amandaandpreston · 5 years
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Giveaway Contest: To celebrate 2020, we’re giving away twenty paperback classics featuring Truman Capote, Virginia Woolf, T.S. Eliot, John Steinbeck, Agatha Christie, and others! Won’t this collection look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will choose a random winner on February 29, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck!
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
At the end of everything
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Hold on to anything
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
I'm.... back???
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100% inspired by watching Milo and Otis with @oceanwhaleofemotions
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
*RARE* John Denver & Johnny Cash - Take Me Home Country Roads
Found this while going through my granddad’s VHS tapes and couldn’t find it anywhere online, so here it is.
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
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Here’s a bigger preview of one of the postcard prints that comes with every copy of VIDEO GAMES AND PIZZA PARTIES backed through the Kickstarter! Link: http://kck.st/2MJSSET
We’ve almost reached 500 backers, and we’ve almost reached the fourth stretch goal too! Thanks so much for backing so far!
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
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Sorry for the lull, have a comic
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
Art Commissions Master Post
Hey, thanks for checking out my art commission post! I’m currently jobless, so every commission helps me keep the internet on and the coffee pot full. ♥ 
I can draw just about any character or OC as long as I have a reference. Detailed descriptions also work in the case of OCs. I draw a bunch of different art styles – examples below the guidelines!
Commission Guidelines:
Child characters
Ship art
Specific poses by request
A character name and “surprise me” request for the pose
Pics with multiple characters
Fanfic covers/scene illustrations
Characters outside of my fandoms
Characters in outfits you send me a ref of (armor, a toga, fashionista ensemble, pink panties, you name it – talk to me)
Tasteful nudity (think pin-up style, coyly placed objects, that kind of thing)
Giant/tiny art
Different body types (I LOVE drawing different body types)
Backgrounds (not too complicated please)
Wings, horns, other non-human traits (♥)
Underage characters in sexual situations
Furries (nothing against these, I’m just not great at drawing them – animal ears and tails okay though)
Mecha (see above)
Explicit sex/kink stuff (sorry…I’m sure there are others who will draw this for you out there)
Vore (see above)
Graphic violence
Anti-something art/hate
Drawing Styles:
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Coloring/Shading Styles:
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Pricing Info:
First pick a drawing style:
Chibi or dot chibi line art: $10
Non-chibi line art: $15 (complicated poses/details may be more)
Then add a coloring/shading style:
BG + lines, flat gray shading, flat one color shading, flat colors: $5
Color shading, detailed gray shading, and detailed one color shading: $10
Digital pastel: $20 (on account them being a painting more than a drawing)
Add any extras:
Additional character: $5 per chibi character, $10 per non-chibi character
Simple background: $5 (complicated backgrounds may be more)
Add ‘em up and you have your price! If you want a dot chibi couple pic with flat colors, for example, you’re looking at about $20. A one character non-chibi line art with background? Also $20.
I price based on how long a picture will take me, so line art and simpler drawing styles cost less. These are just guidelines – if you have a picture in mind that doesn’t really fit any of these, no worries. Talk to me, we’ll figure something out!
Payment Info:
All prices are in US dollars, and payments are required before I start the art. (This is to make sure I don’t sink hours of work into a piece only to never get paid for it, but also because I’m jobless and usually need money yesterday…)
I’ll do adjustments and revisions within reason if you see the finished work and aren’t happy with it. My goal is to make the art you want!
Payment method is PayPal. My PayPal email address is [email protected].
How to Contact Me:
If you’re interested in an art commission, you can contact me any of these ways:
Send me an email at [email protected] with the subject line “Threshasketch Art Commission” 
Toss me a Tumblr ask / messenger message 
Send me a direct message on my Twitter 
I’m usually around and will get back to you within 24 hours. Actual art-making turnaround time is pretty speedy, but really depends on whether the commission is complicated or simple. Please let me know if you have a time frame to work within!
Think This Post Is Long Enough? Cripes.
If you’d just like to support my work and don’t have a specific art request in mind (fhdsfkdhdsk), you could buy me a Ko-Fi as a tip or become a Patron on Patreon as a monthly type of thing. (If you’re already a Patron, bless you and I love you to pieces!)
Congrats, you made it to the bottom of the post! Thank you for your interest in my art, hope the rest of your day is awesome! ♥♥♥
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
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Still practicing with watercolor :“y
which one would you like me to redraw in digital??? 
