hours later, pizza, and games with his parents, Nick and I went back to the hype house. I'd all but forgotten about Aaron's call to me earlier. Upon walking in the front door, I spot Emma, Alyssa, and Talia sitting over on the couches talking amongst themselves.
"Hey Bella, come here!" Talia says motioning me to come over. I glance over at Nick who nods telling me to go over, and he heads back to his room. I go over to where the girls are sat and plop down on the bean bag beside them. I let out a long sigh.
"I just met Nick's parents. They were nice." I say plainly. The girls all give me a questioning look. I sigh again. "It's nothing. Nothing to do with them, my ex just called me. It's nothing. I don't really want to talk about it." They all nod, understanding. Emma talks,
"Well, any idea why Ryland was with Daisy Keech?" All of the girls look at me intently as if they were waiting for me to say the most important thing in the world. I cock an eyebrow,
"No idea, why?" They all groan. "What? What is it?" I ask, suddenly very interested in whatever it was they were getting at.
"We don't know. Ryland came home looking all upset and apparently he was with Daisy. Chase told us to ask someone else about it. I'm just dying to know." Talia says, resting her head in her hands looking defeated. I grin at her,
"Ooh you think Daisy is stealing your man?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her. Emma and Alyssa chuckle. Talia glares at us all.
"He is not my man. I just want to know because I want to know if it's connected to when he drove me home so abruptly the other day." Talia says. "Anyway, Griffin kicked me out, I'm staying with Alyssa."
"What!?" Emma and I both say. Alyssa and Talia nod. "That's such bullshit." I say. We talked for a little bit longer about Griffin kicking Alyssa out and theorizing what was so weird about Ryland being with Daisy Keech, and then I excused myself to go find Nick.
I walked into Nick's room and saw him sitting in his computer chair, playing, you guessed it, fortnite. "Babee" I drag on the word and walk over to him, standing behind his chair. He makes a 'hm' sound but doesn't look back at me. I huff and take a seat on his bed. Just then my phone buzzes next to me,
Aaron: I will leak it if you don't come talk to me
I read the text, and could feel my heartbeat in my ears. He can't be talking about what I think he's talking about. There's just no way.
Bella: Alright. When and where?
Aaron: Tonight. My place.
I throw my phone to the other end of the bed, not wanting to look at the texts any longer. What in the hell am I going to tell Nick? I don't want him to know about this until there is something to worry about. Nick finishes his game of fortnite, and comes to sit next to me on the bed. He wraps his arms around me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I barely notice him as I'm trapped in my own thoughts.
"I love you, you know that right?" Nick says.
"Hm?" I say biting my lip, not processing what he's saying to me.
"I love you Belle." Nick says again. I can only manage an mhm back. "Is something wrong Bella?" I snap out of it.
"What? Oh, no nothing is wrong. I love you too Nick." I give him an awkward smile and kiss him on the cheek. He doesn't seem satisfied for a moment, but then he seems to buy it. We decide to watch a movie and we cuddle. The entire time I was going through my mind what was going to happen tonight and what Aaron was going to leak. How does he still have that?
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Fan Fiction [Part 10]
I walked back into the sway house after Ryland so quickly drove to drop me off. After we got in the car, I tried questioning him about why we had to leave so quickly, and if it had anything to do with the notification that he got on his phone. But every time I asked a question, he diverted it. He really did not seem to want to talk about whatever it was that was going on.
"Talia, is that you?" I hear a voice that I recognize to be Griffin's shouting up to me from his room in the basement. I shout back that it is me and he tells me to come down to his room. Upon opening the door to his room, I see my Mother's worried face plastered across his computer screen. As soon as I step into the camera frame her face turns into a smile.
"Tali! Oh my gosh, you didn't answer my text message and I was so worried. Listen, baby. I need you to come home now. I know you're having fun, but you've been gone for so long." I stop listening to what she has to say and look at Griffin begging him to save me. He rolls his eyes at me and cuts my Mother off,
"I think Talia should come home too. She's been banging my friends Mom." My Mother's eyes go wide and her mouth opens in shock. I hit Griffin and glared at him. What the fuck.
"Talia!" She says, sounding appalled. "Honey, you know I have no problem with your sex life, but Griffin's friend!" She exclaims. I roll my eyes and bend down so my face is the only thing in the frame.
"Mom, it's not like that." I try to see and Griffin scoffs at me. "I'm having fun, I'm 18. Can't I stay?" I plead with her. She sighs and looks down. She opens her mouth to say something, and just as I think I've got her, Griffin ruins everything. He gives me one final glare and says,
"You can't stay here anymore."
And with that, my Mother booked a plane ticket and I was heading home tomorrow. No ifs ands or buts.
~Next Day~
Griffin's POV
Talia left about an hour ago and if I said I wasn't relieved I would be lying. Don't get me wrong, I love my little sister and I loved having her here, but things just got complicated. One, she slept with Jaden, one of my best friends at the house and I still don't know how to feel about that. I just don't like the image I have in my head of my baby sister on top of...on top of...I can't even think it let alone say it outloud. But two, the biggest reason. I'm not sure where things are going with Alyssa and I rather not have Talia here complicating things even more.
Speaking of Alyssa, I haven't spoken to her since what happened at the party the other night. I've tried texting her, but she isn't responding. I'm not exactly sure what I did wrong, she was drunk and I tried to help her, and sure I didn't say I love you back but I wasn't just going to say it to her in that moment. For all I know she was just saying it because she was drunk.
I hear a knock on my door and grumble a come in. I was currently sitting at my computer playing fortnite. I turned around to see who it was, and instantly made eye contact with Jaden. He looked quite sad. "What is it?" I ask him letting out a big sigh. He sits on the corner of my bed, and doesn't look about me for a few seconds.
"Bro, I'm sorry about your sister. There's no excuse. It's just killing me that I can't talk to you anymore. You know I love you." He looks up directly into my eyes. I could feel the sincerity in his words radiating off of him. I look away from him briefly.
"I don't want this to come between us anymore. She's just my little sister, I'm protective of her. But." I pause and think about the words that are about to come out of my mouth next. "But, if you like her or whatever then just don't hurt her." I say to him sternly. He lets out a nervous chuckle.
"It's not like that Griff, don't worry." I raise an eyebrow at him in a way to say "are you sure?" because Jaden isn't the type to just hook up with a girl. He looks me dead in the eye, "I promise. There is nothing more to what happened with me and Talia." I give him a quick nod. The tension in his body quickly diminishes and he stands up in front of me. I stand up too and we embrace in a friendly hug. He pulls back from me, "Can she come back now?" I laugh at the question,
"Not my call." I shrug. Jaden disappointedly nods at my response.
