amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
Masador shook his head. “Doubtful, just like me opening a portal to the human realm, I could go to any city that is veiled, but it’ll land me outside of it, there are just extra steps to cross it and get to the magical realms that live around there, I just don’t know the steps myself.” Just coincidences that had landed him where he didn’t want to be. “You would’ve most likely landed at an odd spot in whichever country.” Masador gave a shrug, though he assumed a magic user would be able to cross the veil much easier than himself.
“Well, every place could have a different definition for sure. I myself don’t really understand magic.” He admitted. “What I can do is energy based, not really magical, so what magic users can do escapes my understandings.” Especially since he’d yet to really meet many users. “Is magic that normal where you come from?”  Or was this just a special case?
“Ah, so it’s more locations themselves are veiled, not their whole realm?” How curious! He nodded, taking mental notes. Must’ve been some other reason he landed here instead, maybe just chance.
At Masador’s question Hevatticus gave a small chuckle. “That’s a bit of a complicated question, as strange as that may sound. But for simplicity’s sake, yes. Magic was quite normal to experience, but it wasn’t commonly wielded.”  
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
[Happy new year everyone! Back from spending time with family, so back to roleplaying!]
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
“As far as I am aware, that seems to be the rule for them” He hadn’t really spoken to many but nobody seemed to say otherwise either. “I’ve only crossed that veil a few times, it’s quite difficult, as if it was trying to keep beings like me out.” Although he could definitely understand that, regular humans, demons and other more mischievous creatures could pose a threat to magic users.
“You seem acquainted with magic.” He commented lightly. “Are you a sorcerer of sorts?” Although if he was, it’d be of a very different type than the ones he met, he thought, no human he met, even those that had become magical in nature, had a secondary heartbeat to them.
The gentleman’s eyes were bright with curiosity as Masador spoke. “I wonder if that veil is the reason I landed here in this realm instead of the human realm..?” He was mostly just talking his thoughts out loud... it’d be something he could investigate later. The veil keeping the magical out of the human world sounds about right, though it did imply that the veil was much, much stronger here than in many other worlds he visited! 
The devil’s question brought him back out of his own musings. “Ah- yes, actually! Well, the term I have been using is wizard, though it does seem the definition is a bit different here.” He hummed. “Magic and I are like water and fish.” He explained with a chuckle.
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
“Yes, their own world, countries, multitude of languages and such.” They were fascinating for sure. “Demons can open portals and travel through different worlds, but it does take some practice, and going to places you don’t know consumes a great amount of energy” He shrugged. “Sometimes demons befriend humans in their travels and bring them here, sometimes humans stay, sometimes demons go live with humans instead, it’s much easier.”
“In general, demons don’t often reveal themselves to human, including myself.”
Magic? Masador hummed in thought for a moment. “During one of my travels to the human realm I encountered something they called a ‘veil’, it’s not something I understand much, but crossing the veil I encountered wizards and witches that were once human.” 
“That so? Interesting, so once they are able to use magic they become something other than human?” Hevatticus tilted his head. How curious! He had been to a few worlds where humans that could use magic or were powered were considered non-human, even if they technically were, but it was rarer to find one where it may actually be a fact. “I have seen worlds with veils before, they’re curious structures.”
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
bold = applies to your muse 
italics = sometimes applies
EYES:  blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other (Purple)
HAIR:   blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other
BODY  TYPE:   skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight
SKIN:  pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored
GENDER:   male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels
SEXUALITY:   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels
ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION:   homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
EDUCATION:   high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other
I’VE  BEEN: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot
POSITIVE TRAITS:   affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm
NEGATIVE  TRAITS: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic  | argumentative
LIVING  SITUATION: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other
PARENTS  /  GUARDIANS:   mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather | none
SIBLING(S):   sisters | brothers | none | other
RELATIONSHIP:   single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated
HAVE  A(N):   learning disorder | personality disorder  | mental / mood disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD  | mental disability | physical disability
THINGS  I’VE  DONE  BEFORE: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
[ stole from @empodio 0v0 ]
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
Carefully he trailed behind, while the place wasn’t clutter everywhere, Masador didn’t really want to stumble or trip and ruin anything, in fact, the Devil chose to now hide his wings, as a caution and to just be overall more comfortable. He took note of the materials, thinking about how much one of his sisters would like this particular sitting area, considering how her office had nothing but beanbags…Masador picked a chair, facing Hevatticus.
