amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Hello there! I really found your post fast and really easy to understand. Even though your paragraphs were short, they went straight to the point and were very efficient. Regarding your post, I agree with you on the fact that by providing our personal info. (major, classification, etc.) the viewers will automatically know it is our website and that we worked really hard throughout the semester to complete all of our assignments. Overall, I know you will succeed in the creation of your website, and well all I can say now is LET’S FINISH STRONG!
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Ethos. Pathos, Logos FTW!
Week 15
Okay, so finally the time has come… The last Tumblr post of the semester!!!
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Lets get into it…
As a writer I will make sure that ethos is present in my webpage, so that the audience can relate to myself as well as keep it simple and clear, not to overload the reflection with sentences as if it was another essay. However, I will go in detail in all of my reflections making sure that I follow all of the guidelines provided for this assignment. I will also try to develop my ideas clearly and with minimal if not any grammar errors.
In this assignment I will make sure that the audience will know really get to know me by explaining who I am, my major, classification and little more about me. Also I want to make sure that everyone that will read the assignments know that I was the one that made them.
For the webpage I want to make sure that everything is well written and look professional. I will back up my information with the book to have everything in order and correct.
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For the design of my webpage I will make sure to implement all of the information that is eligible and trustworthy, not only putting it in the webpage but also being able to prove that is from a reliable source and that will fit the overall design of the page.
Pathos will be implanted in the design by using colors that reflect what is written inside it. However, this colors will be according to what is appropriate and professional. Also I will make sure that it has a balance and that everything is in a correct and proper order.
Logos will be implemented by the usage of a neat and simple layout that will be easy to understand, so the audience can move throughout without any difficulty. Also I will make sure that for each assignment the layout is not just plain and boring, but to make it according to what is presented.
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I am officially done.
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Ethos, Pathos, Logos FTW!!!
So this is the very last Tumblr post we are required to complete for Professor Audrey’s RWS 1302 class and I gotta admit I feel soooo relieved!
But there is still one more very important major assignment to turn in before I am completely free, my website..
So how will I execute Ethos, Pathos, and Logos as a producer, creator, writer, and activist on my website?
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 SECTION A: As a Writer..
1. How will you employ?
ETHOS: My homepage with my name and title will serve for the credibility that the website is mine and that I am the author. It will be credible since I will be including that I attend the University of Texas at El Paso and that I am taking the RWS 1302 course with Professor Audrey. Another way to be credible is of course providing an image of myself and examples of my assignments and experiences throughout the course.
PATHOS: Oh! This rhetorical appeal will be easy to apply since there were many emotions going on inside me during the whole semester! In the “Assignment Reflections” section, I will be able to express what my emotions were during each of the assignments and their completion. Also, in the “Course Reading Reflection” section, I will provide some feedback about my thoughts about the different readings required for each assignment in the semester.
LOGOS: Logic will be provided through the Fair Use Statement and any charts, graphs, tables, etc. I decide to utilize through the different tabs of my website. Also, through my writing fluency in my whole website that will definitely deliver logic. And simply through the information that I provide in each section and tab created in the homepage.
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SECTION B: As a Designer..
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2. How will you employ?
ETHOS: I will employ ethos through appropriate alignment and grouping of my text and images included in my website. I will have to take a big consideration in which way I want to execute my information to readers, either horizontally or vertically and not too much information either. Also, the information should not be too cluttered or too separated, but should be separated into small paragraphs pertaining specifically to each of the required sections. Simply using professional grammar and using reliable information for each source will employ ethos successfully. 
PATHOS: I will employ pathos (feelings and emotions) through consistency, contrast, and balance. I will keep a balance by having the same text on all of my website’s information except for the fact that my title and sub-titles will be a little bit bigger than the rest of the text but keeping the same font throughout. Images I provide will absolutely portray strong feelings, so I will consider which images to provide depending on what my information is about. The background will be a light not eye-catching color, which will not cause any distraction from the rest of the information I provide.
