aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
name's still the same, just over here now @aluckiicoin
so, if I move, would you follow me still?
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
i actual made people tags and then I never used them - at all xD
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
It seemed like this little gemstone had become disappointed in his kisses. It wasn't Sampo's fault. He was a romantic at heart, and the way he kissed the blond was what he felt was romantic. Alas, not everyone shares the same ideas of romance or aesthetics (elation). So he'll rectify this problem.
He catches his little Jalokivi as he always does. A possessive hand keeps the blond close, planted right on his waist. Using this arm he pulls their bodies together, making their chests bump against each other. Though with Aventurine's small stature, his face could bump into his shoulder. An apology would've been muttered but Sampo has a better way of showing it.
The Sigonian's chin is captured by the other gloved hand. It forces the blond to look up at him. Straight into Sampo's own unusual green eyes. Green eyes weren't strange, many folks had them. But not a lot of people had them with iris in the shape of diamonds. They stare deep into the man's eyes, his soul, before his face comes down to kiss the other.
Unlike the other kiss, this one is less polite in a manner of speaking. The thief wasted no time in pushing Aventurine's lips to enter the warm, wet cavern. His tongue finds the other's quickly, and pulls it into a passionate, possessive kiss. If he was to pull away, Sampo would simply hold him tighter against his body.
It was like he has to prove something towards the other.
He growled when the thief grabbed at him yet again. They should have a serious conversation about manhandling him. And the dangers of doing it. He followed the pull given the other options would be equal to starting a fight - but he clearly wasn't happy about it. Almost crashing into the other caused him to place his hands on the thief's chest. The way he clawed at Sampo couldn't possibly be comfortable.
It wasn't like he disliked the former kisses, the thief got him completely wrong. But Aventurine didn't understand them. Couldn't make sense of the softness or the purpose. The weak barely there desire. The idea of sentiment over lust. The potential feelings made him deeply uncomfortable, unsure and nervous. Fished him out of his depth and left him stranded. He didn't know how to deal with emotions – at least not ones that might be positive. But passion and desire was easy to manipulate. Use and abuse, that's what he was used to, knew how to handle. Being unable to make sense of the situation, or control it as he was used to made him feel terribly vulnerable - maybe even scared.
He was guided to stare up at the other's eyes, noticing again how much they looked like diamonds you'd find on a set of cards. Ah, they really were just missing the red colour. It's a connection his mind made quite some time ago. The familiarity of the shape made it so he couldn't forget about them. Maybe it was part of what kept the blonde in the other's net. The thief's stare was met with a glare of his own, not wavering a second. Whatever the other was trying to find in Aventurine's eyes, he'd probably end up disappointed. The man himself was just as dead and empty on the inside as his eyes seemed to be. Though, to be fair, he did show a spark of life every now and then. At the thrill of death or a gamble looking like he was on the loosing side. Or now, when the other leaned closer, but the expression was gone in the blink of an eye. He met the kiss once he caught up on the other's intention.
Ah, well, this was different. What happened to soft, romantic and the weird carefulness the other displayed before? A wave of disappointment left Aventurine stunned, was he truly upset at the change of pace? This should feel a lot more familiar to him, the possessiveness of it, as well as the blatant disregard toward his own personal space – it should be a comfort to be met with a familiar game. Regardless, Aventurine could wonder about what gotten into the thief and what he wanted to prove later. For now? Aventurine needed the control back in his grasp (not like he ever had much of it to begin with). His hands wandered onto the other's cheeks to try and direct him to his heart's desire. The blonde was trying to enjoy this, genuinely wanted to, but if he couldn't get the lead he'd likely space out quickly. Fall into the same repetitive learned movements, follow the usual script and let his mind wander far far away as a safety measure. But until then he might as well take full advantage of the extra sensations his split tongue could provide, to either of them. There was a good chance Sampo wouldn't enjoy the surprise but whatever the result, it was an advantage he could use.
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
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We love Aventurine [Reshares are much appreciated <3]
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
give this a like to lure Ven into your askbox
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
so, if I move, would you follow me still?
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
ooc. 8 and 19 for This or That meme
This or That
French kissing or neck kisses?
