alphaheeler · 2 years
Montgomery Gator X Reader Fanfic
Part 4 - Foolish Thoughts
It was sunday. You're finally taking a break. You love the feeling of sunday morning. Fresh air, Coffee in the morning, you can be as sluggish as you please. It was 9:00 AM and you're watching TV, till your phone sends you a notification. You hoped it wasn't from Vanessa interupting your lovely Sunday morning by telling you that something bad happened in the Pizzaplex and that you have to check on it. But no, it was from your best friend, Darius.
He has been your friend since 2nd grade, it was your only friend at that time. Darius is a tall guy with a fluffy hairstyle and round thin glasses. He was pretty for a boy, you even had a crush on him once until you found out that he likes someone else. But that was all in the past and you've moved on.
Darius sent a text message saying that he wanted to meet you and eat in Pizzaplex.
"Really? Pizzaplex? dude let me have my break from that place." You thought.
But since you're and employee there and can eat there for free, then why not? Free good quality food. You texted back saying that you'll come and showered. He asked you to meet in around 12 PM. Later, it was 12 PM, and you dressed in your finest for him. You texted him that you're on the way and he responded with a thumbs up emoji. You've arrived and you saw Darius in front of the entrance.
"Yoo! Y/N!" Darius shouted.
"Hey, Darius! what's good my man?" You asked.
"Nothin' much, what about you?" He asked.
"Eh, got a new job. In here actually." You responded.
"Yoo! you got a job in Pizzaplex? That's so sick! does that mean you get free pizza?" He said.
"Hell yeah i do! i don't needa pay nothin'." You answered.
"Sweet! let's go inside." He said.
"Aight." You responded.
You and Darius came inside the Pizzaplex and got to El Chip's. You sat down inside on an empty spot and ordered. You ordered cheese pizza for both you and Darius. Darius ordered Lemon Tea, and you chose Vanilla Milkshake for the beverages. It was sunday so the Pizzaplex is really crowded, You can actually see Monty and the others performing on the stage from the restaurant. You leaned on your hand and grinned, thinking of how cute that gator is. Till Darius started talking, snapping you out of thay thought.
Unlike Vanessa, he isn't the Talkative type of guy. Thus, the main challenge is coming up with conversational themes for you and Darius. You both mostly talked about your life and how everything is doing. Little did Y/N know, Monty was watching the both of you this whole time. He saw you with Darius making him a but uneasy.
"Who the hell is that? What is this feeling?" Monty thought while performing his bass.
Monty doesn't realize that he's feeling a bit jealous. But why is that? I mean, obviously Monty isn't the only guy you know, but somehow Monty doesn't like it when you're with him, especially when you're seated in front of him as though you're on a date or something.
"Is that her boyfriend? she never told me that she had a boyfriend." Monty thought.
Monty's head is filled with unanswered questions. Questions, that's making him envious. However, he continues to maintain a wide smile to avoid unwanted attention of the audience. After you're finished with Darius you went to see Monty for one last time before you head to your apartment. it was still 4 PM so you still had a lot of time to slack off, enjoying your sunday. You played some games for the rest of the day until 9 PM. You took a quick shower, wore your pajamas, and head off to bed.
While you're sleeping, Monty was venting to Freddy about what happened earlier. Freddy was his most trusted friend. He's very trustworthy and whenever Monty feels down, he always comforts him.
"Freddy, i saw Y/N with another guy. I don't know if it's her Boyfriend or just her normal friend but i certainly don't like it. I want her to stay away from him." Monty said.
"Oh Monty, you can't just control people like that. You can't make them do whatever you want, and i'm sure that's not her boyfriend. If it was then she'd tell you about it." Freddy responded.
"I know i can't control people and make them do whatever i want, but this feelings is just...i don't even know how to describe it! it's like i want him dead! i don't like him being close to Y/N. I don't care if it's her friend, i want him to stop talking to her!" Monty yelled.
"Monty, are you sure you're not in love with Y/N? It seems like you're jealous." Freddy said.
"What! No! I don't like her that way! S-she's just my friend, Freddy. I promise!" Monty answered.
