amandamarie105 · 6 years
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amandamarie105 · 6 years
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amandamarie105 · 6 years
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amandamarie105 · 6 years
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amandamarie105 · 6 years
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amandamarie105 · 6 years
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amandamarie105 · 6 years
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amandamarie105 · 7 years
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amandamarie105 · 7 years
The Tourist Trap
The earth-tone adobe buildings in the plaza challenge the need for new. Sellers /on blankets like generations before selling their ancestry in turquoise and silver to white tourists who want to enjoy the beauty.
Without ever interacting with the colonial creating presently persisting poverty and inequality. Without understanding that our lifestyles continue to kill the land we stole from them.
We fill better about ourselves as we “help” when really we’ve maintained the status quo amongst the earth tone buildings that remember the world before Manifest Destiny invaded.
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amandamarie105 · 7 years
Panera Chair
Falling down
neutral shades
float away
always changing
The colors
intermingle and
remind me
that we’re
all different
Falling down
float away
always changing
neutral shades
Just enough
color to
catch my
eye while
remaining bland
Falling down
always changing
neutral shades
float away
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amandamarie105 · 7 years
Don’t Change
Little girl walking around
one pink cowboy boot and one 
of her mom’s tennis shoes. 
Don’t change sweet child 
always live your truth without 
regards for constructed norms.
Pre-teen boy in an obnoxious green jacket
don’t let the toxic masculinity of 
our world mold you into a boring clone.
Don’t change dear boy
always live your truth without
regards for constructed norms.
Angsty teenaged girl trying to fit in
the world is so large, don't get
stuck in today and fitting in.
Don't change beloved girl
always live your truth without
regards for constructed norms.
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amandamarie105 · 7 years
Blue face on the fence
watching me work
wondering why I keep stopping
to stare at him.
I’ve gendered him based on 
social norms that I fight
but are continually attempting 
to tie themselves to me
so I can never break through.
The blue face on a fence 
speaks to me, probably because 
I think that even I could
create him, of course, the deeply
seated need to not get in trouble
ensures I would never attempt
anything like this. Still, I wonder
about his creator. Why here in the drive-thru line 
where I’ve never noticed him before
The blue face on the fence
calls to me, begging my secrets
pulling the words out of me.
What do you want to know blue 
face?  That I am lost professionally?
That I am bombarded by offensive language 
every day by “good” people?  That I 
am weary of fake allies? That I have 
no idea what I am doing as a parent?
What do you want blue face��on the 
fence? What do I have to share to 
get you to back away and let me 
settle back into my hard fought peace?  
I still feel like I am on the margins even
though I am not, but its hard
to get past a lifetime of being
somewhere in the middle to challenge
the best and actually occupy that space.
The blue face on the fence has 
broken through years of blockage. 
I’ve written more in ten minutes 
about him than I have since the trauma of
childbirth--which I would 
give about anything to go through
again at this point. Thank you blue face on 
the fence who knows your creators 
intentions, but I am sure it wasn’t this.
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#poetry #inspiration #blueface #streetart #findingthemust
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amandamarie105 · 7 years
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amandamarie105 · 8 years
How I know Oppression Exists
When a presidential candidate discusses their right to touch women inappropriately it is “locker room talk”.
When women challenge that discussion as misogynistic, they are being overly sensitive and creating a false problem
 When a white male shoots up a school or a movie theater he is psychologically ill.              
When a brown male is shot by a white man or a police officer he is at fault for wearing a hoodie, for not stopping, for stopping, for being.
 When a white man challenges the government’s sovereignty by stealing American land, he is a hero; the government backs down.
When indigenous people fight for their land to not be drilled and risking the contamination of water, they are illegal squatters who the government (the same that has broken every single treaty) sprays freezing water at.
 1600s white people leave Europe for a better chance at life “Yeah! Great American history!”
2000s Brown people leave their homes for a better chance at life, “They are a threat to all we believe in and will ruin our country”
When a county’s citizens continually tout their freedom of religion and how a war is being waged on their country even though all religious holidays are connected to their beliefs and 99% of all elected officials share their beliefs
A Muslim, a Sikh, a Hindu, A Buddhist suggests that they should have equal protection under the same laws, “There is a war against Christianity”
A man must be married to a woman because only they can procreate.  But thousands of kids are in foster care the the straight divorce rate is over 50%.
An LGBTQ family dares to exist and suddenly we are in a morally decaying society and they are coming after our children to convert them.
When a wealthy family has passed on their wealth for generations and believes if they could do it others should be able to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” (even though they likely haven’t ever had to actually work).
But a poor person works 3 jobs, never getting ahead and begins to challenge the system and argue that they need some support.  LAZY.
So go ahead.  Please whine about how the brown people, the women, the poor people, the immigrants, the non-Christians, the LGBTQ community are ruining your country, but remember, while you are working at dividing and conquering, there are more of us than you.
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amandamarie105 · 8 years
some thoughts MLK day 2017
They try to co-opt your being
To make you less dangerous
To suggest they know who you were
Because they have whitewashed you.
 Angry white people yelling
about how we are misinterpreting
his words. Using his “beliefs” to
scold those he aimed to liberate
 They say you argued for a colorblind
World, but clearly haven’t read
Any of your writings or looked
Though any historical documents
 They grab one line out of context
And pervert it to suggest that He
Would somehow be offended by
People rising up and demanding equality.
 Because we fight in a way that
Offends you, you work to undermine
Our movements. As if there is only
One way to fight for your rights.
 You want us to bow down and prostrate
Peacefully until you deem us ready
To have these rights bestowed on us.
The oppressor never gives up
 So we rise and challenge your
Bullshit whitewashing and oversimplification
Of history and movements,
Because you are still killing brown bodies.
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amandamarie105 · 9 years
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#twins #likefatherlikedaughter #plaid #snowday
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amandamarie105 · 10 years
Don’t be seduced into thinking that that which does not make a profit is without value.
Arthur Miller (via wordsnquotes)
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