He was taking an awful long time to answer the question. These were supposed to be easy. But the added challenge was once again the idea of honesty. And the rules stated he had to decide for something. If it was up to him he'd give a solid 'neither'. Then again, he didn't have to be honest this time. So he could just answer whatever and give the wrong impression – he would do so regardless. So, time to evaluate the options. Now, neck kisses could come with a thrill, the threat of teeth, the option to have your jugular torn out. It came down to putting his life on the line and those situations sent a thrill of 'I'm alive' through him that he kept chasing relentlessly. But, he didn't trust anyone to let them close to such a vulnerable spot. Not his occasional stress relief and especially none of his 'business partners'. There was also a certain delight in marking up a partner, being so close to a vulnerable spot. Neck kisses had it's merits. Most of which he wouldn't allow to himself. Now, french kisses were his bread and butter in seduction tactics, his skill and rather unique abilities (& features) pulled people in. It was easy, even though his tongue might be the most sensitive part of him, the extra amount of limb providing just enough more nerves to cancel out the numbness he suffered from almost anywhere else. But he was used to this practice. 'Passionate make out sessions', including bites and and lust did barely anything for him – because his mind went far away and he turned into automatic mode. Followed a script, a learned set of skill to drive another crazy. It was easy to get control this way. “French kiss”, was somewhat of a truthful answer.
One-night stand or friends with benefits?
Now that's another question he can't answer quickly. Or more precisely, he won't - answer it without giving it some thought. No one should be able to say he wasn't giving this game a fair chance after all. The truth would – once again – be neither but that was still no option. So he was stuck between a rock and a hard place, so to say. His stress relief would usually be considered a one-night stand but did that even count if you spent coin on it? And the other? Friends... ahahaha. Friends didn't exist. His face morphed into a mischievous smile. Oh, that was a way out. “Friends.”, came with a sort of distaste and venom the word should never be connected to. “with benefits. Of course.”, because he had no 'friends'. So choosing them for something he didn't much like was an easy out.
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
who can i bribe to make icons for me?
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
How are you ruined?
ruined by apathy
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you cant bring yourself to care. you hate that you cant feel what you used to be able to feel. you hate that you cant be happy. you hate that you cant bring yourself to actually hate. your apathy has swallowed you and immersed you in a well of nothingness. you cant feel what you cant forget. you cant see what you close your eyes to. you choose to feel nothing, and you have lost everything because of it.
tagged by: whoever stole it tagging: nah
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
A chuckle. "Us - you, of course. Now who is the prettiest of them all?", back to the script it is.
"Mirror, mirror - on the wall?"
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
"Mirror, mirror - on the wall?"
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
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mr. peacock
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
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send in curious anons to the muse
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
ooc. 13. And 14. For mun questions ask
Munday thing
what themes/motifs do you hope other people notice most about your character?
I got nothing.
which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
League of Legends was surprisingly nice back then. Or maybe it's just because it's been the first I tried on tumblr. Otherwise? No, no, every community I've been trying to write in has genuinely so much fucking drama and people start shit over the tiniest things – I can't pick a favorite. I can pick a worst though. I also can't really judge Star Rail because I don't really know many people. And I refuse to choose Overwatch.
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
3, 6, and 13!
Munday thing
whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
I blame Terry Pratchett for my inability to not make random comments and jokes in my non dialogue sequences. Especially ones that don't fit into the timeperiod I was supposed to write in (that one being medieval fantasy most of the time). It doesn't show up as much in my English texts as my German ones. And second might be Cerv because I wouldn't have kept up writing on tumblr if I didn't run into Cerv. And I wouldn't have gotten any better at English without that.
is roleplaying the only writing-based hobby you have, or are there other things you like to write?
Everything writing related I do is usually for my RP characters. But technically I write background stories, oneshots and some game dialogues (for games I never finish). But it can all be summed up into roleplay still.
what themes/motifs do you hope other people notice most about your character?
Hyena has some motifs and every Ven might have? I can't say I hope people pick it up – I don't think I do consciously put motifs or themes in those posts. Besides maybe hints that what he says and how he acts are very different from how he is. And how deep that mask/charade even goes.
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aluckiicoin-a · 7 months
Spontaneous plans or detailed itinerary?
This or That
Predetermined routes had their merits but there were just so many within the IPC, a rigid set of rules and procedures you had to dance around if one wanted a bit of fun. A pity, really. Besides, spontaneity was vital to every aspect of his life. The more rigid a plan the less options for things to actually go off script – and things will go off script, all the time.
“Spontaneous plans, naturally, where's the fun in a pre-written event?”
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