LOGOS: I will employ logos through the whole content in my website. The organization and different sections provided in my home page will be a big thing. I look forward to making it very self explanatory and easy for viewers to navigate on it. Simply by providing facts, statistics, and quotes, there will be a sense of logic transmitted into whoever wishes to navigate through my website.
So now that I am done analyzing various ways in which to apply each of the three rhetorical appeals into my website as a writer and as a designer, I feel even more relieved and happy since I just took one more step into the process of my website!
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Hey! I am glad that we were expected to analyze the first website to know definitely what not to do. I do agree on the fact that there was just too much text and colors going on and it made it hard to concentrate on the graph! On the other hand, the second website was much better organized and I will definitely use it as a guideline on how mine should look. Overall, very good job on your post you met all the requirements and answered all of the questions. Good luck on creating your website :)
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Week 14: The Road to my Website
Since creating this website is the last assignment of the semester, I am so happy to finish!
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In the process of creating my website, I must remember to use the five principles of design which are 
1) CONTRAST-  Design such as font style and size are different from one another.
2) CONSISTENCY-  Making sure design is consistent and similar.
3) BALANCE-  When images and text have equal weight, such as spreading out the content.
4) GROUPING-  Keeping sets of like items on the same page and not scattered.
5) ALIGNMENT-  Lining up elements on the page either vertically of horizontally.
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Analyzing the first website http://trendlines.ca/
Keep reading
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Thinking about my Website
I will analyze the following websites utilizing to the FIVE PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN: CONTRAST, CONSISTENCY, BALANCE, GROUPING, and ALIGNMENT...
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SECTION A: Design Principles Applied
-The first website for analysis is http://trendlines.ca/
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1. Identify and describe the balance of the site: By looking at the homepage of this website it is not very balanced. Meaning that there is small text everywhere and just a huge image on the left side making the right side of the page seem small and uninteresting.
2. How is contrast employed on the site? The website does not have a title nor any sub-headings. It looks like the font used throughout the website is the same, except that some are bold or different colors, like blue, and it makes the text used look a bit different from each other.
3. Evaluate the site’s use of consistency: Some words are bigger than the others but overall the text used around the webpage is the same size. All of it appears to be the same font as well.
4. Describe the site’s utilization of alignment and grouping: The website is aligned in a way in which most of the text is on the right side of the page. There is also text included in the chart and under it as well, but the information regarding the chart is mostly included on the right side.
5. Describe the effectiveness of the site: I feel as though this website is not very effective. Since the moment I first saw it I noticed it did not look like any other previous website I had ever visited. It had no title, the text looked all the same (except for the variety of color used) and some text was just way too small compared to the other text which made it hard to read and understand.
The second website I will analyze is http://www.aaronxmarquez.com/
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1. Identify and describe the balance of the site:This website seems to have very good balance. Most of the wording is located in the middle and only the important text is located in other place other than the middle.
2. How is contrast employed on the site? You can automatically tell which is the title of the site because it is bigger than the rest of the text used. Also, only two colors are used for the text, white and yellow. The white belonging to basic info while the yellow being important and/or interesting info for the visitor. 
3. Evaluate the site’s use of consistency:  The text used seems to have the same font for the whole page..Because of the different sizes of text,the visitor can read the information one at a time starting from the biggest size to the smallest.
4. Describe the site’s utilization of alignment and grouping: The material (text) on the website is aligned vertically, meaning the text slowly goes down instead of sideways. I think that makes it easier for the viewer to absorb the info since it is required to read the info from top to bottom. Overall, the text is grouped all together in one place.
5. Describe the effectiveness of the site: This site is very effective. It provides a title along with a preview of the website’s topic on the bottom, and in even smaller text, it provides a blinking arrow to grab your attention into scrolling down the page for more info. Only two colors were utilized for the text which was good since there was not much going on, and the faded picture on the background did not affect visibility in any way. 
Now that I have analyzed these two websites, I now have to apply them into my own website.
