amvlett · 3 years
There’s not much to think about really. He doesn’t understand what had caused Nel to feel such a way. He slides up beside him, taking his hand. He wants to say how much he understood the feeling, how he never wanted to be the man he was so many years ago. 
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“And you won’t be. The only legacy you should leave is the one you wish to, and if anyone tells you to be someone that you’re not, all you have to do is turn to me, alright?” 
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“I do not dream of inflicting suffering. I hate feeling–angry–and my stomach turns when I am reminded of what I am expected to be. I do not crave a legacy of pain.”
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“I–I never want to believe I cannot be a person made of love because of something I did in my past. I do not want to be that person ever, ever again.”
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amvlett · 3 years
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amvlett · 3 years
“Of course–Ahah…” his eyes scanned over the items in hand–to the disinfectant, and the bandages as he applied them. 
“You know I mostly reserve myself to animal blood. And sweet foods I should not eat,” Nel joked. His brow knit together. “I almost forget what it was like taking from anything else. I-I have not so much as put my fangs in another living thing for…goodness. Decades. It is almost scary to think about, even seeing where it comes from.”
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He spared a glance up towards Hex while he patched him.
“…But I know you trust me.”
A small snort could be heard when Nel mentioned the sweets. Partially to help put his partner at ease, Hex knew if he showed any form of unease around Nel, it would only worsen his already existing stress. While he knew he could completely trust Nel, he wasn’t sure what to expect. 
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“Of course I trust you. You aren’t taking from me. I am giving it to you willingly.” Hex’s mind is filled with questions about well... The process and if his blood would actually taste any good to him, or if it’s just all an inherent need that guided him. He understood it smelled sweet to him, but... Those questions likely would have to be saved for later. 
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amvlett · 3 years
“Why yes, I do. It’s been a wonderful means of putting me on a better path, that is, while still keeping me close to my interests.”
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“Oh, of course, do stop by if you have the chance. I don’t blame you. Between you and I, I reserve the best items for myself–and under close guard. Faust. Felix Faust.” He extended a hand to Hex, still wearing the same gracious smile. “Professor? What courses do you teach?”
A grin forms on the old magician’s face. He feels a certain understanding between the two of them. If his claim to sorcery was also true, then there may be a benefit to befriending this man. If nothing else he’d at least have another person to discuss magic and magical items with, he might know things about Earth’s magic that he himself doesn’t know about. 
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“I teach magical artifacts and antiquities, and I offer magical advice to those who are inclined to it. At least when I can. Where is your shop?” 
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amvlett · 3 years
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He remains silent for a moment. He almost doesn’t want to ask. He could just walk away right now and he could be blissfully ignorant and should authorities be called, he would technically be telling the truth, but he also knew that this would keep him up all night if he didn’t know what she could have possibly done with his students, or what happened on this supposed ‘car chase.’ 
“Start with the car chase.” 
@amvlett​ { x }
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“Now brother, you know as well as I do that I didn’t just get a smoothie.” She’s got that all telling look of mischief in her eyes. “Would you like me to start with the little field trip I took some of the students on or the ‘car chase’ that I had somehow gotten roped into just before I came here? I swear, those kids I met in Bellwood certainly are a riot to be around!”
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amvlett · 3 years
Cue Glyph just kicking open the library door with a smoothie in hand. "Hex, brother, you will not BELIEVE what just happened!" { humanitylost }
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"That you got a smoothie?" He hopes it was just a smoothie. Please let it just be the smoothie.
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amvlett · 3 years
random dramatic prompts.
what are these? idk. i distinctly remember writing them in a sleep-deprived daze after i binged four episodes of shad/ow and b/one. lowkey inspired, but not necessarily derived from the series. just following the same intense vibe, if you know what i mean. anyway, bon appetit!
" i need to know what happened. "
" something is clearly bothering you. "
" what am i to you? "
" what are you? "
" i can protect you. "
" you have no idea what you've unleashed. "
" how far would you go to protect the ones you love? "
" this is so much bigger than you realize. "
" stop lying to me! "
" i'd follow you to the ends of the universe. "
" people have died! doesn't that bother you?! "
" home isn't a place. it's you. it's always been you. "
" i don't know how you do this every day... "
" you can talk to me. "
" there's so much you don't know. "
" do you have any idea what you're capable of? "
" i can't let you do this. "
" how do you expect to stop me? "
" oh, darling... don't cry. there was nothing you could've done to prevent this... "
" we're going to change the world, you and i. "
" separate, we're powerful, but together... together we're unstoppable. "
" it's too late. this can't be undone. "
" i would give my life to keep you safe. "
" you're/i'm the only one who can stop this. "
" what have you done?! "
" it's not possible. "
" we can't run from this forever. "
" you're not alone. never have been, never will be. "
" we need a plan. "
" i need you. "
" there's nothing in this world that can keep us apart. "
" there's nowhere else we can run! nowhere else to hide! "
" how could you do this?! "
" i trusted you! "
" was it you? did you do all this? "
" i see a great power in you. but will it save us? or destroy us? "
" you lied to me! "
" we can't fix this. can we? "
" there has to be a way we can stop this! "
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amvlett · 3 years
“I know how to get blood out of clothing, you can let me take a look at it later.”
