alphamon-oryuuken · 4 months
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Adult Hexside squad before the final episode
I’m not ready for the finale
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alphamon-oryuuken · 4 months
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Then and Now (Part 1) ✨
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alphamon-oryuuken · 4 months
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Then and Now (Part 2) ✨
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alphamon-oryuuken · 4 months
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Redesigned some of my old designs for this AU :]
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alphamon-oryuuken · 7 months
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Nice, tidy versions of the Silver Age concept art shown in the Archie Action panel, fresh off of my hard drive! The big blank spots are where I’ve hidden spoilers and/or outdated information. I did leave a little pre-official design Von Schlemmer I doodled, though. He had normal skin at some point in development.
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alphamon-oryuuken · 8 months
Sonic Prime: Canonical Placement
So when exactly DOES Sonic Prime take place? Well if we look over the right details, it’s actually fairly easy to figure out…
Gemerl's cameo in Sonic's flashback means Battle and the Advance trilogy have already happened.
Orbit and Cubot already exist, so that places these events after Unleashed, Colors, and Generations (also, the robot Eggman uses in the first and last episodes is very similar to the one he used against Sonic at the beginning of Unleashed, possibly a variation of it).
As such, after some consideration, I believe Sonic Prime takes place sometime after Lost World.
But wait! There is some more evidence to this theory!
At the end Eggman leaves claiming they “need a bigger fleet” and the series ends with another major threat the heroes prepare to face… which could lead into the war in Forces.
Knuckles is already off Angel Island hanging out with Amy, and Lost World ends with Sonic and Tails reuniting with them.
Plus, Sonic is surprised that there are no animals in the robots when in New Yoke… which actually could be a hint for the timeline. Sure, Eggman has used robots with different power sources before, but his most recent adventure where he went back to using small animals was in Lost World. So it could be that Sonic was expecting them to be animal-powered at that time.
As such, with all that said, I believe the events of Sonic Prime can be nestled right between Lost World and Forces.
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alphamon-oryuuken · 2 years
I may not agree with everything you said about Sally, but you pretty much hit the nail on the head regarding their different types of leadership styles.
The biggest problem with fans who keep comparing ANY female character who steps up to the leadership role to Sally... is the fact that as far as they're concerned, being the leader of a resistance is a Sally-exclusive trait. If any other female character does it, suddenly they're just "ripping her off".
You can tell this is the case because despite Knuckles (and for a short time Vector) taking the leadership role no one seemed to have a problem with it.
I bet you any amount of money if one of the MALE characters like Espio or even Shadow suddenly took up the leadership role for the Resistance, no one would say a word.
It’s mildly insulting to both Sally and Lanolin that people who don’t remember Archie are saying Lanolin is the new Sally. And I say this as someone who hates Sally Acorn.
Honestly, it’s tiring that anytime there is a leadership role given to a woman in this series, people immediately assume said character is ripping off Sally. Sally was bossy, and obnoxiously commanding. Sally was girl boss princess. Sally will let you know she is in charge and it’s not a question who is in charge.
Amy’s leadership of the Resistance was way more diplomatic as she gave Sonic a lot of more leeway than Sally ever did in Archie pre-Wave. Amy Rose accepted Sonic’s decision to operate independently of the Resistance and Restoration almost immediately. Her tenure was marked with community rebuilding projects that she self-admittedly states were beyond her. Sally would have relied on Nicole for rebuilding projects while she operated the military and field missions with impunity. Sally was the person who connected with Freedom Fighters around the world. She was the point person and absolutely would not have let Sonic just willy-nilly do whatever the fuck he wanted. Even in peacetime, Sally, infamously and not unjustly given Archie’s setting, wanted to tie Sonic down.
Jewel is more of a supervisor than leader as she is far more likely to delegate positions towards others to prevent centralized authority. Sally is literally royalty and frequently butted heads with the council and her own father, the King, anytime her decisions were challenged. Sally in Jewel’s position absolutely would not have let Tangle go do her own thing. She wouldn’t be satisfied with desk work. She would have had a conniption.
