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Kirishima Eijirou Vibes
i’m too punk croc for this shit 
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Can we have Bakugou x a black girl reader and him learning about her culture?
Bakugou x Reader
warnings: none.
a/n: i had no way to go ab this since many things are norm to me lol. thank you anon!
“They’re called “protective”,, why?” Bakugou asks, the urge to thumb your hair gently between his fingers growing with each growing by the moment. You giggle and let a strand of your thick locks in his hand.
“You can touch it Bakugou,” You assure him, before explaining the much answer to his question. “It’s called protective because I can keep it like this without having to do much with it… It’s hard to explain? It’s easier to maintain as well while having a busy life.” You finish off, nodding in a way to confirm your thoughts. You watch his brows furrow in confusion. “What’s wrong?” 
He pauses moving his hand from your hair to when pointing to it. “So when it’s not “protective”..?”
“Natural. Some people prefer natural, some people prefer protective.” He nods his head in understanding. “It can also be that its hard to maintain their hair because not everyone has the same hair type.”
“So is that like a cultural thing? The braids?”
You stop to think, Bakugou watching your thinking face closely admiring your features. The way the sunlight bounced off your skin creating an amazing glow, your foreign features seemed almost just for him. His eyes didn’t know where to stay, whether it be your brightly growing or your perfectly cute lips he wanted to kiss. Not that he would tell you that though.
“Yes essentially, not every black person is from Africa but countries who share the common similarities. But this is mostly seen in the West Indies or the “Islands”. There are also more than just Jamaica and Barbados as well.” You chuckle at your own little joke that maybe in time he’ll laugh at too.
“So what’s a “cookout”?” You bust out laughing at his question ticking him off. He huffs looking away slightly annoyed. “What’s so damn funny?”
“It’s just a regular cookout for family, maybe friends if included. That’s why if you say something… questionable you’re not “invited”.” The quirk of his brow indicated for you to elaborate. “Things like saying things like “black issues don’t matter” or colourist things…”
““Colourist?”“ Man you had never saw Bakugou so curious before. Asking questions, one after another it was a sight that you had to cherish. 
“Things like saying that you prefer other races over their own, saying they prefer lighter skinned individuals…” Bakugou felt a tang in his heart watching you mention stupid like that, he couldn’t have that. He couldn’t stop the words leaving his mouth, and you weren’t prepared for it either.
“I think you’re beautiful.”
Your face was a flamed by him saying something so curt and short and you had to stop yourself from embarrassing yourself even further. 
“You don’t mean that…”
“Who the hell are you too tell me? You’re fucking perfect, I’ll be damned if I’m told otherwise.” He confesses, a blush adorning his cheeks. Your lips quirking up into the bright smile he loved so much.
“Thank you Bakugou~ I didn’t know you felt that way about me~” You tease, poking  his puffed cheek, Bakugou quick to catch your wrist and pull you against his. He grins watching your smile falter, flustered at the close proximity.
“Look who’s blushing now~” He teases in your voice making you snort and look away rolling your eyes. “How about you tell me more about yourself over dinner?”
“Just us?”
“Just us.” You grin, giving him a kiss to the corner of his mouth before answering.
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Dating Ochako Uraraka would include . . .
Summary: What would it be like to date UA's very own gravity hero Ochako?
Warnings: none, we fluffy over here my guys.
Word count: 899
Author's Note: Hey guys!! I'm back and I know its been a really long time since I last posted and I really do miss you guys. So I'm back to stay! Feel free to send in anything you want me to write in my inbox. And now that that's over, let's get on with it!
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Lots of at home dates. You both will just grab a bunch of blankets and pillows, buy all your favorite snacks, and watch movies or play games together. She sometimes feels as if you only pity her home dates because she isn't exactly all that rich to take you out, but you always reassure her that you just love spending time with her.
Constant affection. If you weren't a PDA type of person before, you are now. You two will always be touching someway. Either by hugs or kisses, hand holding or piggy back rides. The affection never ends. But its not like you would want it to. Iida even reprimanded you guys for playing footsie under the table on one of your school trips.
Despite her quirk, you guys love holding hands. You'll lace your pinkies around one another and walk together to class. It's really fucking cute. She'll get nervous every once in a while but she hasn't sent you into the atmosphere yet, so it's a win in your book.
Training together is something she really looks forward to. You know she's strong, when you first met her you watched as she almost crushed that Bakugou kid at the Sports Festival, and you just found yourself falling for the strong girl. She'll come to you to show you what new moves she's mastered or she'll teach you whatever moves she knows. You trust each other, so when it comes down to training you know that she won't purposefully harm you, but that doesn't mean that either of you go easy on each other.
When you buy her things, no matter what it is (flowers, candy, clothes, etc.), she'll get super flustered and tell you not to waste your money on her.
"(Y/N) no! You didn't have to get me this. It looks so expensive too."
"I remembered you said you like these, and it's never a waste when it goes towards you."
She blushed and floated herself into a tree
You get along well with her friends. She told you about the huge crush she used to have on her friend Midoriya and although it makes you a tad anxious, you know that the both of them are really great friends. You and Iida bond over cars and machinery, you and Tsu hit it off right out the gate, and Todoroki doesn't really care a lot about you unless you hurt his friend.
On your first date, you took her to an aquarium. She told you she had never been before and you were determined to give her an experience she's never had before. Her favorite part was the jellyfish exhibit, so you bought her a jellyfish plushie that night after you took her to dinner. She was so eternally appreciative and in love that she slept with the plushie that night.
When you guys started dating, 2 weeks went by before your first kiss. She was the one who initiated it because she got tired of dropping hints. She pulled you in and didn't let go, not like you wanted her too.
She might not seem like it, but she's the type to flirtatiously tease her s/o. She'll drop pick-up lines and give you flirty looks, she'll even brag to everyone about how she has the best partner all because she knows how flustered it makes you.
 But its not like she's wrong.