Alyssa's POV
"What! He really said that?" I question her. She nods her head enthusiastically, and grabs the mug of hot chocolate I had made for her off of the coffee table. "He really said that you can't stay at the sway house anymore." I say just trying to grasp the idea that Griffin could be such a jerk.
"Yup. He kicked me out. So, then when my Mom said she was buying me a plane ticket, I left the room and called her myself." Talia explains, pausing to take a sip of her hot chocolate. "And I explained everything, and so she didn't buy me a plane ticket and that's when I called you." She smiles.
"Dude I was so glad you asked to move in. This place has been so lonely since...since Justin left. But you'll be an even better roommate than he ever was." I grab the bong off the table and start to pack a bowl. Talia puts her feet up on the couch she's sitting on and sighs.
"He thinks I left. I don't know what he's going to do when he finds out that I've convinced Mom to let me move in." I nod my head. Griffin can't do anything about it, even if he wanted to. Talia was here with me now, and he has no jurisdiction to make her leave LA, and I'm not going to let him. Talia and I smoke together and put Rick N Morty on in the background. The entire time I couldn't stop thinking about Griffin. I haven't been returning his texts or calls since the party. And, I'm not sure if I ever will. It was so humiliating to put myself out there for him and to just be so blatantly ignored.
But, despite the humiliation I feel, I can't get his goofy smile out of my head. And the way he cocks one eyebrow when he's trying to be funny or trying to look sexy for a tik tok. I can't get the feeling of his hands on my body out of my mind. And he's always there when I'm at my worst, but he never abandons me.
"Fuck!" I exclaim causing Talia to look at me with the most confused look on her face I've ever seen. "I need to get out of here. Let's go to the hype house." I suggest. She scrunches up her face and I raise an eyebrow at her. "What?"
"Well....I was hanging out with Ryland yesterday"
"RYLAND!?" I cut her off, knowing the whole story between them. "Oh my god tell me what happened! Did he finally make a move?" I turn to her excitedly, happy to have something to distract my mind from Griffin. Her face turns red.
"What, no. We're just friends, remember. He's trying to be a good guy and all that." I roll my eyes, yeah right. "Well anyway, we were just hanging out and he got this text or something and then he just drove me home and that was that. I'm not sure if it had something to do with me or..I just I don't want it to be weird seeing him again." I jump up from my chair,
"That's all the more reason to go. Let's find out what's got Ryland Storms' panties in a twist." She looks at me hesitantly before grabbing her stuff and agreeing to go.
Talia's POV
We walk into the hype house and instantly are greeted by Emma who attempts to hand us white claws.
"Guys I've been drinking since 1:00 you gotta get drunk with me." She pleads, taking a sip of the white claw she has in her hands. We laugh and accept the offer. I looked around the open room cautiously making sure that Ryland wasn't in the room. I just don't want things to be weird. Like, one second Ryland and I are good, then we aren't and then we are, and now I just don't know what's going on. And I know he's an asshole, but he's also I good guy who just wants to be my friend. Right, he just wants to be my friend. I mentally sigh.
"Where's Ryland?" She shrugs her shoulders and says he went out somewhere and then Tony walks by. I wave at him and he smiles back. Emma looks visually uncomfortable. I almost don't catch it, but I see Tony give Emma a wink. "OH MY GOSH. Are you getting with Tony?" I exclaim, Alyssa becoming interested as well. Emma blushes.
"Kind of. We're just fuck buddies, but I went to the gyno yesterday and I tested positive for chlamydia. I don't know how to tell Tony." She stutters out really fast, seeming even more uncomfortable. Alyssa gasps and covers her mouth.
"Oh my gosh you have to tell him. Did he give it to you?" She rapidly questions Emma.
"I-uh yeah he must have." She seems like she is hiding something as she awkwardly scratches the back of her head. I decided to leave it at that, and Alyssa seems to buy it. "Okay, but like can we talk about something else."
Just as Emma says that, the front door to the hype house opens and Ryland storms in, slamming the door shut behind him. He seems frustrated and the three of us immediately snap our heads to look at him. Chase comes down from the upstairs,
"How'd it go buddy?" He asks in what seems to be a sympathetic tone. What the hell is going on? I give Alyssa and Emma questioning looks and the both return the same look back. Ryland doesn't bother to answer Chase's question. He stomps off to his room without even noticing us three were there. Chase looks over to us. "Oh hey guys."
"Chase, what the hell was that?" Emma takes the words right out of my mouth. Chase comes over to where we are and plops down on the bean bag on the ground. He looks quickly over his shoulder as if to check that no one else was listening.
"Keep this on the low." He checks to make each one of us agrees. I'm hanging on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what on earth is going on, and if it had any connection to the text Ryland received yesterday. Chase seemed really hesitant to tell us, but he knew that he had to now after leading us on.
"What is it?" I beg, not being able to sit still. Chase checks around the room one more time.
"Ryland was with Daisy." My face fills with confusion. Who's Daisy and why is this such a big deal? I look at the other two girls to see if they had any clue, but both of them looked just as lost as I was. Chase notices this, but decides not to say anything more. He gets up from his bean bag and begins to walk away.
"Chase! Why does that matter?" Alyssa whisper shouts to him, aware that we shouldn't be talking about this. Chase stops for a second and looks back.
"If you want to know, ask Avani or Addison." And with that, Chase walked back upstairs leaving the three of us just as confused as ever. 
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Love Story [Part 9]
Talia's POV
After returning to the party, I went to the kitchen to grab another drink. When I got into the kitchen I ran into Jaden, I smiled at him,
"Heyy Jay, how's it going?" He smiled back at me and raised the drink he had in his hand,
"Fantastic, Mads is here." He said, sounding enthusiastically sarcastic. I shook my head at him, and asked if he wanted to go smoke somewhere. He agreed and he took me to the basement, a place I'd never been to in the hype house. There was already a bong down there, and Jaden offered to use his weed and began packing the bong.
"Ryland pulled me into some room earlier just to look at the stars, he says he's not tryna make a move on me at all." I say, picking at my fingernails. Jaden continues to pack the bong, and offers me the first hit. I accept it.
