amerafluid · 3 years
Please go check out my new term making account!! I won’t be active here anymore!!
Hello everyone!! This is the new account of @amerafluid!! I decided to move accounts for personal reasons and I really hope you see you all here as I make new genders in a new place!!
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amerafluid · 3 years
Hey everyone!! You all seem very cool and stuff so I figured I’d give everyone my main accounts so I could meet some amazing new friends!! My main tumblr is @th3-str4ng3r and my main Insta is th3.str4ng3r!! I’d love to see you all!!
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amerafluid · 3 years
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Aetersifliux: A gender that feels as if it is eternally changing between and through many fluctuating genders. As it does this, the genders that it is changing and fluctuating between are also eternally changing.
Etymology: Latin, “aeter” from “aeternalis” meaning “eternal” and “si” from “transitio” meaning “transition”
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amerafluid · 3 years
Do you think you could coin a gender with strong connections to glitches/viruses, robots, dolls, raccoons, and zombies, in a masculine nonbinary way? (if you can, maybe use blues, lime greens, and blacks for the flag? u can use others just anything but pinks, rlly.) thank u!!!
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Virzomasc: A gender with a strong connection to glitches/viruses, robots, dolls, raccoons, and zombies in a masculine nonbinary way.
Etymology: “Vir” from “Virus” and “Zom” from “Zombie”
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amerafluid · 3 years
a pride flag for a gender that's royalcore and dreamcore please?
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Royaldreamcoric: A gender that feels as if it is both royalcore and dreamcore.
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amerafluid · 3 years
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Oh boy do I have ideas!!
new mogai blog ask game: randomly generate three words here and make an aesthetigender based on them.
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amerafluid · 3 years
do you know about the pronouns page website? :0
Which one? I know of two!!
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amerafluid · 3 years
This is an absolutely beautiful term!! So so proud of you for discovering yourself in this way!! Would it be alright if I use this term as well? I identify with it quite heavily!
soulqueer (also known as almaqueer) is a term to describe queerness of the soul. it is a queer identity beyond the realms of queer sexuality and gender identity. it describes when the deepest parts of one’s soul, who they are, are intrinsically queer. it describes one who is queer through and through, like queerness is embedded in the very foundation of your soul, your bones, and everything about you.
it is a term to describe how one is queer in their gender and their sexuality, but that queerness also shapes everything about them- queerness radiates from the very core of who you are and explains the way you see the world. it is an identity and a worldview of queerness, of viewing your interactions, your beliefs, your passions, your core philosophy, through a lens of queerness planted intrinsically within you- queer describes your heart, who you are, and is a fundamental tenet of the way in which you view the world in a sense of passionately queer defiance of conformance.
this may be different for everyone, as queerness is different for everyone- but it’s when your soul itself seems queer and that in turn queers the lens through which you gaze at life such that everything about who you are is best interpreted as queerness and queer identity in all forms of societal liberation, not just gender identity and sexuality. it is not inherently a religious term, but it can be for those who interpret their identities and queerness in the lens of their religion.
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors are red-pink, orange, golden yellow, pale yellow, white, mint grey, medium grey-turquoise, medium grey-blue, and medium grey-pink/purple. End ID.]
flag meanings-
Overall, the color theme represents pride and joy and full vibrance of the self
Top stripe- red pink: the beauty of humanity
2nd stripe- orange: independence from and defiance of standards; the audacity of autonomy
3rd stripe- golden yellow: hope and the burning, blazing fire of passion for justice and peace
4th stripe- pale yellow: often pale yellow is associated with innocence and childhood, and the state of internal bliss that comes from total independence from stress. that’s what it means in this situation- the internal balance that comes from a childlike state of peace and calm with inner self
5th stripe- white: unity, kindness, diversity, and the unity of the queer community
6th stripe- grey mint-green: a metaphor for the natural self and being in harmony with your queerness as the natural root and blossom of your identity
7th stripe- medium blue-grey: often, disillusionment with paradigms of happiness can come from pain, grief, depression, or other forms of mental obstacles, often seen as stormy (blue and grey)- this stripe represents internal conflicts with emotions, mental health, and its effects on one’s queerness
8th stripe- medium grey-purple: sovereignty of queer identity
9th (bottom) stripe- medium grey-pink/purple: POC whose queer identity is soulqueer and also tied into how they experience their culture and cultural identity
PSA: this term is not to be touched by racists, sexists, queerphobes, islamophobes, anti-semitic people, ableists, bigots of any form, exclusionists (this means anyone who is anti-enby/male/mspec/trans lesbians and gays, anti-xenogenders or neopronouns, anti-pan, a-spec exclusionist, or otherwise a shitty exclusionist), or people who are not queer when it comes to their gender identity and sexuality. this term is an identity for a broader worldview of queerness, but it is still specifically for queer people.
this term is the culmination of everything i’ve been discovering about myself. it makes me deeply happy and feel whole in a way i’ve never felt from any label, and i hope it can be helpful to other queer people too. i would appreciate some boosts, as i am extremely happy with this and i’m certain others could be too, and i’d like it to spread if it can! note that i don’t necessarily support the views or past actions of some of the blogs i’m tagging here, but their platform could help distribute a term i feel could be helpful to many more queer people than just me and the few people who would see it from my platform.
