wheresunandseameet · 2 hours
Imagine your f/o gently caressing your hand, holding it in their own, a gentle grip. They use their thumb to soothe you with small circles along your skin.
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wheresunandseameet · 2 hours
Imagine your f/o gently caressing your hand, holding it in their own, a gentle grip. They use their thumb to soothe you with small circles along your skin.
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self shippers should remove themselves from the chains that is the fear of judgement. like my beautiful bestie, you are not evil for having multiple f/os because you're not cheating. you are not selfish for having boundaries for not wanting to share f/os. no one is going to hate you for having obscene f/os that no one knows. no one is going to hate you for only having f/os of the most popular anime characters. relax a bit homie. its gonna be aight.
and if they do hate you? man. who cares. do what makes you happy. its your life and you deserve to have harmless fun.
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wheresunandseameet · 2 days
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Casual little reminder about your self inserts
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Be as OP as you fucking want.
Make yourself a god
give yourself superpowers
give yourself a tail and horns or wings or anything you want!
Let your s/i change the entire plot to be how you like.
Make your s/i a shapeshifter or a vampire or an elf.
Even if it doesn't fit in Canon. I don't care. Your s/i is completely indulgent to you. What matters is that you enjoy yourself.
I make the rules. Im not sorry about it. That's how it is.
Your f/o loves you so so much. Doesn't care if you're human or an alien or whatever. They love you for you.
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Coming from someone who literally made a goddess s/i at one point. Just have fun with it
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wheresunandseameet · 3 days
you can't just say "cringe culture is dead" until it's something you personally dislike
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wheresunandseameet · 6 days
💗Pokemon Type Asks💗
🤎Normal Type🤎 : What do you and your F/O do on an average day?
🔥Fire Type🔥: Alright! Are you and your F/O competitive? What fires you both up?
🌊Water Type🌊: Beach Episode! What do your swimsuits look like? Do you both like to get in the water or just relaxing near it?
💐Grass Type💐: Achoo! Have you ever given each other flowers? If not, what kind would you want to give them? What type would they give you?
⚡Electric Type⚡: Zap! The power went out. Out of the two of you, who’s more prepared for the unexpected? Can you tell us a story about when that came in handy?
🕶️Dark Type🕶️: Who’s the bigger prankster between the two of you? What’s the best prank either of you have pulled?
🧊Ice Type🧊: Brr, it’s cold in here. Whats your favorite thing to do together when it’s chilly out? Do you want to snuggle up for warmth or brave the cold for snow time fun?
⚔️Fighting Type⚔️: Do you two ever argue? Who’s the first one to apologize?
🪶Flying Type🪶: What’s something that your F/O does that makes your heart soar? Something you do that makes their stomach fluttery?
☠️Poison Type☠️: What’s something one of you eats or drinks that the other can’t stand? How do you both react to it?
👻Ghost Type👻: Boo! Who’s the easiest to scare, you or your F/O? How do you think the two of you would fare in a haunted house?
🔮Psychic Type🔮: Look into your crystal ball and tell us what you think your future with your F/O looks like? Do you want to live together? Get married? Have the two of you ever talked about it?
🕸Bug Type🕸 : Ack! A spider! Quick, which one of you deals with it?
⛰️Ground Type⛰️: What about your F/O grounds you when you’re not feeling well? Do you help ground them?
🪨Rock Type🪨: If you had to pick a rock to give your F/O as a gift, what kind of rock would you pick? How does it remind you of them?
🐉Dragon Type🐉: What would your F/O secretly hoard? How would you find out about it?
🧚Fairy Type🧚: If you had to pick a fairy tale to describe your relationship, what one would you pick? Why?
💻Steel Type💻 : Who’s more likely to struggle with technology? How does the other help?
Bonus -
👤Shadow Type👤: If you and your F/O had your morality swapped, how do you think it’d go? (i.e. if you were heroes before, you’re villains now and vise versa)
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wheresunandseameet · 6 days
Selfshippers who's F/O is much older / younger than you I love y'all <3 don't let anyone invalidate your relationship over age differences :-)
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wheresunandseameet · 6 days
These days I live by the philosophy that, if Samuel L. Jackson got to wield a purple lightsaber because he liked purple, then I can give my s/i whatever the hell I want if I like it.