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SECTION B: Implications for your own website
1. What will you have to do to ensure that your website is balanced? I will have to spread my text and pictures preventing cluttering. Also, I will make sure not to do what the first website i analyzed did.. Just text everywhere!
2. How will you use contrast on your website? First of all, I will make sure to use the same font for my text, maybe some will be italicized or bold, but it is just in case the info has to be noticed in some way. I will also take into consideration background and text colors, and I will step away from the idea of using random colors for the text of information.
3. Where will you employ consistency on your website? I will make sure to employ consistency on the main title and sub-headings.
4. How can you use alignment and grouping to make your website more effective? In order to make my website more effective, I will align my text horizontally, that way viewers can read info faster and easier just by slowly scrolling down while reading the info. I will also group all pictures and text together so there won’t be random text with no picture close to it.
5. What colors will you use for your website? Since my topic is education, I plan on using dull colors, not pastel colors. Maybe an orange and white, or red and white. Who knows..
6. How else can you ensure that your website is well-designed? Simply provide many helpful pictures and little paragraphs of info because then it will be just unimportant info all over the place.
I am a little concerned about creating this website, but hopefully it is all a success!
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
OH MY GOD!! I agree with you that this documentary assignment is not as easy as we thought it would be :( But I also agree that our group is awesome and we have been doing a good job with the meeting times and worked good together. I really enjoy working with you guys and I know if we follow all the guidelines our documentary will be really good. Great job on your post :)
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Week 13
I thought this documentary was going to be a little less stressful but I was wrong! This is how I’m totally feeling!!!
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A) Myself and my awesome group have been meeting once a week mostly during the week or on Sundays. Our meeting last about two hours. In addition, our group is very helpful, everyone attends and works diligently.
B) Throughout the whole project we will be working together for the most part. As a group we came up with this because we fill it will be beneficial for us to do everything together that way we can all have a voice throughout this project.
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C) At each group meeting we work in sections such as title page, introduction, claim, support, advocacy, and conclusion that way its not too much in one day. Although, we want to finish this project I think it is good to split the project up into sections that way its not too stressful and that way this problem can be avoided. 
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D) As a group we will work together and put our opinions to make this project a success. We also have a drop box where we can share all our scholarly sources, open sources, and interview material, so that we can all access the information about our topic. I think the drop box is a great thing because we all have access to these articles that way all of us learn about the topic and grasp the information.
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E) The aspect that I’m most concerned about for this project, is the time limit. I feel 5-7 minutes is a long time for a video. I know we are going to meet the requirement but it is going to be challenging. Another thing I’m concerned about is the music we are going to use because I feel like there is no music that ties into education.
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F) The aspects I’m most comfortable with is the creation of the video because Merle is a professional at making videos. He knows what he is doing when it comes to the techy stuff. Another thing I’m comfortable with is the topic because that was my topic and I did plenty of research on diversity in education.
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My group is a great group and I cannot wait to see the final product of the documentary!
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
So far so good with this documentary, my group is doing an awesome job!
a. What days and times will you commit to the project?
-My group has been meeting once a week during weekdays and sometimes even on Sundays. During the week, we schedule our meetings usually around 6 or 7 in the afternoon since some of us work. And on Sundays we meet around noon because of church. Our meetings usually last about 2 hours. 
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b. What days/times are you working as a group and when will you work alone? 
-One day out of the week and on Sunday I commit into working with my group members. The rest of the days when we do not meet, we agreed on the fact that we will gather and note down helpful information that might help us for our next meeting.
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c.  Specifically, what aspect of the project will you address on each of those days? 
-We are splitting the whole documentary into sections and we are doing about two sections every time we meet, that way it won’t be too harsh on us. 
d. Specifically, what will you do to complete those aspects of the project?
-One huge benefit for our group is Dropbox. We have a folder labeled “Group Project” where we share each other’s scholarly articles, open sources and interview material that addresses our topic. 
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e. What specific aspects of the assignment are you most concerned about? What can you do to address those concerns?
