anakinandsand · 3 years
A Supernatural episode where Sam and Dean fight the Duolingo owl
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anakinandsand · 4 years
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That’s it, that’s the show
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anakinandsand · 4 years
(The Zillo Beast) - Anakin and Mace try to get a previously-extinct dinosaur down for a nap
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anakinandsand · 6 years
You destroyed me, but I still love you
*Author is sobbing as she writes this*
Obi-Wan has tears streaming down his face as he claws uselessly at his throat, choking for breath as Anakin holds him in a Force choke. He raises his eyes to meet Anakin’s ones, and he feels as if there is a hot knife twisting in his chest. Cold, soulless eyes stare back at him, so much anger and hatred reflected at him and Obi-Wan can feel his soul shatter.
I gave you my all!, he wants to scream, Was it not enough for you, Anakin?
He knows that he is sobbing now, the tears mixing with soot and blood and there’s the taste of ash in his mouth, bitter and metallic.
Obi-Wan wants to scream and howl and sob.
Finally, Anakin drops him and Obi-Wan crumples to the floor limply. He doesn’t even bother to lift his head. He is so exhausted, he feels drained of energy and it feels like a part of him is broken and he nothing more than an empty shell.
“GET UP!” Anakin roars at him, “FIGHT LIKE A JEDI.”
But Obi-Wan can’t. He cannot fight against his brother, even now as Anakin destroys Obi-Wan’s world. He cannot bear to bring his lightsaber against Anakin’s one with the intention to kill.
Yoda told him to kill Anakin, the child that he has taken care of for years. The same boy who grew to be his pride, his brother, his family.
He couldn’t. He would rather die than hurt Anakin and it seemed like Anakin was all too happy to grant that request.
So he just lay there, back pressed harshly against the rocky ground, as Obi-Wan stares blankly at the ceiling. Finally, he lifts his head slightly to look at Anakin.
One last time, he promises himself.
“I loved you Anakin.” He rasps, feeling his breath hitch in his throat, “I still do.” He is numb as he listens to Anakin screaming out his denial, that Obi-Wan had never loved him, that he had held him back.
Anakin reaches out his hand, and Obi-Wan finds himself hanging in the air again as Anakin pulls and suddenly, his padawan’s hands are around his neck. This is worse than the Force Choke.
This shows that Anakin was really going to kill him. And he was going to relish it.
That thought hurt so, so much and he feels pain shoot through his already broken heart. But deep down, Obi-Wan knows that he cannot bear it if he lived. He just couldn’t.
He would die with the rest of the Jedi.
Anakin kicks him viciously in the chest, and Obi-Wan finds himself crying out in pain, as he feels several ribs shatter and the blaster wound in his chest flares to life.
Then, Obi-Wan finds himself falling, the wind soaring past his ears, and the waves of heat strike him. This is it, he thinks dazedly, I’m going to die. The fire roars closer and closer and it feels like acid in his veins, tearing away at skin and flesh and Obi-Wan wants to retch at the sickening smell of cooking flesh and burning skin. His tears are dried into salty tracks down his scraped cheeks.
With his last strength, he gives out one last cry as he hits the lava. He knows no more, as the crimson liquid swallows him.
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anakinandsand · 6 years
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Goodbye, old friend.
*The last time Obi-Wan ever speaks to Anakin 😢. When Obi-Wan comes back, he finds the Jedi temple destroyed and Anakin fallen, metaphorically ceasing to exist as Anakin, instead, he is now Vader.
The Revenge of the Sith was so heartbreaking.
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anakinandsand · 6 years
How Shmi Skywalker and cookies saved the galaxy
But no one has ever seen this side of her before; her fierce protective streak was flaring up.
It was somewhat like Anakin’s protective streak, she mused, except that her son had a tendency to get a little.... possessive.
Well, she decided, if she had a chance to see him again, she would definitely have to try and dissipate that bad habit.
Poor Padme had often complained to Shmi on their late-night calls about Anakin’s possessive nature.
So, needless to say, an hour standing near a wall, reflecting on his actions should suffice.
Her fierce streak was showing itself for the first time since that sleemo, Watto, had tried to separate her and Anakin back when they were slaves.
Of course, that would be perfectly unacceptable, and she had given Watto a rather painful headache as she begged and cried and sobbed (all faked) until he had finally caved in and backed off from the sale.
Shmi had been so happy, that she baked Watto a plate of her famous desert cookies, and that was the last she heard of the ‘You will be sold’ comments.
Now, the krayt dragon roared up in her, as she heard some of the rather drunk Rodians in the Mos Espa Cafe talk about how the Republic had been overthrown, the appearance of a Darth Vader and the fall of the Jedi.
The news had turned her blood to ice and a shiver ran down her spine, her mind immediately going to her beloved son, Anakin.
Without a moment’s hesitation, she had made up her mind. She uh, informed Cliegg that she would be outstation for a while, to look for Anakin and that she would be back in a ten-day.
Cliegg, obviously having heard about the whole Jedi-are-dead thing, had almost had a heart-attack as he begged her to stay.
But, of course, she couldn’t, so after much arguing, Cliegg reluctantly caved in and Shmi found herself on a small rented, pancake-shaped ship.
Apparently, the captain, Solo or something, agreed to drop her off on Vader’s last known location.
Rather reluctantly, she might add, that was until she had baked him a batch of cookies, then, he had readily agreed.
The first thing she did, as soon as the ship touched down on the moons of Correlia, was to march straight into the Imperial outpost and demand to see a Darth Vader.
The white-helmeted bucket heads had agreed and she found herself standing in front of black-clad, monstrous figure.
Shmi didn’t feel intimidated, not one bit. Her fear was mostly swallowed by the protective fury that extended to Anakin.
Imagine her surprise, when this... Vader had, instead of throwing her in prison, started sobbing on her shoulder.
She was horrified beyond words to find out that Vader was none other than, Anakin. She quietly heard his story, yelled at him for being such an idiot, and made some requests - *cough* demands*cough* - for him to earn her forgiveness.
Well, more like bribery... actually.
No baked cookies until he meet her demands.
It had worked like magic and Va-Anakin had agreed to -
A) Overthrow that sleemo creep Palpatine who tricked her son.
B) Track down Kenobi and beg for his forgiveness.
C) Rebuild the Jedi Order
D) Most importantly, return the Empire back into a Republic.
Five days later, Anakin has met all her demands and she, in return, had kept her word and baked him ten trays of cookies, then had to lock him in his room for being too hyperactive.
Hmmm.... maybe she should feed the rest of the cookies to Kenobi?
The poor man looked terrible, staring blankly out the window and gripping a bottle of Corellian wine in the other hand.
Yes... she definitely should.
After all, life got better with cookies.
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