amaterasuxmp · 6 months
After a whole day of circus shenanigans with the family, it was a surprise Amaterasu could still go back to the circus as the sun went down. The twins thoroughly enjoyed themselves; had their face painted into colorful designs, bought so many balloon animals, ate funnel cake, cotton candy, and even managed to win prizes.
So she was more than happy to tuck them in after the day of fun, and return to the circus at night for some quality time with her husband. It had been quite some time since they went on a date night, just them.
Amaterasu feels a gentle vibration in her pocket, and as she retrieves her phone, she sees the message from Eros. A mischievous smile plays on her lips as she reads his words, feeling a flutter of excitement in her chest. The thrill of the chase was always exhilarating, especially when it involved her beloved husband.
With a quick glance around the crowd, Amaterasu spots Eros on the outskirts, his gaze fixed on her. Their eyes meet, and a silent understanding passes between them. It was time for a game, a playful dance between two hearts entwined in love.
Replying to his message with a playful wink emoji, Amaterasu slips her phone back into her pocket before gracefully maneuvering through the crowd. She moves with purpose, her steps light and fluid as she weaves through the throng of onlookers.
As she navigates the carnival grounds, Amaterasu can feel the anticipation building within her. Each moment spent in pursuit of her husband is filled with excitement and anticipation, the thrill of the chase igniting a fire within her soul.
With a burst of energy, Amaterasu quickens her pace, determined to give Eros the chase he desires. The night is alive with the promise of adventure, and together, and Amaterasu's soft laughter drifted into the night air.
Late Night Circus || AmaEros
{{ Your fresh starter love. This one’s for the streets @amaterasuxmp
They’d had their time to meet and mingle with friends.
    They’d had their time to frolic and fawn through the performances, dark delights and tasty treats.
And he could let her run wild for a little longer
        But Eros’ got a game to play and the main player is his wife. 
   It doesn’t take long for him to spot her among the crowd of onlookers of one of the human sideshow performances. There in the crowd he can see her long dark hair standing out with a pretty golden clip that he fastened there before they left. The diamonds on it catch the glow of late night lighting and draw his gaze to her. She’s so pretty— and so unaware that it’s time to start a carnival of different delights.
   Smoothly Eros blends himself into the crowd as well but stays on the outskirts of it still. Just enough to see her reaction as he pulls out his phone to type up a text to her. It’s short and quick but she’ll know the chase is on for the night.
[Txt: to Sunny D]:   I’ll give you a head start babe xo 
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amaterasuxmp · 6 months
Amaterasu felt a sense of calm wash over her as she met Mani's serene gaze, his presence imbued with the soothing aura of the moon. Despite the tumultuous emotions churning within her, she found herself drawn to his tranquil demeanor, a stark contrast to her own inner turmoil.
"Thank you for welcoming me, Mani-sama," Amaterasu replied with a respectful bow, her voice carrying a hint of gratitude. "I have come seeking guidance and perhaps a path to healing."
She hesitated for a moment, the weight of her guilt threatening to overwhelm her, but she knew she needed to confront it head-on. Taking a deep breath, she met Mani's gaze once more, her golden eyes shimmering with unshed tears.
"I carry a burden of guilt that has weighed heavily upon me for centuries," Amaterasu confessed, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. She paused, her gaze dropping momentarily before she gathered her resolve once more, meeting Mani's eyes with a newfound determination.
"I wish to unburden myself," Amaterasu continued, her voice steady now with resolve. "I know it will not be an easy journey, but I am willing to take the first step towards healing."
As she spoke, Amaterasu felt a glimmer of hope flicker within her, a ray of light amidst the darkness of her guilt. Maybe coming here was a good idea. Her heart wished Eros could be here with her, but she knew this was something she had to do alone.
Born Again | Ama & Mani
a starter for the lovely @mp-mani
Amaterasu stepped onto the grounds of Bohdisattva Counseling, Therapy, and Psychiatric Center with a sense of trepidation gnawing at her core. The sun was slowly making its way down the horizon, casting an orange-pink hue. As she approached the entrance, she couldn't shake the weight of guilt that hung heavy upon her shoulders, but she knew this was a long time coming.
Her footsteps echoed softly against the cobblestone pathway, each one a testament to the burden she carried. It had been centuries since the incident that had strained her relationship with her twin brother, Tsukuyomi, yet the wounds remained fresh in her mind, a constant reminder of the harm she had caused. With her happiness in her new family, and the life she had comet o build on Mount Phoenix, she knew she should do steps to try to unburden the guilt.