There will be times when she's not at her best. She'll be sluggish and antisocial, choosing to keep to herself than be with you or her friends. She'll start to blame herself for things that are obviously not her fault, and in those times its really gonna hurt to see her so depressed. So in those times you take her to your dorm, give her something to eat, and if she has to cry, you let her use your shoulder. She might be trying to be a hero, but she's still young, life can get difficult and people need to cry.
She loves sleeping in your bed with you. She finds you to be so soft and cuddly. She'll see how you'll sleepily reach out for her if she went to the bathroom at night. She'll whisper to you and you'll respond back with a half-sleep answer, she finds it so funny that she'll have to hold back her giggles while you sleep.
She sings. If your making breakfast she'll come and help. She'll sing little tunes under her breath and if your quiet enough you can hear it. You think she sounds so majestic but she's shy about it. Saying that its nothing like Jirou's or Momo's, but if you wanted singing like their's you would be dating them. She'll blush and get flustered but she's very appreciative that you want her and her singing so much.
One time she accidentally punched you square in the nose while training and as she's panicking, trying to stop the bleeding, you just found yourself being turned on by it. She never found out, but you would let her step on you if she wanted.
She's the one who helped you pick out your hero name and design your costume. You take so much pride in it.
She loves when you play in her hair. Braids are her favorite. One time you tried to convince her to let you dye it, an although she said no, she settled on getting highlights. You made them bright pink and she absolutely adored it.
She can't see herself loving anyone but you. She wants you to be the one she grows old with, get married and start a family. She's too scared to tell you this though, so she confides in Midoriya and Iida.
They tell you anyway but only because Deku thinks its the cutest and most sweetest thing ever.
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this dumb website is in need of some love, so reblog this if you like the person you reblogged it from!!!
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Good Types of Tropes For H/C
No Pain Killers Available
Gotta Stay Quiet To Avoid Discovery
Feverish Delirium And Mumbling
Cowboy Medicine: Whiskey Internally & Externally Applied
Huddling For Warmth
Desperate Hand-Holding
“Breathe, Just Breathe”
Protectively Cradling A Broken Arm
The Word ‘Winced’
“Easy, Easy There”
Being Carried; Bridal, Fireman’s, Two-Person, Doesn’t Matter- Being Carried
Coughing, or, God-Forbid, Sneezing, With Broken Ribs
Waking Up Not Knowing Where They Are
Animal Attack
DIY Bullet-Removal
Field-Medicine in General
Blankets/Shirt Collar Shifting Just Enough To Have Bandages Peeking Out
Gentle Shushing
Needing Help To Drink From A Glass
Brushing Hair From Brow
Collapsing Off Of Horse
Dramatic Irony Injury Reveal (Audience Knows About It But Other Characters Do Not)
Frantically Feeling For Breath Or Pulse
(feel free to add on!)
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Kissing Prompts
Types of Kisses:
Goodbye kisses: Lingering and hard for longer times apart. Ones that curve A’s body against B’s and cause hands to play against backs. Or short pecks, maybe not even completely on the mouth for short trips to the grocery store.
Hello kisses: After long periods apart, these can include A picking up B and spinning them around. Fingers pressing into cheeks, palms cupping necks, and breathless laughs when they finally come up for air.
Breathless kisses: A series of short pecks because they need the closeness but they also need air, so. Sometimes smiles come in between, or sometimes it’s just breath, gasping for the sole purpose of being able to kiss again.
Heated kisses: Breath huffing into mouths, angrily or passionately. Hands grabbing at clothing and pulling each other closer.
First kisses: Hesitant and nervous. Lips hover inches from each other for a few seconds before they just barely brush. It’s just a soft press, but it ignites their entire bodies. Pinkies link afterwards, still wanting to be close, and each looks down, smiling softly.
After sex kisses: Lazy, slow presses. Limbs pressed together, chests heaving. Soft murmurs about what to do for dinner later, fingers trailing down backs, tracing lazy patterns. B rolling onto their back and A trailing their lips down their neck, kissing their shoulder, their chest, anywhere they can think of, memorizing B.
Morning kisses: Barely awake kisses that usually end up on jaws or cheeks because A is too tired to land it properly. B makes a sleepy sound and rolls into A, nuzzling their face into their neck, ankles hooking together, while A drapes their arms around B and they fall back asleep for a while.
Post-break up kisses: Soft and slow. Hands on each other’s arms in a way that neither can tell if the other is pushing away or pulling closer. The kiss ends with their foreheads pressed together, neither wanting it to be true that this is happening.
Christmas kisses: More smile than actual kiss. A holds mistletoe above their heads while B rolls their eyes, but pulls A down by the collar of their ugly Christmas sweater for a heated kiss. A takes B by the waist and walks forward until they are around the corner, away from the prying eyes and hoots of the rest of their friends and family.
Comforting kisses: B walks into find A sitting on the bed, shoulders shaking, cheeks wet. A looks up, face looking stricken for a moment. B is shocked, and quietly says A’s name. At this, A breaks, face crumpling, and only barely has time to reach both hands out for B before B is there, kneeling at A’s feet. B takes A’s hands first, kissing their knuckles and palms. Then B reaches up to hold A’s face, pressing soft kisses around their cheeks, their lips, murmuring “it’s okay” and “you’re alright” and “I’m here” in between.
“I thought I lost you” kisses: The breath is knocked out of both of them with the force that they collide with. Hands grip the back of t-shirts and palms are pressed up and under shirts, holding them close, feeling the warmth of their skin. Palms are pressed to cheeks, thumbs swiping away tears until their mouths collide messily, the world seeming to disappear around them.
“We can’t do this” kisses: Fists clenched, hands shoved into pockets. Brows low or brought together, jaws clenched. A feeling like a magnetic pull between them. Their foreheads pressed together, their lips brush, just barely, until B pulls away with a shaking exhale, forehead dropping into A’s neck.
“Come to bed” kisses: A has their hands on B’s neck, murmuring the phrase softly. A’s hands slide down B’s arms to their hands, lacing their fingers together and slowly starting to pull B towards their bedroom. A continues to pepper B with kisses all the while, trailing them down their jaw and neck.
“You look beautiful” kisses: Just a soft press of lips to the temple, resting them there for a moment, then smiling down and telling them as much.