Nel looked at the wound. He already started to think about what he had on hand to clean it, but in the midst of consideration, his train of thought faltered. His eyes remained on the wound. 
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“…The smell of your blood is not exactly one I wanted to know,” he said with an absent laugh. “It is…sweet. I should…” Nel reached for disinfectant and bandaged. He paused. “Before I…take care of that…is it…weird of me to say I want to taste it?”
To be perfectly honest, despite the fact that he was dating a vampire, he never truly expected this question. Nel himself never seemed to show an interest in human blood before. So in asking if he could have a taste, he was a little surprised. Though not alarmed. 
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He trusted Nel more than anyone in this god forsaken system, nor was he himself in any danger at the moment, so he didn’t see any harm in it. 
“I don’t see why not. If it can help the curiosity of my partner, then that’s alright.” He considered teasing him for the intimacy of it all, but he figured he was already a bit nervous, best to save it for after the wound was closed. 
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amvlett · 3 years
Why did hex have to be a reoccurring villian in the reboot
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amvlett · 3 years
apparently six and hex were next to each other in the reboot episode and i am not okay 
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amvlett · 3 years
“You are not just saying ‘a bit’ so I do not worry–are you, Dear?” He put a hand on Hex’s arm. 
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“Oh,” he sneered in a cruel, icy voice, “They should be glad they are not justifying it to me after what they have done. Show me what they did.”
“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in seeing someone try to justify it to you, but it is not necessary.” 
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“A shame for my clothes though.” While slightly painful, he was able to remove the fabric from the wound. It wasn’t bad by any means, though his assailant managed to get a decent slash on him, causing well, the sent of blood.
“I... Hope you don’t mind.” 
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amvlett · 3 years
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“I got into a bit of trouble before getting here.” He seemed oddly calm about the situation. He held his shoulder, he was... thankful for the color of his jacket to say the least. 
“It’s amazing what people will do for a rock that contains even the smallest amount of magic. Maybe they thought it was worth something. I am not sure.” 
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“No, please–it was my fault,” he apologized, brushing himself off. “I bumped into you. My mistake.” Nel took a breath in–then, his ears flicked back.
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“You…smell like blood.”
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amvlett · 3 years
hex now has also a very vague castlevania verse 
catch me here tomorrow for sure 
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amvlett · 3 years
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“You’re going to what?” 
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amvlett · 3 years
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“I wonder how difficult it would be to get a chinchilla.” 
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amvlett · 3 years
Confrontation! Sentence Memes
You don’t think of anyone but yourself.
Admit it, you’re scared aren’t you?
You’re out of control!
I hardly ever recognize you anymore, you’ve changed.
You spend all your time locked up doing lord knows what!
Don’t sneak up on me like that.
I heard the commotion last night… it must of been a terrible dream.
Here’s a tip, stop hiding behind excuses each time someone is worried about you.
Listen, about last night…
Why are you alone most of the time?
Weren’t you friends with them?
Aren’t you tired of lying to yourself?
I should have known better… than to be fooled by you.
You’re pretty satisfied with serving on your knees most of the time, huh?
Quit getting in my face.
I’m warning you, get off my back.
I didn’t need your help.
What’s your problem with me?
You say you don’t recognize me, but you’re the one who’s changed.
When will you quit pretending to care? I’m tired of your lip service.
You can’t stand being next to me. Why is that?
Not everyone is going to leave you, but not everyone is going to stay.
You’re gonna get nothing but sass from me if you don’t change the topic.
How many have you killed?
What if they catch you?
This is dangerous…
I know you didn’t have the best relationship with your father/mother…
You’re tired of fighting, aren’t you?
What have you ever gotten out of this?
They’re using you.
I was only using you.
I’ve known your secret this entire time.
Do you really think no one will find out?
Someone is bound to see the real you and I’ll be there for your reckoning.
You keep pushing others away. Let me help.
Are you suggesting we commit treason?
Are you saying we should disobey?
Are you suggesting we break the rules?
Don’t fool yourself, you’re just as loathsome as I am.
Stop. I won’t have these unnecessary misgivings. Focus on your task.
