anaboveaveragebitch · 3 years
I absolutely love this idea so bit of headcanons for this au
(@toaverse @valencethefriendlychangeling)
- mirabel got her door but it wasn't very clear nor did her room give any clues what her gift is so no one knew what it was
- until about a week later when jumping up down excited for dinner her mother asked her to stop and she freezed mid air and didn't fall until her mother said to unfreeze
- everyone was still very confused but as weeks went by they started to notice she would do everything they asked her to do until she ethier finished the task or they told her to stop
- camilo and mirabel decided to run an experiment where camilo would ask her to do impossible things for a 5 year old (backflips, running at crazy speeds, completely freezing in time for minutes)
- this all comes to a head when camilo asks mirabel to "fly up to the roof"
- of course because of mirabel power she starts to float up to the roof. Julieta comes out and without thinking yells for mirabel to come down now
- mirabel plummets to the ground and camilo and julieta immediately freak out
- julieta runs to start cooking somthing quick while camilo goes to check on mirabel
- mirabel is mintues from death when camilo gets the idea to say "mirabel heal your injuries"
- quickly everything on her body starts healing and she sits up completely fine like nothing happened
- from then on people figure out what her gift is
- word spreads around and soon everyone knows what her power is
- not long after all this happens mirabel goes out on the village to play with her classmates. Some meaner kids decide to test mirabel power
- they make her run into walls, eat dirt, carry around there stuff for them and just be absolute asses to her
- this happens a few times until one day mirabel breaks down and comes home crying
- she tells her family what has been happening and no one is very angry. So her older sisters decide to 'take care' of the problem
- after that no one ever lets mirabel go out on her own even 10 years later
- mirabel relationship with alma is a bit better here than in the films. But alma still puts pressure to just "listen to the town folks" no matter how insane the request is
- mirabel can actually have her families powers temporarily if someone words there request just right
- in this mirabel is a little more shy and with drawn from the townspeople. But shes still very bubbly around her family and still acts as a big sister to the towns kids. shes very awkward at talking to people her age and adults. Besides that she basically has the same personality
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anaboveaveragebitch · 3 years
Arcane as The Onion Headlines
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anaboveaveragebitch · 3 years
Heimerdinger is a short king
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saw someone on twitter say that because caitlyn is 6 feet tall that makes jayce 6″10 and viktor 6″4 respectively which is just like. ridiculous
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anaboveaveragebitch · 3 years
This soundtrack was unbelievable
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bonus: join the city of progress discord!
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anaboveaveragebitch · 3 years
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Ok so I haven’t really heard anyone talk about this one line but I can’t stop thinking about it. Like… what does this mean???? When I first heard it I thought it was a manifestation of Jinx’s hopelessness and suicidal ideation in this moment but that doesn’t make complete sense to me. Did she want Caitlin to shoot her? Was she accepting that there was no place for her in VI’s life anymore? Just please, I beg share your thoughts, because I feel like I’m going crazy.
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anaboveaveragebitch · 3 years
Smooth criminal
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look at my little meow meow dodging like its nothing.
(To that person… i do that here wbk)
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anaboveaveragebitch · 3 years
Ok I don’t know if this has been brought up yet but I can’t stop thinking about Silco becoming another voice that haunts Jinx. Like just... can you imagine the psychological impact that that would have on her? If she sees his slumped over body riddled with bullets the way she sees Milo or Claggor and he becomes just another figment haunting her. I feel like Riot could so much with her dealing with the repercussions of killing a second father figure and alienating herself from the last remaining bits of her family. 
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anaboveaveragebitch · 3 years
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@creatorsofcolornet event 1: idols ↳ Power is not given to you, you have to take it. –BEYONCÉ
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anaboveaveragebitch · 3 years
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anaboveaveragebitch · 4 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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anaboveaveragebitch · 4 years
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“Our lives are shaped, not just by our experiences, but by relationships. Who we love. Who loves us. And the stronger those ties are, the less awful everything else seems.” for anonymous
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