“It originally was.” He pointed out. “Not counting things such as animals, that is, if you could compare them to anything similar to what human realms present, we have equivalents of dogs, cats, deer, goats and birds. Amongst others.” Though equivalent was a loose word. 
“There are very small human populations around, at least in my realm, they are usually brought in here by other demons for different reasons, but tend to be isolated.” Masador shook his head. “Many just look at humans as playthings, so it’s a danger for them to even set foot in here.”
“Facinating. I’m assuming humans have their own realm then? Is travel between the two difficult? Or is it more the danger that keeps them from being numerous?” He asked then, quietly noting the ability to shapeshift with the hiding of the wings... idly, he wondered just how much he could change his form, but figured that was something for another day.
“And do humans have access to magic? Or are they a more mundane species?” He continued his question after a moment of pause.
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
“It would be unfair if it was, people here know that their behavior has consequences.” In the end, as long as attacking his people wasn’t something on malicious intent, he wasn’t really going to fault anybody, besides, it wasn’t as if he could keep an eye out on every single battle that occurred within the city. 
Fond of chatter… Masador could imagine, although he wasn’t one to talk much himself- downside of being timid- he could understand the joy of sharing something, at the least.
“I’ll take a seat.” He answered. “Will make the conversation more amicable.” Besides, he didn’t want to be staring down at someone that seemed to have anything but bad intentions, taking a seat and giving the conversation a more casual tone would help ease some tension. 
Hevatticus beamed and nodded in agreement, happily leading the way to the sitting area. The chairs and couches alike were upholstered in a plush and well-maintained velvet cloth that was a rich maroon color, adding to the warm-toned environment and providing comfortable seats for the two men. Hevatticus picked one of the several chairs, sitting, leaving the others or the couch for Masador to sit at.
He would speak again after the demon sat, hands folded politely as he leaned on one of the chair arms. “So, this realm- is it exclusive to demons? Or are there other beings here such as humans or others?” He asked.
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
“It’s just good to keep an eye out and stay safe, demons can escalate everything way out of proportion if they are bored. If that happens don’t be afraid of striking them down for your safety.” In the end, demons knew what they got into if they started causing trouble, even Masador himself had to pacify some at different points of his life.
“If you do have the itch to visit neighboring realms that is fine, but I recommend contacting me first to warn the other devils.” He knew one in particular that would strike down anything she did not approve of.
Masador gave a nod. “Of course, feel free to ask anything you need while I am here, I cleared up a good amount of time in case things went south.” He spoke in earnest again, why hide what was obvious, after all?  “If it’s okay, I’d also like to ask a question or two.”
“Understood, it’s relieving to hear that self defense won’t be punished.” He nodded, genuinely relieved to hear that. It was also quite the delight to hear that after this little meeting Masador wouldn’t be totally unreachable... he seemed like a pleasant fellow and knowing he didn’t have to figure out the place via complete trial and error was a nice change of pace. 
Hearing he had plenty of time, Hevatticus grinned. “Well of course, you’re welcome to poke and prod to your heart’s content. I’m quite fond of chatter.” He chuckled, gesturing then to some seats and couches a little bit aways. “Would you prefer to sit and talk? Or stand?”
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
What is going on with cutting posts?
You may have seen some posts floating around lately about the beta editor and trimming reblogs, and possibly found yourself extremely confused trying to figure out what this tangled web of editors, extensions, and add-ons even means. I’ve been on this site for years, and I still find the whole thing terribly confusing.
So this post is my effort to explain everything – legacy vs beta, New XKit vs XKit Rewritten, editable reblogs vs trim reblogs – everything. This also doubles as a tutorial for the various methods of cutting posts.
Tumblr is in the process of switching to a new post editor that some old users have opted into, while new users have been forced into it.
The old Editable Reblogs extension does not work with this new editor, requiring people to use a new extension called Trim Reblogs.
Trim Reblogs and Editable Reblogs are not compatible. If your partner uses Editable Reblogs, you cannot cut their posts properly using Trim Reblogs (unless you’re willing to do some tedious and frankly unreasonable workarounds).
The only way for everyone in the RPC to cut their posts properly and efficiently is if everyone moves to the new system and uses Trim Reblogs. Clinging to the old system with Editable Reblogs is actively creating issues for the people using the new system – some of whom do not have a choice.