Pushing open the doors of the center, Amaterasu stepped into the warm embrace of the foyer, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of the head of the facility. She had heard whispers that it had come into new ownership and perhaps this would be the opportune time to step into her own healing.
As she waited, Amaterasu found herself drawn to a painting adorning the wall, depicting a serene landscape bathed in moonlight. The beauty of the artwork served as a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within her, a reminder of the peace she so desperately sought. In Eros' arms she could forget her sins for a moment, but even he could not banish the lurking guilt within her.
Was it really the right decision to come to this place?
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amaterasuxmp · 6 months
Amaterasu nodded in understanding as Hecate expressed her sentiments about teaching and the changing attitudes towards witchcraft. She could empathize with the challenges of adapting to evolving times and the waning interest in ancient practices.
"Indeed, the world is ever-changing, and with it, so too are the pursuits of mortals," Amaterasu replied, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "But the essence of magic and knowledge endures, even if its forms may shift."
As they continued their stroll, Amaterasu couldn't help but chuckle at Hecate's playful jab at their pantheon's other potential candidates for the council. "Ah, yes, indeed," she agreed with a knowing smile. "We are fortunate to have Eros represent us with such grace and wisdom."
Listening to Hecate's musings on her children, Amaterasu's expression softened with empathy. She could sense the complexities of their relationships and the underlying emotions that Hecate grappled with.
"It's heartening to hear of the progress you've made with Claire and Charlotte," Amaterasu remarked, offering a supportive nod. "And though the path with Cassandra may be challenging, know that time and patience can often mend even the deepest rifts."
As they approached a tranquil spot in the park, Amaterasu paused and turned to face Hecate, her expression gentle yet resolute. "Have you been to their concerts? I have had the pleasure to listening to some of their music. Evander likes Charlotte, while Cordelia oscillates between Claire and Cassandra." Amaterasu smiled softly. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Catch up | ama + hec
continued from here with @mphecate
Amaterasu regarded Hecate with understanding, her expression a blend of sympathy and amusement at her friend's demeanor. Despite the impatience, there was an undeniable camaraderie between them, forged through countless shared moments and mutual understanding.
"There is no need for apologies, dear Hecate," Amaterasu replied, her voice gentle yet firm. "I understand the demands of your duties, and I admire your dedication to teaching. I have heard how difficult it coul be," Amaterasu gave a sympathetic smile.
As they waited in line and retrieved their food from Ambrosia Foods' deli, Amaterasu listened attentively to Hecate's complaints about her students and the challenges of returning to her routine after the holiday break. She nodded in agreement, empathizing with the frustrations of dealing with wayward pupils.
"It seems the trials of teaching are universal, my friend," Amaterasu remarked with a wry smile, taking a delicate bite of her own meal. "As for the council, Eros seems to be taking to duties better than I did." Amaterasu added modestly. "The children are well---Evander has discovered he liked painting and drawing and has asked to visit the galleries for inspiration. Cordelia--" She couldn't help but smile warmly at the mention of her twins. They were Eros' biologically, but Amaterasu had claimed them as her own and grateful they liked her too. "Cordelia has taken to reading a lot of works in the museum. At first, I thought she only did that to spend more time with me, and I her. But she shows a real aptitude in learning new texts. How are...How are your children? They released a new album right?"
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amaterasuxmp · 6 months
Amaterasu listened attentively as Eirwen revealed her connection to Circe, her expression softening with understanding and empathy. The bond between mother and daughter was a sacred one, transcending even the boundaries of pantheons and realms.
"I see," Amaterasu murmured, her golden eyes reflecting the depth of Eirwen's revelation. "To have such a lineage is both a blessing and a burden, dear one. But fear not, for you carry within you the legacy of a great sorceress, and with it, the potential for greatness."
As Eirwen expressed her desire to touch the cauldron, Amaterasu hesitated for a moment, her thoughts turning to the potential risks involved. The cauldron was a relic of immense power, its origins intertwined with ancient magic and divine influence. Yet, she could sense the sincerity and reverence in Eirwen's request, and she knew that denying her would only stir the flames of curiosity further.
Amaterasu studied her carefully, as if contemplating the consequences. "It is said that Circe's cauldron has quite the potent magic. I am reluctant for you to face such danger. However, you are her daughter, and the cauldron might recognize you..." Her eyes drifted towards the Cauldron again, thinking.