“I’ll be right back” kisses: A puts their hands on B’s shoulders from behind them, where they are sat on the couch. He leans down and around, while B turns his head a little, accepting the quick peck.
“I missed you” kisses: Long and relentless, holding their body close, arms wrapped completely around their waist. A burying their head in B’s neck and pressing kisses there too.
Angry kisses: Hard, gripping. Fists in clothes, shoving each other against walls. Fingers digging into hips. But the kisses always melt away from that. They turn into brushes of lips between shaking breaths, until they’re out of energy and are left just standing there, holding each other, fingers carding through hair.
Sad kisses: Almost not a kiss at all. Just holding onto each other tightly, A’s lips pressed to B’s temple, whispering soft words, desperately trying to provide whatever comfort they can.
In the dark kisses: The movie plays in the background, but A and B are hardly paying attention from the back row. They kiss soundlessly, long and soft, fingers locked. A’s arm is thrown behind B’s seat, wrist bent to curl their fingers into B’s hair.
Dying kisses: A holds B in their arms, panicked, crying. Murmurs of “no, no, no.” Salt on their lips from tears. Voice cracking. Holding on tightly to their shirt, their shoulder, their hand, roughly pulling them against their body, anything to try and keep them tethered to this earth. Kissing them as they die (“no. No, stay awake—“), Kissing them once more even with the life has left their body (No. God, come back. Please, come back. Please, look at me, I’m right here”).
Ways to Kiss:
breaking the kiss to say something, staying so close that you’re murmuring into each other’s mouths
moving around while kissing, stumbling over things, pushing each other back against the wall/onto the bed
kissing so desperately that their whole body curves into the other person’s
throwing their arms around the other person, holding them close while they kiss
hands on the other person’s back, fingertips pressing under their top, drawing gentle circles against that small strip of bare skin that make them break the kiss with a gasp
lazy morning kisses before they’ve even opened their eyes, still mumbling half-incoherently, not wanting to wake up
routine kisses where the other person presents their cheek/forehead for the hello/goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing
being unable to open their eyes for a few moments afterward 
one small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other 
staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in
when one stops the kiss to whisper “I’m sorry, are you sure you-” and they answer by kissing them more
a hoarse whisper “kiss me”
following the kiss with a series of kisses down the neck
starting with a kiss meant to be gentle, ending up in passion
a gentle “i love you” whispered after a soft kiss, followed immediately by a stronger kiss
when one person’s face is scrunched up, and the other one kisses their lips/nose/forehead 
height difference kisses where one person has to bend down and the other is on their tippy toes 
kisses where one person is sitting in the other’s lap 
kisses meant to distract the other person from whatever they were intently doing 
top of head kisses 
Places Where People Kiss:
In the rain.
In a vehicle.
In the street.
On the sidewalk.
In the shower.
In the kitchen.
In the snow.
Under the stars.
In the moonlight.
By the river.
In the water.
In the bedroom.
In a bar.
At a party.
At the other’s place.
By a campfire.
Reasons to kiss:
Life or Death
Missing the other
No reason at all
First Kiss
Confessing feelings
A bet
Sad or hurt feelings
First date
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Hello! I was wondering if you could recommend some shoujo manga/anime with a chubby/thick heroine? UwU thank you!! 💖💖 (P.s. I absolutely love your blog! Its so cute 💜)
Hihi! Aw thank you for liking my blog (〃´∀`) yes ofc I can! I don’t watch a lot of anime so the list is just shoujo manga, sorry!  
A Pudgy Girl’s Love
Bara no Tame ni 
Binkan Kiss (Side story - Puchi de Boo)
Chibi to Pocchari de Renai Shimasu Kedo, Nani ka?
Gaki no Koro kara
Hina-chan no Koi  
Lovely Complex Two (Honey Going)
Miunohri to Swan
My Lovable Fatty
Pretty Haru
Shibou to Iu Na no Fuku o Kite  
Uchuu o Kakeru Yodaka
Waltz no Ojikan
Watashi ga Motete Dousu N Da
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Dating Stoner Sero Hanta
Summary: What life would be like dating a pothead Cellophane 
Warning: Bad language, mentions weed, gets kinda kinky my dudes
Word count: 686
Author’s notes: Hey guys! sorry i haven’t been posting anything lately. I’m still kinda busy with things in my life rn but I just needed to post something for you guys. Hope you enjoy. 
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When you two start dating, you weren’t a smoker. Now? Oh you both roll it up and smoke it down. At the beginning of your relationship, he was kinda nervous to smoke weed around you. Were you comfortable with it? Did it disgust you? Did he disgust you? But soon enough it just kinda became the norm. It was a huge weight off his shoulders, especially when you started smoking as well.
Sero bought you your first bong. It was intricate and curvy and your favorite color and you loved it. You later bought a bowl to match.
You both have matching lighters.
Sero definitely has a high playlist that he’ll play in the car when you guys hotbox.
You guys shotgun a lot. You think it’s romantic in a hippy-dippy kinda way. He’ll pull you really close before he locks his hand with yours. He’ll never take his eyes off of you as you inhale as much as your lungs can hold. He thinks you look so fucking beautiful.
Sero is already the funniest man you know, add that on top of the fact that you both are high as shit and watching 3 hour long meme compilations at 2 in the morning. 
You both get SUPER excited for 420 and make a big day out of it. You’ll invite friends and even dabble in making a few edibles. You all will watch shitty movies and spend the entire time just relaxing and having fun. 
Sero usually smokes indica while you find that smoking sativa gets you really up and going.
Sero taught you how to roll. But despite you knowing how, you’ll still ask him to roll it for you. You love watching his technique as his tongue wets the sheet. 
jesus christ. . .
Having sex while you both are stoned out of your mind? The best fucking thing!
The good thing about dating a stoner was that they are good with their hands. Their fingers to be even more specific
If you guys are laying in a bed at the moment, Sero will trace his fingers over your curves, intently watching them go up and down your frame. It’ll a be light touch but the want and desire are all there.
