aloquaengedraco · 3 years
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aloquaengedraco · 3 years
Sometimes my heart beats strong and my nerves betray me, when I see your face. My lips throb with the desire of an icy kiss from you. My pupils get bigger, at the moment of making love, uniting as one body... We drown in a sea of ​​emotions.
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aloquaengedraco · 3 years
Una fusión de Halloween y día de muertos 🍷
A fusion of Halloween and Day of the Dead🍷
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aloquaengedraco · 3 years
Gothic Loonie
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aloquaengedraco · 3 years
Estar contigo, es volar entre suspiros
Cada vez que te escucho
Tu voz dulce y calida
Me acaricia cada noche, como un anochecer de Luna llena
Estar contigo es sonreír a todas horas
Quedarme emboba pensandote
Sentir tu sonrisa
En la mía
Estar contigo
Es querer detener el tiempo
Parar el reloj
Por que cuando estoy contigo, el tiempo vuela
Y cuando no lo estoy
Se pasa tan lento
Que parece congelado
Estar contigo, es ir de la mano
Por la playa de nuestro amor ❣️
Being with you is flying between sighs
every time i hear you
Your sweet and warm voice
It caresses me every night, like a full moon sunset
Being with you is smiling at all hours
Stay dumbfounded thinking of you
Think of you
Feel your smile
In mine
Be with you
It's wanting to stop time
Stop the clock
Because when I'm with you, time flies
And when I'm not
It goes by so slow
That looks frozen
Being with you is going hand in hand
On the beach of our love ❣️
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aloquaengedraco · 3 years
En el castillo, los invitados, amigos y familiares estaban bailando, cenando y divirtiéndose
Mientras el matrimonio Suoh, estaban íntimamente emocionales y desde entonces...
Mikoto: Quieres concederme un baile de navidad amor?
Aloqua:Por supuesto -pone su mano en el hombro y en la otra mano, toma la mano de su hombre, mientras se sonroja al verlo y sus ojos brillan e lagrimosos-
Mikoto: -procede a bailar con ella, mientras la mira con tranquilidad y se sonroja un poco- eres tan hermosa...
Aloqua: -comienza a dejar caer lágrimas en su rostro, mientras se sonroja más y sonriendo- tu brillo hace verme más hermosa amor
Mikoto: -se la apega hacía el y la abraza por la cintura- Quiero tener más tiempo para ti, no quiero ser un mal esposo
Aloqua: yo te acepte así... Con tu luz y oscuridad... Mi amor... -recarga en su regazo la cabeza y suspira-
Mikoto: bailemos toda la noche, mi hermosa luna... -baila junto con ella-.
At the castle, guests, friends and family were dancing, dining and having fun
While the Suoh couple, they were intimately emotional and since then...
Mikoto: Do ​​you want to grant me a Christmas dance love?
Aloqua: Of course-she puts her hand on his shoulder and in the other hand, takes her man's hand, while she blushes seeing him and his eyes shine and tear-
Mikoto: -proceeds to dance with her, while he calmly looks at her and blushes a little- you're so beautiful...
Aloqua: -begins to let tears fall on her face, while she blushes more and smiles- your brightness makes me look more beautiful love
Mikoto: -attaches her to hers and hugs her around her waist-I want to have more time for you, I don't want to be a bad husband
Aloqua: I accepted you like this... With your light and darkness... My love...-he rests his head on her lap and sighs-
Mikoto: let's dance all night, my beautiful moon...-he dances along with her-
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