atlasatrophy · 5 months
Once again thinking about the fact that as far as Aziraphale knows, Gabriel wiped his memory and ran from Heaven to avoid being punished for his relationship with a demon.
He never saw the trial like Crowley did. He didn't know it was about the next Armageddon and Gabriel's refusal to instigate it or that the only reason Gabriel didn't fall was that it would look bad for Heaven.
Gabriel does, after all, say to Beelzebub "I was coming to you, but I... forgot". This is the extent of his knowledge about why Gabriel was being hunted. So Aziraphale sees an angel who cut himself off from Heaven to be with a demon and realises that they could do that.
Only the threat is still there. The Archangels and Dukes of Hell are still there, right there, in the shop, and on top of that the Metatron, the voice and herald of the Almighty, is there too.
And Aziraphale has always, always said he's trying to follow the will of the Almighty, even when it goes against the direct orders of Heaven. "I don't think this is what She actually wants" is said more than once. And now, here is Her voice on earth offering Aziraphale everything he could want that would keep Crowley safe and he grabs it with both hands.
No demons could come after Crowley to punish him again if he was safely at Aziraphale's side, out of their reach. No demons could attack them like they attacked the bookshop. And it's the Almighty's wishes, isn't it? And look! The Metatron is here, encouraging Aziraphale, telling him that his behaviour on earth hasn't been lacking at all, that he's in fact right.
Poor Aziraphale so desperate to do Good and keep Crowley safe that he will take that choice. And then when he hesitates at the lift, after he's told the Second Coming is on its way, he knows he still has to go. He can't be out of the loop. He has to know what's coming and how, if at all, he can stop it and protect Humanity as he has since Eden and, of course, Crowley.
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atlasatrophy · 5 months
What's the chance that the first time Crowley tried to get Aziraphale to realize Heaven was awful was right before he Fell? What if he asked him to run off with him then too? What if?
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atlasatrophy · 1 year
in my henry winter era (going insane while being extremely hot)
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atlasatrophy · 1 year
One thing I’ve always loved about Donna Tart’s The Secret History is that random phrases have unnoticeable predictions about the future that you won’t ever notice unless you’ve read the book before and know the outcome.
One of my favourites is “She was the Queen who finished out the suit of dark Jacks, dark King, and Joker” used by Richard to describe Camila. Not only is she one of the most complex characters, but also one people tend to forget and underestimate. The truth is, Camila is one of the most important characters in this story and plays an important role in the ending.
By being the only girl in the group, she at some point attracts the attention of every single one of the boys, except for Francis, who isn’t interested but still cannot deny her appeal. Through the book, Richard gives many hints of his attraction towards her, so does her brother, Charles, and obviously Henry. It is Henry’s interest in Camila that causes Charles’ anger and ultimately the tension that separates the group further after Bunny’s death.
Therefore, almost in an unnoticeable way, it is Camila that causes the downfall of them all, finishing out the suit of dark Jacks, the King, and the Joker.
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atlasatrophy · 1 year
james potters birth tarot card is the sun don't talk to me
03 + 27 + 19 + 60 = 109
10 + 9 = 19
19 = The Sun
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atlasatrophy · 2 years
soulmates are not real. the soul is an ever changing entity. a separate being that encompasses all that you are, and were, and have the potential to be. to claim a soulmate is to claim that there is something out there that loves you in spite of yourself. something that sees you as you are now and not as you could grow to be. love should be on purpose. true love is not be an accident, or a mistake. we are our own people, and we should be loved as we grow and change. to love a soul is to love one that has intertwined with you on purpose, like ivy demolishing and sustaining the brick walls of our very being. soulmates are not real.
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atlasatrophy · 2 years
everytime jensen ackles is trending on twitter i go into cardiac arrest
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atlasatrophy · 2 years
probably the most upsetting realisation is when the desire to try to emulate either henry, charles, camilla, or francis is precisely what makes you a richard papen.
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atlasatrophy · 2 years
remus & sirius
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atlasatrophy · 2 years
the "pureblood" black family name that was supposed to protect the boys and ensure that they were held at a higher standard is what ruined both of them in the end. regulus did what he had to survive while plotting to take down the greatest evil he knew, but no one suspected his loyalty because he was a black. he died to save others knowing that he would be remembered as a villain because of the name that was supposed to keep him safe. sirius went to azkaban because no one, not even his closest friends, could look past the name that he tried so hard to separate himself from. in the end he died with most of the world still thinking of him as a villain because of the name that was supposed to keep him safe.
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atlasatrophy · 2 years
november 5 is like my annual checkup on tumblr, just popping in to make sure everyone else is still as absolutely bat shit crazy over a dead gay angel and his monster fighting cowboy as i am
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atlasatrophy · 2 years
Ok no. I’m gonna say it. Destiel as a ship was amazing. They’re perfect for each other. But not cuz of gay romance or whatever. No. They’re both just incredible assholes. Dean has been breaking laws since he was barely ten and feels absolutely no remorse for any of it. Cas is just A Bitch and will not hesitate to murder if he is mildly inconvenienced. They are terrible. They’re perfect for each other
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atlasatrophy · 2 years
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happy destiel day everyone
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atlasatrophy · 2 years
Reblog to explode misha collins and jensen ackles on november 5th
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