catmetchu · 2 years
I fought with Toruk Makto!
And we were brothers.
And he was my last shadow…
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catmetchu · 2 years
Galvatron’s Revenge=Ruined
I have some bad news.
Galvatron’s Revenge just posted a video announcing the VA for Optimus who is the most racist and homophobic person in the Transformers fandom I know. When told about who they had hired, Galvatron’s Revenge’s creator firmly defended him. This VA attacked me and UltraPrimal in 2021 and wrote on Twitter (now suspended) that POC and LGBTQ+ people should die. How could anyone allow such a disgusting person to star in their project? My YouTube comment which may be deleted, explains who their VA for Optimus is:
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In response to another comment against the VA, the creator of the TFP fan project Galvatron’s Revenge said:
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The creator sees no problem with the VA’s blatantly bigoted and hostile behaviour.
If you pay Galvatron’s Revenge, you pay an atrocious person. This is a tweet from the VA himself. This is a small taste and there had been worse:
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G.R.’s creator is deleting comments in their video about the VA. They are erasing evidence of how horrible this VA is. A person who doxxes people, attacks minorities… What they call valid political opinions are awful. These “opinions” are anti human rights and hate speech I have not called out other creators before. But I am creating my own Transformers Prime fan project and I had respected this fan project that had been in production longer than mine. They are now hiring a voice actor who has harassed me. Now that is one thing, but this VA has posted the most vile things about minorities and gone out to attack them. Galvatron’s Revenge’s creator DEFENDED this person even while fully aware of what he has done Galvatron’s Revenge is part of the problem. This is unacceptable.
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NEVER in my right mind would I work with such a person. If I had a racist/homophobic person on my team, I would refuse to pay them or have them associated with me. I would not defend them for a bloody second. Galvatron’s Revenge, you have lost a lot of respect this day.
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catmetchu · 2 years
Love is Blind (Netflix) but in the Mass Effect universe
So I am currently playing ME2 and I just learned about Fornax... I can't help but think that with all the alien-thirsting in this fandom, wouldn't the humans in the ME universe also be thirsting too? Or wouldn't the aliens be thirsting for the humans, and for each other as well?
ME can be a pretty horny game sometimes and given humanity's tendencies to make trashy dating shows. You can't tell me Fornax didn't jump on that cash cow of a concept and pull a second layer of mystery over the Love is Blind show concept, by making it so that the dates don't know the other's species on top of not knowing what they look like.
On top of that, just to mess with everyone, every contestant's voice will be altered, so someone thinks they're talking to a Turian, when in reality it's a Hanar. There will be plenty of disappointment-boners or surprise self-discoveries. I'm sure that Hanar and Elcor speech quirks will expose what species they are, but maybe some other species will think it's funny to troll the person in the other booth and play-pretend.
One thing that will bring in ad revenue and viewer counts is to purposely pair up controversial couples, like Salarian / Krogan, Hanar / Drell, Turian / Krogan, Turian / Human etc.
Or the show would purposely have outliers from each species, like a sexually active Salarian, a shy Krogan, an atheist Drell / Hanar, a hippie Turian, a Human with a Turian kink, a disabled Asari etc.
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catmetchu · 2 years
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The redraws are back! I love this panel of Drift he looks so happy
[ID: The first image is a digital drawing of a redrawn comic panel while the second image is the original panel. The scene is from Transformers Lost Light 16 and is of Drift taking up most of the panel looking to the right with happy expression. Drift is shouting “Everyone stop what they’re doing and come outside right now!” End ID]
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catmetchu · 2 years
okay not to be creepy but i've been going on a SEER binge lately cuz it's my childhood show and i happened to see you on ao3 AND the comments of a youtube video by coincidence. i just wanted to say it's super cool to see other english speaking fans who grew up on it lol and also to see other people think blake and cassius gay as fuck
Oh hey! Fancy seeing you here lol! Ngl I would love to talk to another Blakassius stan, yes that's my English ship name for them lol
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catmetchu · 2 years
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A comic about a girl living with a sleep paralysis demon.
Sleep paralysis (plural: sleep paralyses) is a state, during waking up or falling asleep, in which a person is aware but unable to move or speak, and may experience hallucinations frequently described as a shadowy figure standing above them, or holding them down. Between 8% and 50% of people experience sleep paralysis at some point in their life. It affects men and women equally. There is no treatment proven to work.