You two will be smoking only to end up with Sero two fingers, knuckle deep in you. 
Your favorite thing is to have Sero eat you out while you smoke. Your senses are over the fucking moon and it just feels so intense, so much more sinful in the best of ways. He’ll lift up from between your legs, face covered in you and smirk before teasingly asking: “So you gonna pass it or you want me to keep going?” 
One time you guys got really high and you had convinced him to throat fuck you. Though a bit hesitant, Sero did not disappoint. You took one long hit from the bong before laying with your back on the bed and your head over the edge. He took his sweet time as he pushed his dick past your lips and down the back of your throat. You would gag but assure him you were fine. 
Sero believes that was the hardest he’s ever came.
Sero would get more talkative when high, and that also applies in the bedroom. You’ll both be high and he’ll have you ride him while he just lists off everything he finds absolutely sexy about you. 
“Fuck, you look so fucking good baby.” “Look at those tits, just for me.” “Shit! Let me cum in you (y/n).”
He’s also a bit more lazy. He’ll sit back and relax while you suck him off or he’ll let you ride him for a while before taking matters into his own hands. 
Sero is an ass man, so one time as a joke you had ordered a pair of black panties with “Roll Your Weed On it” across the butt. You wore them one night when he was hanging in your dorm and he was so turned on and distracted that he dropped the blunt and almost started a fire.
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hi guys...
hey folks, i know some of you sent me some prompts to write but right now life has been really busy for me. i hate leaving you guys high and dry like this but i’ll try to get back to you guys as soon as possible. i’m sorry 
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Some new Happy Writer Bun for the writing lovelies out there. Keep writing! You can do it!
More Happy Writer Bun
Ask Sam Writing Questions
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Thank You!!!! (✿◠‿◠)
Hey guys!!! I just wanted to thank everyone who liked/reblogged my work and those who are sending me more prompts to do. I’m working on them as fast as possible, so if i don’t post yours the same day you sent it, I am very sorry. But this isn’t an excuse for me, keep sending as many prompts as you want!! I hope you all have a great day (•ᴥ•)
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Oh man you're skinny s/o was so good like this shit had me crying like i used to have body image issues that went from I'm too fat (even though I've always been pretty skinny) to when I was super skinny I was like you look so gross like that (my best friend was also super curvy and it didn't help comparing her to me) and to this day I haven't been able to put the weight back on. I guess that got a little more personal but I just felt like I could relate so much and it was just super good 💗💗
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I’m so happy that you liked it. It brings me joy to know to that you can relate to my stories, I try to make them as real as possible. And don’t worry about getting personal with me, I don’t judge. You’re gorgeous the way you are and that’s fact my guy. 
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Hey so I love the baku squad reacting to their curvy s/o. I was wondering if you could do them trying to reassure their flat, twig like s/o who is very self-conscious. Thank you!!!!
Summary: Bakuboys reassuring their skinny S/O who is also self conscious.
Warning: Lotta fluff. tiny bit of blood in the last one (sorry!), and lazy writing (again, sorry)
Word Count: 4493
Pairings: Bakusquad boys x reader
Author’s note: Thank you so much for being my first request! This makes me sooooo happy that you like my work, and I hope that I can keep making more work that you’ll enjoy. Also sorry for the lazy writing at the end, I started getting tired ( ಠ◡ಠ ) But yea, I hope you enjoy xoxo
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You always knew you weren’t all that gifted in the curve department, even when you started developing you didn’t really see much change. It was infuriating seeing all your peers grow and transform into well figured women while you still had the body of a twelve year old. You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a huge insecurity of yours.
But regardless of your body, you have found yourself in a loving relationship. With UA’s very own Bakugou Katsuki even. Despite what people thought of him, he was really sweet, he loved cuddling and holding hands. He was also very chivalrous, holding doors open for you and pushing your seat in. He made you feel good, feel wanted, beautiful even. It was all going great.
That is, until she showed up… Uraraka Ochako
Uraraka was a sweet girl, never too loud or too rude. Always smiling, always so motivating. She knew you and Bakugou were a thing, she’s too nice to try and ruin that… . right?
It had started when they started working out, sparring every other day and weights every Tuesdays. You would call to hang out and have a little movie date night in his dorm only for him to decline because he was in the gym, with her.
They would study together. They would be holed up in the school’s library for hours on end. Then when he would come back he would tell you that he was tired and that you guys can hang out later. 
Later never came.
What did come, though, was an assortment of insecurities. She was so happy and giggly, you weren’t. She’s strong and lifted weights, your quirk was more of a defense so you didn’t really have to be all that strong. And she was shaped to the gods, while you…well, you weren’t.
So here you stand, staring at your underwear clad body in the mirror. Your eyes are puffy and red, swollen from the tears that had fallen only mere moments ago. Your eyes scan your body in hate.‘This wouldn’t have happened if you looked better.’ You smooth your hands over your hips and feel bone, you cringe. You cup your breast and are disappointed at how they barely fill your hands. ‘What did he ever see in me?” You silently cry, staring back into your reflection.‘I hate you, I Hate You, I Fucking Ha-”
Knock Knock Knock.
Panicked, you clear the cry from your throat before shouting who is it, and turn mortified when Bakugou rudely responds back. “It’s me shithead. Hurry up, I got shit in my hands.” You rush to toss on pajamas and wipe your face before hurrying to the door. You open and find Bakugou with blankets draped over his shoulders. Pillows, snacks and those face masks you knew he liked to use held tightly in his arms. He had been dressed in his pajamas too. He pushes pass you and drops everything onto your bed. When you give him a confused look, he averts his gaze to anything but your face, scratching at his ear. “I know we ain’t been able to hang much this month, so I thought a little home date or some shit would make up for it.” When he looks back at you, he hadn’t expect you to begin crying.
Then you told him, you told him everything. You told him about how much you’ve missed him, about how much your body bothered you, about how much you envied Uraraka for her body and his attention for her. The more you spoke the more pissed Bakugou seem to get. When you finished, you sniffle as he pulls you close into his chest. What he says next catches you off guard.
