amandaiko · 1 year
Jangan suka berkomentar getir atas rezeki orang lain, baik itu pencapaian, kepemilikan, bahkan ujian.
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amandaiko · 5 years
Tirulah sifat-sifat baik Nabimu, jangan tiru orang-orang yang menggunakan Nabimu untuk membenarkan sifat-sifatnya.
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amandaiko · 5 years
Don’t let your family be the ‘backstage crew’; the ones who have to sacrifice their needs of your love to make you look perfect outside your home ..
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amandaiko · 6 years
Inget ya Kak, De..
Kita belum tau akhir perjalanan kita bakalan kayak apa. Jangan sampai yang kita cela berubah jadi baik, sementara kita berakhir buruk 😞
“I don’t like what you are doing, but I won’t insult you for it. You know why? Because who you are tomorrow may be better than who I am today.”
— Tariq Ramadan
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amandaiko · 6 years
What would you advise to a young sister, that feels mostly unmotivated and feels like she lacks of everything: beauty,brains and not enough deen.; living her life questioning if she will be ever enough to anyone or at least to God
Assalamu Alaikum,
You are beautiful.You are worthy of self love.You are precious.You are from the ummah of Mohammad (peace be upon him) and it’s a blessing.Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala love you more than a mother. He is merciful more than a mother so don’t let shaitan despair you.You have a purpose and Allah created you to fullfil that purpose don’t let shaitan make you feel you are good for nothing.You must have some skills that other lacks.Give yourself positive message.May Allah bless you.
Following are some tips that may help you in shaa Allah
1. Read Islamic books it will increase your knowledge in shaa Allah.
2. Help your mother in kitchen and learn how to cook.
3. Spend quality time with your family for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala and you will be rewarded in shaa Allah.
4. Learn some creative things like calligraphy or art work that may help you in future in shaa Allah or you can also learn some software so you can make some beautiful Islamic reminder posters that will help the ummah in shaa Allah
5. Fix your prayers.This is the best act to pray salaah at the fixed time.
6. Be dutiful to your parents. Be good with them for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. Love them and spend quality time with them.
7. The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are most consistent, even if it is small.
8. Be good with people for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala.
9. Be patient when something goes wrong and don’t get angry. Patience is difficult to do but it has countless reward.
10. Make habit of doing dhikr all the time. It will help in shaa Allah.
11 Send blessing upon Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
12. Gain knowledge and try to implement in your life.
13. Implement Sunnah in your daily life.
14. Make lots of dua. Ask Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala to help us to do deeds that will please Him  and grant us jannah and save us from punishment of Hell.
15. Spread Salaam when you meet a Muslim say Assalamu Alaikum.
16. Never think you are better than others. Always be humble
17. Don’t get jealous and pray for others
18. Be happy with Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala decree and always be thankful. It will increase your blessings in shaa Allah.
19. If someone is meant for you then you will eventually get in halal way. You don’t have to chase him/her.
20. Their will be ups and down in life so don’t get attach to the moment. This shall too pass. 
21. Life will test you but always remember the key point is to be grateful to your Lord. No matter what happen say Alhamdulillah. He will turn your sorrow into blessing in shaa Allah.
22. Love comes from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so if you are looking for love (halal love offcourse) then turn to him.
23. Expect less from Creation. No one is perfect. The more you expect from people; the more you will be hurt.
Last and the most important point is to abstain from haram relationship. Try not to have vain and casual talk with non mehram. Do productive things that will help you in akhirah in shaa Allah. I hope it will be helpful. May Allah guide us to the straight path.
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amandaiko · 6 years
“No one will be with you forever in this life. The door will always be swinging open and closed. Love the people who enter. Let go of the people who leave. Don’t hang on.”
— Yasmin Mogahed (via islamicrays)
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amandaiko · 6 years
“Real love brings about calm—not inner torment. True love allows you to be at peace with yourself and with God. That is why Allah says: “that you may dwell in tranquility.” Hawa is the opposite. Hawa will make you miserable. And just like a drug, you will crave it always, but never be satisfied. You will chase it to your own detriment, but never reach it.”
— Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed (via islamicrays)
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amandaiko · 6 years
“If you want your heart to be liberated then attach your heart with only Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Don’t attach your heart with people or things if you love something other than God then you will be tormented three times in this world as mentioned by ibn al qayim “He will be tormented by its lack before he acquires it; and once he acquires it then he will be tormented by the fear of losing it and once he loses it, his torment increases further”. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala increase our love for Him and don’t get us attach to this temporary world. Allahumma Ameen”
— (via islamicrays)
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amandaiko · 7 years
Aamiin yaa Mujibas Sa’iliin
“May the unmarried be blessed with spouses who will be the coolness of their eyes. May those getting married be granted bliss & success, joy & happiness. May those without children be blessed with offspring who will be the coolness of their eyes. May those with children be granted the ability to provide them with a good upbringing. May our children be saved from all evil & calamity & be granted the the best of health & success in this life & the next. Aameen Ya Rabb”
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amandaiko · 7 years
Fall in love with someone who makes it impossible to love anyone else
Fall in love with someone who chooses you just as confidently as you choose them. Commit to the person who lifts you up whenever things get rough, the person who fights to make things work when the reality of life gets difficult and discouraging.
Fall in love with someone who sees the wars within you and not only chooses to stay, but chooses to stand by your side and help you fight them. Strive to find someone who cradles your dark, who embraces your light, someone who always wants to be your best when you yourself are not your best; someone who reminds you of every strong thing you are whenever you feel feeble.