I can’t speak to Lanolin’s character yet as we only have so little but people are pointing to her butting heads with Sonic being similar to Sally’s interactions with him. First off, Sally’s Freedom Fighters were not volunteer based. She vetted every single one of the members save for Tails whom she thought was too young. Lanolin’s volunteer squad seems to be a revolving door situation in terms of participants so as the organizer and leader of the team, she has to lead off of the approval of the team. Throughout the issue, Lanolin is seeking coordination and cooperation. Sally would not have bothered because the only uncooperative element on the Freedom Fighters was, you guessed it, Sonic. He was the one that she and Antoine had to reign in. Sally would have relayed to the team immediately that this was a stealth mission. Lanolin assumed that they knew that it was a recon mission and Sonic and company would act accordingly. The Freedom Fighters are Sally’s Knights/Royal Guard/City Watch. Lanolin’s volunteer team is the Restoration’s proactive offensive force.
If Sally led the Diamond Cutters and IDW/Games Sonic, it wouldn’t have been Tangle yelling at Whisper for thinking of going solo. It would have been Sally as she does this with Sonic frequently in Archie. Sally wouldn’t be discussing with Sonic in terms of tactics. She would be arguing with him. And Sally would have been a lot more fed up with Tangle’s shit. And more importantly, the narrative would have agreed with her versus Lanolin whose discussion with Sonic is more, “Well, they both made great points and neither aren’t entirely wrong.”
If I could some up the girls’ leadership styles.
Amy Rose - community leader/influencer
Jewel - Community Organizer.
Lanolin - Neighborhood team leader
Sally Acorn - Commander-in-Chief/General.
If anything, Sally has more in common with Sonic Rush 1 Blaze which makes sense since they are both Princesses. The difference between those two is that Blaze is fully capable of leading her own charge and had to be convinced to ask for help sometimes versus Sally who would never even need to be reminded of such.
Sally should not be the ubiquitous girl leader in Sonic the Hedgehog.
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alphamon-oryuuken · 2 years
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Anyone else think there's something a little... FAMILIAR about a Vee's new human form?
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alphamon-oryuuken · 2 years
I'm aware they read other things. In the case of that Aquillis gal, tho, she is just obsessed. I bet she doesn't even think for herself, and only (poorly) follows the criticism of Crusher and Vertekins, who have better criticisms...even if they are obnoxious about it. Dunno about the rest, and I don't want to find out.
There's a fine difference between criticism and pretending everything and anything associated with the very thing you're critiquing has no good qualities whatsoever, and that's what most of these so-called "fans" are guilty of.
Think about it: their so-called "critiques" are only about what THEY hate about the series and nothing else. If they really gave a damn about the series being good they'd actually promote ideas and or suggestions on how the series could IMPROVE moving forward instead of just acting like nothing about it has any redeeming qualities whatsoever.
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alphamon-oryuuken · 2 years
Why do you suppose IDW haters won't #ReadAnotherBook ?
Because then they'd have nothing to complain about.
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alphamon-oryuuken · 2 years
Ian Flynn is garbage and even Pontaff are better than him, IDW is worse than Sonic 06, and Surge and the other IDW exclusive characters make Chris Thorndyke look good
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alphamon-oryuuken · 2 years
Yeah, because her spreading lies about me means I don't have the right to reply
@alphamon-oryuuken cause I'm not done yet.
In all of your interactions with Aquillis, who was the one to start them? Was it her going out of her way to antagonize you? Or were you the one to respond to her instead?
Better still, no one forced you to respond or interact with her. At any point you could have done the adult thing and muted/blocked her, as I already told you on twitter. You did not; you instead decided to continue engaging with her instead of being responsible and ignoring her. And don't you dare say she did the same when all she did was comment on stuff as they appeared on her twitter timeline.
I don't care if she was toxic or moving goalposts or whatever it is you claim she does, it does not justify your own actions and following her here when she deleted her twitter to get away from you.
Should she have made post about you here? Probably not, no, even if that was when she wanted to try and make amends. Is she good at articulating her points or responding to criticism? Again, not exactly. But that does not justify your behavior in the least.
You wanna say she's toxic? Fine. Whatever. But don't fucking stalk her.
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alphamon-oryuuken · 2 years
[This proves it was never about proving they're right. They just want to fuck with you out of spite at this point.]