Keep reading
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
Masador gave a nod. “Taking everything to extremes can lead to chaos, I’ve learned.” He’d done nothing and everything, in the end, the best was to take things one step at a time, calmly. “I’d rather investigate strange occurrences myself, not to endanger my people.” Besides, he wasn’t the only one in the operation, just the one willing to take any hit if they were going to happen. In the end, all he needed was to sense the familiar thump of a heart to know any possible danger wasn’t too serious.
He listened attentively, taking mental note of the uncertain nature of the other’s departure. “I understand, as long as nothing here is a threat, everything should be alright.” 
“This realm, Melobor, is relatively safe, there are some rowdy demons that do like to cause trouble, just be aware of that.” He warned. “I do invite you to explore the realm if you feel like, you may not find me around much, but at the least it’ll be new sights for you, I am guessing.” Between the purple forests and busy cities, there was much to see. “I do have to mention that while I know the rulers of the neighboring realms, their own laws differ much from mine, so be wary if you do go there.”
Hevatticus nodded as Masador spoke, taking mental notes as he explained about the neighboring realms and rowdiness of some folk. “A little trouble never bothered me, but I absolutely will be careful in regards to the surrounding areas.” He offered a bright grin. “New sights indeed, I will be fully making use of the ability to explore! I’m quite excited. Now- I know as the leader of this particular realm you are probably very busy, but is it alright if I ask you some questions before you leave?” The wizard asked, hopeful. Why, who better to learn from than the man keeping the whole place running?  On the subject of hearts, however, Masador might notice something a little... odd about Hevatticus’ heartbeat. It didn’t feel like the heart of a human, not really. An approximation of the human heart, perhaps, but not an exact replica. He could feel how there was... a second heart working in conjunction with the first ‘main’ heart yet separate in whatever it would be pumping around as if he had two unique sets of veins running through his body. It’s beat was syncopated with that of the main heart, always on the off beat.
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
The other’s friendliness was appreciated, it made the mood much lighter, although Masador’s timid nature didn’t know too well how to take it in, he waved a hand. “Ah, no thank you, you are very kind.” Perhaps it was an offer he’d take in the future, but not right now, no.
“I understand.” He stated with a nod, while he knew things such as magic were indeed something that existed, the arcane was far beyond his own understandings- though interesting to learn about. “No harm, there are just a few demons controlling the entrance until we are sure it’s safe in here. Protocols.” Though the location was relatively odd, it hadn’t been an inconvenience at the least.
He gave a quick shake of his head. “Do not worry, I could have presented myself first as well, considering why I’m here.” It slipped his mind for sure. “A pleasure, Hevatticus. You may call me Masador.” He bowed his head. “I am in charge of this realm and its security, so it’s important for me to know the commerce that is around.” With a bit of a shrug, he continued. “I don’t think your shop has anything inherently dangerous, so it should be fine to operate for… However long you plan to stay.”
“I see! Fair enough, that’s a very reasonable response to something like this.” Hevatticus’ tone hummed in amusement, waving a hand to let the kettle start cooling back down. The wizard leaned his hip on the edge of one of the counters, listening then nodding back at him. “I must say, it’s quite an honor to have my first guest be the leader of this realm, Masador. To investigate things directly is something many leaders I’ve seen neglect!” He explained thoughtfully. “Then again, I’ve also seen quite a few over-reactions as well...” The wizard shook his head with a chuckle. “This is by far one of the smoother landings I’ve had.” Hevatticus then smiled at the other. “How long I stay is an answer even I tend to not have.” He admitted. “But yes, I do my best to keep anything accessible to the public suitable for it as well. The more dangerous bits are kept under lock and key... not for sale, either.”
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
Despite his imposing stature and perhaps looks, Masador remained calm, shoulders lowered and with a polite demeanor, while he was there to investigate, he had no reason to intimidate or cause the other fear, for all he knew, this was just an accident and the other wasn’t even aware, strange things happen all the time within the demon world after all.
“Not exactly.” He stated in complete honesty. “While your stock is certainly interesting, I am more curious about the shop, and yourself, as well.” In the end, the responsible for it was the clerk, no? So he assumed.