Amaterasu turned gracefully as she heard her name, her golden eyes alight with curiosity as she regarded Eirwen with warmth and recognition. Though their encounter at the council building was but a fleeting moment, the demigoddess's presence stirred a faint memory within the sun goddess's divine consciousness. "Ah, Eirwen-san," Amaterasu greeted with a gentle smile, her voice carrying a melodious tone that seemed to echo with the radiance of the sun. "It is a pleasure to see you once again, dear one." Her gaze followed Eirwen's gesture towards the cauldron, a glimmer of intrigue flickering in her eyes. Stepping closer, Amaterasu examined the artifact with a discerning eye, her divine aura suffusing the air around them with a sense of ancient power. "The cauldron you behold is indeed a remarkable piece," she began, her voice soft yet resonant with warmth. "It is said to have been discovered in the depths of a sacred grove, nestled amidst the whispers of the ancient spirits. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, yet its presence speaks of a bygone era, a time when gods and mortals walked hand in hand." Amaterasu's gaze lingered on the cauldron for a moment longer, as if communing with the spirits of the past. Then, turning back to Eirwen, she offered a gentle smile of reassurance. "Some say it was also owned by Circe, if one was to believe the stories. I acquired it because it's far too dangerous to rest in mortal lands once gods stopped walking amongst them." She hesitated for a beat, her head tilting to the side in curiosity. " May I ask, are you interested in this cauldron?"
Eirwen blinked, once, twice, then thrice in utter surprise as she witnessed her own name pronounced by Amaterasu. She did not expect the sun goddess to remember her name, as they only crossed paths once, and she did not belong to the Japanese pantheon. 
Her astonishment eventually shifted into admiration and affection toward Amaterasu, her smile grew wider and brighter as an indication of her joy. “I’m happy that you still remember me.”
As Amaterasu elaborated to her the ancient cauldron’s origin, Eirwen listened with her whole heart and mind, even though her eyes could not lift off the artefact sitting peacefully behind the display glass. Maybe her senses were getting confused by the different divine energies that were lingering on every inch of the museum’s walls, or maybe there was something about the cauldron that kept calling her. 
The demigoddess only shifted her gaze back to Amaterasu once she uttered Circe’s name. Once again, Eirwen’s eyes went rounder, her mouth slightly agape, this time with more realisation than surprise. While she did not dare to jump to any conclusions, and she did register that the cauldron may bring dangers to the non-god, Eirwen could not help having a feeling that was close to coming home. 
“Circe is my mother, Amaterasu-ssama,” Eirwen started after she managed to put her excitement somewhat under control. “Once when I was five, she came to me in a dream, telling me that I am one of her daughters, and that my destiny is linked to potion making. She showed me the cauldron she used, and told me that if I could find that cauldron and use it, I could speed up the brewing process, the potions would be of their ultimate quality, and they may last as long as time would allow them to.”
She could not help turning her head to look at the cauldron once again, quietly summoning all the will in her to keep her feet still on the ground and not coming closer to that artefact. Turning back to Amaterasu, Eirwen tried her luck. “I know it could be dangerous, but may I…touch that cauldron, just once, please?”
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amaterasuxmp · 7 months
As Amaterasu nestled into Eros's arms, enveloped in the warmth of their shared embrace, she couldn't help but revel in the tranquility of the moment. With her head resting against his chest, she listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a comforting melody that lulled her into a state of blissful contentment.
Feeling her husband's arms wrap around her, Amaterasu sighed softly, savoring the feeling of being held so close to the one she loved. It was moments like these that reminded her of the beauty and simplicity of their bond, a love that transcended time and space.
As she gazed into Eros's eyes, she found herself lost in the depths of his gaze, each flicker of emotion reflected back at her like stars in the night sky. His words washed over her like a gentle breeze, filling her heart with warmth and gratitude.
Before she could respond, the sound of footsteps echoed through the room, drawing their attention towards the doorway.
Evander's head popped up into the room, his expression filled with excitement in his youthful face. He asked if they could come outside soon. Cordelia's voice piped up from outside as well, inviting their parents outside as well.
Amaterasu exchanged a knowing glance with Eros, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. With a gentle nod, she rose from his lap, offering him a hand as she turned towards their children.
"Well then, let's not keep them waiting," she said, her voice filled with excitement. Leaning close, she breathes his scent in once more, centering herself and reveling in their little family. "They are excited to show you their surprise. So am I, quite frankly." Pulling away, her face filled with love and warmth for him.