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
art tips post
for all the artists following me
draw fast. it’ll look messy for a long time but you’ll improve faster than if you spend 4 hours on every drawing
if you draw in pencil and have a habit of erasing all of your mistakes, try drawing in pen or marker. i know it’s scary but it’ll help in the long run (i’m speaking from experience)
try different methods and mediums but don’t worry about mastering any of them, just have fun
if you’re not rich, buy art supplies from the dollar store, not the art store (seriously. i go through a sketchbook about once a month and i’d rather spend $4 on one than $15)
there’s no wrong way to learn. you can copy other people’s art if you want to, just don’t post it
DO NOT worry about having a consistent style. do not. just draw however you want
if you want to make original characters then do it. don’t worry about if they’re original, or a good design, or if they have an accompanying story. make sonic ocs. do it. it’s fun and it’s not hurting anyone
try not to kill your back. stand up and stretch once in a while
make a folder and save all of your favorite arts for inspiration 
draw from life. draw your dog. draw your teachers. draw your desk. draw your own hands (seriously that’s the best way to get better at drawing hands)
in general, drawing from life or a photo is better than drawing from a diagram
draw whatever you want. draw youtubers if you like youtubers. draw undertale if you like undertale. when i was a kid i drew nothing but shadow the hedgehog and horses. everyone deserves to draw what they want without being mocked, and if people start making fun of you, block them and keep drawing
don’t expect to get any notes at first. don’t let it discourage you. if you want validation go show your art to your mom or your friends or your teacher or your grandma
take breaks, but don’t give up.
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
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67K notes · View notes
amandaandpreston · 6 years
Apartment hacks masterpost
How to clean up kitchen (particularly the sink, burnt pots and small aplliances)
How to take care of kitchen stuff so that it lives longer
10 commandments of a clutter-free kitchen
Organizing kitchen mini masterpost
5 things to do in the kitchen before you go to bed
What is soapy bowl and why it’s awesome
How to organize your fridge (also here, here and here)
Thins you should know about your fridge
Adding more storage space in a tiny kitchen
Lots of cleaning tutorials and tips. And some more
How to clean up pantry
How to make your house look cleaner than it really is
How to wash pillows
Cleaning the bathroom
How to clean the nastiest places (and get rid of bad smells, etc.)
Floor-to-celling guide to spring cleaning
Recaulking your bathtub
Cleaning grout
How to dispose of toxic waste
Cleaning the medicine cabinet
How to make chores more fun
You mustn’t skip these chores, but you can delay these if you’re busy
Easily forgotten things that you should clean/replace
Why you need a catch-up day
Small cleaning tasks to do in under 15 minutes (also here)
Looking for a flat/moving
First apartment checklist
Where too look during an apartment hunt (and some more tips)
Negotiate these things with your landlord
What to do first in a new place
What do clean before moving out
How not to get crazy during moving flats
How to downgrade to a smaller place
Organisation, storage
10 habits for better home organisation
How to store off-season items
10 storage ideas for small spaces (more here)
Storage secret weapons
How to organise your closet
Things to do before twice-yearly closet switchout
How to store and maintain your sweaters
Why it feels great
How to get rid of clutter
How to declutter (not only a flat)
What needs to be thrown away from your flat
How to let go of the things you no longer need
Things you own too many of; you can throw away these too
Decuttering the bathroom
Decluterring masterpost
Projects for every room in your home/flat
Add style to your home
DIY decorating ideas
How to use negative space
4 common decorating mistakes and how to avoid them
Questions to ask yourself before buying something new
How to choose furniture that’ll be easier to clean
Season-specific tips
Things to do before the cold season
Household hacks for winter
Preparing for Christmas
Green thumb 101
How to take care of succulents
Never kill a plant again
Living alone / Sharing a flat
How not to be lonely when living alone
12 things you can only do when home alone
What you learn by living alone
Things you learn while sharing a flat
What to pack when leaving for a dorm
How to seamlessly share a kitchen (or a flat in general)
Safety issues to discuss with flatmates
Benefits of living with strangers
And also how to turn a house into a home
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
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Apparently people have been adopting dogs and either killing them themselves or dropping them to a kill shelter (and one even said they were flying them to poor Asian areas to be eaten) under the Twitter hashtag #pitbulldropoff
This is completely cruel and evil and word needs to get around about these demons so everyone knows what these demons are planning to do to dogs once they get ahold of them.
If you know someone or if you yourself is planning to give away a pitty by craigslist soon, DONT and wait for awhile!!!! They act like they’re going to adopt them and act all nice then they get rid of them, don’t be fooled!!
DM me for uncensored names!!!!!!!!
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
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a new heartbeat rests in the bones of a giant
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
• Use the hand you write with.
• Make a fist with your thumb outside, not tucked inside. If it’s tucked inside your fist, when you punch someone, you might break your thumb. The thumb goes across your fingers, not on the side.
• Don’t be like in the movies—don’t aim for the face. Face punches don’t usually stop people, and you can miss when they duck their head or break your hand on their jaw. If you want to get away quickly, or end a fight, aim for the chest, or the ribs. If you really want to do some damage, e.g., you’re being attacked, aim for the throat, which will make it hard for your attacker to breathe for a hot minute.
• When you punch, you want to aim and hit with your first two knuckles. Not the flats of your fingers, and not your ring or pinky knuckles, which can break more easily. You can use your weight, if you’re on your feet, to add wallop, and spring into a punch with your feet and torso.
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
Reblog if you say "Y'all"
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amandaandpreston · 6 years
You know, Jesus Christ was a lot like popcorn
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