@beyond-mogai-pride-flags @ask-pride-color-schemes @pride-color-schemes @neopronouns @imoga-pride @gender-archival @gender-resource @justlgbtthings @kenochoric @pupyzu @orxngecrxsh @cinnamogai @amerafluid @tomnaticgender @ezgender @genderheaven @mogai-reblog @plurgai @themogaidragon @panvampic @pixelbxy @cheeryfairygender @daydreamgender @mad-pride @candyic-archive @begendered-mogai @pinkfruitgender @xenoleaf @baddie-genders @think-queer @lambamouric-archive​ @liminal-mushrooms​ @mothi333​ @page-2-ids​ @amatopunk​ @sparklebunny​ @blurgender​ 
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amerafluid · 3 years
I’m making a google doc of my pronouns, gender terms and sexuality terms and I’m on 17 pages, not even close to done. Lots of work goes into my little gender closet
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amerafluid · 3 years
How do you make the pride flags? I'm thinking of making my own lol
I make them with ibis paint and using templates from here!! Not as complicated as it seems!
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amerafluid · 3 years
Could you do a pride flag for a gender that feels like fairy lights, hippie stuff, Woodstock, love, peace, flowers, teeth stuffed animals, and art? (this is so weird I'm so sorry but my gender is weird)
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Paxaren: A gender that feels like fairy lights, hippie stuff, Woodstock, love, peace, flowers, teeth stuffed animals, and art.
Etymology: Latin, “Pax” meaning “Peace” and “ar” from “ars” meaning “Art”.
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amerafluid · 3 years
A gender related to hummingbirds?
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Humbiac: A gender related to hummingbirds.
Etymology: “Hum” from “Humming” and “Bi” from “Bird”
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amerafluid · 3 years
oh thanks for explaining !! :D
No problem!! I’m happy to help!!
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amerafluid · 3 years
Yo! Go follow fai!! They seem really cool!!
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(Photo ID: pink banner with hello kitty on the left that reads, do not interact if anti mogai / neopronouns, anti xenogenders etc, truscum/transmed, anti safe for work agere, non safe for work, thinspo, anti male spec lesbians / nonbinary lesbians, austim soeaks supporter, pro ageplay/ddlg, fetishizer, terfs, exclusionists/ace phobics. End ID.)
Hello! Welcome to mogaibunnygurl!
this page is run by a neurodivergent xenofluid lesbian!
heres my pronouns masterlist :
i also go by auggie, indigo, bee and juno! i’m 15 and mixed native & white, i just started this blog for fun!
I take requests for the following :
flag making
pronoun / name help
term coining <3
thanks ! have a wonderful day!!
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amerafluid · 3 years
hey sorry if this comes off rude but, whats an object partner? ??
It doesn’t!! I have a post explaining it here!! Always happy to help people learn!!
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amerafluid · 3 years
for the mogai blog ask game 🍋,🍐,🍎 and 🍍
Got a lot to answer!! Thanks for asking! :DD
🍋 - what is your favourite term that youve coined?
My favorite term that I’ve coined has got to be amerafluid!! My namesake! I don’t identify with it personally but it makes me very happy!
🍐 - whats a fun fact we dont know about you?
You guys know a lot about me, but one thing you don’t know is that I’m happily in a poly relationship with my boyfriend, a few object partners and a few fictional partners :))
🍎 - who are your favourite mogai blogs aside from yourself?
Some of my favorites are @kenochoric, @pupyzu, @tomnaticgender, @mogai-sunflowers, @mogaicemetery & @mogaibee
🍍 - what is your favourite term somebody else has coined?
My favorite term someone else has coined is unifogender!! It’s a gender that I’ve identified with since I first got into the community and it has a very special place in my heart because of that!!
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amerafluid · 3 years
mogai blog ask game
🍇 - what’s your name(s)?
🍈 - what are your pronouns?
🍉 - what is your sexuality?
🍊 - what is your gender identity?
🍋 - what is your favourite term that youve coined?
🍌 - what is your favourite flag that youve designed?
🍍 - what is your favourite term somebody else has coined?
🥭 - what is your favourite flag that somebody else has designed?
🍎 - who are your favourite mogai blogs aside from yourself?
🍏 - what is your favourite request youve ever gotten?
🍐 - whats a fun fact we dont know about you?
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