"Happy feast day, my love."
Amaterasu smiled warmly, cheeks flushed with delight at the sight of her gorgeous husband looking quite cozy in a blanket she had knitted for the family. Without hesitation she steps into his arms, sliding unto his lap.
She wraps her arms around his neck, leaning her forehead against his, breathing deeply as if taking in his scent, feeling her heart both calm and race. It was his feast days in a couple of days, and she had been very careful to plan her surprise. The twins of course were quite thrilled to be in this plan as they had been for her feast day. She just hoped it was just as good as the feelings they had brought out with that delightful surprise.
She places her hand on his chest, feeling his heart, nuzzling him gently. "Mhmmm," Amaterasu hums contentedly, the magical warmth from her own hands hoping to warm him too.
"This is nice," She murmured, pulling back away gently to meet his wonderful eyes, fingers gently stroking his hair. "More than nice, and I love you." She bumps his nose gently with hers. "Can we stay like this forever?"
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amaterasuxmp · 7 months
Born Again | Ama & Mani
a starter for the lovely @mp-mani
Amaterasu stepped onto the grounds of Bohdisattva Counseling, Therapy, and Psychiatric Center with a sense of trepidation gnawing at her core. The sun was slowly making its way down the horizon, casting an orange-pink hue. As she approached the entrance, she couldn't shake the weight of guilt that hung heavy upon her shoulders, but she knew this was a long time coming.
Her footsteps echoed softly against the cobblestone pathway, each one a testament to the burden she carried. It had been centuries since the incident that had strained her relationship with her twin brother, Tsukuyomi, yet the wounds remained fresh in her mind, a constant reminder of the harm she had caused. With her happiness in her new family, and the life she had comet o build on Mount Phoenix, she knew she should do steps to try to unburden the guilt.
Pushing open the doors of the center, Amaterasu stepped into the warm embrace of the foyer, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of the head of the facility. She had heard whispers that it had come into new ownership and perhaps this would be the opportune time to step into her own healing.
As she waited, Amaterasu found herself drawn to a painting adorning the wall, depicting a serene landscape bathed in moonlight. The beauty of the artwork served as a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within her, a reminder of the peace she so desperately sought. In Eros' arms she could forget her sins for a moment, but even he could not banish the lurking guilt within her.
Was it really the right decision to come to this place?
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amaterasuxmp · 7 months
Amaterasu stood amidst the chaos, her once serene sanctuary now a battleground where divine fury clashed with thunderous might. Her eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the raging storm outside, a silent testament to the fire that still burned within her despite the passage of millennia.
As Susanoo's laughter echoed through the chamber, she felt a pang of sorrow amidst the tumult of battle. Once, she thought they would have the chance to stand side by side as allies, united in their divine purpose. And yet, they were still adversaries locked in a never-ending cycle of conflict and strife for eons.
With a graceful sweep of her sword, Amaterasu deflected the onslaught of wind and water unleashed by her brother's fury. Each strike was met with precision and skill, her movements fluid and deliberate as she sought to contain the tempest threatening to consume her sanctuary.
She briefly felt Tsukuyomi's presence between the two of them and she hesitated, as if for a moment she was worried she would unleash her remaining powers unto him as well, and for a moment her resolve faltered. Until Susanoo seemed determined to cause his own chaos.
As Susanoo's attacks continued unabated, Amaterasu felt a flicker of frustration mingling with the heat of battle. Her brother's relentless onslaught tested her patience, yet she remained steadfast in her determination to protect what was hers.
With a fierce cry, she launched herself forward, her sword singing through the air as she sought to bring an end to the chaos that threatened to engulf them all. In that moment, she knew that only through unity could they hope to weather the storm that raged both within and without.
it’s me, hi ( i’m the problem, it’s me )
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amaterasuxmp · 7 months
Catch up | ama + hec
continued from here with @mphecate
Amaterasu regarded Hecate with understanding, her expression a blend of sympathy and amusement at her friend's demeanor. Despite the impatience, there was an undeniable camaraderie between them, forged through countless shared moments and mutual understanding.
"There is no need for apologies, dear Hecate," Amaterasu replied, her voice gentle yet firm. "I understand the demands of your duties, and I admire your dedication to teaching. I have heard how difficult it coul be," Amaterasu gave a sympathetic smile.
