Katara: I'm fine with Aang having fans. He is the Avatar. I trust him. Katara: I don't trust those girls who call him "Aangie" though. Like, DID YOU LOSE GODAMN MIND? WHAT ARE YOU TO HIM? ONLY I CAN CALL HIM THAT. Katara: Stay away from my boyfriend. Get a job.
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Barbie (2023) | Superstore (2015-2021)
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Things that really should have been in the Harry Potter films
-Hermione actually having bushy hair and large front teeth
-Ron making the jokes, not being the joke. 
-Hermione having personality flaws
-Sassy Harry (the ‘pincers’ scene was not enough…)
-Rupert Grint being allowed to play Ron how he was in the books (i.e a three-dimensional character, not a comedic sidekick and walking punch-line)
-No-one else but Hermione fancying Gilderoy Lockhart. 
-Ron’s obvious irritation over Hermione’s said crush on Lockhart
-James, Sirius, Remus and Peter being the Marauders, and making the map
-Ron standing up on a broken leg and telling Sirius that if ‘you want to kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us too!’
-Hermione and Ginny not fancying Cedric Diggory (Why was this even put in the films?)
-The actual Quidditch World Cup final
-Ludo Bagman
-Ron being upset with Harry because he thought Harry had done it without him, not just because he was jealous
-Ron not leaving Hermione crying on the staircase at the end of the Yule Ball
-Ron not saying ‘I’ll go easy on you’ to Hermione. (Noticing a pattern here?)
-Charlie Weasley
-Ginny Weasley having a personality (Bonnie Wright, you deserved so much better…)
-Hermione and Ron both being horrible to each-other during the whole ‘Lavender’ debacle.
-Four words- ‘Weasley is our king’. 
-Harry and Ginny having a relationship that didn’t make you wonder whether she slipped him love potion. These scenes were so weird to watch…
-Dumbledore’s funeral
-Ron and Hermione comforting each-other during the funeral
-Both Ron and Hermione saying they would stick with Harry on his quest for the Horcruxes (I don’t care if Rupert Grint was ill with swine flu when they were filming, they could have easily edited him in later!)
-RON DANCING WITH HERMIONE AT BILL AND FLEUR’S WEDDING RECEPTION! This was a massive deal for their relationship development, and the film-makers threw it out the window in exchange for a ‘Ron still can’t ask Hermione to dance’ bit!
-Ron leaving because he was worried about his family, and thought Harry didn’t care, not just because he suspected Hermione was snogging Harry (FYI Kloves, this wouldn’t have been necessary if you had written the golden trio as they were in the books, instead of trying to force your own OTP into the scripts)
-Harry and Hermione being barely able to talk without Ron around. And no out-of-nowhere dancing either!
-Dobby being present in more than one film before he returned to die.
-Hermione finally kissing Ron because she realised how much he had matured as a person (he remembered the house-elves when everyone-else forgot), and realised that she couldn’t go another moment without letting him know how she felt. Not because they both go soaked in the chamber of secrets after destroying Hufflepuff’s cup (that scene made no sense, and was so uncomfortable to watch, and I’m a Romione shipper, for crying out loud!) 
-Voldemort’s body not changing into magic dandruff and disappearing into nothing. This misses the point of his death entirely.
-Harry fixing his own wand with the Elder Wand. If he was going to break it, he could have at least fixed his own first.
-Not sure about this one, but did Ron even get a line in the ‘nineteen years later’ scene in the films? Because if he didn’t get to say his ‘I’m extremely famous’ line, I am throwing up on my laptop in rage.
-Also, Ronald Bilius Weasley getting some freaking RESPECT and NOT being made into a figure of fun for non-Potterheads to laugh at!
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Steve was in front of me, shoving me out of the way, squaring up with the bat like he’d face down the whole world and take a chunk out of it before he let anything get to us. 
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"It's a letter from Claire. She's with Sandringham." "Vir meus. My husband. She wants you." Jamie Fraser -> receiving coded letters from Claire in captivity Outlander 2x11 | 7x01 ↳ Requested by @gotham-ruaidh 💜
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"It's a letter from Claire. She's with Sandringham." "Vir meus. My husband. She wants you." Jamie Fraser -> receiving coded letters from Claire in captivity Outlander 2x11 | 7x01 ↳ Requested by @gotham-ruaidh 💜
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Why Padme is one of the most underrated characters in the Star Wars Saga
Padme Amidala is quite frankly one of the most underrated characters in the entire saga. As much as I love and adore both Leia and Rey; Padme definitely stood out in the prequels as a strong independent woman who fared brilliantly in the world of politics and in the battlefield.
Why? Let’s take a closer look.
From her introduction; Padme is a recently elected Queen who is only fourteen years old. She is very mature for her age and one of her first goals to tackle is the blockade of her planet. She absolutely refuses to sign the treaty to make this legal, and makes a narrow escape with intent to come back and reclaim her homeland once again.
In a clever twist, Padme swaps her identity with one of her handmaidens because nobody can tell them apart. This allows Padme to be the eyes and ears of everything that is going on, such as when they visit the planet of Tattoine. She is shown to be utterly appalled at the notion of slavery as they dine at the Skywalker home, and is shown to be kind and passionate.