"I'll believe it when I see it.." Jaden grumbles, quite angrily it seems. I take my bong rip and hand the bong back to him. Why does Jaden seem so mad? I thought him and Ryland were supposed to be best friends. In the middle of Jaden's bong rip, Mads stumbles over.
"Jaden! Why're you hiding from meeee" She plops down onto the couch next to him. He takes the bong away from his mouth, blowing out smoke and hacking up a lung. Mads puts her hands on his thigh. "Jaden come on, why can't we get back together?" She tries to kiss him on the cheek. He pushes her away,
"Mads, I already told you that we don't work anymore, ok? I'm done here." He says sternly. She looks at him with a shocked, and hurt expression. She gets up and storms off. Jaden passes me the bong and puts his head in his hands.
"I thought...I thought Mads was the one that didn't want you back?" I question, waiting for his answer before I take a bong rip. He takes his head out of his hands.
"You were right, it's time for me to move on." He smiles. I smile back at him and take my bong rip. After a few more rounds of bong rips, Jaden and I are high as kites. We'd both gotten off the couches we were sitting on and were laying on the floor on our backs next to each other in the next room over. I was eating goldfish we had found in there. "Hey, give me a couple!" Jaden whines. I sit up,
"You gotta catch them in your mouth!" I set myself up for a shot, and Jaden opens his mouth wide. I throw it, and it lands in. I collapse on top of him in a fit of laughter. "Goal!" I say through my uncontrollable laughter. Jaden was laughing with me, but then he stopped. He tucked my hair, that was dangling above him, behind my ear, and cupped my cheek. I stopped laughing and looked at him. I felt myself leaning in, slowly. Until our mouths met. This kiss, unlike our first kiss, wasn't lust filled and rushed. It was slow, our mouths danced together perfectly. I felt lighter than a feather.
Then, the door to the room opened and I pulled away from Jaden, looking to see who had broken up our kiss. I made eye contact with Ryland. His face displayed no emotion, and without saying anything he shut the door and left.
~Next day~
Griffin barged into my room, while I was sat on my phone scrolling through social media. And Jaden was still asleep on his bed. He looked angry. He went over to Jaden's bed and grabbed him by the ankles, yanking him off the mattress.
"Wake up you piece of shit!" Griffin shouted as he did so.
"Griffin what the fuck!?" I stood up and went over to him. He lightly shoved me aside. Jaden was fully awake now, and looked up at Griffin confused. Griffin grabbed him and pulled him onto his feet.
"Have you been getting with my sister. Yes or no?" He shoved Jaden. My stomach fell, how does Griffin know? Jaden looked at me for help. I could see that he was panicking.
"No Talia, I want to hear it from him." Griffin grabbed Jaden's collar. By this time, the other sway boys had heard the commotion and had come into the room to see what Griffin was doing. Bryce came over and held Griffin back. "Bryce let go of me, I'm not gonna hurt him. I just want to hear him say what he did." Jaden unexpectedly met Griffin's attitude with rage,
"Fine Griffin! You want to know? Yes I fucked your sister! But you need to chill the fuck out!" He yelled at Griffin. Griffin only got angrier, but instead of saying anything else, he stormed out of the room. I ran over to Jaden,
"I'm so sorry, I don't know how he knows." I said. Jaden looks at me with a look of disgust, not for me, but for what he said next,
"It was that son of a bitch Ryland." He said and he too left the room. Fuck, I forgot that Ryland walked in on us last night.
Me: Ryland, where are you? I need to see you
Ryland: My room at the hype house lol, where else?
I felt rage build up inside me and I called an uber and went to the hype house. Once I got there, I shoved open the door to Ryland's room. He was laying shirtless in his bed, but I didn't take a second look. He smiled at me but then I opened my mouth,
"Ryland who the fuck do you think you are telling my brother about Jaden and I? What's wrong with you, I thought you and Jaden were friends! I thought you and I were friends!" I shout at him. He looks at me confused and starts shouting back to defend himself,
"I don't know what you're talking about! I didn't tell Griffin shit. I don't get involved with drama." I furrow my eyebrows at him and sit on the edge of his bed.
"How do I know that?" I look him in the eyes and search them for any signs he is lying.
"Because I told you. I want to be friends, and I wouldn't lie to a friend. You just have to take my word for it." Something inside of me believes him and I sigh.
"Then who was it?" I ask. He shrugs his shoulders.
"You guys really haven't been all that careful, anyone could've seen you." Ryland says. I start to lose myself in my thoughts, who told Griffin? "But hey, since you drove all the way over here, we might as well hang out." He playfully punches my shoulder and I roll my eyes and smile at him.
"Fine. But only for a few hours, okay?" He nods and gets out of bed to put on a shirt.
Ryland and I were both starving after hanging around at the hype house for an hour, so he decided to take Calvin's car to go to Five guys. And I, of course, went with him. I hadn't really gotten out much to see LA, I've just been shuttling back and forth between the sway house and the hype house, so I was practically glued to the window the whole drive to five guys.
"What're you doing you goof?" Ryland laughs and takes his eyes off the road briefly to glance at me. I stare out at the big houses passing by and the tall palm trees lining the streets, my head pressed to the car window and my palms resting on the glass.
"I didn't know palm trees could be so tall! I always pictured them as little stubby trees." I say in amazement. I try to see if there are any coconuts nestled between the leaves of the palm trees.
"You've never seen a palm tree before!" Ryland exclaims, seeming extremely surprised. I nod my head, still maintaining its position on the window. "That's nuts. I've grown up around them my entire life." We pull into the five guys parking lot, and Ryland parks the car. Not very well I might add.
"You need a parking lesson." I scoff and Ryland flips me the middle finger. I stick my tongue out at him and we make our way into five guys. We walk up to the counter and Ryland orders himself a burger, a chocolate shake, and fries.
"What do you want?" He turns around to look at me, patiently waiting in line behind him.
"I can pay, don't worry about me." I try to tell him, but he waves me off,
You can just venmo me, it's easier if we pay together." I nod and tell him my order. I receive my drink cup and go to fill it up while Ryland goes and sits down. I fill it up and sit down at a table across from him. "Is that Dr. Pepper? Bro that's my favorite drink, let me get a sip." Ryland says, pleading with me.
"Only if I get a sip of your shake." I bargain with him, gesturing at the chocolate shake in his hands. He slides it across the table, and I hand him my drink, taking a sip of his shake. "You better not have corona." I joke. He finishes his sip and puts his hands up in defense,
"Oh I've got rona, it's your own fault for sharing a drink with me." I roll my eyes at him. Our number is called and we grab the food. We head back out to the car, deciding not to eat there. "I've got a spot we can eat." Ryland says getting into the passenger seat and driving to the undisclosed location.