As they waited in line and retrieved their food from Ambrosia Foods' deli, Amaterasu listened attentively to Hecate's complaints about her students and the challenges of returning to her routine after the holiday break. She nodded in agreement, empathizing with the frustrations of dealing with wayward pupils.
"It seems the trials of teaching are universal, my friend," Amaterasu remarked with a wry smile, taking a delicate bite of her own meal. "As for the council, Eros seems to be taking to duties better than I did." Amaterasu added modestly. "The children are well---Evander has discovered he liked painting and drawing and has asked to visit the galleries for inspiration. Cordelia--" She couldn't help but smile warmly at the mention of her twins. They were Eros' biologically, but Amaterasu had claimed them as her own and grateful they liked her too. "Cordelia has taken to reading a lot of works in the museum. At first, I thought she only did that to spend more time with me, and I her. But she shows a real aptitude in learning new texts. How are...How are your children? They released a new album right?"
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amaterasuxmp · 7 months
Amaterasu turned gracefully as she heard her name, her golden eyes alight with curiosity as she regarded Eirwen with warmth and recognition. Though their encounter at the council building was but a fleeting moment, the demigoddess's presence stirred a faint memory within the sun goddess's divine consciousness.
"Ah, Eirwen-san," Amaterasu greeted with a gentle smile, her voice carrying a melodious tone that seemed to echo with the radiance of the sun. "It is a pleasure to see you once again, dear one."
Her gaze followed Eirwen's gesture towards the cauldron, a glimmer of intrigue flickering in her eyes. Stepping closer, Amaterasu examined the artifact with a discerning eye, her divine aura suffusing the air around them with a sense of ancient power.
"The cauldron you behold is indeed a remarkable piece," she began, her voice soft yet resonant with warmth. "It is said to have been discovered in the depths of a sacred grove, nestled amidst the whispers of the ancient spirits. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, yet its presence speaks of a bygone era, a time when gods and mortals walked hand in hand."
Amaterasu's gaze lingered on the cauldron for a moment longer, as if communing with the spirits of the past. Then, turning back to Eirwen, she offered a gentle smile of reassurance.
"Some say it was also owned by Circe, if one was to believe the stories. I acquired it because it's far too dangerous to rest in mortal lands once gods stopped walking amongst them." She hesitated for a beat, her head tilting to the side in curiosity. " May I ask, are you interested in this cauldron?"
museum tour | open starter
open starter for any museum guest
As the museum's curator, Amaterasu spent years working to preserve and showcase the collection of artifacts related to sun worship and the cultures that worshipped different deities. Naturally, people would assume she would display those that related to sun deities in great prominence. But given the fact that she was not the only sun deity on the island, it would make more sense for her to display them alongside each pantheon.
Amaterasu walks through the exhibits, admiring the carefully curated displays that showcase the beauty and complexity of these ancient societies. She stop at one display, a collection of golden sun discs, each one intricately decorated with symbols and designs that tell a story of the people who created them, trying to see if there was anything amiss, when a voice called her attention.
She turns, dark hair falling over her shoulder, a smile already in place, golden eyes shining with welcome. "Hello, how can I help you today?"
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amaterasuxmp · 8 months
Amaterasu smiled warmly, cheeks flushed with delight at the sight of her gorgeous husband looking quite cozy in a blanket she had knitted for the family. Without hesitation she steps into his arms, sliding unto his lap.
She wraps her arms around his neck, leaning her forehead against his, breathing deeply as if taking in his scent, feeling her heart both calm and race. It was his feast days in a couple of days, and she had been very careful to plan her surprise. The twins of course were quite thrilled to be in this plan as they had been for her feast day. She just hoped it was just as good as the feelings they had brought out with that delightful surprise.
She places her hand on his chest, feeling his heart, nuzzling him gently. "Mhmmm," Amaterasu hums contentedly, the magical warmth from her own hands hoping to warm him too.
"This is nice," She murmured, pulling back away gently to meet his wonderful eyes, fingers gently stroking his hair. "More than nice, and I love you." She bumps his nose gently with hers. "Can we stay like this forever?"
Soothing (Us) || AmaEros
The lovely starter I promised for the lunar and loving holiday! With the dear one @amaterasuxmp
   The house is quiet today.
    Eros lounges happily tucked away in the reading room on their house as his family mills around the rest of it. Absorbed in a book, he can distantly hear the chatter of his twins a few rooms over and his wife humming something in the kitchen. It’s days like today that the god thinks this must be what it’s like to have not a care in the world; his family is at peace, he’s cozy and the book is wonderfully gripping!