“I do not believe you are here to cause any trouble, but your shop has quite literally manifested into an area that had no storefronts, it technically has no patent within Melobor.” He gave a shrug however, he’d seen so much illegal commerce that he could care less at this point. Calmly, he gestured at Hevatticus. “I’d simply want to know the store owner a bit more, and make sure the shop is safe, before letting civilians come in, I hope you understand.”
“Ah! I see.” He chuckled a bit, nodding fully understanding the situation then. “Well make yourself comfortable, I’m more than happy to answer any questions. Would you like tea, perhaps?” He offered, flicking his pointer finger towards a kettle which, upon the gesture, started warming up water. “I do apologize, it is quite difficult to determine exactly where this is going to end up.” He admitted then, rubbing his chin. “I’m a bit of a traveler you could say, and when it’s time for me to get up and moving my store comes with me. My store will appear just about anywhere... while I do my best to avoid trouble with it, it seems to be inevitable at this point!” He gave a light laugh, not bothered by this personally. “Though I do hope it hasn’t caused any harm or significant inconvenience to the people here.” He then paused- blinking as he realized something. “Oh dear- I haven’t even introduced myself. I am sorry, I do have a tendency to ramble.” He chuckled, then offered a hand to shake. “My name is Hevatticus Von Ashton. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
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The storefront was one that had a habit of appearing in places it very well shouldn’t. Back alleys, holes in the walls, abandoned buildings, trees- it had it’s fair share of odd nooks and crannies that it had shoved itself into. To be fair, it was a little hard to prepare a place for it when a new world was entered, so Hevatticus just had it set to ‘somewhere it’d be found’ and ‘not occupied.’ As you can imagine, this resulted in a very, very broad range of places it could pop up.
If you asked the wizard, however, that was half the fun! There was one where he found his entire shop upside-down, having landed inside of a hollow planet just as the core was about to be discovered. Now that was a story, but one for another day. He was thankful he didn’t have to panic-cast a gravity spell, at least.
The inside of the shop was full of warm tones of old wood and books, shelves stocked with everything from strange ancient grimoires to cheap $1 romance novels he picked off a Walgreen’s shelf. There were some antiques too, baubles and curiosities, gadgets and gizmos, crystals and bottles of strange, glimmering liquid. Hevatticus’ Baubles n’ Books had plenty of things to keep a customer busy... though really, half of them were to keep himself busy! Selling things was the last thing on the wizard's mind, though it made a convenient story.
The older gentleman was nose deep in one of the many books when he heard the bell over the door jingle. Oh? Purple eyes glanced up as a smile was quick to cross his face. The first visitor was always exciting.
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
The air Masador walked into was at least pleasant. The scent of the wood and the books was often remarked on by guests as comforting, and despite the age of many objects here there wasn’t much- if any- dust around.
“Why good morning sir!” The man gave a polite bow in return with a cheerful tone to his voice baritone voice, looking the devil over with a curious tilt to his head. Though appearing quite human himself aside from the unusual eyecolor and vaguely pointed ears, there wasn’t a lick of alarm to seeing Masador’s horns, wings, or tail. The wizard was no stranger to demons after all, and it explained the energy he could sense in the area and how it flowed a little more easily than the average human realm.
Putting his book down, Hevatticus stood, quick to note that even his own tall frame was shorter than his guest’s. “How may I be of assistance? Are you looking for anything in particular?” He asked, gesturing vaguely at his shop.
[Empodio] has entered the shop!
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The storefront was one that had a habit of appearing in places it very well shouldn’t. Back alleys, holes in the walls, abandoned buildings, trees- it had it’s fair share of odd nooks and crannies that it had shoved itself into. To be fair, it was a little hard to prepare a place for it when a new world was entered, so Hevatticus just had it set to ‘somewhere it’d be found’ and ‘not occupied.’ As you can imagine, this resulted in a very, very broad range of places it could pop up.
If you asked the wizard, however, that was half the fun! There was one where he found his entire shop upside-down, having landed inside of a hollow planet just as the core was about to be discovered. Now that was a story, but one for another day. He was thankful he didn’t have to panic-cast a gravity spell, at least.
The inside of the shop was full of warm tones of old wood and books, shelves stocked with everything from strange ancient grimoires to cheap $1 romance novels he picked off a Walgreen’s shelf. There were some antiques too, baubles and curiosities, gadgets and gizmos, crystals and bottles of strange, glimmering liquid. Hevatticus’ Baubles n’ Books had plenty of things to keep a customer busy… though really, half of them were to keep himself busy! Selling things was the last thing on the wizard’s mind, though it made a convenient story.
