ambxtxo · 20 days
downloaded tumblr again after 5 years, got my eating disorder back, got political on main, got a lot of hate in my anons. see y’all in another 5
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ambxtxo · 20 days
Here is an unbiased Chat-GPT response summarizing what each administration did in regards to Israel:
Here’s a breakdown of what Donald Trump did regarding Israel compared to what Joe Biden has done so far:
### **Trump (2017-2021):**
1. **Recognition of Jerusalem**:
- Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in 2017 and moved the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv, a significant departure from previous U.S. policy. This was highly popular in Israel but controversial internationally.
2. **Abraham Accords**:
- Trump's administration brokered normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab nations, including the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. These were seen as major diplomatic wins for Israel and the U.S., shifting regional alliances.
3. **Cutting Palestinian Aid**:
- The Trump administration significantly reduced U.S. financial aid to the Palestinians, including ending contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which provides aid to Palestinian refugees.
4. **Recognition of Israeli Sovereignty over Golan Heights**:
- In 2019, Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, territory Israel captured from Syria in 1967, which was another controversial move internationally.
5. **Settlement Policy**:
- The Trump administration stopped considering Israeli settlements in the West Bank as a violation of international law, reversing decades of U.S. policy. This was seen as a green light for settlement expansion.
### **Biden (2021-present):**
1. **Continuing Military Aid**:
- Biden has maintained the strong U.S.-Israel military relationship, continuing significant military aid, including a $735 million arms sale during the 2021 Gaza conflict. Biden supports Israel's right to self-defense, though he has urged caution in military actions.
2. **Restoring Palestinian Aid**:
- Biden restored U.S. aid to Palestinians that had been cut under Trump, including $235 million for humanitarian programs, through organizations like UNRWA. This signals a shift toward re-engaging with Palestinian needs.
3. **Diplomatic Engagement**:
- Biden has sought to rebuild relations with the Palestinian Authority, reopening U.S. diplomatic channels in East Jerusalem that were closed under Trump, but has not reversed the U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem.
4. **Support for a Two-State Solution**:
- While Trump largely abandoned mention of a two-state solution, Biden has reaffirmed it as the long-term goal, though no significant peace initiative has been undertaken. Biden has also called for halting Israeli settlement expansion.
5. **Handling the Gaza Conflict**:
- During the May 2021 Israel-Gaza conflict, Biden supported Israel's right to defend itself but also pressured for a ceasefire and pledged humanitarian aid to rebuild Gaza without empowering Hamas.
### **Summary**:
- **Trump** was heavily aligned with Israeli government policies, making bold moves like recognizing Jerusalem and Golan Heights sovereignty, facilitating normalization deals with Arab states, and cutting aid to Palestinians.
- **Biden** has maintained the strong U.S.-Israel relationship but has taken a more balanced approach by restoring aid to Palestinians, emphasizing a two-state solution, and expressing concerns about Israeli settlement policies.
Sorry to post politics on main, but some of you pro-palestine people are missing the point when it comes to the US election.
At this point, there is really no alternative to voting for Kamala. RFK is not getting elected. Trump would be infinitely worse for the Israel-Palestine conflict (as well as other conflicts! and our well-being in general).
Stop virtue signaling and actually do something (vote) so that America can have a better leader than Trump. That’s all. We’re not voting for our next Messiah, we’re not voting between two perfect angels, it’s a US presidential election.
And those of you saying that Kamala is “committing genocide” really need to get things into perspective. The Vice President does not have the power to furnish weapons to Israel. Israel’s prime minister is acting in direct defiance of the Biden/Harris administration’s wishes and Harris has been the most vocal in asking for a ceasefire.
The Palestine conflict is not an excuse to not vote. Not voting makes it likely that Trump will win, history will go on whether you play a part or not. I want my reproductive rights back. Please.
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ambxtxo · 21 days
Sorry to post politics on main, but some of you pro-palestine people are missing the point when it comes to the US election.
At this point, there is really no alternative to voting for Kamala. RFK is not getting elected. Trump would be infinitely worse for the Israel-Palestine conflict (as well as other conflicts! and our well-being in general).
Stop virtue signaling and actually do something (vote) so that America can have a better leader than Trump. That’s all. We’re not voting for our next Messiah, we’re not voting between two perfect angels, it’s a US presidential election.
And those of you saying that Kamala is “committing genocide” really need to get things into perspective. The Vice President does not have the power to furnish weapons to Israel. Israel’s prime minister is acting in direct defiance of the Biden/Harris administration’s wishes and Harris has been the most vocal in asking for a ceasefire.
The Palestine conflict is not an excuse to not vote. Not voting makes it likely that Trump will win, history will go on whether you play a part or not. I want my reproductive rights back. Please.