"Or maybe you don't know it yet. Maybe you're denying that you like Y/N. I mean i saw you with Y/N once and you acted completely different with her than you're with others. You're more soft and you seemed like you're happier with her." Freddy said.
"Uhm..Oh Freddy. I think...i think i really am in love with her. I can't stop thinking about her, i'm scared that she likes him better than me! What if she left me for him?" Monty said.
"Monty don't say that! you're overthinking! and that's not good, Monty." Freddy said while putting a hand on Monty's shoulder.
"Am i Freddy?" Monty said with a frown.
"Yes! She won't leave you, i know she'll never do that. Everytime she's with you, she has never looked happier. She enjoys being with you Monty." Freddy said.
"But what if she don't like me back?" Monty asked.
"Well, you never know. You never know what's someone's thinking. It's possible for her to like you back. Maybe this is a chance to make her like you." Freddy responded.
"Hmm..yeah! maybe i can make her like me." Monty's eyes lit up
"Yeah! definitely." Freddy said with a big smile.
"Man, thanks Fred. You always have my back when i need it." Monty said.
"Of course!" Freddy said.
And with that Monty left Freddy's room and head to his room.
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alphaheeler · 2 years
Montgomery Gator X Reader Fanfic
Part 3 - Uncertain Feelings
It was your second day of work, you were walking to the Pizzaria towards Chica's room. Chica's guitar and Monty's bass were slightly out of tune early on the show, so Vanessa requested you to check on them. Unlike other instruments, this one is different. You must look inside the instrument to tune it. You can't tune it using the tuner on the instrument. It's honestly just for decoration. You knocked on Chica's door and she opened it immediately.
"Oh thank god! Y/N you're finally here! you really gotta fix my guitar it sounds horrible, i don't know what happened." Chica said.
Yep, Y/N to the rescue. Let me see your guitar real quick." You answered.
Chica offered you her guitar to fix, and you did so effortlessly as if it were nothing. It turned out that the problem was simply caused by loose and confused cables inside the guitar. Chica tested the guitar, and it was in excellent condition. Chica thanked you and you requested some songs for her to play. She sang your requested songs quite well when you asked her to play it. You and Chica sang together and had a great time together. You quickly remembered that you have to check on Monty's bass now. You said your goodbyes to Chica and quickly headed to Monty's room. You had a fleeting thought about Monty as you made your way to his room, thinking how cute he looked.
"Wait what. I did not just think of that, what the hell? He's an animatronic. Gross." You thought
You made your way to his room and knocked, he opened the door and when you saw him, you felt a little warm, like though you enjoyed being with him.
"Hey Monty! just here to fix your bass." You said with a smile on your face.
"Thanks Y/N, you're a life saviour." Monty said.
You tuned his bass, although for some reason it was a little more difficult than Chica's guitar this time. But you still did it. You asked Monty to check the bass and it was working perfectly. Monty thanked you and smiled widely. It's impossible not to melt when you see him smile. He is very cute when he smiles. But as soon as you realized he was still an animatronic, you snapped out from that feeling. Having emotions on an animatronic is weird. But seeing him so happy with his fixed bass only makes you happy as well, even your cheeks are showing a hint of blush.
You watched as Monty is enjoying his fixed bass, he played loads of songs! and you enjoy listening to him play his bass, you could listen all day. you sigh and sat on the couch, leaning on your arm.
"Do i really like this animatronic? is it weird? it probably is. But i can't help it, i'm really having feelings for him. I should enjoy it while it lasts, at least i have some motivation to go to wor-"
"Y/N? You good? you were looking at the floor for quite some time."
His words made you jump a bit, His curious face was inches away from yours before you realized what had happened. Your face is now bright red. Your wide eyes cause you to yell as you immediately back yourself to the couch.
"MONTY?!" You shouted.
"Y/N?! Uh...are you alright?" Monty said in concern.
"Uh..uhm..yeah. I'm fine.." You said while hiding your tomato colored face.
Monty wasn't convinced that you're okay. He thought that you were having a bit of fever, although he doubts that to be the case.
"Are you sure?" Monty asked.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure" You said.
