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⭐️ Kim Hutchison has been guiding people to reclaim their power by living as their Soul for over 25 years.
She has assisted thousands of people from all over the world to transcend their limiting behaviors, as well as those imposed upon all of us by society. She has created groundbreaking methods that profoundly heal the physical and the psyche, by reclaiming the inherent gifts in every experience, to empower us all to become our own teacher/healer by effortlessly living from the energy of our Soul. ⭐️
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⭐️Sun in Taurus⭐️
⭐️Sun in Taurus natives, seek physical comfort and stability, in most, if not all of their life’s actions. This will, more often than not, lead these natives to seek out financial stability and even wealth from an early age. When evolved, these natives are resilient, robust and willing to actively work towards making their desires and dreams tangible. In other words, they are ready to actively turn their desires and dreams into a concrete reality, rather than fantasy.
⭐️When unevolved, these natives have a tendency to get stuck in what, to them, feels comfortable, familiar and safe. With time, this may lead them to refrain from exploring their true potential, as they are unlikely to take a leap of courage into the unknown. How this will manifest in their life’s actions, will depend on the rest of their natal chart.
⭐️Moreover, when a Taurus sun native does step out of their “comfort zone” and into the “great unknown,” it will usually be done in a manner that is methodical and thorough, well thought out and steady. This may, at times, land them a reputation of being lazy. However, the reason why Taureans may be slow to accelerate, is because these natives need to feel safe and know that what they are jumping into, is something that they will be able to follow through with and complete. Once something has been set in motion, for a Taurean it is pretty much fixed, as they wildly dislike having to go back on their words or actions. When unevolved, this can make them especially set in their ways and dismissive of new information and new people.
⭐️Taureans generally think before talking, (however, if Mercury is in Aries, there may be a tendency to speak their mind without a “filter”) and it may take a while for these natives to reach concrete conclusions. This is not because they are indecisive, but because - like with their actions, Taureans need to feel that what they are saying is something they can back up and follow through with.
⭐️In their physical appearance, Taurus natives have sensual earthy features with bright eyes, a soft smile and full lips. They may have a slight tendency to be on the heavier side, however, to what degree this will manifest will depend on the rest of their natal chart as well as their general health and vitality.
⭐️As for what they enjoy, sun in Taurus natives generally have a shared taste for comfort food, soul food and home cooking. When unevolved, there is a tendency for Taureans to sink into an overindulgent state, where overeating becomes an issue. Moreover, when evolved, these natives know how to truly enjoy life’s pleasures in a way that is balanced and is enriching to their life. They have an eye for what is aesthetic and truly appreciate, as well as, admire all that is beautiful and pleasing to the eye.
⭐️All hail sun in Taurus!⭐️
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⭐️ The Synastry Professional Compatibility Chart between Sun in Libra and Sun in Sagittarius ⭐️
⭐️ An evolved partnership, between Libra and Sagittarius has the potential to enrich both of these native’s lives. The planets that rule both Libra and Sagittarius are considered “benefic planets” (beneficial and profitable). When evolved, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter will bring forth, fortune, prosperity, abundance, growth, generosity and wealth. Whilst the planetary ruler of Libra, Venus will bring forth, splendour, joyousness and playfulness.
⭐️ When combined in a working environment, sun in Sagittarius may often take on the role of being the vision holder, whilst sun in Libra may often take on the role of being the promoter of the vision. Another way to view the Libra Sagittarius union, is to see their representative elements as Sagittarius being the fire that illuminates and creates and Libra being the air that keeps the fire burning brightly.
⭐️ Moon in Gemini and Moon in Leo ⭐️
⭐️ As Leo is ruled by the sun it is experienced as the bringer of life. And when evolved, Leo emanates warmth, compassion, authority, honour, glory and leadership. Leo is valiant, noble and courageous. When evolved, Gemini possesses youthfulness, adaptability, sharpness of wit, and brings balance through mediation. As Gemini is ruled by mercury, the messenger, these natives are versatile, curious and quick witted. Both gemini and Leo have a youthful exuberance, a dramatic flair and a playful demeanour. In other words, it is easy for them to come together in a joyfully creative union of shared understanding. Gemini is able to perceive situations and people through several lenses, which in turn enables them to suss out innovative ideas. And Leo is able to shine light upon the core potential of these ideas, take charge and bring forth action to drive these ideas through to completion. Combined, Leo and Gemini embody the capability that can bring forth creation into the physical realm, so that any idea can become a reality.