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catmetchu · 3 years
Master Post
J-45 knew he'd been caught as soon as the human strode into his team's office, her anger apparent in every line of her powerful body. Her teeth were bared, but he didn't think it was the smile he'd heard about.
Her eyes flicked across the room until they locked on him, and her intensity could only be described as murderous. "You." she said, her voice surprisingly even.
He stood from his desk slowly, and the members of his team stared at the angry human with determination. If it came down to it, they'd fight for him, and if the human wanted to avoid hurting them too badly, it might just give him enough time to flee.
The head researcher from the human project, R-12, hurried in. "Tessa, don't hurt him." she cried, her breathing labored enough that she had to breathe through her mouth for additional air supply.
The human turned her head slightly, but her gaze didn't leave him. "I won't hurt him if he cooperates."
T-12, his second lead, glanced between the three of them, his color shifting to orange. "What's going on here?"
R-12 huffed out an answer in between breaths. "J-45 is under arrest by order of the intergalactic council. The authorities are on their way. It's just that Tessa runs faster."
His team colored in shock. "What's his crime?" T-12 asked, still appearing a little stubborn. He had always been unquestioningly loyal to J-45, and it had been a quality he'd appreciated in his subordinates.
"You deleted my bill of sale from the facility's system, and you did it so thoroughly that even a tech couldn't find it." The human growled, her natural voice so low that he felt it more than heard it. "You know who had me and my crew."
J-45 flashed pink in annoyance. He should have left the facility as soon as he got his payment from the Tissak traders. It would have set him up nice for at least several years to come, but he was listed as the primary contact through which the human was donated to the facility. He couldn't risk being found out.
Not that it mattered now.
Only his knowledge kept him alive, and while the human in front of him was vicious, the Tissak were known for their cruel methods of torture and execution. He'd take his chances with the human.
"Is that true, J-45?" T-12 asked, both him and the others colored darker with dismay.
J-45 kept his attention on the human. "You have nothing." he said.
The human stalked forward, and J-45 shrank back before he could temper his reaction. She opened her mouth slit to speak, but before she could say anything, D-9, security, and four embassy peacekeepers stepped into the room.
"We have all the proof we need." D-9 said, then they glanced back at the doorway and a young fertilizer only a few inches taller than the research department head stepped in, a tablet in his hands. D-9 placed their hand on the fertilizer's shoulder, seeming to surprise him. "This is E-7, the tech who figured it out, and he's already agreed to testify against you. I suggest you make it easier on yourself and tell us what you know."
One of the embassy peacekeepers spoke up. "The intergalactic council has taken a personal interest in this case, and will be arriving on the planet within the day."
The human took another threatening step forward. "Tell us who has my people." she growled.
She could threaten him all she liked. They all could. Silence was the safer option, and no one could convince him differently. He raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I'll take my chances with the council."
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catmetchu · 3 years
"Helped us mate"
Rule34 ;)
can you believe that the most human trait there is is art? we didn't start making art because it was needed for our survival or it helped us mate or hunt…. we make art for the sake of making it and for you and other people to enjoy it. this is why I love literature and art museums or just looking through my old sketches and stories…. making art is what it means to be human I think.
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catmetchu · 3 years
I'm thinking about opening 5 free doodle requests! Just a smol artist trying to get my name out there.
These are WIP samples I'm putting out, so if you think you will end up liking what I can create, watch out!
Details will be shared once I'm done with the sample doodles (◕ᴗ◕✿) and actually open requests.
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catmetchu · 3 years
UwU Mami💛 is all I can see and it's brilliant. Let me indulge for a while ok? ( ꈍ﹏ꈍ)
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Ok, I'm done indulging 😂😂😂
Sentinel Prime With A Magical Girl Reader
This one’s a little complicated, but decently short, so please forgive me if there’s some inaccuracies here; I’ve never actually watched any magical girl shows like Sailor Moon, but the request was great conceptually so I really wanted to write it. Thank you to the reader who sent me this idea, hope you enjoy!
Keep reading
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catmetchu · 3 years
Someone make a movie of this. It's beautiful.
A-0 stepped into the alliance meeting chambers just as the rest of the members were arriving. All of them had received an emergency notification, and such always called for a face to face meeting of all the ambassadors. It was better that way, because no species wanted to feel left out of talks. It was the quickest way for diplomacy to crumble. Before the rule was put into place, it almost had on several occasions.
Larl, ambassador to the Knarvek people took their place beside her as always, their four short limbs carrying their bark-covered round body across the room in slow, measured steps. Their mane of leaves shook with every step, and their craggy features seemed pinched with exertion.