After driving for a few minutes, Ryland pulls over to the side of the road on a bridge. I look at him puzzled. "C'mon, we can eat on the bridge." He says, and I follow him out of the car deciding to trust him. We sit on the bridge, hanging our legs over the edge.
"What made you think of this? Got an appetite for danger?" I ask, getting my burger out of the five guys bag. He takes a sip of his shake and speaks,
"I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie yeah." I nod, taking in the information. That's pretty cool. I wouldn't consider myself an adrenaline junkie. I never go out of my way to get a thrill, but there isn't much that scares me.
"Craziest thing you've ever done?" I question him, curious as to what being an adrenaline junkie looks like. He stays quiet for a second, pondering on what to say.
"Probably skydiving." He shrugs, eating a few of his french fries. I nod,
"I'd like to try skydiving, I've never been."
"You gotta change that." He states. We continue eating until Ryland speaks up again, "So what's up with you and Jaden? Didn't he just get out of a serious relationship?" He stops eating and looks at me intently. I stop eating myself and think about how to answer that question. Finally, I speak up.
"We're not really anything right now. We've just hooked up a few times." I shrug. Ryland doesn't react, he just goes back to eating. I go back to eating too and we continue to chat about random things until we finish our food.
"Watch this." Ryland says, standing up on the edge. My eyes widened at him.
"Ryland, what are you doing?" I ask concerned. He takes a second to look down at me and smirks before doing a front flip off the bridge. I watch as he falls into the water below and my heart beats out of my chest. I quickly hop off the bridge and run down to where the water meets the land as fast as I could. When I finally got there, Ryland was just swimming to shore. I ran up to him and enveloped his soaking wet body in a hug. "You scared the fuck out of me! You couldn't have given me a warning!" I yell at him, still feeling shaken up. He wraps one soaking wet arm around me,
"Sorry, I just wanted to show off." He says jokingly cocky. I pulled back from him and hit him in his chest.
"You asshole!" I yell. But I couldn't shake the feeling that it was kind of sexy how daring he was. We're just friends I tell myself. Suddenly he gets a text on his phone, and the expression on his face immediately changes. "We should get back now." He says. I give him a questioning look, but he doesn't give me any details. What's going on?
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Fan Fiction [Part 8]
*Warning dirty chapter ahead*
Emma's POV
Drinking white claws and dancing in the hype house was everything I could've asked for in life. I was dancing with Addison, Bella, and Talia and having a great time. When I felt hands on my waist. I didn't bother to turn around, already knowing who it was by the feel of their hands on my body. I danced on them, as their hands began to wander.
I turned around to face them, but it wasn't who I had thought. I was standing face to face with Ondreaz. He smirked at me, as we continued to dance body to body. He hands ran up and down my sides. He grabbed my ass hard, and I could feel the marks beginning to form on my ass.
Tony popped up in my head, but I knew we were only casual, and in my drunk mind dancing like this with Ondreaz was a good idea. We continued dancing, and he led me away to the bathroom. He aggressively picked me up, both of his hands gripping my ass, and shoved me onto the sink counter. Our lips met in a lust filled kiss.
*Smut Warning*
He pulled down my fishnets, as I was wearing a skirt with fishnets and no underwear. He pulled down his jeans as well, and with no warning he thrust into me. His left hand went under my shirt and pushed my bra up, not bothering to take it off. He squeezed my boob with what felt like all the strength he had in his body. His right hand grabbed my hair tight and lightly tug with each thrust. His pace was fast, and sloppy. Moans left my mouth as I felt him go deeper every time he thrusted into me. I gripped onto the countertop with both hands to stabilize myself a bit, I could feel my knuckles turning white. This didn't seem to help much, as he was pounding into me so hard I hit the mirror behind the sink.
*Smut Ending*
*Kind of Smutty & Very Kinky*
The sex was long, as he was too drunk to cum fast. But once it was over, he pulled up his pants and exited the bathroom swiftly. I composed myself, no longer having fishnets since they were so aggressively torn off, and I put my bra back into position. I exited the bathroom, but was immediately pushed into the wall next to it. Two hands tightly, but not to the point where it hurt gripped my neck. My eyes focused on the person, Tony. He got really close to my ear, but where I could still look into his eyes. He growled into my ear,
"You're mine." He did this in a way so it wasn't scary. It was hot. I could feel myself becoming wet. His grip loosened from my neck just a tiny bit so that I could nod. He smirked at me, and reached up under my skirt. He began to finger my clit, causing a moan to leave my lips. He didn't break eye contact with me. He removed his fingers and brought them to his mouth, slowly licking each one. He then inserted them into my vagina. I crumpled in his grip, becoming a moaning mess.
Once I had reached my climax, moaning out "Tony" as I did so. He licked his fingers again, and smirked at me,
"That's what I thought." And then he walked away.
*End of Smut*
Bella's POV
After dancing with the girls on the dance floor, I realized I hadn't seen Nick in quite a while. So, I decide to go find him. I first decided to check his room. Upon walking in, I see him passed out in his bed. His shirt off, and the covers displaced in such a way that his top half, and his feet were exposed. I laugh to myself, admiring how adorable he looks. This fucking boy.
I get undressed, leaving myself in my bra and underwear and pick up the shirt he had taken off from the ground. I threw it on, and it fell down to my knees. I then jumped into bed beside him and threw my arm around his warm body. I look up at his cute, sleeping face and smile. He shifts a little bit, and speaks without opening his eyes,
"Bella?" My heart melts. I give him a kiss on the cheek, and he smiles still sleeping. I close my eyes and go to sleep.
Avani's POV
Anthony and I were having a great time at the party. Both of us were decently intoxicated and we were in the pool together, when I noticed a couple sitting by the pool.
"Oh my god Anthony! Look who it is!" I swim over to him and wrap my legs around him. He looks over to where I'm looking. He looks at me with a questioning look on his face, "That's Lexie Andrews and her boyfriend Joe Cannon! They're that super funny couple from tik tok!" He makes an 'O' expression with his mouth. "We have to go talk to them!" We both exit the pool, and I excitedly go up to them. "Hi! I'm Avani and this is Anthony. I love your tik toks."
"Thanks, oh my gosh. You're absolutely freaking gorgeous. Joe, you should leave me for her goddamn." Lexie says. We all laugh.