   So wrapped in his ease is he that when his wife enters he greets her with the softest of sleepy smiles. “Happy Lunar New Year my love, what will we do today?”
   Around town there have been beautiful decorations and amazing talent displays and each and every indulgence he could take his family to, Eros did. Today though, his thoughts turn a bit to resting and so enthralled with that notion is the love god, that he nearly forgets that his own feast day (and a day that mortals celebrate worldwide) is coming up fast. Drowsy and happy he lifts his arms from within the heavy blanket he’s relaxing under in the chair toward his wife. “Would you like to cuddle?”
Mun Note: Eros’ feast day is, of course, Valentine’s Day. I have written this a little ahead of the date for the sake of comfort and ease for me as that is also my bday.
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amaterasuxmp · 8 months
Amaterasu closes her eyes as if for a moment she could forget about Susanoo or his words. Unlike Tsukuyomi who was careful with his words, their younger brother was always sharp, as tumultuous as the seas he commanded.
With an effort, Amaterasu let a small smile cross her face. "In the spirit of the holidays, I will ignore your cruelty, brother. This is why I am quite fond of Christmas, and Valentine's day---it's all about celebrating about people you love." She sighs. "My feast day was meant for me to bless Japan. To bring prosperity to the lands, and well yes, it was about me for the longest time. I won't deny that. " She shook her head as she fixed the bags in her hands.
"Yes, the tradition is to get gifts for family, and yes I have. Even you too." She wrinkles her nose at him as if in a playful gesture. "Well, I will too, if you tell me what you want from me, baby brother."
❛ i've been thinking about you for years. ❜
Amaterasu was silent. Her usual smiling face was somber, even as she huddled under thick winter coat and hat. It seemed winter on the island was extra forceful this year. Given that she was a sun goddess, winter always made her sleepy and Amaterasu remembered those eons in that cave running from all her responsibilities and family. Family that included the god before her, that stormy look in his eyes making her think of waves crashing angrily on cliffs.
Amaterasu sighs and a puff of breath escapes her lips. In her arms were the beginnings of Christmas shopping gifts as well as groceries for that evening. "And that's how you survived yes?" She asks now, head tilting in askance. "Your burning hate for me?"
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amaterasuxmp · 8 months
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Q : If you were to describe SNSD 2013 : Long running SNSD. We'll continue until girls become women. 2023 : SNSD became long running. We became women but we will still continue. - TIFFANY YOUNG, GQ Korea 'Now & Then' interview
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amaterasuxmp · 8 months
Amaterasu was quiet, studying her twin quietly. It seemed out of character, as between them it had always been her who spoke first. The stereotype of extroverted and introverted couldn't have been more accurate in Izanagi's twins. Once upon a time, Amaterasu knew every thought in Tsukuyomi's mind and her own thoughts were no secret to him. But now, eons later and more than one war between them, she could confess that Tsukuyomi was now a stranger to her more than a brother.
At his question of how to assist her, she couldn't help the small smile to quirk upon her face. Such familiar words, said in a such a familiar tone that Amaterasu felt her heart ache for a bit at the loss.
"No that is not..." She shook her head as if trying to regain her train of thought. She gives a soft sigh and for a moment she could not meet his eyes. Not that he could return her gaze after all. And that was yet another one of her sins.
"I would like to invite you two for tea."
❛ the sea's been calling. well, not exactly calling, because i pretty much can't swim, but you get the idea. ❜
“You mean Susanoo’s been drowning you with his antics?” Tsukuyomi threw the comment nonchalantly as he sat in a relaxed manner, eyes fixed at the bit of skin protruding from the edge of his nail. He reminded himself to get rid of it as soon as he could. “Looks like he’s been having fun, judging from the way he comes back for more and more of you.”
With a sigh, he tilted his head with a pointed expression, his fingers finally leaving that sliver of skin alone to clasp his hands together. “How may I help you, then?” Having just come back from a rather pleasant encounter with their brother, he didn’t know what exactly Amaterasu wanted from him. “You want me to tell him to leave you alone, or what…?”
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amaterasuxmp · 8 months
Amaterasu shrugs at Susanoo's attempt to insult her. Instead she throws a fond smile at the bags of presents that she had managed to purchase for the day.
