amorfatihq · 3 years
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Due to personal choice, please unfollow:
Andromeda Tonks ( @amdromedas )
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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Due to personal choice, please unfollow:
Narcissa Black ( @scrpcntry )
Marlene McKinnon ( @ohmarlene )
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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The following have been inactive for 7+ days and have 48 hours to post 2 in-character post.
Adonis Belby ( @adonisbelby )
Andromeda Tonks ( @amdromedas )
Barty Crouch Jr. ( @barty-jrouch )
Bellatrix Lestrange ( @mcssmisery )
Benjy Fenwick ( @fcnwick )
Bertram Aubrey ( @bertrey )
Gilderoy Lockhart ( @golden-hearted-gil )
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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Due to player choice, please unfollow:
Noah Ollivander ( @noah-ollxvander )
Priya Parkinson ( @parkxnson )
Celeste O’Connor ( @celestialxcreation )
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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Please welcome:
Aoife O’Leary ( @aoife-oleary )
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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THE FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED! Make sure to turn in your character account within 24 hours (or request an extension if necessary). Please also take a look through our post-acceptance checklist and make sure you’ve completed everything applicable on that list. We’re so excited to have you.
Aoife O’Leary (Aybuke Pusat) played by Melissa
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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Aoife Jean O’Leary (Aybuke Pusat)
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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The sun hasn’t yet set, and it won’t for quite some time. The Muggles know this day as the longest day of the year: celebrated it themselves, even in their cultures. However, for us wix, it’s the time of rebirth. It’s the start of a new cycle. A beginning. An end. A leaf dancing off the edge of a twisted branch. Or a branch, shedding its skin in hopes for a new one. I suppose it depends on how you look at it, doesn’t it? Either way, it’s a time when the stars take a little while longer to draw the curtain. A time when hope is on the tips of everyone’s tongues.
Whether you’re experiencing our magnificent bonfire, charmed by Flitwick himself, dancing with the Whispering Willow, or simply drinking butterbeer at Rosmerta’s booth, we hope you can find some peace amidst all the chaos outside these incredible charms our dear friends have set up. Today, as we look to the future, my hope is that we can use that peace. Let it help us remember that our roots all came from the same tree.
- Millicent Bagnold, opening statements at the Summer Solstice Festival
The tent glimmers, almost translucent, in the midday sun. 
In years past, the Ministry has spared no expense for the Solstice Festival. This year, of course, has seen the advancement of a war that is tearing apart the Wizarding population. Millicent has placed her bets, and hoped that the Solstice Festival is the start of a new Wizarding World; one where violence isn’t used to solve problems; one where blood is not a prize but a devastation.
The tent is set in the middle of Muggle London, on the site of the very first Solstice Festival (celebrated by none other than Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin themselves). Flitwick has charmed the tent so that it’s invisible to Muggle eyes, but wix can come and go as they please with a simple tap at the bark of a nearby tree. Like Diagon Alley, the air begins to ripple, and one by one the tents appear, situation around a giant, crackling bonfire.
Although this event is sponsored by the Ministry, the Aurors are still on duty, carefully led by Alastor Moody. They aren’t supposed to act unless necessary, but it’s clear the Ministry isn’t completely at ease, even if Millicent would like guests to believe they are. 
Either way, the festival awaits, rippling in the summer sunshine… 
In the center of the festival lays the bonfire. It crackles as tall as the tallest tree in the park, occasionally dancing into shapes that look almost like patronuses.  It’s often been said that if you write down a wish and toss it into the fire, your wish will come true (but no one has confirmed this truth, really). 
There’s plenty of seating at the bonfire, especially because the MIDSUMMER FEAST occurs here, just as the sun is beginning to set. The food is said to be even better than the Hogwarts’ kitchens, although it is still created by house selves. When the sun finally sets, a fantastic FIREWORKS SHOW will occur, turning the night sky alight with the story of the solstice’s past. Usually, the show is a moving celebration of the Wizarding community, although some people fear it might stir controversy this year. 
The largest tent features the Solstice Festival booths, a wide array of goods and games. Rosmerta stands attentive with spirits and Butterbeer; Hagrid holds court with foods from the kitchens of Hogwarts; Madame Malkin’s booth features the newest summer cloaks and gowns, before they hit her stores’ shelves; Merlin Rouge has even made an appearance this year, if you’re looking for a booth with something a bit more adult. 
Familiar faces from the Ministry even appear at some of the booths. You may see Severus Snape helping Honeydukes with special treats for the season (after all, his abilities with potions make delicious candied apples too). Pandora Pembroke also has her own booth this year, featuring some of her signature trinkets, like a singing teapot. 
Among the more popular booths for kids, Damocles Belby and Lily Potter have set up a small demonstration booth where children can witness a bit of magic in a cauldron. They’re also selling some of Damocles’ famous potions to those who are willing to pay. 