"Babe, I'd never. However, if you said threesome I wouldn't be opposed." Joe jokes back to her. We all laugh again, and begin chatting about their tik tok and the hype house and what not.
"Sooo, were you joking about that threesome?" I joke with them. Anthony wraps his arms around me in a possesive way.
"He might have been, I'm not. Like damn Avani, go off." Lexie says sounding dead serious. I was joking, but the more I spoke to them and the drunker I got...the more appealing the offer sounded. I pulled Anthony for a sidebar to discuss it with him.
"Avani, are you crazy?" Anthony asks me, sounding concerned.
"No, think about it Anthony...you could watch?" I raise an eyebrow at him. This seems to entice him a bit and it takes some more convincing, but eventually he accepts the idea. We go back to Lexie and Joe, "I'm deadass about the threesome." Joe and Lexie look at each other, and then the four of us quickly go to my bedroom. This was about to be interesting...
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Makes sense. I’m too obsessed with Ryland Storms to start a new show.
Does anyone else feel, like, a weird inhibition against starting new TV shows?  Like, there are shows I want to watch but when I think about sitting down to start it something in me goes “no you can’t just do that.”  What am i waiting for?  I feel like I need to prepare?  Brain:  You have to wait.  Me:  Wait for what???  Brain:  WAIT
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Fan Fiction [Part 7]
Later on in the day, the other boys returned and we all were scattered throughout the house doing various things. Josh, Jaden, and I were watching a movie together. I picked up my phone and realized I had a few messages that I missed.
Mom: Tali, don't you think it's time to come home? I miss you.
Shit, I forgot that I have to leave at some point. I decided to respond to her message later and open my other message.
Addison: Throwing a party tn at hype house, better see you ladies there.
Avani: What she said ^
Alyssa: I'm there :)
Emma: I'll bring the claws
Bella: I'm making jello shots
Me: Sorry, was watching a movie. You know I'll be there!
"Did you guys know there's a party tonight at the hype house?" I ask Josh and Jaden. Josh responds,
"Yeah, I thought you knew." Jaden agrees with Josh. And I check the time, 8:03 PM. I decide to start getting ready now and pregrame.
At the party
I know the sway boys said they knew how to throw a good party, but shit the hype house knows how to throw an insane party. I was already quite intoxicated about 20 minutes into being here. There were people jumping off the balcony into the pool, off the balcony in the living room. Multiple kegs throughout the house. People dancing on tables. And an actual dance floor with a DJ and lights.
I made my way over to the dance floor where I saw Addison, Bella, and Emma dancing together and joined them in dancing.
"This party is insane!" I yelled to the girls over the music.
"This isn't even the craziest one we've ever thrown!" Addison yells back. We all laugh and continue dancing with each other. I begin to let myself get lost in the music. My hair whipping through the air as I moved my body wildly to the beat of the music. Emma hands me a shot in a throw away shot glass and I down it in seconds, throwing the shot glass to the ground.
Looking quickly across the dance floor I see Ryland standing on the outskirts, looking directly at me. I smirked at him and continued to dance, wanting to put on a show for him. I might not be able to have him, but I can also play with him.
In a flash, Ryland is in front of me. I run my hands down his chest,
"Not for you." I slur out. But that doesn't seem to phase him, he grabs my wrist and tries to pull me away from the dance floor, "What're you doing?" I tried to release my arm from his grip, but he was holding on too tight.
"Stop fighting it, I just want to show you something." He says, making me relax and allowing him to guide me up the stairs and into a room.
"Ryland, what-" I begin to say, but he cuts me off.
"Tali, look up." Utterly confused I look up at the ceiling, and see a giant skylight. The sky was lit up with stars, the moon shining brightly amongst them. The view took my breath away. Ryland laid down on the floor and looked up at the skylight, so I laid down beside him and looked up.
"This is beautiful, but I don't understand why you took me here." I said, not being able to look away. I spotted the little dipper hidden in the stars.
"You think you can tempt me. You think I'm so broken and fucked up that I'm just going to crack. I want to prove to you that I'm not trying to play you or manipulate you. I just want to be your friend." Those words lit me up on the inside. This boy is going out of his way to prove himself to me. To prove he's not a sex crazed monster.
I looked over at him and his face was stone cold, but he still looked absolutely beautiful. I could see through the hard expression on his face. Inside, he was broken. He was vulnerable and insecure. But most of all he was tired and sick of being looked down on by his friends. So maybe he wasn't just trying to prove himself to me, he was trying to prove himself to Griffin, and Jaden, and Avani, and anyone else who said he only cared about sex. And that, that is something I could respect.
"I believe you." I whispered so quiet I could barely hear myself. He stands up quickly and reaches his hand out to me,
"Now let's get back to this party."
Alyssa's POV
I was standing in the hallway near the kitchen, leaning back against the wall and sipping on vodka mixed with diet coke. I looked down at my phone at what felt like thousands of texts I'd sent Justin, my boyfriend, asking him where he went. Every single message went unanswered. I sighed, not having anymore tears left to cry. Avani entered the hallway and came up to me,
"Alyssaaaa, come have some fun!" She exclaimed enthusiastically, clearly very drunk. I smiled back at her, and decided you know what, fuck it. I should have some fun.
I went into the kitchen, and saw a bottle of vodka. I picked it up and began chugging from it. People around me took notice and cheered me on. After chugging a good amount of the bottle, I placed it down, falling over myself a little, and wiped my mouth. That feels better.
Suddenly, I became hyper aware of the music bumping throughout the house. I jumped on the island and began dancing. Some people followed my lead and began dancing with me. Some of them became quite handsy with me, but I was too drunk to care.
Griffin's POV
The party at the hype house was going as expected, extremely crazy. I'd only dranken about 2 beers, and not felt too tipsy. My drinking tolerance was quite good. Honestly, I'm not too sure why I even came to the party tonight. I wasn't really in the mood because what Alyssa said to me has been on my mind nonstop, and I don't know what to do.
I finished the beer in my hand, and went into the kitchen to grab another. But, when I got into the kitchen I saw Alyssa on the island, a bottle of vodka in her hands, and two guys on either side of her.
Immediately, I took action, not being able to watch it any longer. I shoved the two guys off of her, and grabbed the vodka bottle in her hand.
"Griffyyyy" She slurred, "that's my bottle, don't ruin the fun! Dance with me!" She kept her grip on the vodka bottle. I managed to get it out of her hands and set it down out of the way.
