amanita-the-endhybrid 3 months
I made a cake for you
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"O-o-oh my thank you."
(It's Amanita's anniversary and I have been busy working on another anniversary thing for another blog of mine. That and this ask lined up with it so boom)
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amanita-the-endhybrid 4 months
Are you a Minecraft Ask Blog?
Comment or Reblog to get a handful of new fresh asks!
Wowee, it's been nearly a year since my last post of this sort! About time to distribute some snack-sized asks once again. :0
Surely, if you leave a comment or reblog, I'll leave some trivia questions and maybe little hc/lore questions on your blogs! I can't guarantee any of them to be significant, but fun either way!
I like to lurk around as an anon and spread my questions out, so you may never be certain. Feel always free to sort asks out and delete those that have you stumped. No bad feelings in doing so, you don't need answer each and every one.
I can also do RPs and interactions! Please include that with your comment/reblog if you are interested at all and whether they shall be unprompted or planned ahead. I do have a sneaky and secluded RP blog for more low-maintenance RPs, but fun all the same. ( @the-raptors-lore )
I am a little skittish around new folks (I am mostly a lurker lol) and I do not know every character you have in store. So be wary questions may be generalised and non-character specific. P:
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amanita-the-endhybrid 6 months
I-Is Fenris still a e-enderman? Or h-has the potion w-w-worn off?
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(decided to keep him an ender men for a little while longer :3 also someone give this boi some milk XD)
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amanita-the-endhybrid 8 months
Walking Around The Biome And you See This At The Distance:
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(Mod Vixen: I tried to draw out how Amanita would react. But I am terrible at perspective. Something I plan on working on this year.)
Amanita tilted her head as she saw this. She was confused as to what was happening. The enderman wasn't aggroed on the human. She gave a small shrug though and walked off.
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amanita-the-endhybrid 8 months
Mod Vixen: Amanita would absolutely be confused as to why someone is screaming at her. But thank you! I love how you drew Amanita.
@amanita-the-endhybrid AUCUCFJEJCIDKBX-
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amanita-the-endhybrid 9 months
Mod Vixen: Aaaaaah! This is so cute! I loves it. Also I am excited for the lore that you have planned.
Amanita and Dagon making flower crowns
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Dagon keeps putting the flowers on their horns and calling her a moobloom. So cute!
{The spontaneous doodle event is now closed! I'll be finishing a few more requests and then it's on to lore :) }
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amanita-the-endhybrid 9 months
what would you like for Christmas?
"C-CHRISTMAS? W-W-WHAT IS CHRISTMAS?" She shouted as she was still under the effects of the potion that had been thrown on her.
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amanita-the-endhybrid 11 months
A strange white figure darts across Amanita's vision before pelting her with a potion!
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Amanita can no longer talk normally - for a little while at least, SHE'LL SCREAM EVERYTHING SHE SAYS!
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"O-o-oh, hello th...there!" She says excitedly.
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"O-O-OW WHAT...WHERE D-D-DID THAT COME F-FROM?!" She was now screaming because of the potion effect.
(@orchid-151 )
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amanita-the-endhybrid 11 months
You have really big horns! Do you headbutt people when threatened? Maybe even out of fun?
"H...h...headbutt people? I...I...if I felt threatened y...y..yes I will. But in a p...playful manner n...no I don't have enough f...f..friends to play around like that."
She played with the vines on her left horn. She nervously shifted a bit.
"B-b-but I don't want...want to headbutt people. W-what if I...I accidentally hurt someone."
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amanita-the-endhybrid 2 years
Reblog if you're an active Minecraft Askblog in 2023.
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amanita-the-endhybrid 2 years
Aw you are cute! How's your day been? It doesn't get boring at your place, does it?
"C...c...cute? You think I'm c...cute...uh...um...t...thank you so much..."
She began to fidget with the vines hanging on the right horn. Although it couldn't be seen on her face, she had blushed from that compliment. She continued to fidget with the vines.
"Well my d...days consist of farming...m...m... mushrooms...and the c...cows. I also sometimes g...g...go... outside of the mushroom f...f...fields to gather new t...things."
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amanita-the-endhybrid 2 years
((@pangea-the-enderman ))
"U...um...um hi...I'm Amanita... I uh come from the mushroom fields. I uh...I wanted...to say...you look very pretty." She hands Pangea an allium before hiding her face behind the Mycelium block she has. She was much shorter than the other enderman.
((@amanita-the-endhybrid ))
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"You look quite stunning too!" She chirped while giving a soft smile looking towards the flower "What brings ya to the forest?" She asked in a soft tone, noticing the little endershroom hid her face.
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amanita-the-endhybrid 2 years
Inactivity explained
Howdy everyone, it's Vixen. I want to apologize for the inactivity on all of my Minecraft accounts.
@ask-poisonous-omens @amanita-the-endhybrid
The reason as to why I am inactive, for the time being, I recently got a job working for Kroger. I haven't been able to find the time to work on art for any of the blogs. Plus I've been passing out as soon as I get home to my bed.
Hopefully though today and maybe tomorrow I'll work on some asks and art for this account and the others.
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amanita-the-endhybrid 2 years
Amanita's Costume for Halloween. She's a moobloom! Don't worry the dye will go away over time.
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amanita-the-endhybrid 2 years
Upon hearing that Pangea was open to being her friend she smiled brightly. She slightly began bouncing up and down in excitement.
"Y...yay thank you! I...I...I'm glad."
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She tapped her chin thinking about the kind of supplies that she needed. She hummed softly thinking carefully about it.
"U...u...um wood of any variety. I'd also like t...t..to be able to g...get some food, oh and some d...d...different varieties of f...flowers."
She was still smiling, being really happy to have made a friend.
((Mod Vixen: @pangea-the-enderman I apologize for not responding to this sooner. I got super busy '^^))
"U...um...um hi...I'm Amanita... I uh come from the mushroom fields. I uh...I wanted...to say...you look very pretty." She hands Pangea an allium before hiding her face behind the Mycelium block she has. She was much shorter than the other enderman.
((@amanita-the-endhybrid ))
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"You look quite stunning too!" She chirped while giving a soft smile looking towards the flower "What brings ya to the forest?" She asked in a soft tone, noticing the little endershroom hid her face.
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amanita-the-endhybrid 2 years
You shall get-
The boop
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amanita-the-endhybrid 2 years
"Well. Hello. Can't say I've seen anythin' like ya. You spawn in the end 'er somewhere else, shug?"
Amanita had been feeding the cows she kept close by, she always liked to make sure they stay fed. As she was kind of like them in some ways. She wasn't paying attention when she had turned around to go get more wheat, and walked into someone.
That made her stumble and fall, she looked up through her hair to see an unusual being standing before her. When she heard the question asked, she knew that this being was some kind of enderman like her. However this one was different, much like herself.
"M...m...me? I don't come...f...from the end. H...h...haven't been there before. I spawned...h...h..here in the mushroom fields. Um...wh...wh...what about you?"
She asked as she moved to push herself up. Even though she stood now, she was quite shorter than the other being in front of her.
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