"It's more of a mortal holiday than anything," She corrected, her earlier antagonistic stance giving way to curiosity now. "And all it represents."
She gives a soft sigh as she maneuvers the shopping bags better in her arms. "We have no such holidays back home. Our feast days..." She paused, as if trying to remember if her brother had a feast day. Surely there was. All deities had one. But she would be lying if she said she didn't think only of her own feat day back in the day.
❛ i've been thinking about you for years. ❜
Amaterasu was silent. Her usual smiling face was somber, even as she huddled under thick winter coat and hat. It seemed winter on the island was extra forceful this year. Given that she was a sun goddess, winter always made her sleepy and Amaterasu remembered those eons in that cave running from all her responsibilities and family. Family that included the god before her, that stormy look in his eyes making her think of waves crashing angrily on cliffs.
Amaterasu sighs and a puff of breath escapes her lips. In her arms were the beginnings of Christmas shopping gifts as well as groceries for that evening. "And that's how you survived yes?" She asks now, head tilting in askance. "Your burning hate for me?"
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amaterasuxmp · 8 months
Silent Sanctuary | {Open}
(an open starter for any muse!)
It was Amaterasu’s favorite time of the day. Granted, all the hours of the day usually brought her joy, but there were two particular hours of the day in which she considered sacred and holy to her. The first would be sunrise, feeling the dawn’s early light bathe the world slowly warm her and bring energy and power into her weakened limbs; the other would be this hour: noon, when the sun was at the highest peak of the day.
She would always take the half-hour past noon as a sort of break, sneaking out of her office, dropping whatever work she would be currently doing (cataloging new art pieces, studying a piece’s provenance, etc.) and head over to her favorite spot in the library.
It was rather ironic that she would choose a library and museum of all things to work in when she had a dislike for enclosed spaces and suffocating areas. However, the Phoenix Library and Museum was anything but a stuffy place, and she genuinely enjoyed working in the place, if only it would be the last place her brothers would sought to look for her.
There was an area in the library that Amaterasu was particularly fond of. A whole wall had been installed with floor-to-ceiling windows and at her favorite time of the day, would wash the place with natural light without damaging the books within. It also helped that the Head Curator was able to control the temperature of the sun in any room should she wished.
Humming to herself now, Amaterasu took the rather large book of European art and architecture book she had been reading at her leisure and tucked it under her arm, her other hand holding a thermos of her favorite coffee (snuck in when no one was looking) and turned around the corner towards the favorite chair, only to stop abruptly.
The spot wasn’t empty.
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amaterasuxmp · 9 months
museum tour | ama + eirwen
open starter for any museum guest
As the museum's curator, Amaterasu spent years working to preserve and showcase the collection of artifacts related to sun worship and the cultures that worshipped different deities. Naturally, people would assume she would display those that related to sun deities in great prominence. But given the fact that she was not the only sun deity on the island, it would make more sense for her to display them alongside each pantheon.
Amaterasu walks through the exhibits, admiring the carefully curated displays that showcase the beauty and complexity of these ancient societies. She stop at one display, a collection of golden sun discs, each one intricately decorated with symbols and designs that tell a story of the people who created them, trying to see if there was anything amiss, when a voice called her attention.
She turns, dark hair falling over her shoulder, a smile already in place, golden eyes shining with welcome. "Hello, how can I help you today?"
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amaterasuxmp · 9 months
Amaterasu's brow furrowed as she looked at him, listening to her brother and she gives a soft sigh. Her eyes drifted towards the presents in her cart.
"It is an enjoyable holiday," She replied simply. One would say that the amount of presents were far too much for just two kids, but Amaterasu wanted the twins' first Christmas with her and Eros to be perfect.
"You should try it some time---it might warm your heart," She smirked before she fished a box within the cart. "Should I wrap it or just offer it to you?"
❛ i've been thinking about you for years. ❜
Amaterasu was silent. Her usual smiling face was somber, even as she huddled under thick winter coat and hat. It seemed winter on the island was extra forceful this year. Given that she was a sun goddess, winter always made her sleepy and Amaterasu remembered those eons in that cave running from all her responsibilities and family. Family that included the god before her, that stormy look in his eyes making her think of waves crashing angrily on cliffs.
Amaterasu sighs and a puff of breath escapes her lips. In her arms were the beginnings of Christmas shopping gifts as well as groceries for that evening. "And that's how you survived yes?" She asks now, head tilting in askance. "Your burning hate for me?"
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