alooparathaforever · 2 years
Ask people to describe what they find attractive about themselves, and watch them as they try to describe their physical features!
No offense, some of y'all have very pretty eyes and breathtaking smile and a number of things to list.
But how often have you heard someone describe their traits, their actions!
"The ability to make people smile/safe is attractive"
"To listen attentively, to pick up on details is attractive"
"To keep people in your prayers is attractive"
"To be able to calm someone is attractive"
"Making people feel good about themselves is attractive"
"Being mindful about yours and other's boundaries is attractive"
"To just admire the sunsets, and be able to get lost in it, is attractive"
"To be who you are, is attractive"
"The passion, the adrenaline rush, the excitement while doing something is attractive"
Sadly, society has gotten us to believe that being beautiful is about looks and appearances, when it is more than that. It is these traits, the qualities, the human in you that your body holds, is attractive!
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
Just want to talk about this parallel over her from Encanto.
Mirabel sings in need of a miracle, desparately wanting to be seen and heard like everyone else in the family, and pleads to Abuela in the song by saying "Open your eyes"
Throughout the movie, events lead us to see that Abuela does recognise Mirabel's will power and her empathy towards her family.
And later, when it's time for Mirabel to see her own strengths, Abuela says "Open your eyes".........
And I am crying hard over this parallel now!!!!
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All images and gifs are from Disney movie Encanto and are not owned by me.
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
“I’ve found that growing up means being honest. About what I want. What I need. What I feel. Who I am.”
— Epiphany
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
This is pure 🥺🥺
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Marvel, Phase VI
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
Just learnt a bit about savings, inflation, investment, taxes..
And coming from a background where I have completely zero knowledge about finances, it just seems so difficult. Intriguing, yes!
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
I love how people smile for a picture, even beneath the mask where it's not seen! It's the memories that count!
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
We are all patterns, and vicious cycles, moving on from our past, learning and unlearning our way through life, striving for a break in the pattern or a loophole out of the cycle, only to realise, that it is balance that keeps us going, and without balance, the cycle stops, and the momentary happiness can lead to a tremendous fall!
Also, why do I think so much about things just when I'm trying to study!
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
Thinking about it now, what if Victor, Hugo and Laverne are not a figment of Quasi's imagination, but are his id, ego and superego!
Victor can be the representation of his superego, where he constantly rambles about things that can go wrong, or asking to abide by rules, and also apologizing for fighting a soldier!
Hugo, on the other hand is more free and merry in nature like his id. He'd think about what he wants to do, maintain his childlike innocence while playing poker with a pigeon, and urging Quasi to follow his heart!
And Laverne, she is the ego! She is the one who balances the constant worries of Victor and endless demands from Hugo, while making sure Quasi is able to make proper decision, and close the door to keep id and superego away when he needs to express and feel his emotions when he thinks he lost Esmeralda!
And yes, the pigeons who are constantly on Laverne, maybe those are the unwanted thoughts and emotions Quasi has repressed, which is why by the end, when she is not able to reason them out, or use to her advantage like before with the hellfire, she frustratingly questions whether they ever migrate (or go to the unconscious mind)
Just thought of a way of relating Freud's theory of mind and the movie!
Does this make sense??
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
Reminds me of Dragon scroll from Kung fu Panda!
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
Not really sure what to do.
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
How annoying is it when a leaf doesn't crunch like it looks!!!!!
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
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Live your life in your way …
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
I think it is never too late to find your passion.
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alooparathaforever · 2 years
I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.
Cassandra Clare (via quotemadness)
such beautiful feeling.
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alooparathaforever · 8 years
Handwriting is the written equivalent of someone's sound! It's cool!💙
#write #your #feelings #writeon #handwriting #sound
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alooparathaforever · 8 years
He was locked in the prison of fear, rejection and hatred.. And then she came with the keys of love, acceptance and satisfaction💙
#write #your #feelings #writeon #prison #love
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