For kids of all ages, James Potter has a small patch set up with a few famous Quidditch players. If you’re looking to meet Ludo Bagman, or Ophelia Morgan, they’re ready for you -- and if you’re willing to pay an extra galleon or two, you might even be able to hop on a broom and fly with them too. All the money at this booth goes to help children’s Quidditch teams.
The whispering willow has lived in the middle of London for years. Charmed by Helena Hufflepuff hundreds of years ago, the tree’s wispy branches will tell someone who asks it a reading on the future. They are usually quite vague, the fortunes, but they’ve always been a traditional part of the festival itself. A whisper gently in your ear about what might be just around the bend. 
Truly, though, people come to the willow to participate in the dancing. To hear a secret, you see, you have to join in the willow’s dance. Grabbing on to one of the branches as if they were your partner, you make your way around the willow, and if you’re lucky, you’ll hear a whisper or two. These days, there’s a DJ, as well, and a party takes place under the branches, so once you’re done with your secrets, you can keep them quiet as you dance under the branches. 
If your character rolls a d2 while at the Whispering Willow, they can either learn a secret about their future or a secret about a dear one’s future.
This year, another tent stands in the back of the festival. Run by Andromeda Tonks and Marlowe Prewett from the Beast Division, the Nature Pavilion features all kinds of creatures from hippogriffs to kneazles. Marlowe has even brought in a baby dragon, one that hasn’t learned how to breathe fire quite yet, for kids to say hello to. They’ve even set up a tribute to Newt Scamander, and have a small presentation for children on the creatures featured in the tent. 
The pavilion is centered around a waterfall lagoon, which is also full with creatures that one might only see when out in secluded areas of the wilderness. Some have rumored that there might even be a mermaid in the depths, but whether or not you’re lucky enough to spot it, is another story. 
The only people from the Ministry who are officially on duty are Aurors. If your character works at the Ministry, though, they could be working at a booth.
Still, all groups are on high alert. The hope that Millicent wants everyone to feel is maybe not quite as powerful as she would hope. 
The date in character is June 21st, 1983. 
Welcome back friends! Our group hiatus ends with a bang, and a big event for the summer. We hope your characters enjoy, but remember they’re probably not too at ease... the war is still brewing whether our dear Millicent wants to believe it or not. 
There are whispers of an attack by the Death Eaters. However, Voldemort has only entrusted a few with what he truly plans.
This event will take place from 6/7 @ 3:30pm PST to 6/20 @ 4pm PST. During that time, we ask that non-event threads be put on hold. You’re welcome to resume them once the event is over. In game, please do not roleplay past the fireworks show, which happens at 10 PM. 
For the Whispering Willow, when you roll a d2, you will be getting a vague secret about your character, or a person close to your character’s, future (think like a magic 8 ball). It may even have something to do with the end of this event... If it’s someone close to them, that character will be specified. Please tag Bella when you roll in Discord.
Use the tag amorfati:event for event related posts.
Plot amongst yourselves but don’t forget to post open starters!
This event ends our group hiatus. The next activity check will be next WEDNESDAY, 6/16. 
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amorfatihq · 3 years
Well, hello there! 
My name’s Bella and I’ll be helping Zero out on the main here.  A few quick facts about me: I love anything and everything Disney parks, my favorite HP book is Order of the Phoenix, and I just finished Song of Achilles and am obsessed with it. 
We’re just about to come off a hiatus tomorrow and I’m busy writing (in my completely non-biased opinion) a very exciting kick-off event. Come join us in time for our event! We’re got a really great set of writers here, and would love to have some new faces join our little writing fam. I’d love to see an app or two in the inbox for tomorrow’s acceptances! 
Some of our most wanted characters are: Sirius Black, Mulciber, Molly Weasley, Alice Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, & Alastor Moody. 
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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Due to player choice, the following have been reopened:
Aleia Dolohov ( @aleiadolohov )
Amelia Bones ( @amliabones )
Amos Diggory ( @diggorydock )
Artemis Parkinson ( @mmeartemis )
Edgar Bones ( @edgarboncd )
Eugene Borgin ( @borqin )
Isaac Buchanan ( @isaac-d-buchanan )
Ronan Russo ( @ronanrusso )
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amorfatihq · 3 years
fc suggestions for Frank Longbottom?
Sorry for the delay. Work kicked my butt yesterday. I could see Alex Landi, Alex Saxon, Chance Perdomo, Daniel Ezra, Laith Ashley, Luke Pasqualino, Ronen Rubenstein, and Tommy Martinez for Frank.
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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Due to personal reasons, the following have been reopened:
Gideon Prewett ( @prwttgdnn )
Aila Johnson ( @ailajohnson )
Gwen Lockhart ( @gwenlockhart )
Freya Avery ( @freyasavery )
Frank Longbottom ( @frnklngbttm )
Alastor Moody ( @mccdyalstr )
Mia Travers ( @miastravers )
Antonin Dolohov ( @dolohovant )
Percy Pembroke ( @pembrokesseeker )
Lena Nemitz ( @lenanemitz )
Sirius Black ( @unsiriusnessx )
Fenrir Greyback ( @of-fen-sive )
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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The following have been inactive for 7+ days and have 48 hours to post 2 in-character post.