“Fuck Uraraka! She doesn’t come close to you,” He lifts your chin so that your looking into those red eyes. “I don’t give a shit about you having curves or not, you’re the most beautifulest person I have ever fucking met. Skinny or curvy, I would still love you the damn same. Do you fucking understand me? Now sit the fuck down so we can watch this stupid ass movie.”
The night is spent with you in Bakugou’s lap, cuddled up under blankets while he presses kisses to your temple and give you quiet compliments. 
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You and Sero have been dating for a year now, and you both seem to be really happy together. His smile becomes a lot more wider when your around, and you laugh 10x more when he’s with you. You thought that the two of you were just meant for each other, you both had so much in common. You both were funny, you both were social people, and you both were, well, skinny.
People knew you both to be a couple and found it rather funny that you both had ended up dating another skinny person. Your friends, finding it hilarious, have taken upon themselves to name you guys the Skinny Squad. It had been funny at first, you laughing along with your friends at one point but the more they used it the more it seemed to feed your insecurity. But you kept it to yourself, because Sero didn’t seem to mind the name. 
But as your insecurity seemed to flourish, you started noticing things. Like how people stare at your body in disapproval, or how people whisper when you enter a room, or seeing how close Sero and Mina really are. Mina was a great person, a bit eccentric but otherwise bubbly and lovable ‘I’m not like that.’
 Sero also seemed to notice, they were best friends after all. Close best friends. So close that she’ll occasionally hang off of him when they hug, or he’ll side with her when the group has a dispute. Her body was able to put yours to shame too. She didn’t have much breast, but everything from the waist down was blessed. It would get to you whenever you would see them hang out. You couldn’t stop yourself from thinking that maybe…
maybe he liked Mina better?
Its been about a week and a half since you started avoiding Sero. Whenever he would try to sit with you in class, you would move. If he saw you in the halls, you would go in the opposite direction. When he would call your phone, you would ignore it. And when he would knock on your door, you simply would not answer and remain as quiet as possible. You loved Sero, with your whole heart, but you needed space to think over your feelings toward yourself. Besides he deserved better than a girlfriend who might not even love herself. 
The following week had been just like the previous, quiet and filled with self loathing. Lunch was no better, you used to sit with Sero and the gang but you couldn’t bring yourself to sit with them. Not today, not right now. As you make your way to your seat, you pass a look over your shoulder in Sero’s direction. You lock eyes. He was looking at you, the entire time he’s been looking at you. You see him physically perk up, and assumes he takes the eye contact as a sign as rises from his seat. The panic in you jolts and you decide to leave. As you turn on your heel, you smack into the back of the person in front of you.  
The panic only intensifies when the icy blue eyes of Monoma turn to glare at you. You begin apologizing, trying to scrape the soba noodles off of his blazer, only for him to move from you hand.
“Really, you small minded 1-A dolts need to watch where you’re going.” He swipes at his blazer, but the soba has already stained. He turns his stare at you and you shrink under that stoic look.“How about you go and do something useful, like, I don’t know, lift some weights. Heavens knows you need the extra muscle Scrawny.” He shoves you out the way forcing you to stumble into the wall. You watch as he steps off, but he didn’t get that far.
Monoma had hit the ground, face first. People around you had gathered, whispering amongst themselves and pointing at you, as if you done the assault. ‘Wait, who did do it?’
Wrapped around his ankle, the thick strip of tape had unraveled and snapped back into the elbow of Sero Hanta himself. His smile was dropped and in its place was a menacing grimace. His eyes were trained on Monoma’s fallen figure. He momentarily tosses you a reassuring glace before stepping towards your assailant.
“Apologize, Monoma. Now.” The demand behind it was frightening and made you shiver. Monoma had picked himself up off the floor and began his verbal assault on Sero. Unfortunately, it didn’t remain verbal. 
Sero, along with Monoma (and the Bakusquad who had jumped in), had been suspended for four days for using their quirks unauthorized in the dining hall. You felt bad, you never wanted this to go this far, and all because you couldn’t get over the fact that you didn’t like yourself. You practiced your apology as you made your way to his room, a tin of cookies tucked under your arm as a bonus apology gift. When you make it to his door, you freeze.
‘What if he doesn’t want to see me? What if he hates me after I’ve been ignoring him? What if-’ Your thoughts are cut short when he opens the door, he stands over you easily and you find it to be all too intimidating all of sudden.
“Hey.” His voice sounds surprised and you can see that he is trying his best to remain ‘cool’. He’s just as excited to see you as you are to see him. You allow yourself to exhale a laugh through your nose before nudging him into his room.
You had spent the time talking, catching up on the weeks you had been avoiding him, all while devouring cookies. When he asks for the reason why, you hesitate but ultimately spill everything to him. When you finish you find that he is smiling and holding back laughter. He apologizes in between chuckles
“‘m sorry, it’s just, Mina’s gay, Baby.” Your face makes him laugh again and when it dies down, he pulls you close and rests his chin on your head.
“I love you. But I understand where you’re coming from. It gets really hard thinking you’ll still want to be with someone as skinny as me when there’s plenty of muscular guys like Kirishima and Bakugou around. But if it means anything to you, I think you look phenomenal the way you are. So…?” He holds his open hand towards you. “Skinny Squad?”
You smile, the name no longer leaving you feeling less of yourself as you slide your palm into his own.
“Yea, Skinny Squad.”
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There comes a time in every relationship when both participants in said relationship must meet the other’s parents. When you had met Kaminari’s parents they were very sweet and openly welcoming with you. You also found it hilariously funny how Kaminari was a perfect copy of his mother. Bright yellow eyes, electric blonde hair, and creamy colored skin. Hell, they both even had an electric quirk. Whenever you would bring it up, he would always groan but he’ll joke about it with you. It was nice knowing that they liked you, it made everything a little bit more relaxing. However, Kaminari has yet to meet your parents.