⭐️ Virgo Ascendant and Ophiuchus Ascendant ⭐️
⭐️ When evolved, both Virgo and Ophiuchus possess the ability to fully immerse themselves in their work. As addressed in my previous post on Virgo, these natives are adept at getting things done and so may be of very effective practical help to Ophiuchus. Moreover, Virgo Ascendants ( as well as Virgo’s in general) are naturally good at dealing with: technology and in the assisting, organising and transmitting of ideas, as well as passing on important information.
⭐️ When it comes to their work Ophiuchus is: strategic, resilient, action oriented and fearless in pursuing their goals. These natives are the ones to call their own shots when it comes to their professional life. As stated in my previous post on Ophiuchus ascendant, these natives are not inclined to follow orders simply because the majority are. Ophiuchus ascendants are particularly well suited to working independently and or setting up their own business, as it allows them to explore and direct their unique understanding of the most effective course of action. However, this is not to say that Ophiuchus ascendants don’t enjoy and be effective when working collaboratively.
⭐️ Bottom line when Virgo ascendant and Ophiuchus ascendant join forces, things will get done, deadlines will be met and details will never be overlooked. Virgo may be excellent at handling things that Ophiuchus may find tedious, such as dealing with details and the public. Whilst Ophiuchus may be excellent at taking charge as well as motivating Virgo to keep an open mind and take a risk. Together they get things done superlatively well.
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⭐️Ophiuchus Ascendant⭐️
⭐️Did you know that in True Sidereal Astrology there are thirteen signs? The thirteenth sign is the mysterious Ophiuchus which lies between Scorpio and Sagittarius………
⭐️Ophiuchus Ascendant
(Our ascendant indicates how we are perceived by others, it is the filter through which we present our inner knowing and being to the world.)
⭐️Those born with their ascendant in Ophiuchus, may have a natural inclination to challenge authority. These natives are independent thinkers, who abide by their own set of ethics. In other words, they are not inclined to follow orders simply because the majority are. In fact, when evolved, they are highly intelligent, perceptive and prescient, which drives them to only follow social authority if it is of benefit to all of society. Their highly developed sense of honour means that they follow their Soul’s authority over society’s authority, every, single, time.
⭐️Ophiuchus ascendants will be naturally drawn to any career that allows exploration and independent thinking and action.
⭐️They are upfront, direct and forthright - or, at the very least, they are perceived as such. My personal experience from knowing an Ophiuchus ascendant, is that they are hilarious to be around! They have an excellent, sharp, witty and “politically incorrect” sense of humour. It’s the sort of humour that, more often than not, will either prompt others to burst out laughing or gasp out loud in shock. Consciously or not, Ophiuchus ascendant native’s may like to stir things up a little. To what degree this will manifest in their life’s actions, will depend on how evolved they are and on the other placements in their chart. Others may perceive them as being big risk takers. However, they themselves may not perceive nor consider themselves to be risk takers at all, as their perception of what they are actioning is that, “it’s just common sense”!
⭐️In their physical appearance, Ophiuchus ascendants may have particularly beautiful and expressive eyes. In fact, their eyes are so expressive that they don’t actually have to say anything as their gaze pretty much says it all for them. Heads up - If you behave dishonourably around an Ophiuchus ascendant native, you’ll probably find yourself on the receiving end of a Soul penetrating glare, from those expressive eyes, which will tell you just how far you have transgressed from their highly developed sense of honour. Just saying.
⭐️Similarly to Ophiuchus’s surrounding signs, Scorpio and Sagittarius, those born with their ascendant in Ophiuchus are often seekers of profound truth, with many being born with profound natural healing abilities as well. It’s as if that all of the energy, of all that is, imparts all of its knowledge as it passes through them. All hail Ophiuchus ascendants!⭐️⛎
⭐️If you want to explore and find out more about your spiritual potential, please dm me to book a reading.⭐️
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⭐️True Sidereal⭐️
⭐️Sun in Virgo⭐️ 
⭐️Sun in Virgo natives all tend to share a common trait of having an active mind. Whilst having an active mind is neither inherently “good” nor “bad” it may cause some distress to one degree or another; to whit:
⭐️Un- evolved sun in Virgo natives may suffer from having a mind that is continuously overloaded with thoughts. And as a direct consequence of their overthinking, these natives may adopt a hyper critical outlook on life and upon others. Moreover, an evolved sun in Virgo may utilise their thoughts and turn them into practical ideas and solutions, that will not only benefit themselves, but others too.
