amaera · 3 years
Love your enemy
She hated nights,
starless, uncomic, and weary.
sat at the usual bench.
Even a shift of wind
shriveled her up,
until she met him.
She hated
the very existence of him.
Over and over 
he took her place and 
the bench.
Fought him
at the fear of losing.
at the hope of victory.
at the fear of losing hope.
And finally, 
killed him.
Wandering aimlessly
those starry nights
filled with shades
become a mere past.
Roaming frivolously
in the futile night,
soothed at the sight of
the grave,
"Wake up 
I want to kill you again"
she fades like the forgotten.
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amaera · 3 years
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This image shows the ‘cymatics’, or geometric patterns created in heart cells when applying various sounds. In bio-acoustic sound medicine, it’s taught that sounds are imprinting every cell and science continues to prove this ancient axiom. Cardiologist Sean Wu and Utkan Demirci uses acoustics to manipulate heart cells into intricate patterns. A simple change in frequency and amplitude puts the cells in motion, guides them to a new position, and holds them in place. Acoustics can create a form that resembles natural cardiac tissue. With sound they can create new tissue to replace parts of damaged hearts. Acoustics can be used in reconstructing other organ tissue and blood vessels.
Sounds are use to create and harmonize, as well as clean and release. Both principles are used in science using high precision acoustical generators. The same principles can be applied safely by individuals using non-invasive, natural harmonic sounds, such as our voices and acoustic instruments.
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amaera · 3 years
Darkness isn’t black
blinding much
so much brighter 
hope found quivering in its own shadows
not black, not void
but filled with colours and people 
id rather monotone and loneliness
engulfing the very merry yellow
like an eclipse 
standing itself forth the light
staining the only light with venom
not a colour describes
like the seven sins
every colour fades into darkness 
running opposite
leaves me void of nothing but
a brightly tinted glasses/view
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amaera · 3 years
Pained steps, breathless and painted "Elegance" they called it.
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amaera · 3 years
One, in one room
With a sound, I woke up,
A smile I wish to see every day
said, " Take care, love"
The warmth left after you
I'd spurn to move away.
Yet the day gets me on my toes
hassle, pause, appreciate,
Back to nine to fives.
A spruce cove nudged beau
reminded the warmth from the morning
flitting through the subway
I reached.
"Home" I sighed.
Thunders came with a pound
familiar from the morning 
turning the rooms blue-er
 A glim of hope 
I reach out to you 
The smile left no trace
"Forced wasn't it ?" 
to comfort my agony 
Cold sprawling the sheets 
cursing at the moon 
"You won"
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