 You weren’t embarrassed of your parents, far from it. Your mom was a normal stay at home wife while your dad was an accountant. You loved them both dearly, it’s just…
Your parents were shaped as if they were made by Donatello himself. Your father, despite his accounting job, was in peak shape with his muscular body and agility. Your mother was the opposite of you; her breasts large and round, her hips full and wide. She was gorgeous, and that’s made you nervous for Denki to meet her. Maybe he’ll start to wonder why you don’t look like your mom.
 Whenever Kamnari would ask about meeting your folks, you would always try to avoid the question or change the subject entirely. The questions didn’t end in UA either. Whenever you would visit home on the weekends, your parents would damn near drown you in questions about the boy who stole their daughter’s heart. It was starting to get a little stressful.
One day, Kaminari had randomly decided that some fresh air would do you both some good so you pack a lunch and make your way to the neighborhood park. He had remained quiet through the walk over, occasionally tossing looks over his shoulders. When you caught onto his suspicious behavior you demanded he come clean. After a bit of hesitance, he admits to texting your mom through your phone and setting up a little meetup. 
You could hear your heartbeat in your ears on the account on how quiet things had gotten. When you voice that you want to leave he politely declines.
“Love, they’re your parents. What, you think I’m gonna flirt with your mom or something”
You try again to persuade him but to no avail, he won’t budge. You can feel a panic attack building in your chest.
‘He’s going to figure it out. He’s gonna leave you because you don’t look like her. All because you aren’t pretty like her. Because you aren’t he-’
“(Y/N)! Oh my gosh, is this the Kaminari we heard so much about?”
You spend the time in the park silently sulking as your parents and boyfriend shoot the breeze. Occasionally you would look up to find Kaminari watching your mom talk, she was always so animated when she would go on one of her tangents. The envy you held for your own mother made you feel sick. It wasn’t right, but it was ever present and growing. You wished you were built like her, to have her thighs and hips, to be blessed with her bust. But alas, you weren’t. Her and her pear shaped curves lean closer into her husband and you grimace at how lovingly your father accepts her affection. 
You hadn’t noticed that you had tuned out the conversation entirely till the word handsome falls from your mother’s lips. Your head whips in Kaminari’s direction and the budding blush on his cheeks twist your heart.
“Thank you (Y/L//N)-san,” He scratches his head, averting his eyes in embarrassment from the woman. “That means a lot coming from someone so pretty.” 
That did it. You knew this would happen. Abruptly you stand, catching everyone’s attention. Your family speak their concerns while Kaminari gently grabs a hold of your hand. “You alright there, Love?”
You slide your hand from his grasp and start your walk to the dorms, telling your parents you’ll text them later before leaving. When you are out of sight, you break into a run.
‘You’ll never be like her. He thinks she’s gorgeous, you’ll never match her looks, you fucking stick.’
The thoughts got more self deprecating till you reach the door of your dorm. Once inside you let the tears flow freely, throwing your body onto your bed gracelessly. But you didn’t care, you wanted to sleep it off, wanted to forget. 
When you woke, the neon red from your clock read 3:23am. You rise with a groan, the throbbing in your head pulsing hard behind your eyes. Your throat is scratchy and dry and you could bet money that if you looked in the mirror you would see swollen eyes. You stand to go use the bathroom when your phone chimes, brightly lighting up your room. You pick it up and squint enough through the light to read Denki’s name along with the 14 missed calls and 23 missed texts. The last one your phone receives is him begging you to pick up. 
You feel a twinge in your chest, he didn’t deserve this, to be ignored when he didn’t know what he did. The springs in your bed squeak under your weight as you sit, phone in hand with your thumb hovering over the call button. 
Another hour passes when you finally will yourself to press it, you feel your breath catch in your throat when the tone dial sounds. Why were you so nervous? When you hear a tired ‘Hello?’ from his end, you choke out a silent ‘hi’ before feeling the hot tears spill over again. Now fully awake, Kaminari demands you tell him where you are. After choking out that you were in your dorm, Kaminari makes it over in little time. You open the door to him heavy breathing.
Had he ran?
Before you could ask, his arms swallow you up, slamming you into his chest hard. He tells you how worried he was and how worried your parents were as he stroked your hair. You allow his hug to hold you up as you breath in his scent deeply. He walks you over to the bed and lifts you into his lap. You try not to grimace at how easy it was for him to lift you. He places his hand on your face, tracing a thumb across your cheek as he looks you in the eyes. 
He tells you how he had to reassure your parents that you were okay and just needed some time, and that he had gone looking for you thinking that you might’ve ran off somewhere. Upon hearing this you let out a sniffle, but he quickly quiets you with a kiss. You feel guilty so you tell him of your insecurities. He quietly listens as you go into your history of envying your mother for her body, and when your done he presses another kiss to your lips.
“Love, your mom is pretty, but your fucking gorgeous. Like, how could you think I would flirt with my girl’s mom, that’s so weird,” He laughs, but continues. “You’re all I want y’know. You don’t have to be like your mom for me to love you, you’re so perfect. So amazing.” 
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To date someone like Kirishima, people would think that you work out just as much as the red head, spending countless hours in the gym pumping iron and getting muscle. 
How wrong those people are.
You weren’t in the Hero Course but in the Support Department, making utilities and fixing up the hero kids gadgets. That’s how you and Kirishima met, because he broke his mask and needed a replacement. When you gave it back to him, you told him that if he broke it again you would break his legs. Not even a week later he came back to you begging you to make another.
He stuck around you as you build things and romance seemed to bloom. He liked you for your assertiveness and bluntness while you found him motivating and inspiring. You both were happy.
So why were you in the gym, on a treadmill, essentially not happy? Well, you had noticed that since your boyfriend was apart of a successful rescue mission last week, Kirishima had been getting a lot of attention.
 A lot of female attention.
 It bugged you to no end, girls coming up to him with confession letters, some even bold enough to do it while you were with him. Although it did bother you, you couldn’t help but notice Kirishima liking the attention. He would blush before politely turning the poor girl down, or try to be nice by saying things like If only I didn’t have a girlfriend to try and soften his rejection. You soon found yourself wanting to keep his attention, and the best way for that? 