⭐️Having a mind as active as theirs, it’s no wonder that they will need their surroundings to be clean, efficient, and their belongings to be easily accessible. In fact, this may give them a sense of relief knowing that there is a practical and tangible order in their lives.
⭐️Sun in Virgo natives may be interested in health, fitness and clean eating. Their interests may also lay within the arts, e.g. painting, writing, jewellery making, ceramics etc. In other words, all things physical and tangible in any discipline will capture their attention.
⭐️Advice on Advice⭐️
⭐️Un-evolved sun in Virgo natives, may have a tendency to give relentless advice as they often feel sure that their knowledge and insight is superior. However, when advice has not been asked for, and advice is given regardless, it can quickly become tedious and catastrophically unhelpful to the person on the receiving end. Effectively contradicting the whole purpose of giving advice, which is to be of help!
⭐️However, an evolved sun in Virgo native will actively listen to others and to their needs and then support them in whichever way they can. They are adept at getting things done and so may be of very effective practical help to others. These natives notice and appreciate the hidden beauty that lies within the details, e.g. all the minor aspects  in nature that ultimately create the landscape. In other words, an evolved sun in Virgo native will notice and appreciate, things that others may overlook. They are efficient and practical, caring and helpful. All hail sun in Virgo!
⭐️Curious to know what your True Sidereal sun sign is? check out this page: https://www.healthmanifested.com/what-is-sidereal-astrology/
⭐️Note about True Sidereal sun in Virgo: Another interesting example of the evolved vs un-evolved Virgo sun, would be Oscar Wilde who effectively demonstrated many of the evolved sun in Virgo traits vs his lover Lord Alfred Douglas who in turn, demonstrated many of the un-evolved sun in Virgo traits.
⭐️If you want to explore and find out more about your spiritual potential, please dm me to book a reading.
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⭐️Aquarius Moon⭐️
⭐️Your Spiritual Potential⭐️
⭐️As an evolved Aquarius moon native, you want to improve the welfare of humankind. You seek to abolish inequality along with discrimination and bring forth collective freedom. In other words, freedom from discriminatory restraints. How this will manifest in your life’s actions will depend on the rest of your natal chart.
⭐️Your perception of the world, is truly unique and your ideas, are always out of the box. Your interests may include, video games, advanced technology and artificial intelligence. For example, I loved robotic dogs growing up. If computers were available to you as a child, you might have spent a great deal of time online. 
⭐️You make friends, regardless of their social standing and status. Even though you can appear separated from the emotional/psychological wellbeing of others, you are truly up for friendship. These two aspects, allow you to make friends easily with just about anyone. 
 ⭐️Evolved, you will be highly attuned to and aware of, what is happening within society. You are the one who has their finger on the pulse. This also enables you to be amongst the first to see what the next social move or trend is going to be. 
⭐️However, If you are un-evolved, you may delude yourself into believing you are meant to be a proud loner. Making you, separated from not only the emotional/psychological wellbeing of others, but also the emotional/psychological wellbeing of yourself.
⭐️Moreover, when you are an evolved Aquarius moon native your desire is to assist humanity to evolve and thereby bring forth a real change in the world. All hail Aquarius moon!
⭐️If you want to explore and find out more about your spiritual potential, please dm me to book a reading.⭐️
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⭐️Neptune In Wonderland⭐️
⭐️aka First House⭐️
⭐️You have an experience of not quite being here, of not really belonging here. Because your perception of yourself is that of a dream, you feel as though you are, in affect, a figment of your own imagination. So naturally, there are rich grounds for confusion!
 ⭐️As a consequence of your ethereal sense of self, you are easily steered into being dishonest with yourself. This can manifest as behaving in ways, that deep down violate your code of honour - that is, your own personal code of honour, of course. Perhaps you rationalise your behaviours or avoid confrontation and convince yourself that this character you have taken on is genuine. 
⭐️What I have learned from Kim Hutchison, the renowned metaphysics teacher and founder of https://livingasyoursoul.com and Woomanliness is: You are here to learn how to trust yourself and gain the courage of your compassion so that you can be real! In other words, profoundly knowing yourself as a power source, rather than allowing yourself to be swept away, is your way out of the insanity of Wonderland.