Fall in love with someone who does not make you feel like you are hard to love. Give your heart to someone who does not call you weak for feeling so deeply, someone who adores the soft creature you are, and who fights to protect it in a hardened world.
Fall in love with someone who challenges you, who inspires you to think and feel. Fall in love with someone who ignites a wildness within you; someone who grows your mind just as much as they grow your heart.
Fall in love with someone who respects you for changing because they understand that it means you’re growing. Dedicate yourself to the person who stands in awe of how you bloom, how you flourish; someone who loves you not only for who you are, but for who you have the potential to be.
Please, do not ever settle for less. Keep waiting. Keep learning about yourself, keep trying and fighting for the heart within your chest. Keep growing and nourishing your wants, keep discovering your needs. When the time is right, you are going to fall in love with someone who will appreciate everything you stand for, who will compliment you in ways you never imagined. When the time is right, the love you have always been worthy of will flower within your life, and you will finally, finally, understand why you had to wait so long.
Written by: Bianca Sparacino
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amandaiko · 7 years
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amandaiko · 7 years
Your biggest supporter (after bapak & i) ☺️
I hope you find someone who smiles at you every time you walk in the door. Who finds beauty in your scars. I hope you find someone who never leaves you guessing. Someone who lets you know for certain how they always feel about you. I hope you find someone who never hesitates to love you. Who doesn’t just give you pieces of their time but it’s entirety. I hope you find someone who knows just how special you really are. How your soul needs to be loved. I hope you find someone who is your biggest supporter. Who doesn’t just seek attention but gives it in return. But mostly, I hope you find all of these things in yourself first so that you can be ready for this type of love. ~Natalie Peralta.
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amandaiko · 7 years
Kau Yang Mahatahu, pasti bisa menjawab bagaimana mungkin rasa tumbuh begitu kuat dan dalam pada sosok yang bertemu saja ku belum pernah? Seperti halnya dulu ketika Kau tempatkan kedua raga di dalam rahimku membayangkan saja, hati sudah hangat dan sesak akan cinta Padahal dia bukan bagian dari darah dan dagingku tapi mendengar namanya mengapa bisa membuatku tersenyum? dan mendengar cerita tentangnya mengapa batin ini bisa menderu, sarat cemas, bangga, kasihan, senang dan… sayang? Kau Yang Mahaberkehendak, bukankah pasti tak mungkin rasa ini muncul tanpa kehendak-Mu? Lalu bolehkah aku memohon izin-Mu, wahai Pemilik Kehidupan untuk membawa namanya dalam do’a-do’aku? walau entah sekuat apa bisa tersampaikan dan bagaimana Kau berkenan mengabulkannya karena dia memang sekedar nama yang hati ini merasa lebih dari pantas untuk dibawa dalam sujud-sujud panjangku agar seperti kedua belahan jiwaku, ia juga, selalu berada dalam penjagaan-Mu yang sempurna.
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amandaiko · 7 years
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amandaiko · 7 years
Wait for a relationship that...
Wait for a relationship that is filled with goodness but that is completely imperfect – so that you can understand and experience how much better love is when it’s real and human as opposed to perfect and flawless.
Wait for a relationship that makes you want more for yourself, because you’re with someone who believes in you so much that they’re never going to let you settle into a comfort zone when they know you could be going so much further. Wait for the person who encourages you and constantly challenges you, without ever making you feel like you’re not good enough or that you’re unworthy of love.
Wait for a relationship that teaches you how to fight the right way. A relationship that shows you that you don’t have to yell and scream and say hurtful things to protect yourself, but that you also don’t have to bury your feelings and sweep everything under the rug in order to be part of something ‘healthy.’ Wait for the relationship that shows you it’s okay to fight, as long as you do it the right way – meaning you express your feelings and your own pain, but you also willingly listen to the things you might be doing wrong, too.
Wait for a relationship that makes you calm.
The kind of relationship where just having them by your side makes you feel more at peace and more steady.
Wait for the relationship that makes you think in a different way than you ever have before, but without ever losing sight of yourself and of who you are. Wait for the person who shows you a whole other world without ever trying to force their way of thinking onto you. Wait for the person who teaches you things and wants you to teach them, too.
Wait for a relationship that makes you care about other stuff less. Not the important stuff – just the stupid stuff that causes you to waste so much energy worrying about nothing. Wait for the relationship that helps you to stop thinking about status and self-importance and image and brand and all those other awful concepts. Wait for the relationship that makes you feel like a thousand pounds have been lifted off your chest as soon as you see how silly most things really are.
Wait for a relationship that scares you. But only in the sense that it makes you aware of just how big and how fragile your heart can get. Wait for the relationship that shows you that vulnerability can still feel really wonderful, even when it feels scary.
Wait for the relationship that makes you feel more like yourself than you ever have before. The relationship that brings out pieces of you that you’ve always wanted to come alive, and the person who makes you feel safe enough to just be you. Wait for the relationship that gives you this beautiful gift, and you will never regret a single second.
Written by Kim Quindlen
(with permission)
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amandaiko · 7 years
Selamat berjuang, ade Ai 💙 We'll meet in prayers!
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amandaiko · 7 years
How strange life is. The rich aren't satisfied. The poor desire to get rich. Attach your heart to your Maker & none of this will matter.
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