Severus Snape ( @snapeinsmoke )
Celeste O’Connor ( @celestialxcreation )
Amelia Bones ( @amliabones )
Eugene Borgin ( @borqin )
Ted Tonks ( @tdtnks )
Antonin Dolohov ( @dolohovant )
Noah Ollivander ( @noah-ollxvander )
Alastor Moody ( @mccdyalstr )
Alyosha Talinov ( @talinovs )
Arabella Figg ( @arabellafiqq )
Gideon Prewett ( @prwttgdnn )
Remus Lupin ( @rjluqin )
The following are on semi-hiatus and have exceeded 10+ days of inactivity. They have 48 hours to make 1 in-character post.
Marlene McKinnon ( @ohmarlene )
Narcissa Malfoy ( @scrpcntry )
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amorfatihq · 3 years
do you offer fc advice? do you have any ideas for alice? thank you if so!
Yes, I offer suggestions! For Alice, I’d suggest: Adeline Rudolph, Aisha Dee, Anya Taylor Joy, Beanie Feldstein, Benedetta Gargari, Davika Hoorne, Haley Lu Richardson, Hayley Law, Hazar Erguclu, Julia Goldani Telles, Milena Tscharntke, and Samantha Logan.
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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ALEKSEY “ALYOSHA” TALINOV (Maxence Danet-Fauvel) is requesting their VAMPIRIC SIRE. You aren’t required to contact Zero but you can @talinovs.
Name of Requested Character:
Age Range:
Suggested Faceclaims:
Literally any fc you want. But some suggestions based on faces I want to see in the group: Adeline Rudolph, Adria Arjona, Alex Landi, Amita Suman, Ben Barnes, Benedetta Gargari, Charles Melton, Charles Michael Davis, Chay Suede, Daniel Ezra, Frank Dillane, Jamie Clayton, Joe Manganiello, Jung Eun-Chae Medalion Rahimi, Kylie Bunbury, Nico Tortorella, Su Kutlu.
Connection Type:
This connection is as open-ended as I can make it so you can create whatever character your heart desires. I’m going to start with the details that are set in stone and then offer character suggestions that might fit with those details but you’re welcome to go outside those suggestions.
Alyosha was twenty-four, a rising star within the Russian Ministry when he disappeared with out a trace. What actually happened: he was turned into a vampire. He was missing for a year and had caused enough chaos and destruction in that time to have imperial soldiers on his tail. Those soldiers would eventually find him and bring him before Empress Catherine, where he would return to a life of politics in the role of magical liaison for the imperial family. I do see Alyosha and his sire spending that year together; the time when he was captured was a period where they were apart. 
And that’s about it. If / how they met again after is up to you. Why they were causing chaos & destruction is up to you. Their motives for turning Alyosha are up to you. Why they’re in England is, again, up to you. But a couple of ideas include:
1. The sire was also a new vampire, only a few months or years into the lifestyle. They didn’t have a strong grasp on their control and either had loose morals or was unable to resist the dark temptations of the lifestyle. Turning Alyosha was probably an accident, but they welcomed the company.
2. The sire was more established, having been a vampire for a while. They knew what they were doing when they sire Alyosha. Maybe he was cute, maybe he seemed like good company, maybe it was to get back at the Russian Ministry somehow. They had a disregard for human life back then and maybe they still do. 
In addition, their relationship over the years could’ve been: platonic or sexual or romantic, friendly or antagonistic, easy-going or mutually destructive, peer-like or mentor-like, etc.
You don’t need to contact me if you want to just run with this and write your bio. We can plot after you’re accepted. However, I’m definitely available to discuss details before you apply if that’s what you’d prefer as I know there’s a lot of unsettled details about this character.
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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MARLENE MCKINNON (Jessie Mei Li) is requesting their OLDER SISTER. You aren’t required to contact Izzy but you can @ohmarlene.
Name of Requested Character:
Madeleine McKinnon (or some other M name, it’s really up to you, Madeleine was the first one I came up with.)
Age Range:
Suggested Faceclaims:
Phillipa Soo, Melissa O’Neill, Celina Jade (must be half Chinese and half white!)
Connection Type:
Marlene’s elder sister!
Maddy is Marlene’s genius older sister! Here’s a snippet from Marlene’s bio:
it was obvious from the very beginning that madeleine was a smart girl; she learned to speak her first word at ten months, her first sentence at twelve, and by eighteen she was reading her own baby books. her parents quickly enrolled madeleine in muggle preschool and primary school where her teachers consistently praised her linguistic and arithmetic skills. hazel was thrilled. robert, less so – he was more excited to have a child to pass a quaffle around with, and it was rather difficult to relate to this apparent genius.
I have Maddy being a Ravenclaw but she would also work as a Slytherin!
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amorfatihq · 3 years
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Please welcome:
Marlene McKinnon ( @ohmarlene )
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