-The aspect I am most concerned about is reaching the goal of 5-7 min. It feels as though we have been doing a lot but we are still really short in time. To address this concern, we can add plenty of pictures and information.
f. What specific aspects of the assignment are you most comfortable with? Why? 
-The aspect I am most comfortable with is that Merle is super knowledgeable with technology and therefore he is handling the whole shaping of the video. And I gotta admit he has surprised me so much! I am so glad he is part of our group, with Brianna’s and my thoughts and feedback our documentary will be a success!!!
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Good job on your post, I am so excited to get all our plans into action! Even though I do feel you missed quotes from the scholarly articles to demonstrate each of the rhetorical appeals. But regarding your information it was what we planned together and what we will accomplish at the end of this documentary!
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Week 12
PART 1: Topic: Diversity in Education Purpose: Diversify the teaching force Audience: Individuals seeking a career in the education field Solution:  Provide scholarships for minority students to become a teacher PART 2: Audience
Ethos: Our audience will se our ethos in our documentary through our extensive use of scholarly research.
Pathos: Our pathos will hit home with the  statistical data showing how racial diversity helps improve the learning experience of all students.
Logos: Our arguments will be concise and sound to create a strong logos argument.
Advocacy: Our group is fighting for high wages for teachers and more and/or easier scholarship opportunities for students wishing to teach.
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Diversity in Education
A. Topic: Diversity in Education
B. Purpose: To diversify the Teaching force
C. Audience: Individuals seeking a career in the Education field
D. Solution: Provide scholarships for minority students to become a teacher / wage raise for teachers
A. Ethos: It has been said and reported that minority teachers become role models for their students since they want to improve the academic status of students of color.
-”Beyond the role model function and the culturally-inspired practices discussed above, teachers of color have also been shown to contribute to the education of students of color by reducing the acute shortage of educators for high-minority urban schools (Villegas and Irvine, 2010). 
B. Pathos: Many studies have been conducted where African Americans and Latino teachers may be the minority in the U.S. educator workforce, but new studies have found that they may also be the most effective.
-”Because of their familiarity with the minority culture, minority teachers have an important monitoring function; they recognize earlier when minority students are having problems and when intervention is necessary (Driessen, 2015).
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C. Logos: Many research has shown that minority students succeed more if taught by a minority teacher.
-”The analyses showed that the reading scores of the African-American students at the end of kindergarten and the growth between kindergarten and fifth grade were significantly higher when they had been taught by at least one African-American teacher” (Driessen, 2015). -Teach for America Recruitment Team
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-”According to 17 experienced African-American teachers whose ages ranged from 45 to 85 years, their former teachers in segregated schools were caring individuals who treated pupils respectfully and had the highest academic expectations of them” (Foster, 1933). -Ethnographic Study.
-”In a study of 541 teachers in one California elementary school district, it was reported that African-American teachers were more likely than White teachers to remain in low-performing, high-minority schools” (Horng, 2005). 
D. Advocacy: 
-”Teachers of color have often experienced inequality and alineation in their own schooling and can relate to students of color in ways that White teachers cannot” (Nieto, 1999). 
-”The evidence suggests that compared to White teachers, educators of color appear to be more committed to teaching students of color, more drawn to teaching in difficult-to-staff urban schools, and more apt to persist in those settings” (Villegas and Irvine, 2010). 
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-Minority teachers hold a big power inside them, and that is the power of knowlege!
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Hey! I agree with you on the fact that it was the easiest Tumblr post of all! I am glad that all your research information was of great benefit for you, and on my personal opinion, and since I am majoring on Education as well, info on diversity in our field does need to be spread around in order for others to be aware. Overall, I think your post met all the requirement’s of this week’s assignment and I am so glad all this research is over.
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Lit Review Reflection
Now that the stress is over I’m totally feeling like this…
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Last but not least here is my reflection on the literature review. I loved this weeks tumblr post because it was the easiest. Who doesn’t like easy work? Here is my reflection..
