The movie General Luna that was played by John Arcilla and directed by Jerrold Tarog is dedicated to our great General Antonio Luna who fights for our freedom from the Americans with his allied forces.  The movie was taken from facts and historians who claims General Luna’s life in time of Filipino-American war.
 In the year 1898 Spain’s 333 years rule over The Philippines has collapsed .Spaniards agreed to sell the archipelago to United States for 20 million dollars. Filipinos are tired to be ruled again from another country because they know that this will be a lot of changes coming.
General Antonio Luna the commander of the Philippine revolutionary are trying to unite the Filipinos to get their beloved country back. In the cabinet meeting in the Province of Bulacan were all the highest officials are there namely The President of the nation Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, First Prime minister Apolinario Mabini, Director of Agriculture and Industry Gen.Jose Alejandrino, Head of the Cabinet Pedro Paterno they’ll having a debate if they will listen to the sweet coated words of the Americans or will fight to stop the enemies from invading the country.
While the debate still ongoing some of the Cities were destroyed by the Americans. Gen. Aguinaldo does not hesitate to give Gen. Luna the fight against the enemies. It’s easy for General Luna to rule the army but the problem is the other generals aren’t listen to him without the president’s permission.
General Luna get 4 thousand Soldiers in many cities to help him in his plans some soldiers are just pushed to come because they are afraid to die General Luna said that if someone don’t follow him will be die.As Gen. Luna making plans he talk to one of his soldier to send a telegram to Gen.Mascardo that he needs more troops for the battle but Gen. Mascardo don’t follow him without the president’s permission they change telegrams and argue to each other. Gen. Luna was very angry at Gen. Mascardo’s hard headed attitude so that they declare a fight, Unfortunately a telegram gave to them saying that Gen. Mascardo are arrested because of not following Gen. Luna’s command the telegram is from Gen.Aguinaldo.
On the other day General Luna went to the President’s office and gave a letter that he will resign as the head of the armed forces of the Philippines but Gen. Aguinaldo cannot accept it because the country needs him Gen. Luna answered angrily he cannot accept such treason from Paterno and Buencamino who do transactions with the one they called friends the americans while his soldier are dying just to protect the land from the enemies. When General Luna leaves Paterno, Buencamino, Gen. Aguinaldo and Apolinario Mabini talk about Gen. Luna they said the rumors that Gen. Luna is making a bad plan against Gen. Aguinaldo but Mabini defend it he knows Gen. Luna and how much he loved the country.
While making plans Gen. Luna received a telegram from the president Aguinaldo saying that he is invited to go in Cabanatuan to lead his new cabinet without hesitation Gen. Luna and his troops go to Cabanatuan greatfully.
In the middle of their way the vehicle of his troops are destroyed in the river so he decided to go with his two troops Roman and Rusca while the others are fixing the vehicle. When they are in the place they can’t see some officials and other people. General Luna goes inside by himself he saw soldiers there but they do not answering his questions. When he goes inside he saw Buencamino he ask for the president but Buencamino said that the president leaves at morning, General Luna was disappointed they argue and set a duel but a fire from a gun stop their conversation Gen. Luna find the gunman no soldier answers him so he slap them one soldier slashed his face with a bolo and the other start to fire him without mercy theyslauthered General Luna until his last breath they killed also Roman but Rusca surrender.
General Aguinaldo said that he were in Pampanga and Bulacan that day to inspect General Del Pilar’s army and he doesn’t give any telegram to General Luna. They all very lonely of what happened to Gen. Luna. President Aguinaldo said General Luna are his best general that can give the Philippines the freedom but he died nit in the Americans but in the hands of his countrymen.
It is always better to fall on the field of battle than to accept any foreign rule.- General Antonio Luna
 For me at first people can defeat the Americans because we are manier than them and if the government helps General Luna maybe we can defend our land easily. General Luna is the best General for us because even if the sweet coated words from the enemy he doesn’t believe he knows what they want for us. We are Filipino I believe we can do it just like other country who just unite to defeat other invader.
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