It was about calling her out for her lies back on Twitter. Then someone gave me a link showing her spreading false info about me after she fled like a coward.
If she wants to keep throwing shade, then she can deal with the consequences.
[Dude would you fucking stop already. It's bad enough you insisted on arguing with Aquillis on twitter, but you're gonna fucking harass her here too?]
She started the argument by spreading false info, then she decided to keep insulting people when they made better points than her, and now she is reading folds info here while painting herself as the victim.
If anyone needs to grow up, it's her.
[In all of your interactions with Aquillis, who was the one to start them?]
Her, because she went out of her way to trash-talk IDW and Ian. Then whenever somebody pointed out that she was wrong she either had to move the goalposts or insulted them for enjoying the series.
[Better still, no one forced you to respond or interact with her.]
And no one forced her to read IDW, and yet she felt the need to keep trash talking it and it's fans out of some unjustified hatred for the writer.
[ And don't you dare say she did the ]
I'll say it as much as I damn well please because it's true.
[I don't care if she was toxic or moving goalposts or whatever it is you claim she does, ]
Then you don't get to complain, if you're going to dismiss someone else's toxic actions and pretend they don't matter then you have no right to call me out. You're just being a hypocrite.
[She deleted her twitter to get away from you.]
No, she deleted her Twitter because she was a coward and couldn't handle being wrong.
[Should she have made post about you here? Probably not, no, ]
And yet she did it anyway, simply too pretend that she's somehow is the victim when she was the one who decided to keep pushing in a desperate need to hate a rider who was just doing his job.
[ even if that was when she wanted to try and make amends.]
Bullshit. If you wanted to make a man she would have actually apologized, not try to Gaslight me into feeling bad for her.
[You wanna say she's toxic? Fine. Whatever. But don't fucking stalk her.]
If she wanted to be left alone then she shouldn't have posted about me on Tumblr just because she's mad over losing an argument and running off at the coward she is. But she did anyway, and I responded in kind, if you got a problem with that? That's no one's fault but her own. The fact that she managed to manipulate you into becoming her personal light night is beyond pathetic and you should feel ashamed of yourself for falling for it.
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alphamon-oryuuken · 2 years
Well if the gaslighting woman child wants to throw shade, she'll have to learn that it comes with consequences:
[A guy best known for making up shit and then gaslighting/dismissing the other side’s opinions because he can’t stand when someone doesn’t agree with him.]
Already lying through your teeth, I see.
The only ones you've Gaslight and dismisses other opinions is her considering the fact that all she does is spread misinformation about IDW Sonic and Ian Flynn out of some unjustified hatred toward the guy.
[ He loves throwing stones in his glass house, and keeps on stabbing himself by being unable to open up.]
Open myself up to those I actually trust and befriend, not random toxic fans who like to harass and belittle others just because they I happen to like a series they hate.
[But no. He’s too much of a paranoid shut-in to even want to talk Digimon with me, ]
This woman never once tried to talk to me about Digimon or even offered to bring up the subject, so another lie on her part.
And for those of you you need more proof, just ask, I'll share some screencaps of her attitude on Twitter.
You know, I find it funny.
I actually liked a guy I had to argue with (and block) today on Twitter. A mister Alpha Omega Tri. A guy best known for making up shit and then gaslighting/dismissing the other side’s opinions because he can’t stand when someone doesn’t agree with him.
And yet, I enjoy having banter with him.
The problem with him is… well, he’s paranoid. Extremely paranoid. He loves throwing stones in his glass house, and keeps on stabbing himself by being unable to open up.
And yet… I think him and I can talk Digimon all day - no noise, no disruptions, no trying to diss/dismiss each other. Just us talking about Digimon together.
I think it would be interesting.
But no. He’s too much of a paranoid shut-in to even want to talk Digimon with me, and he’s already blocked Verte because she didn’t step down from her opinions like he wanted her to.
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alphamon-oryuuken · 5 years
Blake: "Every time Yang throws a party someone ends up unconscious and I end up having to carry them home!"
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alphamon-oryuuken · 5 years
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alphamon-oryuuken · 5 years
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her design is so pretty I wanna cry
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