"Do you have any idea what this is about?" they asked once they finally reached her side.
A-0 colored pale orange to signal her confusion. "I know as much as you do."
Larl's twigs began to shake, making their entire mane of leaves seem to dance. "Hmm." they said. "I thought you would know since the emergency signal came from Vespion 7."
Shock filled A-0 at the news but she managed to keep her color from changing through sheer willpower. She should have been notified first if it was a vespion emergency. That was policy. She would be having words with her staff once this meeting was over.
She waited, her anger barely surfacing on her outer covering through years of practice during her political career. Not many vespion could conceal their emotions to the extent she could.
Hssin, the ambassador of the Tissak, a small insectoid consumer species with a shining green carapace and a pair of pincers arrived and took his place on a raised platform so he would be at eye level with the larger species. He was the only ambassador who did that.
Sila, the ambassador of the Sil, a hive-minded fungus that was the dominant species on their home planet, rolled their vaguely spherical body inside, their eyes shifting along the outside of their body to always be at their tallest point.
N'ven, the ambassador of the Mbreen, a small mammalian consumer species with four-legged bodies covered in sleek black fur, a snout, large ears, and a long tail, scampered in on all four of his limbs.
Finally, Sosna, the ambassador of the Zelex slithered in, her long, tube-like body propelling itself across the floor in a way A-0 couldn't understand, and her diamond shaped head raised high.
Sosna coiled the lower half of her body on her seat. "A-0, why don't you play the transmission this time, since it's a vespion problem."
A-0 tilted her head, still annoyed that she hadn't been told about this beforehand. "Of course." She reached out and tapped the answer key on the small tablet in front of her.
The large screen on the far wall of the conference room lit up, displaying an image of a young lawyer she recognized. She had worked with L-20 on a few smaller projects in the past, but she had never seen him so disturbed. It was like his body couldn't stop shifting color. First it was black, then red, then blue, then orange, one color constantly overriding the others. Dread filled the inner cavity of her torso.
"Hello, esteemed alliance heads." He managed to make a jerky gesture of respect with his long-fingered hands. "My name is L-20, a lawyer working at the embassy in the city of KST-447 on Vespion 7. Today, a researcher from the intergalactic vespion animal research facility came in with a sentient being she claims was sold to the facility as an exotic specimen."
Whispers of shock passed between the alliance council as L-20 continued.
"Our language department managed to get the being, who is a species called a 'human,' fitted with a translator, and this human, who says her name is Tessa, input a large portion of one of her languages into the database."
This time A-0 didn't bother hiding her color change as she looked on with a mix of curiosity and dread.
L-20's entire body began to tremble. "While I was speaking with her and the researcher who brought her in about legal options, she told us that the rest of her crew is missing. She can't be certain if any of them got away, and that leaves anywhere from ten to over one hundred humans unaccounted for."
The entire room seemed to gasp in surprise, even the Sila, who rarely took an interest in the lives of other species.
"I believe this is a problem on the intergalactic scale since it involves the kidnapping and imprisonment of an uncontacted highly advanced species that lashes out violently when threatened. I also believe this to be of utmost urgency, because according to the documents of the human Tessa's inadvertent imprisonment, the group of humans have been missing for more than sixty days."
The transmission ended, leaving the conference room in silence. No one seemed to know what to say.
N'ven was the first to break the silence, his wet nose twitching insistently in his small face as he held his tail in his upper limbs. "This is really bad."
A-0 had to agree. The fact that so many humans had gone missing indicated a large operation that traded in living flesh. Even non-sentient animal sales were heavily regulated between the planets in order to protect the delicate ecosystems of each world. Selling sentient beings was unheard of!
Larl's leaves moved in jerky movements, betraying their agitation. "If the human species is truly so advanced, how long do you believe it will take them to realize there was foul play involved in the loss of their people." They paused, but Sila, who rarely spoke during these meetings, picked up where the knarvek left off.
"And if they are a violent species like the young vespion says, would they lash out indiscriminately at the perceived threat?"
"Which is us." Sosna finished, her tail twisting and twitching with her unease.
It was an unease that touched all of them.
A-0 tapped her long fingers against the tablet in front of her, a nervous gesture she'd always had and usually managed to suppress. Not this time. "I believe we should move the retrieval of the missing humans to the top of our agenda." she said. "And I also believe we should call on this human named Tessa in order to express our intentions. Perhaps she can act as an ambassador of her species for the time being."