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wheresunandseameet · 6 days
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wheresunandseameet · 9 days
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Imagine your F/O’s smug expression the first time they lean in for a kiss. How it deepens, eyes half closing, a barely perceptible twitch to the corner of their mouth as they feel the nervous swallow in your throat, an excited inhale at the obvious tremble in your bottom lip as you return their affection.
‘What, have you never been kissed before?’ The smirk on their lips is playful as they brush against your lips once more before pulling away, amused to see you lean in closer, trying to recapture the taste of them again. Their amusement is short-lived as they watch an embarrassed expression slip over your face, feeling something wild and hot in their stomach at the realization that they’re the first - your first kiss.
Gone is their amusement and in its place is an urgent desire to have you entirely for themselves. Hands lock onto your face, holding you in place as you try to look down in embarrassment, fingers digging into your chin as their mouth crashes against yours in a bruising, choking press.
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wheresunandseameet · 9 days
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crawling back out of the dark depths with a little portrait :)
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wheresunandseameet · 10 days
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I still love her outfit. <3
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wheresunandseameet · 10 days
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Amongst the Sylleblossoms <3
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wheresunandseameet · 12 days
Allow yourself to make any story you want for your Self Insert. If you want to stay yourself that's fine! If you want to grow into a different person due to story experiences, do it! There's so much fun and catharsis to be had whether it's SFW or NSFW, there's no rules of what you're allowed to do with YOUR Self Insert. Good, Evil, Neutral, Toxic, EVERYTHING IS ON THE TABLE FOR YOUR PERSONAL FANTASY. You can write yourself reacting to different situations any way you want. Just because you wouldn't "realistically" handle things a certain way, who the fuck cares ITS YOUR SELF INSERT YOU MAKE THE RULES.
Experience horrific atrocities that change you into a completely different person from the trauma that only your F/O can heal? Or only you can help their own traumas? DO IT.
Save the day even when canon heroes failed and be the only one who can get it done, everyone loving you for it? DO IT.
Be trained by F/Os and become an amazing fighter that can hold your own in a brawl? DO IT.
Help the villain, or hell BE the villain, who wreaks havoc while reveling in the evil and carnage of it all to a concerning degree? DO IT.
Become a secret assassin who has to go through special training and actually kill people and infiltrate spaces in order to complete the missions you were trained to do, and fucking loves it all? DO IT.
Take part in a gigantic intergalactic revolution that could tear the structure of leadership apart down to its very knees, fighting alongside your F/O? Or even tragically, fighting against your F/O? DO IT.
Having the ability to fight the enemy whether you're a Villain or a Hero, achieving abilities that make you a force to be reckoned with to the point where even canon characters know your name without having ever met? DO IT.
Actually fucking DIE and have an angst filled pain train from all the heartbreak your F/O experiences due to your death? DO IT.
Have an evil F/O that inflicts dark emotional and/or physical torture that breaks you past the point of no return? DO IT.
Fuck everyone and everything because you're just that attractive and amazing? DO IT.
Hang out with everyone and everything because you're so damn cool and engaging? DO IT.
You're so fantastic and will have awesome experiences, or you know, delicious painful experiences. You're also gonna get AAAAAAAALLLL the F/Os, they love you so much because it's YOU no matter what form your Self Insert takes!!!!
Anyone who says otherwise is pure dookie.
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wheresunandseameet · 15 days
I'm kind of curious for my selfship moots, what do you guys normally do when you have two f/os from the same media? Is it a "dual custody" situation? A polycule? Just separate versions of yourself entirely?
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wheresunandseameet · 18 days
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wheresunandseameet · 20 days
Hey! proshippers interact with this post if you're s selfshipper who's totally chill with asks being sent to you about your f/os and interacting with posts about your f/os! I love seeing ship content for all these s/is and I want to support my community!
Antis need not interact with this post.
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