The older gentleman was nose deep in one of the many books when he heard the bell over the door jingle. Oh? Purple eyes glanced up as a smile was quick to cross his face. The first visitor was always exciting.
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
Permanent Interaction Call
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[ Well then, it's been a long time since I roleplayed on Tumblr! Seems these are a thing so here's mine!
Like, reply, reblog, or otherwise interact with this post if you would like me to DM you to discuss a starter thread! Or if you just want one without any planning, let me know too! I rp exclusively here via reblogs.
18+ muses n' muns only please! I am not smut or ship focused, more story focused, it may occur as well as some other darker subjects. Mun is 27, AFAB, Bigender (She or He both work)
Big triggers will be tagged as CW: [Trigger Here], including smut, however standard combat will not be tagged so heads up! Hevatticus is a genuinely good dude, but he may interact with some pretty traumatic events and the people who experienced them... as well as his own troubles that follow him.
While Hevatticus is non fandom, I am comfortable playing him in fandom spaces so long as you're chill that I have zero idea what most fandoms contain... Mun is rather pop culture illiterate, admittedly. I'm only moderately selective and while technically I am exclusive to mutuals I tend to follow back if I am followed so I wouldn't consider it a barrier.
A little teaser about Hevatticus;
He is a world-hopping wizard whose magic shop will appear just about anywhere. (Multi-Universal!)
He's got more backstory than he likes to let on. (Plotting!)
Wants to make the worlds he visits a better place... (Fluff & Angst!)
... even if that calls for hard decisions. (Combat, More Plotting!)
Totally fine taking things slow... (Slice of Life!)
... but loves a good adventure! (World Building!)
Immensely Powerful, but tied to Ancient Rules. (No Godmodding, Power Playing, or anything extreme without prior discussion!)
Loves a good book... (Story Focused!)
... but not immune to Feelings. (Sex and Romance are possible with character chemistry! M / F preferred, but other parings possible if we Really Jive)
Overall a pretty good dude, if a bit fond of mischief. (Genuinely Good character, alignment slides anywhere from Neutral Good to Chaotic Good.)
If this catches your eye at all, please let me know! Mutuals also will be sent interactions with memes, asks, anons if on, and more!
I follow from @characterfactoryhub!]
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
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feel free to reblog and use them yourself :)
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
[Empodio] has entered the shop!
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The storefront was one that had a habit of appearing in places it very well shouldn’t. Back alleys, holes in the walls, abandoned buildings, trees- it had it’s fair share of odd nooks and crannies that it had shoved itself into. To be fair, it was a little hard to prepare a place for it when a new world was entered, so Hevatticus just had it set to ‘somewhere it’d be found’ and ‘not occupied.’ As you can imagine, this resulted in a very, very broad range of places it could pop up.
If you asked the wizard, however, that was half the fun! There was one where he found his entire shop upside-down, having landed inside of a hollow planet just as the core was about to be discovered. Now that was a story, but one for another day. He was thankful he didn’t have to panic-cast a gravity spell, at least.
The inside of the shop was full of warm tones of old wood and books, shelves stocked with everything from strange ancient grimoires to cheap $1 romance novels he picked off a Walgreen’s shelf. There were some antiques too, baubles and curiosities, gadgets and gizmos, crystals and bottles of strange, glimmering liquid. Hevatticus’ Baubles n’ Books had plenty of things to keep a customer busy... though really, half of them were to keep himself busy! Selling things was the last thing on the wizard's mind, though it made a convenient story.
The older gentleman was nose deep in one of the many books when he heard the bell over the door jingle. Oh? Purple eyes glanced up as a smile was quick to cross his face. The first visitor was always exciting.
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
Looking for RP blogs to follow!
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[Looking for any rp blogs that would be willing to roleplay with an OC! I will follow from @characterfactoryhub as this is a side blog~
I only rp here on Tumblr for now, but I may discord rp once I get comfy with you!
Multi muses are welcome, of course, and my only request is that you don't godmod or try to force any shipping. If it happens it happens, but I am more here for plots and such!
Mun is 27 AFAB (Bigender, She&He are both good) and I draw the art for my OCs!]
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