You checked the time and it was already 11:30 PM. Before something unfortunate happens on the way back to your apartment, you'd better leave. You couldn't stop thinking about Monty as you made your way back to your apartment. You know it's wrong to be thinking of him, but you just can't help it. When Monty's face was near to yours, you could've swear that he looked like he was blushing. Or are you just thinking too much about it? You don't know. Can animatronics even blush? they certainly can feel emotions though. Before you knew it, you're back in your apartment.
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alphaheeler · 2 years
Montgomery Gator X Reader Fanfic
Part 2 - Meeting a Certain Gator
It's Monday. It's time for you to go to Pizzaplex, you swing your legs out of your bed and showered. Though you remembered that the shift starts at 9 pm, So you waited till it's 9 pm. Some time later you put on the uniform Vanessa gave you. Because it hadn't yet arrived, you didn't have your own uniform. You really liked the uniform, it was a white shirt, with a tie, and black pants. You made coffee, drank it, and head off to Pizzaplex. you met Vanessa there and she was happy to see you.
"Y/N! Wow! the uniform looks good on you! i'm glad it fits you. Now come on, i'll go look around the pizzaplex, and you go and check the animatronics. You should check on Freddy first, he was glitching during the show today."
"Alright then uhh, do you know where Freddy's room is?" You asked.
"Oh! it's just straight ahead from the entrance. Oh and could you check on Monty? i heard smashing from his room, you should probably clean his room too."
"Aight then."
You thanked Vanessa and headed to Freddy's room. As you're walking you heard shattering and smashing from a room that's off limits. It scared you a bit so you just kept on walking to Freddy's room. You arrived and knocked on the door. The door opened and you see a 6'1 animatronic who seems to be a bear animatronic. He's got a black bow tie and a top hat with a blue stripe. His body is mostly orange or a lighter golden tint. Where his chest compartment opens up on his body, there is a recognizable seam running the length of it. He has red shins, light-blue claw nails, and fangs. He also has light-blue claw nails on his hands. He has spiked bracelets, big red shoulder pauldrons, and a red earring in his left ear.
"Hello! are you the new guard that Vanessa was talking about?"
"Yep, that's me. I'm Y/N, and you're Glamrock Freddy right? i heard that you were glitching during the show, mind if i check up on you?"
"Not at all, thank you Y/N. Please, come inside."
You went inside his room and it was a pretty big room just for one animatronic. The room was Glamrock Freddy themed, with a bunch of his merch lying around. You and Freddy sat on the couch and you started to fix him. you opened his stomach hatch and you see a bunch of sticky milkshakes and sodas on his machine. you cleaned it and fixed it a bit. After it was finished Freddy thanked you and you wanted to ask him about something.
"Hey, Freddy? who's that animatronic in the green room? i heard smashing and shattering, it was off limits too."
"Oh, that's Montgomery Gator. Everyone calls him Monty, i'm not sure why he's demolishing his room like that though." Freddy answered
"Oh i see. Alright then, i gotta go check on the other now."
Freddy waved as you left his room closing the door behind you. You walked up to the next room and heard someone from the room. You leaned close to the door and stick one of your ears on it.
"Thank you. Your hair is beautiful. Your tail is beautiful. Everyone was watching you."
You pull away from the door and sounds like she's talking to herself. you knocked and the door opened. She's a wolf! She has a long, silver hair has a vivid green streak running through it. She has a panel-like seam under her chest, on both of her outer upper arms, and panels on her upper thighs in a similar relative location. Additionally, she has light grey markings on her belly, paw pads, nose, and inside of her ears. She wears a red crop top t-shirt that bares her midriff and is printed with black star shapes, along with black earrings, bracelets around her wrists and neck, a spiked belt, red shorts, and red shoulder pauldrons.
"Wait hold on let me guess. Y/N?"
"Yeah, did Vanessa told you about me?"
"Totally! she told me a lot about you. You seemed cool. I'm Roxanne by the way, but you can call me Roxy
"Nice to meet you Roxy, so is everything alright? i'm just checking"
"Everything's cool, don't worry."
"Alright. I'm gonna go now, aight? see ya."
I walked away, and Roxy closed the door. Next room is, Monty.
