potato-chaps · 4 years
Everytime I look at a clock it's like 4AM on a Friday, or some similar time.
W h y?
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potato-chaps · 4 years
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This was after I took a nap and woke up late, but it looks so pretty :o
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potato-chaps · 5 years
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potato-chaps · 5 years
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Pretty nice, this was taken a while ago though
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potato-chaps · 5 years
*Casually attaches myself to you because your nice*
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potato-chaps · 5 years
It's the year of the Rat ; )
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potato-chaps · 5 years
I started writing more
I gave myself more liberty with my writing. Doing my own AUs (from some of my favorite games .p.) and my own universe where whatever I want exists (within reason). So we'll see how that works out and maybe I'll post something I don't hate.
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potato-chaps · 5 years
Did anyone else have a very 'intresting' relationship with the fnaf community when they were younger or did my sister expose me to the internet too young? (I say sipping my hot cocoa and scrolling)
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potato-chaps · 5 years
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I drew these while waiting for my game to load. Sadly, the game crashed but atleast these look kinda nice.
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potato-chaps · 5 years
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Ehh I just recently did some edits because my friend is into that and I was like "Yeah sure, I'm bored anyway"
So uhhh here are these that I took of my backyard.
*coughs* you can clearly kind of tell that they were taken with my phone.
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potato-chaps · 5 years
Hold the frick up
I just learned that babies don't have kneecaps. Like wtf, I though we were born with those.
Me having a crisis
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potato-chaps · 5 years
It was still light out at 8:00pm and the rain stopped so here y'all go. (I suck at taking photos and I also had to make sure the house across from me didn't get in it)
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potato-chaps · 5 years
That moment when...
I'm lying awake at night rethimking situations in the best way possible. My friends telling me I was the best way possible. I feel like their vision is flawed because when I be lying in bed I'm like "Why? Why would you do that?". Just my thoughts this early in the morning. Have a nice night because I'm not. Please, make for my no sleep night because I have to wake up at 6 today.
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potato-chaps · 5 years
So I saw a "friend"
My best friend (and crush for a while) was at my sister's graduation and I already knew that he had a sister anf that she went to the same school but wow. He looks just as amazing as I last saw him. The lighting helped his appearance as well. His voice changed a bit too (thanks puberty) and he got taller. Still I wish I got his number and discord (cause why not). I don't see him everyday though so it was nice to see his face after a while. You could say fate brought us together. ;)
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potato-chaps · 5 years
I just relized how pretty the lamp in my room is. Never looked at it once after having it for quite awhile.
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potato-chaps · 5 years
So is it just me or does somebody actually think this would make a good song for Detroit: Become Human? It was literally the first thing that came to my mind while listening, haha.
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potato-chaps · 5 years
I drew this cause I was bored. I think it looks bad but eh why not let the world see my horrible drawing. Just a heads up I probably won't post that much.
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