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Next is SO WHAT:
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Lastly, here is NOW WHAT:
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YAAAAAAY! I’m so relieved this is all over. Now its time to get ready for the documentary, Yikes!!!
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Reflecting on my own research skills
I gotta admit researching is not my favorite thing to do, but I am super glad it is all over now and that it was all a success!
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So here are the different reflections on my research skills for my literature review...
1. WHAT: This literature review taught me so many new things, especially that the field of Education is and has always been dominated by females. I know this is only the beginning of many more research I will be expected to conduct in the future, but I feel as though I have accomplished so much in so little time since all this research linked into my field. It was a little hard to find information on my semester topic but it is information that will stick with me from now on until I finish my career.
2. SO WHAT: Writing an eight-page research is not something you do in elementary, middle, not even high school! So why do it in college? Because after having looked at so many perspectives on an issue and having heard examples about it too it becomes important to you and you begin taking that “issue” into consideration on a daily basis. And after having so much useful information in your head eight pages are really nothing. I also feel that after this eight-page literature review I will be able to handle all the work (meaning research papers) that my future professors assign to me.
3. NOW WHAT: Now that I know how noticeable gender diversity is in the field of Education, I will take it into consideration and apply it from now on until the day I graduate. Even though the huge difference between female and male teachers ratios are very noticeable to society, when I do become a teacher I hope to change my student’s lives and also make them change their minds about the fact that a teacher’s gender determines their level of learning. Having a little knowledge about this issue will make me see things a distinct form and definitely caused a huge impact in my life.
After the storm (all-nighters) comes the sun (fun stuff) right? I am glad all this research is over with really...
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Yaaaay! We are getting closer to the interviews! Overall, I think you did a very good job with your post. You met all the requirements for this week’s assignment and I know you will succeed in your interview since you have all the necessary materials ready. Good Luck!
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Preparing for an Interview
Using the guidelines I created an email to my first choice.
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I will send this email in the AM.
I then downloaded all of the PDFs to my dropbox.
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Finally I redid my interview questions.
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I will be using my DSLR camera to record and a notepad and pencil.
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
One step closer to the interview...
In order to conduct an interview I was asked to first send an e-mail to my chosen scholar and so I do...
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Then, I go ahead an save the “Interview Release Form” from Blackboard into Dropbox. And I also save the “Interview Confirmation” document into Dropbox since I will be utilizing it whenever I get a response from my scholar...
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Now that I have all the necessary documents saved, I had to rewrite all my interview questions into a new document that I will be sending to my chosen scholar as well.
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The final step is to gather all the material I will use in order for the interview to be a success!
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In this case, I will use my laptop, my tablet to record, and of course paper and pencil to take extra good notes.
Finally, now that I have sent the email to my chosen scholar, saved the necessary documents to Dropbox, and have my recording material ready I will eagerly wait for my scholar’s response and hope for the best!
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Hey! I really liked the idea that you highlighted your sources in both sections of the table to let others know that your information is reliable. Regarding your topic, I think it is very interesting and very original. I will be in wait of your future posts to see what extra information you have to say about your topic and how your interview questions were answered.
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Research/Interview Questions
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After i finished my interview questions i realized that my sources were pretty acurate with giving me information to use in order to form my interview questions. My research questions and sources used will help me form my interview questions so that the information i obtain during that interview can be used to compare to the other sources i have or to simply enhance my topic with their feedback. Once i have completed the interview i will have gathered all other 12 sources to be used in my literature review paper. By sticking to this rubric i should have a research topic that is reliable and not biases with its display on information regarding the diversity of women in the military. 
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Creating Interview Questions from my Research Questions
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After creating these interview questions from my original research questions I can’t feel anything else but excited to hear what each of my interviewers have to say about my topic. Also, after conducting these pending interviews, I will have more sources before I complete my twelve sources I have to accumulate before the end of the semester!