"Aly, come with me." I said, but she wasn't allowing it. I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up, and took her out of the kitchen and into Ryland's room. She was kicking, and screaming the whole way, trying to get out of my grip. Once in Ryland's room, she crossed her arms and pouted at me,
"You're no fun Griffin." She stated. I tried not to be angry with her, because she was just drunk, but I couldn't help it.
"You're way too drunk and you're dancing on the island with two other guys! You should be thanking me!" I shout at her. She doesn't like this,
"I don't need you to save me Griffin! I'm an adult, I can do what I want."
"Wow, my bad for trying to be a good friend. Just thought since you had a boyfriend you wouldn't do that normally!" Her face falls, and her eyes begin to water. I begin to panic, I didn't mean to hurt her. I rush to her side,
"Aly, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." I envelope her in a hug. She pulls back and looks me in the eyes,
"Justin" she chokes out through her tears, "Justin left me." The tears begin to fall more freely down her face and I hold her closer to me. What a bastard I think to myself. I rub circles into her back and try to calm her down. When she's finally calmed down, I speak,
"I'm sorry Aly, I know how you felt about him. You deserve so much better than him." She laughs manically. I furrow my brow in confusion as to why she responded like this.
"I didn't know I fell out of love with him until he left. I spent so long trying to convince myself that I loved him and that I needed him, but he left me. I should be happy, but really I just feel like an idiot for not leaving him first." Those words shock me to my core. I thought she loved him. I feel a pit growing in my stomach. If she didn't love him, then that's not what was stopping her from being with me. I hug her tighter and all I can say is,
"You're not an idiot Aly." She smiles softly at me, and I fall in love with her all over again. How can someone be so gorgeous when they're so sad? She takes a deep breath in,
"I love you Griffin. I'm in love with everything about you. I didn't want to be, because you deserve someone so much better than me. Because Talia would kill me. Because I wanted to be faithful to Justin. And if I weren't so drunk right now I wouldn't be telling you this. But I am hopelessly in love with you. I have been since we were kids, you just were too stupid to see it then and I was too stupid to see it now."
The air was sucked out of my body with those words. The words I've wanted to hear for months now, she has felt for years. I didn't know how to react, and she was too drunk for me to want to say anything with meaning back now. So all I said was,
"You should really get some rest Aly." And watching the way her face so quickly fell, killed me inside.
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms fan fiction [Part 6]
*Talia's POV*
"Talia, Talia?" A voice whispers, and I feel two hands shaking me awake. I open my eyes slightly to see Jaden hovering over me, it was still dark outside.
"Josh isn't here." I furrow my brow and shoot up, glaring at him.
"Are you waking me up for a booty call Jaden?" I cross my arms.
"What, no! I mean, if you want to...I just couldn't sleep and I wanted to talk to you."
"Oh...okay? What's on your mind?" By now I'm fully awake and aware of my surroundings. I pick up my phone from beside me and check the time, 2:43 AM. What the hell is going on that Jaden felt the need to wake me up to, "talk". Jaden gets fully onto my mattress and lays down beside me, I cross my legs and turn my body towards him. "Jaden are you okay?" I ask him genuinely worried about him.
"Yeah, I'm just upset about Mads, obviously. And Ryland texted me asking if I had your number...I don't know. I gave it to him, but I just don't get why he wants it. He could have any girl he wants, why Griffin's little sister." He says.
"Dude, are you serious? You got with me, you can't really take the high road on this one." I lay down on my side next to him so we are face to face. Only inches lying between our faces. He rolls his eyes,
"You know what I mean, Ryland is going out of his way to make this happen. You and I...we kind of just happened." Jaden explains. I nod my head in agreement and then take some time to collect my thoughts.
"Why are you worried about it? It's my problem." Jaden lets out a sarcastic laugh, but his face suddenly becomes more serious. He puts his arm around me and pulls me a little closer. I could feel his warm breath on my face. And, in that moment I got a good look at Jaden. I'd never really looked at him, except well...while we were having drunk sex, but that wasn't really a good time to appreciate how beautiful he was. His brown eyes were making me melt, and the blonde in his hair was catching the moonlight just right. "Jaden?" I whisper breaking the silence between us. He takes a deep breath in,
"My emotions are just fucked right now." I see his brown eyes begin to water, and my heart immediately sinks into my stomach at the sight. "Mads, she was my everything. I don't know who I am without her. I'm not that guy that hooks up with his best friend's little sister. I'm just not." A pit begins to form in my stomach, and suddenly I felt like I had to do something to alleviate the pain he was in. I reached out and brushed away a tear that began to fall down his face, and left my hand cupping his cheek,
"Jaden, we shouldn't hook up again. I know you mean it when you say you're not that guy, I believe you. And I know how hard it is to go through a break up, trust me I've been there. But just know you will make it through this, you are going to come out the other side the same great guy you were before, and I'm here whenever you need it." I speak to him sternly, and my heart swells up with adoration for the boy in front of me. The tears begin to fall freely down his face, and he buries his head into my chest. I squeeze him into me, wanting to take away all the pain he's ever felt. We stayed like that for a while, until I felt his tears cease and his breathing begin to slow and even out. I could tell he had fallen asleep, so I kissed the top of his head and shut my eyes, letting myself go to sleep.
The next day when I woke up, my body was hot and I could feel the sun shining through the window beating directly on me. The spot in the bed next to me felt empty. I opened my eyes to see that no one was in the room with me. I reached out for my phone and checked the time, 1:30 PM. I got up and walked out into the kitchen. I didn't see or hear anyone in the house. Rechecking my phone I saw that I had a message:
Griffin: Went out, be back by 4:00
Went out? Went out where? Did everyone go with him? I started to make myself a bowl of cereal. I grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet and got the lucky charms down off the top of the fridge. I poured the cereal into the bowl, and looked in the fridge for milk. I was surprised to see almost nothing except for postmates leftovers in the fridge. I rolled my eyes, of course these boys don't buy groceries or make food. I decided to eat my cereal plain. I go downstairs, and head out to the pool area to eat my cereal by the pool. As I was heading out, I noticed a figure swimming in the pool.