The Mad Hatters Tea-Party
⭐️Substance abuse is a vulnerability with Neptune in the first house. Whilst it can initially feel great to float around in ecstasy, using reality distorting substances as a way to cope with life may enhance your feeling of not belonging - somewhat ironic, as it is the desire to belong that makes you go for the drugs in the first place! Although you may feel that the use of substances will aid your latent capacity to be ethereal, remember that whilst they may provide initial comfort, the long term effects on your spiritual and mental health can be particularly detrimental when you have Neptune in the first house.
⭐️Brian Jones, founder of The Rolling Stones, had Neptune in the first house. Whilst his unique creative abilities and Neptunian charm worked in his favour, substance abuse eventually led to his greatest fall from grace and integrity. Effectively demolishing his creativity and charm that was once adored.
Benefits of The Rabbit Hole
⭐️Whilst factors such as genetics and individual vitality play a part in this, with Neptune in the first house you may have dreamy eyes and a soft and cherubic appearance. (Think Marilyn Monroe, another Neptune first house native) You often have a far away gaze, perhaps because you're on something…. However, I find it interesting how those of us with Neptune in the first house seem to gaze at something no one else can see, a gaze that is often captured in photos. If you are a Neptune first house native, look at some old photos of yourself and see if you can spot the Neptunian gaze.
⭐️Whilst your experience of not quite being here makes you feel as if you don’t quite belong here, there are many benefits to be accrued from feeling lost in Wonderland. These can include possessing an unlimited imagination, that when evolved, allows your mind to open right up and thus your creativity to be vastly expanded.
⭐️To summarise: You are dreamlike, imaginative, etherial and receptive. You have the potential to access magic and this, coupled with your expanded imagination, can bring forth something into the world that has never before been seen.
All hail Neptune in the first house! 💟
⭐️If you want to explore and find out more about your spiritual potential, please dm me to book a reading.⭐️
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⭐️Sun in Sagittarius⭐️
⭐️Moon in Leo⭐️
⭐️Combining sun in Sagittarius with moon in Leo, you get someone who evokes respect, authority, fairness, leadership and grace. They are fearlessly protective of their kingdom and, at their best, rule from the heart with integrity, grace and love. This enables them, to source out insightful solutions to any issue or problem. As they want to make things easier and better for other people. They build a kingdom, where people feel so safe that they can evolve.
⭐️At their best, they hold idealistic visions of freedom, love and community. They strive to achieve the impossible, which they do, sometimes against all odds. Their heart and mind are open, their love unwavering, and their presence warm. They will help those in need and always assist people in navigating their way through life. They are without judgment and so, can be trusted. Evolved, they are the Empress/Emperor and the Healer.
⭐️They are curios about life and anything creative with artistic self expression. Fashion design can be particularly intriguing to them. Evolved, they will be endlessly curious about life and soak up information like a sponge. They are youthful and playful and warm and witty, with a magical ability, to make other people laugh and feel joyous. They can be the sun, under which people gather to bask in their bright, restorative, rays.
⭐️They stand out, like a sunflower, among the weeds. They might not realise it, but other people certainly do. Everyone wants a little piece of them, and in extreme cases, others might feel entitled to their sunshine, and as a result, dehumanise them - in order to soak up all their rays. This is when drawing a line becomes essential to their wellbeing.
⭐️Evolved, they are innocent and wise, playful and determined, fun and hard working.
⭐️With their two fire signs (sun in Sagittarius and moon in Leo) they have unwavering levels of energy. They are almost literally on fire and won’t take no for an answer! If they are un-evolved, it can be difficult for them, to admit when they are wrong. In fact, their pride can be insulted by the mere suggestion that they might be wrong, which can then prompt them, to go “off on one” (forcefully prove you wrong). However, again, if evolved, they will be extraordinarily self aware, with a childlike sense of humour, that enables them to not take themselves or others too seriously.
⭐️This combination of sun in Sagittarius and moon in Leo makes them honourable and warmhearted. The moon in Leo balances out the sun in Sagittarius, keeping them better grounded, whilst the sun in Sagittarius contributes wisdom to Leo’s youthful nature. The two fire signs get along effortlessly (like a house on fire,) and when evolved is a profoundly powerful combination.