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Hey! I am glad you found your three scholars at the end, I had trouble too since not all of them included a bio, but I am sure that the three you and I chose will be very helpful. Regarding your post, it met all the criteria of Week 7′s Tumblr post, it was very well organized and overall provided very good and helpful information. Good Job I look forward to other posts you make :)
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#Week 7: Finding Your Academic Network
MY MAJOR: Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing
COLLEGE: College of Nursing
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Using the “Contact Us” tab on the top right hand corner. I was able to find out the information to get a hold of the Nursing Department. There was also information to contact the Undergraduate or Graduate School of Nursing Office. 
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After locating the Contact information, I then located the Advising information. I was not able to find out the hours of when these advisors are available, but I can always contact them or the nursing department for more information. 
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Now on to the Academic Stalking…
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I was able to locate the faculty and start my research, but was realizing along the way that most of these members didn’t have a bio or much information that I could use. I had to go through an entire process to figure out the 3 people that I needed, and I eventually did. 
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 My first candidate was Lisa Hennessy, who is a professor who focuses on the “the perceptions of quality care in a minority population” and touches base with educated nurses who have felt like the “only outsider” due to ethnicity issues in the nursing workplace. She has published many articles based on diversity issues. I chose Professor Hennessy, for the reason that my topic focuses on the diversity issues that happen in nursing throughout the United States. I feel like I would be able to learn a few cases regarding this subject.
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My second candidate was Hsuen-Fen Sabrina Kao. Looking at her research interests I was able to find that she focuses on the cultural diversity in Hispanic families. Dr. Kao has been in the teaching experience for 20 years now and she has published journals that involve the diversity issues that may be rising up in Hispanic families. This fits my research topic, because I feel like I will learn the many struggles that Hispanic families might be undergoing as they enter the nursing field. This will give me more insight on the issues going on in the nursing atmosphere along with family atmospheres.
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My third candidate was Franchesca Nunez, who is a professor that teaches Family Situational Stressors. I noticed that in Professor Nunez’s research interests she focuses on the nursing workforce, environment, nursing practice, and the nursing/patient outcomes. With these aspects that she focuses on, I realized that I would be able to find out more in depth, of the way the environments are in nursing when there is a majority of Hispanic nurses in the workplace. I hope to discover how the patient and nursing outcomes are when its a different cultural patient that is being seen. 
I am finally done and have completed the stalking that I needed to do for today’s assignment!
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amaldonado18-blog · 8 years
Going in depth with my Academic Network
1. Major: Bachelor’s in Interdisciplinary Studies...
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With a minor in E-C 6 Bilingual Generalist
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2. College: I am part of the College of Education
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3. Department: From the Department of Teacher Education
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4. Contact Info: Their contact information only had names of people who can help with questions but the department’s “actual information” was located at the bottom left of the page where it reads “Connect with us” with the Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube logos.
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5. Advising Info: I got really in depth with this step but all I could find was the “Center for Student Success”, and it does list several names and information of people who can probably advise you.. Or if that does not work I will simply have to call in order to receive more information.
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Now that I am done with my Academic Network searching, it is time for the stalking part...
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I am aware that I will need to conduct first hand research therefore I choose three scholars in my field that I will be able to interview and/or contact...
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The first scholar I chose was Maria Teresa de la Piedra. I chose her because from her bio I read that she’s a Spanish speaker and one of her research interests are other educational cultures. This will help me because I speak Spanish as well and her knowledge on educational cultures can probably provide some feedback for my semester topic.
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The second scholar I chose was So Jung Kim. What automatically caught my eye was that she has a PHD in Elementary Education which is what I am aiming for. She did not have a bio but from her research interests I was able to know that one of her focuses are social influences on young children’s learning, which can probably be helpful for my semester topic as well.
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The third and last scholar I chose was Josemaria Herrera. Even though his research interests aim more towards the topic of history, one of his focus is Teacher Preparation. This will provide very helpful information for some of my research questions from my semester topic.
After all this “stalking” I am done and can finally take my very long nap!
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