Hssin clicked his pincers. "It would help with public perception of the intergalactic alliance once the humans become aware of us on a large scale. We don't want a reputation for being criminals that abduct people and do maker-knows-what with them."
Hssin would know from experience. When the Tissak species first joined the intergalactic alliance nearly a lifetime before, their violent culture clashed with the other members of the alliance, leading to large scale prejudice that quickly devolved into a decade-long war that the Tissak were still trying to recover from.
Most regular citizens from other species feared them, which greatly hindered intergalactic trade. The Intergalactic alliance didn't want a war with the humans.
"Exactly." A-0 agreed, then she looked around at the other ambassadors. "All in favor?"
It was unanimous, and the slowly turning wheels of the intergalactic government began to spin with more urgency. Time was of the essence, and they didn't know how much more they had left.
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catmetchu · 3 years
Sexy androgynous alien OC anyone?
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A lil bit of THICC never hurts the boner ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
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catmetchu · 3 years
Holy shit I wasn't expecting this to blow up like this? I leave Tumblr for a few days and this has 1000+ notes? I think I'm gonna write a one shot or something lol
'Human-Dating' becomes alien slang
Been thinking about the “humans are space orcs” tag recently. There just aren’t enough dating etiquette posts. Slight NSFW ahead, just a teeny weeny bit.
So, what if there is a very socially reserved alien species, that no matter to whom they are speaking to it’s always extremely professional, cold, and business like.
Not that they are incapable of emotions, it’s just extremely taboo in their culture to show emotional attachment and affection in public, like saying simple things like “I like you” to a friend, or saying you enjoy watching a movie genre. Even in private they rarely open up.
Then one day one alien ambassador starts dating a human out of curiosity and they experience something akin to religious enlightment. Just a simple movie dinner date and compliments makes them feel as spoiled and smothered as royalty.
They become extremely confused and ask their fellow mix species co-workers if the human has an ulterior motive because “Oh Gods, Kevin complimented my way of dressing AND suggested a short stroll along the beach AS OUR DATE! But it’s ONLY our 20th meeting!!!”
The human’s all tell them they are overreacting, and that the aforementioned is super vanilla for a one-year long relationship.
Some humans start giving the ambassador examples of fun human dates like going to the amusement park, a convention, a diner, a cinema etc. During which their species' co-workers are completely silent. You can see the gears turning in some of their heads…
Not soon after, there is a sudden explosion of romantic novels and movies on the aliens’ entertainment black market, all featuring human love interests of all genders and races. Owning a copy of Fifty shades of Gray or Twilight is considered the most “sinful” act in alien history, but low-key everyone wants a copy. Human-lover clichés ensue…
They all start trying to court humans and find out that, yes, sex can actually be recreational and fun. Who knew? OnlyFans subscriptions skyrocket, and every rich man or woman has a very enthusiastic alien sugar baby.
Depression and suicide rates start going down amongst the aliens to the point, that doctors start prescribing good healthy romantic movies to patients…
There are two types of people amongst the alien race: one who wants to fuck the Terrans, and one who is so mortified by the way the Terrans court that they now know to “never accept any proposals”.
Whenever a human gets recruited on a previously alien only ship, the Terran will inevitably go through a “surprise Harem” experience. But fret not, since the alien species are quite respectable, they will back off if you say no, just don’t be surprised when they start binging The Shape of Water on repeat to mend their 3 broken hearts.
Rumor has it that an alien general known for their strict attitude and indestructible pokerface, melted like a highschool girl when a Terran female showed interest.
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catmetchu · 3 years
How dare you bully the pigeons (✓ಠ益ಠ)✓
Earth: ★☆☆☆☆ - Amazing Food, Not Worth The Effort
I gave it one star for the food, all right? Seriously, nothing’s ever gonna taste the same again. Truly amazing stuff, best I’ll ever eat. That said, it really wasn’t worth visiting Earth. Nope. Not at all. If you want authentic human food, find some restaurant on a travel station or something, one with a human chef. Don’t visit their planet.
Seriously, stay away from Earth. It isn’t reasonable. It isn’t even safe.
No, I’m not kidding. Human architecture is entirely unsound. Not like, “the building is about to fall over” unsound. Their planet gets too many disasters for them to avoid figuring out structural engineering and some rather impressive materials science to boot. I’m talking about safety systems. Everything is so, well. Old.