Get a Banging Body™
Now you had never really dealt with your body insecurities You were a lot skinnier than the girls hitting on your boyfriend, a lot flatter in some areas too. You would usually throw yourself into your work whenever you were feeling inadequate, and you worked a lot. However, you knew that being cooped up in a classroom wasn’t gonna stop those girls from talking to him. So you would be willing to thicken up, for him.
So now you tiredly ran on the treadmill, your legs feel numb and jelly-like all at once. You were going to call it quits when the gym door open and in walks your muscular boyfriend. Followed by a throng of gaggling girls. A fire lights in your belly as you see one girl grab Kirishima’s towel from around his neck and playfully drape it onto her shoulders. 
Fortunately, all flirting with YOUR boyfriend ceases when his eyes sparkle upon seeing you. He pushes his way through the shield of girls to take up the treadmill next to yours. He begins flawlessly, skipping the walking bit in the beginning to break out into a full on sprint. He smiles your way. “Since when did you start working out Babe? We could’ve done it together.”
His sharp tooth smile makes you wanna smile back, but you hold up your tired glare for the x chromosome wielding hussies watching the two of you run. You watch as he picks up the pace, having not broken a sweat yet.
 You would be colored impressed if you weren’t colored green with envy as one of his groupies hops onto the machine next to him, matching his speed easily. You watched her breasts bounce with each stride, her thick thighs jiggle in little waves while her hips seem to sway even in a run. She was gorgeous and she was eyeing Kirishima. 
You silently prayed that he hadn’t noticed her, hadn’t seen her plentiful body. But alas, as you glance up at him you notice his eyes innocently once her over. You felt betrayed, angry and hurt all at once, so much so that you hadn’t noticed that you stopped running and in turn had been thrown off of the treadmill. You hit the floor and bundle into yourself.
You try to ignore the snickering coming from his entourage rise and sit on your knees. You battle the tears to stay in your eyes when you see Kirishima offer his hand, concern on his face. Instead you smack it away as you train your harsh eyes his way. You stand full and swallow back the embarrassment.
“Fuck you Eijirou.”
You storm out and fume angrily all the way back towards your dorm. ‘This is all his fault.’
You sat on your floor, screws and trinkets littering your carpet. You couldn’t shake the insecurity in your chest so you thought that making something would help. It usually did and you would even forget about what you were so insecure about. But today it seemed to not be working as you screwed with undiluted anger. ‘It’s his fault that I feel this way. His fault that I don’t like it. I was fucking fine before he showed up.’
The more angrier you seemed to get, the more forcibly you would screw. You felt the tears burn at the corner of your eyes, but you try your best to ignore it. When the bolt physically can’t screw anymore you hold it tightly enough to make your knuckles turn white.
‘I hate you so fucking much! I hate you.’
You looked up just in time to see the tears fall from your eyes in your mirror. You silently watch as they slide down your face and drop of your chin.
“I hate you.”
Your voice is quiet as you talk to your reflection.
“I hate you.”
Your a little louder now and standing, walking threatening to your mirror.
“I fucking hate you!”
Your anger bubbles and soon you erupts. The gadget in your hand slams into the glass, and as expected, it shatters. You shook with anger as the tears spilled, you felt weak and numb. It wasn’t until a knock on your door drew your attention that you even noticed the gaping gashes on your hand. You thank the adrenaline as you rush off to your bathroom, yelling for the person outside your door to come in.
“(Y/N)? Are you okay?” The voice is quiet but no doubt Kirishima’s. The panic in you triples as you remember the blood and broken glass on your floor. You run the hot water over your wounds and hold back a pained squeal.
“Y-yea, I’m okay!” You lie as you try to reach for the first aid under your sink. “Just a little mechanical mishap.”
The box tumbles out with a loud thud and you hope he didn’t hear it. Unfortunately, he does, and tries to open the bathroom door only for it to jiggle, indicating that it’s locked. When he calls for you, you can hear the panic in his voice and a throb of guilt sits in your abdomen.
 You yell to him that you’ll only be a second as you messily wrap your hand. When he can tell that you aren’t going to open up soon, he takes it upon himself to use his quirk and ram the door open. 
The scene before him is a bad one. You on the floor, red faced, puffy eyed and bloodied up. 
He’s is quick to aid you, questioning you all while wrapping your hand properly. You tell him the truth about your hand and mirror, but when he asks why you were mad to begin with, you become quiet. He is practically begging you to tell him, and even though you think he deserves the silent treatment, to understand that you were, in fact, angry with him, he came all this way to check on you and had even grown concerned for you when seeing your bloodied carpet and broken mirror.
 He was a good guy, and at least deserved an explanation. So you gave him one.  You told him about how you felt about your body, about how you didn’t feel as pretty as the girls that followed him around, and about him eyeing the girl at the gym. You had finished around the same time he had finished wrapping your hand, so you both sat in silence. He looks into your eyes, never anywhere else, as he begins to speak.
“Babe, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize I was making you fee l that way.” He pulls you closer and you allow it, cuddle into his body on your bathroom floor. “I don’t even pay attention to those girls. They don’t compare to you. You’re so amazing, and beautiful.”
When you ask why he was ogling that girl in the gym, he gives you a little smile.
“She had on Red Riot merch Babe. She was just showing me, I promise. I would never ever look at another girl the way I look at you. You’re so gorgeous (Y/N), no matter what.”
That night, you both clean the mess you left, all while he tells you how beautiful you are to him, curves or not. And when he leaves, you hop online to search for that Red Riot sports bra and leggings that had him so excited.
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alright, so, first off, who do you do write for?
Hey!! I mostly write for bnha 1-A. I’m doing analyzes for everyone else though so be prepared for pro-heroes, other classes, and villains pretty soon! So until then I’d be happy to write any class 1-A headcanons/requests that you may have, just let me know Hun!
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BakuSquad Boys reacting to their extremely curvy crush
Summary: Just headcanons of the guys being hormonal teens.😊
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Bakugou never really paid that much attention to you. Sure, he’s noticed (your pretty face but that’s besides the point) that you can keep up with him in a fight but other than that, he gives you little to no observation.