"Afternoon Talia" Ryland smirks at me, flipping his curls out of his face. I roll my eyes,
"Do you usually come to the sway house when no one is here to swim in the pool?" I sit down on a lawn chair close to where Ryland was. He laughs,
"You got me. The pool water at the sway house just...hits different." I roll my eyes for the hundredth time. Ryland gets out of the pool and goes to grab a towel off the fence. My eyes involuntarily look him up and down. Shit, he's got a good body. I feel goosebumps forming on my arms. I continue to eat my cereal, trying to ignore the feeling Ryland gives me. Ryland ties the towel around his waist, and I can't help but admire the way he looks again. The way the water glistens on his body in the sunlight. The way his hair falls when it's wet. Ryland comes over to me and sits on the lawn chair next to mine. "You slept in pretty late. Up all night with your boy Jaden?" Ryland mocks.
"No. Just catching up on my beauty sleep. You could probably use some of that." Ryland fakes hurt by gasping and placing a hand on his chest.
"No need to be rude Tali. But you're right it's none of my business." I finish my cereal and go to get up and put it back inside, but Ryland grabs my wrist, preventing me from leaving. I turn around and look at him, "Wait look Tali. I know what you must have heard about me. I just want you to hear from me, I'm not trying anything with you. I might've in the past, but I'm trying to be better okay? I don't want to do anything to ruin my relationship with Griffin. I just thought we could be friends." My heart aches hearing those words come from his mouth. Any disgust I had for him disappears in an instant, but my mind goes into defense mode,
"I don't know if I believe that. From what I've heard it doesn't sound like you're capable of trying to be 'better' or whatever you want to call it. For all I know this could be you trying to manipulate me and make me fall for whatever it is you're trying to do." I spit the words at him and pull my arm out of his grasp. I begin to walk away and he doesn't chase me. As I do though, I can't help but feel sad that I didn't give him a chance.
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Fan Fiction [Part 5]
*Talia's POV*
I wake up and feel a body next to me. I open my eyes and realize that it is Alyssa. I sit up slightly and see Josh asleep in his bed with a body next to him. Must be Nessa, I think to myself. I notice that Jaden isn't in his bed. I get up to go use the bathroom and as I was about to open it, the door opened revealing Jaden behind the door. My eyes bulge at the sight of the hickey on his neck. He grabs my arm and pulls me into the bathroom.
"Do you know how to get rid of this?" He points at his neck. I giggle. "Hey it's not funny, I don't want to be questioned about it." I get over my giggle fit and nod. I reach for my concealer which is sitting on the counter. He sits down on the toilet seat and I start concealing his neck. "So, last night."
"I know, one time thing. I'm okay with that, don't worry." I cut him off.
"No I wasn't going to say that. I'm okay if it's a one time thing, because trust me I'm not looking for a relationship right now, plus who knows if Mads and I will get back together tomorrow."
"Oh. Okay, so not a one time thing?" I raise an eyebrow and continue to conceal his neck.
"I mean, I had a good time. I just don't want Griffin to know about this, he made it clear to all the boys. And, Ryland-"
"What about Ryland?" I furrow my brows and finish concealing. I sit on the floor of the bathroom and look up at Jaden. He sighs,
"Well, I probably shouldn't tell you this but I definitely have to now. Ryland, he likes to get with as many girls as he can, and he likes to be the first one..." He trails off and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. My mouth gapes open,
"Are you seriously saying that Ryland is trying to fuck me, but he wants to be the first one to do it?" Jaden sheepishly nods. "That's disgusting." I scowl. Jaden nods in agreement.
"He's a good guy. He's just kinda fuck up when it comes to girls. Just look, are you and I good?" I nod and we both get up from our positions in the bathroom. As we go to walk out I turn and look at Jaden,
"I had a good time too, by the way. I wouldn't be mad if this continued as just sex." I say and walk out. I see Alyssa sitting up in my bed. "Morning hoe." She sleepily nods good morning at me. I decide to go check on Griffin. I walk down to his room and lightly knock on the door. I hear him grumble to come in. I walk in and see Griffin in his bed, sitting up and bundled in his blankets. "Dude what happened to you?" I sit down on the corner of his bed. He groans.
"Dixie and I aren't a thing anymore. We both decided it's not the right time. I'm just worried that it's never going to be the right time with any of these tik tok girls." I scooch next to him and hug him,
"It's alright Griff, just focus on your school work and your friends for now. Things will work out for you in the end. I promise, and you know your sister would never promise you anything that wasn't true." He laughs,
"Yeah right." My phone buzzes and I see that Addison texted in the group chat,
Addison: Come over, Avani and I have someone we want you to meet
Avani: And bring Anthony, I want to do his makeup
Me: Okay, I'm bringing my friend Alyssa, is that okay?
Addison: Of course!
Avani: Fine by me :)
"Alright Griff, I'm heading to the hype house with Alyssa. Let me know if you need anything. Don't stay in your room all day, you need the vitamin D and the social interaction." He waves me off. I go tell Anthony that Avani has summoned him. I grab Alyssa and tell her the plan and we both get ready to go.
Once we both are ready I say goodbye to the boys that are awake and call an uber. Alyssa, Anthony, and I get into the uber and head off to the hype house.
Alyssa, Anthony and I all entered the hype house which was bustling with people. There was a backdrop set up over by the couches. It seemed like some sort of photo shoot was going on. Then I noticed all the hype house members were wearing hype house merch. Avani came up to me and Alyssa with two girls. I recognized one of them,
"Bella! Oh my gosh I didn't think I'd see you again so soon." I hug Avani and Bella. Avani gives Anthony a kiss.
"Me neither, but last night at the party Thomas officially signed me to the hype house, so here I am. And, oh my gosh hey Alyssa, it's been forever how are you?" She and Avani hug Alyssa.
"You three know each other?" I ask them. Avani answers,
"Yeah of course we know Alyssa, I didn't know this was the Alyssa you were talking about. She's a legend. Like a weed instagram model, that's fucking nuts." We all laugh. "Oh and this is Emma, our newest hype house member besides Bella."
"Hey guys, what's up I'm Emma. And by the way, have you seen these boys? Like I want to sit on their faces, especially the lopez brothers." We all laugh and say nice to meet you. She seems wild, but in a good way. The group of us go up to Addison's room where she has makeup laid out on the dresser.
"Anthony, did I tell you I'm doing your makeup?" Avani looks at Anthony with puppy dog eyes. He laughs nervously,
"Okay babe." They go over to the dresser and Avani starts doing Anthony's makeup. Someone knocks on the door, we all look over and see Ryland standing in the doorway.
"Are you doing Anthony's makeup? Oh my god."