Your skepticism is easy to read. What is it that you’re doubting?
In the end, we’ve only gotten more pain. I’m sick of this.
You’re going to run away?
We’re escaping. Tonight.
Make no mistake, we’re not friends.
You’re low. Lower than scum.
I’m only helping you this once.
Be a little more grateful about my help, you would of been a goner.
You can’t do this alone, let me go with you.
You keep being singled out, it isn’t fair.
Quit mothering me, I said I’ve got this under control.
Maybe you should stop worrying about me and look at yourself first.
Help me? You could hardly help yourself.
Of course making friends would be easy for you, you’re eager to please.
You really are an emotionless robot.
You’re an unfeeling doll, but a pretty one.
How can you brush me off, if you’ve never even given me a chance?
Don’t touch me.
Get out.
Get away from them!
Watch out!
You’re in danger.
Your loved one is in danger.
If you won’t do it, I’m sure your friend wouldn’t mind being in your place.
Please. Talk to me.
Don’t you ever say that again.
Don’t pretend we’re friends.
It was easy for your friends to abandon you.
Shut up!
Let go of me.
Tell them how you really feel.
You’re not fooling anyone with your haughty display of strength.
Offended? I’m surprised. I thought you were hollow and unfeeling.
Tell me where it is.
You said you’d never lie to me.
You obey order without question, you’re just a docile dog aren’t you?
Maybe if you stopped being such an ice queen people would enjoy being around you.
You scorn others around you but you’ve never once stopped to open your eyes.
803 notes · View notes
amvlett · 3 years
Confrontation! Sentence Memes
You don’t think of anyone but yourself.
Admit it, you’re scared aren’t you?
You’re out of control!
I hardly ever recognize you anymore, you’ve changed.
You spend all your time locked up doing lord knows what!
Don’t sneak up on me like that.
I heard the commotion last night… it must of been a terrible dream.
Here’s a tip, stop hiding behind excuses each time someone is worried about you.
Listen, about last night…
Why are you alone most of the time?
Weren’t you friends with them?
Aren’t you tired of lying to yourself?
I should have known better… than to be fooled by you.
You’re pretty satisfied with serving on your knees most of the time, huh?
Quit getting in my face.
I’m warning you, get off my back.
I didn’t need your help.
What’s your problem with me?
You say you don’t recognize me, but you’re the one who’s changed.
When will you quit pretending to care? I’m tired of your lip service.
You can’t stand being next to me. Why is that?
Not everyone is going to leave you, but not everyone is going to stay.
You’re gonna get nothing but sass from me if you don’t change the topic.
How many have you killed?
What if they catch you?
This is dangerous…
I know you didn’t have the best relationship with your father/mother…
You’re tired of fighting, aren’t you?
What have you ever gotten out of this?
They’re using you.
I was only using you.
I’ve known your secret this entire time.
Do you really think no one will find out?
Someone is bound to see the real you and I’ll be there for your reckoning.
You keep pushing others away. Let me help.
Are you suggesting we commit treason?
Are you saying we should disobey?
Are you suggesting we break the rules?
Don’t fool yourself, you’re just as loathsome as I am.
Stop. I won’t have these unnecessary misgivings. Focus on your task.
Your skepticism is easy to read. What is it that you’re doubting?
In the end, we’ve only gotten more pain. I’m sick of this.
You’re going to run away?
We’re escaping. Tonight.
Make no mistake, we’re not friends.
You’re low. Lower than scum.
I’m only helping you this once.
Be a little more grateful about my help, you would of been a goner.
You can’t do this alone, let me go with you.
You keep being singled out, it isn’t fair.
Quit mothering me, I said I’ve got this under control.
Maybe you should stop worrying about me and look at yourself first.
Help me? You could hardly help yourself.
Of course making friends would be easy for you, you’re eager to please.
You really are an emotionless robot.
You’re an unfeeling doll, but a pretty one.
How can you brush me off, if you’ve never even given me a chance?
Don’t touch me.
Get out.
Get away from them!
Watch out!
You’re in danger.
Your loved one is in danger.
If you won’t do it, I’m sure your friend wouldn’t mind being in your place.
Please. Talk to me.
Don’t you ever say that again.
Don’t pretend we’re friends.
It was easy for your friends to abandon you.
Shut up!
Let go of me.
Tell them how you really feel.
You’re not fooling anyone with your haughty display of strength.
Offended? I’m surprised. I thought you were hollow and unfeeling.
Tell me where it is.
You said you’d never lie to me.
You obey order without question, you’re just a docile dog aren’t you?
Maybe if you stopped being such an ice queen people would enjoy being around you.
You scorn others around you but you’ve never once stopped to open your eyes.
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