All hail sun in Sagittarius moon in Leo!🦁♐️
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⭐️Update Part 2⭐️
Mercury In The Deep
Knowing Detective
⭐️With Mercury in hugely aware Scorpio, disloyalty and betrayal might hurt you more than other signs. Making it very important for you, perhaps even a priority for you, to surround yourself with people who are as trustworthy as you are. Unfortunately this very honourable trait is a bit of a rarity these days and you might find yourself (depending on what else you’ve got going on in your chart) feeling a bit alone at times.
⭐️In conversation you are very persuasive, intense, passionate and even hypnotic. In arguments you are; sharp, cutting straight to the point with the uncensored truth, even if that means offending a few people here and there.
⭐️And, on the subject of truth, you can always rely on a Mercury in Scorpio to give you honest feedback. In fact, Mercury in Scorpio loves giving honest feedback, if requested, and will be upfront and direct! Let’s say a friend of a Mercury in Scorpio puts on a shirt and the colour isn’t quite right, in fact they look a little dull wearing the mustard yellow colour, Mercury in Scorpio will tell you “I don’t think that colour is right for you, perhaps try this” in the most elegant manner, as their feedback genuinely comes from the desire to be as supportive and encouraging as possible.
⭐️You generally give very helpful advice (again depending on what else you’ve got going on in your chart) and might even be a magnet for people seeking advice on pretty much anything. Perhaps strangers might even approach you from time to time and share whatever is bugging them, as if they instinctively know that you can be trusted when it comes to understanding what the actual problem/issue is and give the best advice to address that.
⭐️This is why Mercury in Scorpio is called the deep knowing detective. They get to the heart of the matter and thus their advice provides the best available solution.
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⭐️Latest update⭐️
The profound courage
of Mercury in the Deep
Knowing Detective
⭐️With your Mercury in the deep knowing detective Scorpio you posses extraordinary, even magical abilities. Your intuition is excellent, enabling this deep knowing to spot dishonesty in people. In other words you would make an excellent detective in any walk of life.
⭐️These magical abilities can extend to, effortlessly and unconsciously, creating your Soul’s desires. So, for example you might find yourself deeply desiring something, to the point, where it consumes your unconscious thoughts, entirely and suddenly wham bam it’s there for you.
⭐️Your profound courage makes you more than willing to dive into the heart of any matter, never shying away from investigating the root cause of any issue or problem.
⭐️And enables you to question the status quo relentlessly, which often triggers the rigid thinkers around you.
⭐️And this courage gives you the ability to perceive things as they truly are. You are also highly intelligent, in fact, you could say that you are a master of observation and investigation.
⭐️You have the capacity to be a truly compassionate being. And because of this compassion, you are fiercely protective of your loved ones, and so will not put up with any abuse of them. You are patient, but will firmly put someone back in their box if they cross the line and descend into dishonour either of others or themselves.
⭐️You have a powerful magnetic effect on people that draws them in, if only, at the very least, out of sheer curiosity!
⭐️All hail Mercury in Scorpio’s because they keep us truly honest!
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Which is better? Sidereal or Tropical astrology
⭐️This year I came across Sidereal astrology for the first time. What particularly drew me in was the stark contrast in accuracy.
⭐️In fact, I became a little mad with comparison syndrome as I read through people’s tropical and sidereal birth charts, constantly comparing the two.
⭐️I found that Sidereal charts portrayed people in ways that corresponded to their, ‘in real life’ behaviours. Whereas on first glance Tropical astrology made sense, yet seemed to lack a deeper correspondence, or link to how people actually behave, feel and come across in real life. An example of this would be my godmother:
⭐️My godmother is a highly successful and driven woman and a tropical Capricorn. And as we know Capricorn is often associated with successful driven people. But! Hear me out. My godmother is also a Sidereal Sagittarius which makes sense on a day to day level. You see Sagittarius has a pioneering approach to things. They skydive into new experiences and are always up for taking the big risk. Which is exactly what my godmother has done all her life. And is the antithesis of the Capricornian trait of staying within societal comfort zones and not taking massive risks.
⭐️In terms of accuracy/level of helpfulness - helpfulness being the level of self awareness triggered within me and the people in my life. I will continue to broaden and expand my knowledge on Sidereal astrology. Write about it and find ways to utilise it. If you want to know what your spiritual potential is dm to arrange a reading.
⭐️Which one do you think is better Sidereal astrology or Tropical astrology?
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