He also caught onto the fact that you wear a lot of baggy clothes. Your work out clothes? Baggy. Your casual clothes? Baggy. The fucking clown costume you wore that one time on a dare just to scare Kaminari? Fucking baggy. The whole thing was just really starting to bug him.
That is until you got your hero suit.
Then BAM! Curves! Your suit was mostly just an entire one piece with long sleeves and legs and a pair of thigh high boots, but god did they catch his eye.
In practice he would watch the way the smooth fabric of your suit would pull and stretch over your hips and hug your ass.
Bakugou is an ass man through and through, so when he sees you doing a few stretches before a mock rescue mission, the boi was shook.
The squad would tease and poke fun at him whenever you were around. 
“I see you like ‘em thicc, good choice.” “That girl is curvier than a back road, don’t you think Bakubro?” “A little cushion for the pushin’ huh” “Girl thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.”
Cue Bakugou chasing the guys around the dorms yelling at them to mind their business.
When you two start dating, Bakugou is very touchy. Mostly in privacy, but this boy is just very hands on (if you catch my drift). Either it’s running his hands up and down your thighs or rubbing your butt. He’ll kiss your hips and trace his finger over each and every curve your body has to offer.
 This boy is so goddamn grateful, let him cherish you.
“You look so fucking good baby. You’re all mine.” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Since day one Kaminari had always thought you were pretty. His thought of that only intensified the more he got to know you. 
You both joked together, quoting memes and tossing little innuendos back and forth. You two would study together and you would help him with his english while he would stare at you and think about how gorgeous you looked when yelling at him to pay attention. You both would also pull little pranks on your friends, putting peanut butter in their shoes or replacing their water bottle with vinegar. You both were a menace.
To Kaminari, you were perfect. And there was no possible way you could get any better.
Boy was he wrong. . . 
You joined him and his friends on a trip to the beach once. Him and the guys were setting up their places in the sand, all dressed in their swimsuits waiting for you and Mina to return from the restrooms in your own swim attire. 
All too busy with trying to set up the grill, the boys hadn’t noticed you both walking up.
“You guys still aren’t done setting up?” Mina whined. Catching their attention and fuck was it a shocker.
Literally. Kaminari fucking short circuits when he sees just how voluptuous you are in your bikini. However, it doesn’t last long considering he passes out from the over excitement.
When he comes to, his head is resting on your thighs and your running your fingers through his hair. When you notice, you smile down at him, “Thought we lost you for a moment there Kami, you feeling ok?”
exe.Denki has stopped working.
When you guys date, Kaminari makes it his goal to compliment you on your body. “Your hips would look so much more nicer in my hands, Love.” He’ll give you a smirk as he let’s his hands follow the natural curve of your body. He would rest his head on your breast (his favorite) and just drift off to sleep. You were just so beautiful and he couldn’t believe he got to be with someone like you.
“You’re so amazing (Y/N), you’re perfect.”
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UA was in charge of hosting a banquet for the Hero Course, where a few of the students would give a speech (not him, thank god) and you all would eat fancy catered food. All of this would have been fine, if it didn’t mean he would have to dress up.
Now Sero wasn’t really one for suits. Sure, he looked good in them but they were always a hassle to get over his elbows. Then he would have to do something to his hair and that gets tiring, so all in all, Sero hated getting fancy.
On the night of the banquet, the building had been filled with reporters and camera crew, along with a few of Japan’s official figures. Tense wouldn’t even begin to describe the way the atmosphere felt back stage.
As people recited their lines and did last minute wardrobe checks, Sero allowed his eyes to tiredly scan the crowd.
Until they found you practicing your lines in the crowd.
He had been awestruck. Your hair done up into a bun, loose curls framing your face. While your makeup was natural enough to show off your true beauty. 
But what really caught his attention was your dress. You had been dressed in a strapless gown, black and sequins with a slit going up your thigh. It hugged you well. 
A little too well if you asked him. He couldn’t take his eyes away. He knew you had a body, he could tell by your uniform, but not like this. Never like this. The fabric cupped your breasts and dipped into your waist, curving with the shape of your hips and at the moment Sero found it very hard to breathe in his suit. 
Even when you went on stage to give your speech, Sero was front and center, eyes trailing along the shape of you as the lights made your dress shimmer. You were like an angel.
When you two start dating, he’s a bit insecure. He thinks he’s too skinny to be with someone so curvaceous and full figured. But he soon gets over it when he sees you wearing his baggy clothes. They practically swallow you up. 
#Quality girlfriend
His favorite thing is to cuddle in his hammock, with you laying on top of him while he gently caresses you. He loves your hips and will place his hands there whenever. They just feel so full, so right in his hands.
“I don’t know babe, I might just have to hold you here all night.”
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It had been a total accident, but to this day he does not regret it.
Mina had given him the key to her room one early morning and told him to go get the extra hair gel she keeps in her closet (he had ran out, and he can’t just not do his hair)
What Mina had failed to tell Kirishima was that You had previously spent the night in her room and is currently still asleep in her bed.
Oops. . .
When Kiri opens the door, he can feel the blood in his face literally boil.
There you were, asleep on top of Mina’s covers, wildly positioned and in your bra and panties. Your thighs looked so thick that he was sure you could squish his head between them
*Cue thoughts sinful enough to make a priest cry*
He back tracked so fast out of Mina’s room that he had forgotten to grab the gel. But he refused to go back. Not when the cups of your bra pushed up your breasts the way they did. Or how your panties seemed to show a bit of cheek at the bottom of them. OR. . .
When you guys start dating, Kirishima’s favorite thing to do his have you straddle his hips while you guys talk. He finds it so comfortable and relaxing. He’ll rest his hands on your hips, occasionally reaching over to grab your ass. You’re so soft, so warm, so fucking sexy. He loves it so much
 He’ll purposely leave his clothes in your dorm because he knows you’ll wear them, and you fill them out so nicely. 10/10 WOULD FUCKING RECOMMEND. He also loves when you wear baggy tshirts and nothing else. Wink wink.
“You look so nice in my shirt babe, it’ll look even better on the floor though,”
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if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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