"I can still hear smashing from his room so i'm just gonna..skip."
You pretended like Monty's room is not there and walked to the next room. You arrived and before you knock, you heard some crazy guitar solo from the inside. You thought it was pretty cool so you stood there for a while listening to the solo. After you finished listening you knocked and the door opened. A chicken animatronic. A chicken that is white and has purple eyes. Her talons and beak are orange. From the top of her head, three stray "feathers" protrude. With purple eyelashes, purple lipstick, black mascara, and pink eyeshadow on her right eye, her face is painted to appear as though she is wearing cosmetics.
"OH MY GOD! YOU MUST BE Y/N! the new nightguard?"
"Hehe, yeah. and you are?"
"Glamrock Chica! The one and only."
"Ah sweet, sup Chica? i'm just checking up on you."
"Everything's fine here!"
"Okay then, i'm gonna get going. Gonna check out the gator now. Monty? right?"
"Yeah. but you becareful with him, he got his new claws that can pretty much destroy everything, that's why you can hear chaos from outside of his room."
"Oh! i see. Alright then, i'll becareful. Thanks Chica."
"No Problemo! good luck!"
And just like that chica closed the door and my body tensed up.
"New claws? oh god. What if i died while checking up on him. He could tear me up into pieces in seconds."
You arrived at Monty's door. You felt anxious and scared, sweats running down from your forehead, and your palms are sweaty. But it's now or never. you knocked, and the smashing stopped. Footsteps can be heard from the outside. And the door opens. An alligator animatronic. He has sharp teeth, claws, a red mohawk, pants with a scale texture, spots on his arms and cheeks, and a light yellow color for his belly and lower jaw. He also has spots on his arms and cheeks. You could feel your heartbeat racing. Your eyes widen, Your whole body was shaking, and your breath was short. You tried to talk but you kept stuttering. Monty's hand leaned on the door and above his head. Waiting for you to talk.
"Hi. I-i'm Y/N. Uh...I.."
Monty raised an eyebrow.
"I'm the new uh...nightguard. just uh- is everything..alright?"
"Mhm, heard a lot bout you."
"So he's NOT gonna kill me."
Your body relaxed a bit and i sighed. I peeked into his room and saw that it had been completely destroyed, looks like you have to clean it.
"Hey uh, Monty. Do you mind if i come into your room? i need to clean it real quick."
"Thought you were a nightguard, not a janitor."
"Yeah well i have to check everyone, see how they're doing, and keeping their room clean apparently."
Monty pulled away from the door and let me in. i glanced around and his room was extremely disorganized. You saw a stage with a curtain behind it, The backstage was accessible when you pulled aside the curtains. you saw cleaning supplies, so you took it and started to get to work.
About 1 and a half hour later you finished cleaning. You saw a couch and asked Monty if you could sit on it or not. He lets you to sit and joined you there. You took a deep sigh after all the cleaning you did. Despite the difficulty, you managed to complete it.
"So tell me bout' yourself" Monty said.
"I'm Y/F/N, i'm 23 years old. I live in a small crappy apartment but i can tolarate."
"Huh, do you have some hobbies or somethin'?"
"Well i do like [insert your hobby here] but i didn't have a lot of time to do it. Honestly i tried making it my job but it's just not working. So i ended up here being a nightguard."
"That's actually a pretty cool hobby." Monty smiled.
"I didn't know animatronics could have a conversation like this."
"Well..it's a bit of a secret"
"Are you like, programmed to act like a human?" You asked.
"Eh, not really."
"Can you tell me the secret?"
"Maybe not now."
You can't force him to reveal the secret, as much as your curiosity begs to know.
Vanessa's voice from the walkie-talkie made you jump a bit, scaring you. You answered Vanessa by pulling out your walkie-talkie from your pocket.
"Yeah, don't worry. Everything's under control."
"Thanks Y/N! if you're done you can go check Sun and Moon at the daycare, after that you're free to go home."
"Sweet, thanks Vanessa."
"You gotta go?" With a slight scowl on his face, Monty questioned.
"Yeah, gotta go check the Daycare."
"Aight, see ya Y/N."
