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A big thanks to my uncle for sending me this awesome gift. #foghat #rogerearl #rocknroll #gifts #wine #foghatcellars (at Holly, Michigan)
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I need them all, @wolf-of-death-valley?
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@wolf-of-death-valley, I'm just gonna leave this here...
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I miss my mohawk...
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Matt being so punk. XD
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I feel it should be pointed out, SHE MARRIED ME BITCHES!!!
would u rather fight a buff nerd or a jock who listens to jazz
things to remember:
nerd has a lot of pent-up anger, might pretend you are his dad
because of the jock’s exposure to jazz music, his attack patterns and movements are a lot less predictable
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I ship it
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Goodnight folks, I’ll be here all week
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@wolf-of-death-valley is you
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Fiction is way better than reality, you guys. Bonus sketch here http://tinyurl.com/h68wct3
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Gentrification is the new colonialism
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Keep trying everyone. After 8 years of shit jobs coming out of the military, I landed what may lead to my dream job. (FYI the lead-in job pays about $75K/yr). You can get there too! I believe in you!
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Coming clean (cause coming out isn't quite the term)
So, this is my first truly personal post. I'm having a bit of an identity issue. First, let me say I am bisexual. I have been interested in exploring the bounds of gender ever since I accepted I was bi, (Story behind my 'enlightenment' is for a later post.) I have run into issues that I hope Tumblr can help me with. 1) I am about 6' 3" with size 14E feet. Making it hard to find feminine, or ambiguous clothing 2) When I shave, the hair is so dark my skin doesn't look naturally hairless 3) Even though my partner will see this post before I post it, I still have apprehensions about putting this out there So if there is any advice, stories, or opinions out there, I'd like to know them. Thank you all.
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I find scrambled eggs to be the easiest dish for a tasty and filling breakfast. I start with about a tbls of butter in an 8 inch non-stick pan over medium heat. While the butter melts and bubbles disapate beat 2 eggs (if you like them extra fluffy add about half a tbls of milk per egg) with a large pinch of salt (I like kosher) and pepper to taste (I like a lot of pepper). Once the butter stops bubbling pour in the eggs. With a silicone spatula stir the eggs (this would be the time to add cheese if you like that sort of thing). As you stir break up the curds as they formed. Your eggs are done as soon as you don't see anything runny in the pan (I always pull eggs off the heat a little before I think they're done, carryover always happens). Plate and enjoy. I hope I helped.
if anyone is still awake….what’s some quick and easy breakfast foods. i suck at breakfast. bc i work at night and sleep all day i usually just eat what would be considered “dinner” as my first meal of the day…yikes…so if you have some good ideas please help thank u
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Alton Brown does a pouch using Ramen on Good Eats that is definitely worth trying. It includes shrimp, dried mushrooms, and onions. Also it only takes like 10 minutes to prepare.
Why have I never seen ramen on chopped. Show me how to elevate my noodles!
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Warren and Tyagi demonstrated that buying common luxury items wasn’t the issue for most Americans. The problem was the fixed costs, the things that are difficult to cut back on. Housing, health care, and education cost the average family 75 percent of their discretionary income in the 2000s. The comparable figure in 1973: 50 percent. Indeed, studies demonstrate that the quickest way to land in bankruptcy court was not by buying the latest Apple computer but through medical expenses, job loss, foreclosure, and divorce.
Giving up a latte or another such small extravagance in this environment wasn’t going to be enough. Yet the personal finance shills continued to tell people their problems were mostly of their own making.
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Why would you mix single barrel whiskey. It’s almost twice as expensive as the standard stuff.
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I see my fellow 90s children are dragging their childhood into adult life just like I am
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“The drinking-age law would surely be a winner in a competition for the least obeyed law. The notion that this law is accomplishing anything to actually stop or even curb teen drinking is preposterous. Instead, we see all the unintended effects of Prohibition: over-indulgence, anti-social behavior, disrespect for the law, secrecy and sneaking, and a massive diversion of human energy.”
“The choice between virtue and vice is a human choice. Relying on the government to make this choice for us disables the social order’s internal mechanisms for bringing about and rewarding responsible behavior. It seems like a paradox, but it is true: The only path toward restoring sanity in teenage drinking is greater liberty.”
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