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ambxtxo · 22 days
Funny how the leftists who brag about reading theory and have enormous superiority complexes are constantly demonstrating they don’t have any functional knowledge about civics in the US
You don’t have to like Kamala Harris, but by saying “if she really cared about Palestine she would’ve started an arms embargo or demanded a ceasefire by now” you’re blatantly advertising how completely uneducated and uninformed you are. You’re at the same level as the dumb redneck conservatives you love to complain about.
If you’re under the impression the vice president has control of the military, can pass legislation, can sign things into law, can bypass the Presidents’ actions etc etc, you sincerely need to go back to Schoolhouse Rock instead of spending your time embarrassing yourself online for moral superiority points.
Additionally, it would be nice for non-Palestinian “allies” to stop using the genocide of Palestinians as a gotcha buzzword to shut down any type of conversation about the realities of the choices for president. Stop leveraging other people’s suffering and deaths to feel good about your political stances.
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ambxtxo · 23 days
Sorry to post politics on main, but some of you pro-palestine people are missing the point when it comes to the US election.
At this point, there is really no alternative to voting for Kamala. RFK is not getting elected. Trump would be infinitely worse for the Israel-Palestine conflict (as well as other conflicts! and our well-being in general).
Stop virtue signaling and actually do something (vote) so that America can have a better leader than Trump. That’s all. We’re not voting for our next Messiah, we’re not voting between two perfect angels, it’s a US presidential election.
And those of you saying that Kamala is “committing genocide” really need to get things into perspective. The Vice President does not have the power to furnish weapons to Israel. Israel’s prime minister is acting in direct defiance of the Biden/Harris administration’s wishes and Harris has been the most vocal in asking for a ceasefire.
The Palestine conflict is not an excuse to not vote. Not voting makes it likely that Trump will win, history will go on whether you play a part or not. I want my reproductive rights back. Please.
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ambxtxo · 23 days
oh nooo, however am I to choose between the racist, homophobic, sexist, rapist old white man and the qualified, well-spoken woman of color committing genocide #dark academia #intellectual
sorry the one who asked for a ceasefire?? dude i just want my reproductive rights back it’s really a lesser of two evils thing
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ambxtxo · 24 days
oh nooo, however am I to choose between the racist, homophobic, sexist, rapist old white man and the qualified, well-spoken woman of color 😞😞😞
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ambxtxo · 1 month
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Look at this edition of Orlando by Virginia Woolf!! I’m so excited
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ambxtxo · 1 month
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ambxtxo · 1 month
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The sun shines and my soul is darkness.
–Anton Chekhov
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ambxtxo · 1 month
donna tartt’s reading list
In an interview, Tartt lists her favorite authors and the names of a few works. I have listed the most popular works from each author and the specific ones she recommended as well.
The Iliad
The Odyssey
Greek Poets and Tragedians
Prometheus Bound
The Oresteia
Oedipus Rex
The Bacchae
The Frogs
“I went back and read Macbeth and Hamlet during the pandemic”
“Dickens was a part of my familial landscape, the air I breathed.”
A Tale of Two Cities
Great Expectations
Pale Fire
In Search of Lost Time
Swann’s Way
Crime and Punishment
The Brothers Karamazov
The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats
Irish Fairy and Folk Tales
Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings
Edith Wharton
The House of Mirth
Ethan Frome
Evelyn Waugh
Brideshead Revisited
Catcher in the Rye
Virginia Woolf
Mrs. Dalloway
Edward St. Aubyn
The Patrick Melrose Novels
Haruki Murakami
Kafka on the Shore
Norwegian Wood
Olga Tokarczuk
Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead
Don DeLillo
White Noise
W.G. Sebald
The Rings of Saturn
Joan Didion
The Year of Magical Thinking
The White Album
Other Specific Books
Memoirs d’Outre-Tome by Chateaubriand
Jigsaw by Sybille Bedford
All for Nothing by Walter Kempowski
A Balcony in the Forest by Julien Gracq
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ambxtxo · 1 month
The Secret History is dedicated to Brett Easton Ellis, the author of American Psycho and Donna Tartt’s peer at Bennington.
can't go out, too busy (drawing lines between Richard Papen and Patrick Bateman)
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ambxtxo · 1 month
the urge to get $200k in debt for a prestigious degree instead of accepting this job offer is killing me
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ambxtxo · 1 month
just saw an article compare the greek class to the cullens in twilight,,, so true
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ambxtxo · 1 month
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ig @ lostlandscollections
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ambxtxo · 1 month
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173 days left
Got that academic momentum going
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ambxtxo · 1 month
they could never make me hate you, Henry
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