You closed the door and check the daycare. You got a bit lost concidering this place is massive. So you decided to ask Vanessa where it is. When you had completed checking up on Sun and Moon, you requested Vanessa for permission to leave and received either a yes or a no. You returned to your apartment and went to bed shortly after she said yes.
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alphaheeler · 2 years
Montgomery Gator X Reader Fanfic
Part 1 - New Job!
You opened your eyes, and a notification from your phone appeared. As much as you want to go back to sleep, you were forced to grab your phone and respond to the text you recieved. You saw the notification was from your friend Vanessa. She's a tall blonde woman who has been friends with you since high school.
"Y/N! let's meet each other in the park and grab some coffee"
Vanessa texted. You texted back saying that you'll come at around 10 am. You swing your legs out of the bed, ate breakfast, and showered. around 20 minutes later you were getting ready, choosing the perfect outfit for your hangout with Vanessa. you heard another notification saying
"I'm here at the park, are you getting readu?"
you texted back
"Yeah, i'm coming. Just let me put on some clothes first"
You put on your outfit, grabbed your bag full of your stuff and left your apartment. You see the park where Vanessa invited you to meet her as you stroll along the sidewalk. When you entered the park, you noticed Vanessa sitting down and using her phone. When you approached Vanessa, she jumped a little.
"Y/N! I'm so glad to see you!"
"What's up Vanessa? glad to see you too."
"Come on! let's go get some coffee, i found a cafe near here" Vanessa said.
Vanessa grabbed your arm and lead you to the cafe she was talking about. you were chatting with Vanessa along the way and before you knew it you were infront of the cafe. It looked pretty cozy and nice, the smell of coffee from the cafe was really good too. Vanessa went inside and you followed. Vanessa also insisted that she would pay for the two of you, despite your insistence that you would just pay for your own coffee. You quickly found a spot for the two of you to sit down and sat. Vanessa's pretty talkative, she'd talk about everything she has in her mind. She was talking about how she got her job as a nightguard in the Pizzaplex a few months ago, and complaining about how much work it is as a nightguard.
"I literally have to walk everywhere and checking the animatronics is just really tiring. We're supposed to have like 5-7 nightguards but since nobody wants the job i gotta do it alone." Vanessa groaned
Suddenly her eyes lit up
"HEY!! WHY DON'T YOU BE MY PARTNER? i mean you have been trying to find a job for months right? why don't you come and work in the pizzaplex with me? come on, i'm sure you won't mind. plus the place is really cool and there's so much amazing things that you should check out. Plus, being an employee there is great, you can make your own pizza FOR FREE!!"
You thought about it for a bit but since you're really tight in money and need to pay your rent, you accepted Vanessa's offer.
"Meh, alright then. How hard could it be?"
"OH MY GOD! Thank you so much Y/N! you're the best! i'll talk to the owner aight? and then i'll tell you when thr interview is! okay?"
"Sweet, thanks Vanessa."
"No no! thank YOU Y/N!"
A few hours later you finished hanging out with Vanessa and head straight to your apartment. You changed your outfit to your pajamas and watched TV. as soon as you noticed that your eyes were getting heavy, you had fallen asleep. When you first awoke, you took a glance around. You were on your couch.
"Ah right, i fell asleep"
You got up, stretched, and made coffee. You heard a recognizable just as you were ready to take a sip. You immediately recognized the ringing as coming from your phone and answered it.
"Y/N! It's Vanessa, you can meet him today!!"
"What? meet who? what's going on?"
"You know, the job! in Pizzaplex!"
you quickly remembered about it and asked Vanessa what time you're gonna meet him, she said it was 1 pm. You sighed, thanked Vanessa, and hung up. you still have a lot of time concidering it's still 9 am in the morning. Soon after, it was about 1 pm, and you were getting ready to visit him. you put on your best outfit with a light brown trench coat, black baggy jeans, and a white shirt. You visited Pizzaplex and spoke with the manager. The interview went really well and surprisingly, you were given the job. You quickly went to your apartment and lay down on your bed. The manager said that you'll start at monday, and you thought to yourself
"How hard can this job be?"
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