Like, it’s not actually old. Humans maintain things pretty well overall. But really? Stairs? Ramps? Elevators? Install a teleporter array like a modern species. Seriously. And that’s not even the half of it. They use railings! Not decorative ones or anything, but actual, functional handrails and the like to prevent falls. Ever heard of a safety barrier? Apparently not the terrans. Glass windows, safety rails, nets in a few choice places too. I can only imagine how much the maintenance costs.
And don’t bother trying to go anywhere. You have to actually walk! Or rent a truly awful wheeled transport. No fully automated transit lines, no teleportal network, not even rentable hovercraft. Just wheels or your own body.
And that’s just the basics in their cities! Did you know they just left their biosphere where it was? I know it’s not uncommon for planets to have a carefully manicured, decorative biosphere rather than removing it entirely. But no, that’s too much of a hassle for humans. You’ve got wild animals running, flying, and crawling around their cities. Entire ecosystems of microfauna in their houses. They can’t even tame the plants! I saw things just popping up through the pavement as I walked around.
Leaving a human city is certainly not for the faint of heart. I imagine that in the near future you’ll actually be required to hire a human escort if you can’t provide proof of an exploration or survey certification. Apparently those courses cover things humans consider day to day common sense. Seriously, the real common sense is to just replace your biosphere and relegate whatever you want to keep to carefully curated naturalist parks and museums.
Common sense need not apply for humans, I guess. Because outside their cities? Actual, honest-to-goodness wilderness. Partially or completely unmanaged. Just waiting to kill you. I could understand leaving their oceans alone, I saw the planet from above and that would be an expensive endeavor for a purely air-breathing species. But they have no problems living just about anywhere that isn’t water, so why they don’t properly clean house is beyond me.
Anyway, as I was saying. Truly amazing food. Just get it somewhere slightly less authentic. Unless you feel particularly adventurous, Earth is an anachronistic deathtrap for any modern denizen of the Combine.
Who invents skip drives before antigravity? Apparently, humans do.
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catmetchu · 3 years
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catmetchu · 3 years
'Human-Dating' becomes alien slang
Been thinking about the “humans are space orcs” tag recently. There just aren’t enough dating etiquette posts. Slight NSFW ahead, just a teeny weeny bit.
So, what if there is a very socially reserved alien species, that no matter to whom they are speaking to it’s always extremely professional, cold, and business like.
Not that they are incapable of emotions, it’s just extremely taboo in their culture to show emotional attachment and affection in public, like saying simple things like “I like you” to a friend, or saying you enjoy watching a movie genre. Even in private they rarely open up.
Then one day one alien ambassador starts dating a human out of curiosity and they experience something akin to religious enlightment. Just a simple movie dinner date and compliments makes them feel as spoiled and smothered as royalty.
They become extremely confused and ask their fellow mix species co-workers if the human has an ulterior motive because “Oh Gods, Kevin complimented my way of dressing AND suggested a short stroll along the beach AS OUR DATE! But it’s ONLY our 20th meeting!!!”
The human’s all tell them they are overreacting, and that the aforementioned is super vanilla for a one-year long relationship.
Some humans start giving the ambassador examples of fun human dates like going to the amusement park, a convention, a diner, a cinema etc. During which their species' co-workers are completely silent. You can see the gears turning in some of their heads…
Not soon after, there is a sudden explosion of romantic novels and movies on the aliens’ entertainment black market, all featuring human love interests of all genders and races. Owning a copy of Fifty shades of Gray or Twilight is considered the most “sinful” act in alien history, but low-key everyone wants a copy. Human-lover clichés ensue…
They all start trying to court humans and find out that, yes, sex can actually be recreational and fun. Who knew? OnlyFans subscriptions skyrocket, and every rich man or woman has a very enthusiastic alien sugar baby.
Depression and suicide rates start going down amongst the aliens to the point, that doctors start prescribing good healthy romantic movies to patients…
There are two types of people amongst the alien race: one who wants to fuck the Terrans, and one who is so mortified by the way the Terrans court that they now know to “never accept any proposals”.
Whenever a human gets recruited on a previously alien only ship, the Terran will inevitably go through a “surprise Harem” experience. But fret not, since the alien species are quite respectable, they will back off if you say no, just don’t be surprised when they start binging The Shape of Water on repeat to mend their 3 broken hearts.
Rumor has it that an alien general known for their strict attitude and indestructible pokerface, melted like a highschool girl when a Terran female showed interest.
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catmetchu · 3 years
Hi I just wanted to make sure that your safe and well
Most of my time is spent inside under my blanket so i'm very well thank you~
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