Who is she kind and passionate towards? The young slave Anakin, the droid R2 D2 who saved all of their lives and the goofy Jar Jar Binks. Padme is also rational and makes logical decisions. She doesn’t have confidence that Anakin will win the pod race because he’s never won a race before; and this implies that Padme operates on logic and reason rather than blind faith.
With no other option but to remove the Chancellor from his office as Padme’s main priority is to save her people from death and suffering, Padme is shown to make tough and unpopular decisions for the good of her people. A conversation with Jar Jar makes her appeal to the Gungans for help, a civilisation which hasn’t united with the Naboo people despite living in the same place.
It works, and Padme manages to storm into her palace as battle goes underway. Her use of the decoy allows her to successfully stop the trade blockade, and she restores unity between Naboo and Gungans.
In short, Padme kicked arse in The Phantom Menace
Eleven years have passed since the events of The Phantom Menace, and Padme is now a Senator representative of Naboo opposed to the idea of the the Republic using a Clone Army. She has not become popular with the Trade Federation and not one but assassination attempts upon her life occurs. Her use of the decoy saved her the first time.
A reluctant Padme dedicated to her cause is convinced that the best course of action is for her to hide out in Naboo, and Anakin is assigned as her bodyguard who will protect her. Padme in her time with Anakin demonstrates that she values the very idea of democracy and she is very dedicated towards giving people free rights.
As such, it’s tragically ironic that Padme and Anakin can’t be together romantically as they have feelings for one another. Padme is once again rational about the situation; she as a Senator and he as a Jedi could never be together because it is simply forbidden. Padme is a woman before her time, and she sacrifices her happiness to do what it is right.
When Anakin fears for his mother, Padme does not hesitate in going to Tattoine with him. After Shimi’s death, Padme is taken aback when Anakin reveals he murdered all the bandits that were present; but she does console Anakin when she realises he did it at the heat of the moment. She can sympathise and is willing to forgive people who have done the most horrible things if they accept what they did was bad, and they won’t do it again.
It’s a mistake to make, for sure. But hindsight is a bitch. And the climax of the film shows Anakin and Padme fight back to back, side by side for what is right as they head off without fear or hesitation to save Obi Wan. The Clone Wars begins, and Padme decides to marry Anakin in secret because the near death experience has her realise life is too short.
In short, Padme grew as a character in Attack of the Clones.
Three years have passed since Padme married, and the opportunities to meet in private became more rarer and less frequent. Despite this; their relationship is not strained in the slightest until Anakin fears for her death. Padme eventually falls pregnant with his twins and as delighted as she is with the news; she knows it could potentially threaten to expose the one thing (her marriage) that has made her happy.
A deleted scene (which should be considered canon) is her becoming skeptical of the elected Chancellor Paltapine, and how everything seems to be going in his favour. Padme has not forgotten the Naboo crisis and how he persuaded her to have a vote of no confidence, and she begins to plant seeds that would eventually grow to become the Rebellion which fought against the Empire.
Amongst her observations of Paltapine, she begins to detect changes in Anakin as his fears for her dying grow. When Anakin becomes Darth Vader, Padme watches on as Paltapine declares Martial Law and declares himself Emperor. One of the most iconic and controversial quotes comes from Padme’s mouth:
So this is how Liberty dies - with thunderous applause
Obi Wan approaches Padme about Anakin’s descent into Darth Vader, and stressed out from her pregnancy and hiding her marriage and the fall of democracy; Padme refuses to believe him. She still sees the good in her husband, and she approaches him. But the truth is there for her to see, and Padme is never one to deny the truth if it’s in her face.
She refuses to go with him, because not only did he kill children but he is assisting the man who brought down Democracy; something which Padme has always fiercely believed in. Angered, Anakin chokes her and she falls into an unconscious state. As she gives birth later on, she still believes there is good in Anakin deep down; and eventually she turned out to be right. She dies after giving birth to a legacy that will never be forgotten about in the Galaxy.
In short, Padme deserved better in Revenge of the Sith
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“I couldn't die, and do you know why? Because I had to come back and look into those green eyes and tell you I love you. I do. I love you, Peyton"
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“I couldn't die, and do you know why? Because I had to come back and look into those green eyes and tell you I love you. I do. I love you, Peyton"
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ultimate shipper challenge [1/5] fights ♥ lucas scott and peyton sawyer
“let me tell you how you get ‘always’ peyton. when a man asks you to marry him, you say yes. you don’t say no and call him insecure.”      “i never said no! i said that i loved you and that i did want to marry you someday. and, oh god luke, i wanted you so bad… but you gave up on us.”
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I am so terribly in love with you, and I always will be.
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Reblog if you are Team Leyton
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Peyton, I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you. And this ring, and these words, are simply a way to show the rest of the world what's been in my heart for as long as I’ve known you. I love you, Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer. I always have and I always will.
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i find it funny when people complain about steve and nancy and use "they were so toxic together" as an argument, as if the whole point of their revival wasn't to showcase their growth and how that wouldn't be the case anymore, but also....why are you people so glued to perfect relationships in media? i personally don't even care if steve and nancy would fall apart after three years in a relationship because nancy doesn't want kids or whatever the fuck i'm still going to root for them because they're sexy together and most importantly they're entertaining me and jonathan and nancy never did that so hopefully we cleared the air now
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