"We can do your makeup too!" Bella says excitedly. I laugh, there's no way Ryland would let us do his makeup,
"Ryland is too much of a pussy to get his makeup done." I say. He gasps,
"Is that a challenge? Okay Ms. Johnson I want you to do my makeup." He enters the room and sits down in a chair looking at me. I stand there kind of in shock. "What're you waiting for huh?" The others busy themselves with other things, and I approach Ryland,
"Okay Ryland, let's make you pretty. Addison, can I borrow makeup?" Addison says sure and sets a good amount of makeup on the table near me. I look at Ryland's face and think of what I'm going to do. God, I can't look at him without melting. 
"You know, I thought you were actually going to do my makeup? Not stare at me?" Ryland says sarcastically. I roll my eyes at him,
"I'm thinking." I reach into the makeup bag and get to work on Ryland's face. As I was doing Ryland's makeup I really started to study his features. He has really nice brown eyes, and long eyelashes. Ryland smiles at me, damn he has a great smile.
"You make a really cute face when you're doing makeup." Ryland surprises me by saying that as I start brushing his eyebrows out.
"Shut up." I can feel heat in my cheeks. He smirks at me. "Stop moving, I have to do this perfectly." He stops smirking and tries to keep his face still.
"Is that a hickey on your neck?" He reaches out and brushes my hair away from my neck. Oh shit. I slap his hand away from my neck.
"No, shut up." Ryland reaches out and brushes my hair away from my neck again. He starts laughing,
"Oh my god that is a hickey! It's new too. Did you get some at the party last night? You better cover that up before big brother Griffin sees. Who was it?" Now I was getting mad.
"You know what Ryland, I told you to shut up. Griffin is not in charge of me. And, it's none of your business who gave me this hickey." I stop doing his makeup, and realize how loud I was being. I look behind my shoulder and notice the girls looking at me. They all pretend like they aren't paying attention. Fuck, of course I made a scene.
"Damn, it must've been one of his friends huh. That's why you're so pissed." I glare at him, really getting angry at him. I can't believe I thought this boy was cute let alone hot. Because right now his personality is really making him ugly.
"I saw you go upstairs with that girl last night, so don't play Mr.high road okay Ryland, I've heard what you do, Jaden tol-"
"So it was Jaden huh." He chuckles, "You sound jealous." I finish doing his makeup and angrily grab a mirror and give it to him.
"There, I did your fucking makeup, now leave me the fuck alone." I walk away from him and join the girls.
"What an asshole." Emma says to me. I nod in agreement.
*Emma's POV*
While Bella, Alyssa, Addison and I were chatting and making tik toks, Talia started yelling at Ryland. It didn't sound pretty. We all tried not to pay attention, but we couldn't help it. He was prying into her business. She came over and sat next to me,
"What an asshole." I say to her, and she nods in agreement. I excuse myself to go look for the bathroom. In reality, I just wanted to know what the boys in this house were up to. I'm a little boy crazed. I wasn't really big on tik tok till a couple weeks ago, and since before I became big I've had my eyes on Tony Lopez, or Ondreaz Lopez, or even Chase. But Chase and Charli have a thing, so I'm not going to mess with him, I don't want to get on her bad side when I've just joined the hype house.
I walk down the corridor until I find the tik tok bathroom. I walk in and see Tony in there making a tik tok. His back was to me.
"Hey I'm Emma." I say. He jumps and turns around, his hand to his heart.
"Jesus you scared the shit out of me. I thought everyone was at the photo shoot."
"OH right. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to tell you how much I love your tik toks. Is it weird to say I'm a huge fan even though we kinda live in the same house now?" He laughs.
"No of course not. I'm a fan of your tik toks too." I was kind of shocked that he said that.
"You know who I am?" I sit down on the edge of the bathtub, Tony slowly approaches me.
"Yeah of course I do." Tony comes up to me and stands right in front of me. I can feel myself getting nervous, but I stand up so that we're chest to chest. He looks in my eyes, "I couldn't forget a girl like you."
"And what's that exactly?" I put my hand on his chest. I look back into his eyes and can feel myself melting.
"Hot." His lips meet mine in a heated kiss. Before I know it, clothes are coming off. He leads me into the shower,
"Shower sex?" I pull away from him slightly and question. He smirks at me. I don't need a verbal answer. He turns on the shower, and slams me into the shower wall.
*Bella's POV*
Most of the girls had dispersed from Addison's room because Anthony decided to turn Avani doing his makeup into a youtube video and we didn't want to interrupt. I decided to go look for Nick, I've known him for a little while now we're like best friends. I find him in his room playing fortnite.
"Fortnite Nick? Give me a turn." I plop down in his lap and he ends up dying,
"Oh come on Bella, I was doing so well!" He says exasperated. I laugh,
"It's just a game, now come on let me play!" He rolls his eyes and hands me the controller. I squeal, "Thanks Nick! Now how do you play this game again?" He groans and rolls his eyes at me as I start a new game and try to play.
"Belle c'mon. Why do you always tease me like this?" I put down the controller and suddenly realize I can feel Nick's hard dick on my butt. I jump up and throw the controller,
"Nick WHAT!? We're friends." He doesn't even react,
"Bella, you're all over me all the time. I love you dude, but if you don't like me then why do you act like this." I wanted to yell at him for assuming just because I'm a girl and we're close that I want to fuck him, but then I started to really think about it, I go and sit on the edge of his bed. "Belle don't be mad at me. I'm just saying. I love you, as a friend of course, but like" He scratches the back of his head and looks down at the floor, "I kind of want more from this." My heart stops. I looked at him, but his eyes were still on everything else, but me. I grab my juul out of my sweatshirt pocket and take a rip. "Are you going to say anything?" He looks at me for the first time since he said he wanted more. It was my turn to look at the floor,
"I, I don't know Nick. I've just had a hard time with boys in the past, and I don't want this to fuck up our friendship and I don't want to deal with the fans.." I trail off knowing how I must sound to him. He comes and sits next to me on the bed, my heart starts beating really fast. I turn to look into his eyes,
"Fuck the fans, Belle, well not fuck the fans, but c'mon they shouldn't dictate our relationship. And I'm nothing like the guys you dated before, let me show you that." A small smile makes its way onto my face,
"You're such a dork" I start playing with his hair. "Okay, Nick. I want more too, I'm just scared." He smiles at me and envelopes me in a big hug. We pull away, and put our foreheads together. We look into each other's eyes for a little bit before we both lean in and kiss. And let me tell you, I've kissed a lot of boys before, but it has NEVER felt this good before.
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